98 resultados para aerobic fitness


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1. How climatic changes affect migratory birds remains difficult to predict because birds use multiple sites in a highly interdependent manner. A better understanding of how conditions along the flyway affect migration and ultimately fitness is of paramount interest.

2. Therefore, we developed a stochastic dynamic model to generate spatially and temporally explicit predictions of stop-over site use. For each site, we varied energy expenditure, onset of spring, intake rate and day-to-day stochasticity independently. We parameterized the model for the migration of pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchus from its wintering grounds in Western Europe to its breeding grounds on Arctic Svalbard.

3. Model results suggested that the birds follow a risk-averse strategy by avoiding sites with comparatively high energy expenditure or stochasticity levels in favour of sites with highly predictable food supply and low expenditure. Furthermore, the onset of spring on the stop-over sites had the most pronounced effect on staging times while intake rates had surprisingly little effect.

4. Subsequently, using empirical data, we tested whether observed changes in the onset of spring along the flyway explain the observed changes in migration schedules of pink-footed geese from 1990 to 2004. Model predictions generally agreed well with empirically observed migration patterns, with geese leaving the wintering grounds earlier while considerably extending their staging times in Norway.


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1. For migratory birds the implications of environmental change may be difficult to predict because they use multiple sites during their annual cycle. Moreover, the migrants’ use of these sites may be interdependent. Along the flyway of the Svalbard pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchus population, Norwegian farmers use organized scaring to minimize goose use of their grasslands in spring. We assessed the consequences of this practice for regional site use of pink-footed geese along their spring migration route.

2. We used dynamic programming to find the sequence of migratory decisions that maximizes the fitness of female geese during spring migration, assuming scaring impinges on both food-intake rates and predation risk. The parameterization of the model was based on data gathered from individually marked pink-footed geese between 1991 and 2003.

3. The effect of scaring in terms of fitness and site use was most noticeable regarding food-intake rate. Scaring resulted in a redistribution of geese along the flyway. Furthermore, the outcomes of the modelling exercises were highly dependent on whether or not the geese were omniscient or naive: at moderate scaring levels naive geese were predicted to succumb.

4. On a qualitative basis there was good correspondence between the predictions from the model and the empirical evidence gathered to date.

5. Synthesis and applications. Besides highlighting the importance of learning and changing behaviour in an adaptive fashion, our modelling exercise indicated the potential vulnerability of the geese to abrupt environmental change. In addition, the exercise emphasized the interdependence of site use along the migratory flyway. The model supports the necessity for an integrated flyway management approach. In Norway, discussion is ongoing about the future management of the spring conflict between farming interests and geese. Farmers in north and mid-Norway have announced that they will expand the scaring campaign if a long-term solution, including a compensation scheme, is not forthcoming. If scaring on such a large scale is implemented abruptly, it may have severe consequences for the population: management of both the scaring intensity and its geographical extent is urgently required.


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We investigated the muscle structure-function relationships that underlie the aerobic capacity of an insectivorous, small (~15?g) marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Family: Dasyuridae), to obtain further insight into energy use patterns in marsupials relative to those in placentals, their sister clade within the Theria (advanced mammals). Disparate hopping marsupials (Suborder Macropodiformes), a kangaroo (Macropus rufus) and a rat-kangaroo (Bettongia penicillata), show aerobic capabilities as high as those of 'athletic' placentals. Equivalent muscle mitochondrial volumes and cardiovascular features support these capabilities. We examined S. crassicaudata to determine whether highly developed aerobic capabilities occur elsewhere in marsupials, rather than being restricted to the more recently evolved Macropodiformes. This was the case. Treadmill-trained S. crassicaudata attained a maximal aerobic metabolic rate (VO2,max or MMR) of 272ml O2min-1kg -1 (N=8), similar to that reported for a small (?20g), 'athletic' placental, Apodemus sylvaticus, 264ml O2min -1kg-1. Hopping marsupials have comparable aerobic levels when body mass variation is considered. Sminthopsis crassicaudata has a basal metabolic rate (BMR) about 75% of placental values but it has a notably large factorial aerobic scope (fAS) of 13, elevated fAS also features in hopping marsupials. The VO2,max of S. crassicaudata was supported by an elevated total muscle mitochondrial volume, which was largely achieved through high muscle mitochondrial volume densities, Vv(mt,f), the mean value being 14.0±1.33%. These data were considered in relation to energy use levels in mammals, particularly field metabolic rate (FMR). BMR is consistently lower in marsupials, but this is balanced by a high fAS, such that marsupial MMR matches that of placentals. However, FMR shows different mass relationships in the two clades, with the FMR of small (<, 125 g) marsupials, such as S. crassicaudata, being higher than that in comparably sized placentals, with the reverse applying for larger marsupials. The flexibility of energy output in marsupials provides explanations for this pattern. Overall, our data refute widely held notions of mechanistically closely linked relationships between body mass, BMR, FMR and MMR in mammals generally.


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A large number of team games require participants to repeatedly produce maximal or near maximal sprints of short duration with brief recovery periods. The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between a repeated sprint ability (RSA) test that is specific to the energy demands of Australian Rules football (ARF), and the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. 

Seventeen ARF players participated in the study. Each participant was assessed for VO2 max, accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD), best 20 m sprint time and RSA. The RSA test involved 12x20 m sprints departing every 20 s. When including the work performed during the time taken to decelerate, the test involved a work to rest ratio of approximately 1:3. Total sprinting time and the percentage decrement of repeated sprinting times were the two derived measures of RSA.

The results indicate that the best 20 m sprint time was the only factor to correlate significantly with total sprinting time (r = 0.829, P<0.001) and percentage decrement (r = -0.722, P<0.01). VO2 max and AOD were not related to the total sprinting time or the percentage decrement that was produced by the RSA test. This was interpreted to signify that the phosphagen system was the major energy contributor for this test.


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Although long-distance transport of marine organisms is constrained by numerous oceanic and biological factors, some species have evolved life-histories reliant on such movements. We examine the factors that promote long-distance transport in a transoceanic migrant, young loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), from the southeastern U.S. Empirical data from near-surface buoys and simulations in two ocean circulation models indicated that passive drifters are often retained for long periods shoreward of oceanic fronts that delineate coastal and offshore waters. Further simulations revealed that offshore swimming aided newly hatched turtles in moving past fronts and increased turtles’ probability of survival, reaching distant foraging grounds, and encountering favorable temperatures. Swimming was most beneficial in regions that were more favorable under scenarios assuming passive drift. These results have broad implications for understanding the movement processes of many marine species, highlighting likely retention of more planktonic species and potential for dispersal in more nektonic species.


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An increase in the concentration of serotonin in the brain has been shown to cause fatigue during exercise in humans and experimental animals. This type of fatigue is referred to as central fatigue and is likely to be mediated by the concentration of serotonin as well as serotonin receptor sensitivity. Serotonin (5-HT) receptor antagonism in humans and experimental animals has been shown to improve endurance performance. A previous report has shown decreased receptor sensitivity in athletes compared to sedentary controls. It is unclear whether this is due to a training adaptation or if individuals are predisposed to enhanced athletic performance due to their inherent decreased receptor sensitivity. The present study investigated changes in 5-HT receptor sensitivity in response to aerobic exercise. Subjects completed 3 × 30 min of stationary cycling at 70% of their peak aerobic power (V̇O2,peak) for 9 weeks. Serotonin receptor sensitivity was assessed indirectly by measuring the neuroendocrine response following administration of a serotonin agonist (buspirone hydrochloride). The neuroendocrine response following administration of a placebo was also investigated in a blind crossover design. A group of sedentary control subjects was also recruited to control for seasonal variations in central receptor sensitivity. The training caused a significant increase in V̇O2,peak (3.1 ± 0.16 to 3.6 ± 0.15 l min−1, P < 0.05) and endurance capacity (93 ± 8 to 168 ± 11 min, P < 0.05), but there was no change (P > 0.05) in the neuroendocrine response in the presence of a serotonin agonist. However, one-quarter of the subjects in the training group demonstrated decreases in receptor sensitivity. These results suggest that despite increases in V̇O2,peak and endurance performance, there was no measurable change in 5-HT receptor sensitivity in the presence of a serotonin agonist. In addition, it is possible that changes in receptor sensitivity may take longer to occur, that the training stimulus used in the present investigation was inadequate and/or that changes occurred in receptor subtypes that were not probed by the agonist used in the present investigation.


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SIgA is a potential biomarker for stress. The usual day-to-day and within day variation in sIgA amongst a group of healthy Army reservists was estimated and the acute response of sIgA to moderate intensity exercise (Combat Fitness Assessment) undertaken in both cool-dry and hot-humid conditions was determined. The results indicate that thermal and cardiovascular strain resulting from moderate intensity exercise in hot-humid conditions suppresses sIgA for at least 24 hours post-exercise. Salivary sIgA exhibits a wide biological variation which casts some doubt on its usefulness as a biomarker, however because sIgA has been shown to be sensitive to dietary restriction, alcohol consumption, loss of body mass, fatigue and negative emotions in previous studies and now heat-induced cardiovascular strain, further work is warranted to develop this biomarker.