181 resultados para Nicholas of Cusa


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Freshwater prawns in the genus Macrobrachium are found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, however, evolutionary relationships are poorly understood. Using molecular techniques taxonomic uncertainty is resolved and the evolution and distribution of this enigmatic genus across a range of taxonomic and geographic levels is examined.


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The research established that the work-related norms of marketers and their socialisation into the marketing profession are influenced beneficially by their need-for-cognition. The research revealed contradictions between corporate codes of ethics and the values espoused by professional associations. Better ways of managing corporate ethical standards and behaviour are suggested.


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Research has suggested that effective leadership, specifically the utilisation of transformational leadership behaviours, is heavily entrenched in a leader’s interpersonal skills. However, few studies have investigated the interpersonal factors that drive appropriate use of transformational and transactional leadership in leader-follower settings. Attachment theory provides a robust framework in which to chart the developmental precursors of effective leadership that underpin positive leader-follower relationships and potential organisational outcomes. In this study, 46 manager-non manager dyads recruited from a Victorian education institution, a national telecommunications company and a Victorian real-estate business (managers – Mean age = 48.5 years, SD = 7.78, non-managers – Mean age 43.92 years, SD = 8.72) took part in an online questionnaire. Participants completed measures of attachment, leadership behaviour and organisational citizenship behaviour. Path analysis revealed that manager’s attachment style significantly predicted follower ratings of transformational and transactional leadership behaviours. Additionally, follower ratings of leadership were associated with organisational citizenship behaviour. Thus, it is concluded that attachment theory provides a valid framework in which to understand follower perceptions of leadership behaviour and subsequent organisational outcomes. These findings are discussed within the context of attachment theory and the leadership literature.


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The mechanisms responsible for the immunosuppression associated with sepsis or some chronic blood infections remain poorly understood. Here we show that infection with a malaria parasite (Plasmodium berghei) or simple systemic exposure to bacterial or viral Toll-like receptor ligands inhibited cross-priming. Reduced cross-priming was a consequence of downregulation of cross-presentation by activated dendritic cells due to systemic activation that did not otherwise globally inhibit T cell proliferation. Although activated dendritic cells retained their capacity to present viral antigens via the endogenous major histocompatibility complex class I processing pathway, antiviral responses were greatly impaired in mice exposed to Toll-like receptor ligands. This is consistent with a key function for cross-presentation in antiviral immunity and helps explain the immunosuppressive effects of systemic infection. Moreover, inhibition of cross-presentation was overcome by injection of dendritic cells bearing antigen, which provides a new strategy for generating immunity during immunosuppressive blood infections.


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The problem of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is examined in this paper using ideas and algorithms from robust control and estimation theory. Using a stereo-vision based sensor, a nonlinear measurement model is derived which leads to nonlinear measurements of the landmark coordinates along with optical flow based measurements of the relative robot-landmark velocity. Using a novel analytical measurement transformation, the nonlinear SLAM problem is converted into the linear filter is guaranteed stable and the ALAM state estimation error is bounded within an ellipsoidal set. No similar results are available for the commonly employed extended Kalman filter which is known to exhibit divergent and inconsistency characteristics in practice.


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Atomic depth profiling using secondary ion mass spectrometry, SIMS, is common in the field micro-electronics; however, the generation of molecular information as a function of sample depth is difficult due to the accumulation of damage both on and beneath the sample surface. The introduction of polyatomic ion beams such as SF5 and C60 have raised the possibility of overcoming this problem as they deposit the majority of their energy in the upper surface of the sample resulting in increased sputter yields but with a complimentary reduction in sub-surface damage accumulation. In this paper we report the depth profile analysis of the bio-polymer polycaprolactone, PCL, using the polyatomic ions Au3+ and C60+ and the monoatomic Au+. Results are compared to recent analysis of a similar sample using . depth profiling of cellulose is also demonstrated, an experiment that has been reported as unsuccessful when attempted with implications for biological analysis are discussed.


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C60 has been shown to give increased sputter yields and, hence, secondary ions when used as a primary particle in SIMS analysis. In addition, for many samples, there is also a reduction in damage accumulation following continued bombardment with the ion beam. In this paper, we report a study of the impact energy (up to 120 keV) of C60 on the secondary ion yield from a number of samples with consideration of any variation in yield response over mass ranges up to m/z 2000. Although increased impact energy is expected to produce a corresponding increase in sputter yield/rate, it is important to investigate any increase in sample damage with increasing energy and, hence, efficiency of the ion beams. On our test samples including a metal, along with organic samples, there is a general increase in secondary ion yield of high-mass species with increasing impact energy. A corresponding reduction in the formation of low-mass fragments is also observed. Depth profiling of organic samples demonstrates that when using C60, there does not appear to be any increase in damage evident in the mass spectra as the impact energy is increased.


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This study has utilised comparative functional genomics to exploit animal models with extreme adaptation to lactation to identify candidate genes that specifically regulate protein synthesis in the cow mammary gland. Increasing milk protein production is valuable to the dairy industry. The lactation strategies of both the Cape fur seal (Artocephalus pusillus pusillus) and the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) include periods of high rates of milk protein synthesis during an established lactation and therefore offer unique models to target genes that specifically regulate milk protein synthesis. Global changes in mammary gene expression in the Cape fur seal, tammar wallaby, and the cow (Bos taurus) were assessed using microarray analysis. The folate receptor α (FOLR1) showed the greatest change in gene expression in all three species [cow 12.7-fold (n = 3), fur seal 15.4-fold (n = 1), tammar 2.4-fold (n = 4)] at periods of increased milk protein production. This compliments previous reports that folate is important for milk protein synthesis and suggests FOLR1 may be a key regulatory point of folate metabolism for milk protein synthesis within mammary epithelial cells (lactocytes). These data may have important implications for the dairy industry to develop strategies to increase milk protein production in cows. This study illustrates the potential of comparative genomics to target genes of interest to the scientific community.


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Using a milk-cell cDNA sequencing approach we characterised milk-protein sequences from two monotreme species, platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) and echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) and found a full set of caseins and casein variants. The genomic organisation of the platypus casein locus is compared with other mammalian genomes, including the marsupial opossum and several eutherians. Physical linkage of casein genes has been seen in the casein loci of all mammalian genomes examined and we confirm that this is also observed in platypus. However, we show that a recent duplication of β-casein occurred in the monotreme lineage, as opposed to more ancient duplications of α-casein in the eutherian lineage, while marsupials possess only single copies of α- and β-caseins. Despite this variability, the close proximity of the main α- and β-casein genes in an inverted tail-tail orientation and the relative orientation of the more distant kappa-casein genes are similar in all mammalian genome sequences so far available. Overall, the conservation of the genomic organisation of the caseins indicates the early, pre-monotreme development of the fundamental role of caseins during lactation. In contrast, the lineage-specific gene duplications that have occurred within the casein locus of monotremes and eutherians but not marsupials, which may have lost part of the ancestral casein locus, emphasises the independent selection on milk provision strategies to the young, most likely linked to different developmental strategies. The monotremes therefore provide insight into the ancestral drivers for lactation and how these have adapted in different lineages.


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This study examines the influence of socialization on work-related norms (WORKNORM). We tested the hypothesis that organizational (ORGSOC) and professional socialization (PROFSOC) are antecedent influences on WORKNORM, employing a sample of 339 marketing practitioners. The results of covariance structural analysis indicate that ORGSOC and PROFSOC and WORKNORM are discriminant constructs within the tested model. The study also reveals that the influence of ORGSOC on WORKNORM is stronger than the influence of PROFSOC on these same norms. Because this social learning occurs in work-related activities, in organizations, and in professional life, it is important that managers appreciate that these three separate domains influence decision making under ethical conditions. The limitations of the study and future research directions are discussed.


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Secondary ion emission from water ice has been studied using Au+, Au3+, and C60+ primary ions. In contrast to the gas phase in which the spectra are dominated by the (H2O)nH+ series of ions, the spectra from ice using all three primary ions are principally composed of two series of cluster ions (H2O)nH+ and (H2O)n+. Dependent on the conditions, the unprotonated series can dominate the spectra. Since in the gas phase (H2O)n+ is unstable with respect to the formation of the protonated ion series, the presence of the solid must provide a means to stabilize their formation. The cluster ion yields under Au+ bombardment are very low and can be understood in terms of sputtering on the borderline between linear cascade and thermal spike behavior. There is a 104 increase in yield across the whole spectrum compared to Au+ when Au3+ and C60+ species are used as primary ions. The character of the spectra differed between these two primary ions, but insights into the mechanism of secondary ion emission for both is discussed within an energy deposition framework provided by the fluid flow-based mesoscale energy deposition footprint (MEDF) model that predicts a cone-shaped zone of activation and emission. C60+ differs from Au3+ in that it delivers its energy closer to the surface, and it is argued this has consequences for the cluster ion distribution and yield. Increasing the ion dose by sputtering suppresses the yield of (H2O)n+ and increases the yield of the protonated ions in the small cluster region, whereas the yield in the large cluster regime is suppressed significantly. The three primary ions show rather different behavior, and this is discussed in the light of the sputtering models. Finally, negative ion spectra including cluster ions have been observed for the first time. C60+ delivers the highest yields, but these are less than 10 times the positive ion yields, probably because the O and OH fragment ions on which the clusters are based are easily neutralized by protons.


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This article investigates the distributional implication of relative price movements in Australia. It proposes and applies a method of evaluating the nature and size of the inequality bias of price movements. In the process, the study introduces a new demographic demand model that yields sensible and statistically significant estimates of the general equivalence scale and the size economies of scale. The study finds that relative price movements in Australia during the 1990s had an inequality increasing bias and that this bias increased in the late 1990s and the first part of the new millennium. The disaggregated analysis of the inequality movements shows that the regressive nature of relative price changes affected the renters much more than non-renters. The study also provides evidence on the decomposition of overall inequality between demographic groups and compares the decomposition between the nominal and real expenditure inequalities.