76 resultados para MS-based methods


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Low cost pervasive electrocardiogram (ECG) monitors is changing how sinus arrhythmia are diagnosed among patients with mild symptoms. With the large amount of data generated from long-term monitoring, come new data science and analytical challenges. Although traditional rule-based detection algorithms still work on relatively short clinical quality ECG, they are not optimal for pervasive signals collected from wearable devices - they don't adapt to individual difference and assume accurate identification of ECG fiducial points. To overcome these short-comings of the rule-based methods, this paper introduces an arrhythmia detection approach for low quality pervasive ECG signals. To achieve the robustness needed, two techniques were applied. First, a set of ECG features with minimal reliance on fiducial point identification were selected. Next, the features were normalized using robust statistics to factors out baseline individual differences and clinically irrelevant temporal drift that is common in pervasive ECG. The proposed method was evaluated using pervasive ECG signals we collected, in combination with clinician validated ECG signals from Physiobank. Empirical evaluation confirms accuracy improvements of the proposed approach over the traditional clinical rules.


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BACKGROUND: Links between socioeconomic disadvantage and unhealthy eating behaviours among adolescents are well established. Little is known about strategies that might support healthy eating among this target group. This study aimed to identify potential strategies and preferred dissemination methods that could be employed in nutrition promotion initiatives focussed on improving eating behaviours among socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2011 among 22 adolescents (12-15 years) recruited from secondary schools in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Victoria, Australia. RESULTS: Strategies suggested by adolescents to support healthy eating included increasing awareness about healthy eating; greater cooking involvement; greater parental and peer support; frequent family meal participation; greater parental and peer role-modelling of healthy eating; increased availability of healthy foods and decreased availability of unhealthy foods in homes and schools. Adolescents preferred electronic media, adolescent-specific recipe books, and school-based methods for distributing nutrition promotion messages and strategies. CONCLUSIONS: A number of suggested strategies and methods identified in the present investigation have been employed with success in previous nutrition promotion interventions targeting socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents. The present study also contributes novel insights into potential strategies and methods that could be employed in initiatives aiming to improve eating behaviours in this vulnerable group, and particularly highlights the importance of incorporating strategies involving parents and modifying the home food environment.


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During the Cenozoic, Australia experienced major climatic shifts that have had dramatic ecological consequences for the modern biota. Mesic tropical ecosystems were progressively restricted to the coasts and replaced by arid-adapted floral and faunal communities. Whilst the role of aridification has been investigated in a wide range of terrestrial lineages, the response of freshwater clades remains poorly investigated. To gain insights into the diversification processes underlying a freshwater radiation, we studied the evolutionary history of the Australasian predaceous diving beetles of the tribe Hydroporini (147 described species). We used an integrative approach including the latest methods in phylogenetics, divergence time estimation, ancestral character state reconstruction, and likelihood-based methods of diversification rate estimation. Phylogenies and dating analyses were reconstructed with molecular data from seven genes (mitochondrial and nuclear) for 117 species (plus 12 outgroups). Robust and well-resolved phylogenies indicate a late Oligocene origin of Australasian Hydroporini. Biogeographic analyses suggest an origin in the East Coast region of Australia, and a dynamic biogeographic scenario implying dispersal events. The group successfully colonized the tropical coastal regions carved by a rampant desertification, and also colonized groundwater ecosystems in Central Australia. Diversification rate analyses suggest that the ongoing aridification of Australia initiated in the Miocene contributed to a major wave of extinctions since the late Pliocene probably attributable to an increasing aridity, range contractions and seasonally disruptions resulting from Quaternary climatic changes. When comparing subterranean and epigean genera, our results show that contrasting mechanisms drove their diversification and therefore current diversity pattern. The Australasian Hydroporini radiation reflects a combination of processes that promoted both diversification, resulting from new ecological opportunities driven by initial aridification, and a subsequent loss of mesic adapted diversity due to increasing aridity.


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Nonnegative matrix factorization based methods provide one of the simplest and most effective approaches to text mining. However, their applicability is mainly limited to analyzing a single data source. In this chapter, we propose a novel joint matrix factorization framework which can jointly analyze multiple data sources by exploiting their shared and individual structures. The proposed framework is flexible to handle any arbitrary sharing configurations encountered in real world data. We derive an efficient algorithm for learning the factorization and show that its convergence is theoretically guaranteed. We demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of the proposed framework in two real-world applications—improving social media retrieval using auxiliary sources and cross-social media retrieval. Representing each social media source using their textual tags, for both applications, we show that retrieval performance exceeds the existing state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed solution provides a generic framework and can be applicable to a wider context in data mining wherever one needs to exploit mutual and individual knowledge present across multiple data sources.


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Leaf material from nine Ni hyperaccumulating species was collected in New Caledonia: Homalium kanaliense (Vieill.) Briq., Casearia silvana Schltr, Geissois hirsuta Brongn. & Gris, Hybanthus austrocaledonicusSeem, Psychotria douarrei (G. Beauvis.) Däniker, Pycnandra acuminata (Pierre ex Baill.) Swenson & Munzinger (syn Sebertia acuminata Pierre ex Baill.), Geissois pruinosa Brongn. & Gris, Homalium deplanchei (Viell) Warb. and Geissois bradfordii (H.C. Hopkins). The elemental concentration was determined by inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and from these results it was foundthat the species contained Ni concentrations from to 250–28,000 mg/kg dry mass. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS)-based metabolite profiling was then used to analyse leaves of each species.The aim of this study was to target Ni-binding ligands through correlation analysis of the metabolite levels and leaf Ni concentration. Approximately 258 compounds were detected in each sample. As has been observed before, a correlation was found between the citric acid and Ni concentrations in the leaves for all species collected. However, the strongest Ni accumulator, P. douarrei, has been found to contain particularly high concentrations of malonic acid, suggesting an additional storage mechanism for Ni. A size exclusion chromatography separation protocol for the separation of Ni-complexes in P. acuminata sap was also applied to aqueous leaf extracts of each species. A number of metabolites were identified in complexes with Ni including Ni-malonate from P. douarrei. Furthermore, the levels for some metabolites were found to correlate with the leaf Ni concentration. These data show that Ni ions can be bound by a range of small molecules in Ni hyperaccumulation in plants.


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Hyperglycemia causes diabetic nephropathy, a condition for which there are no specific diagnostic markers thatpredict progression to renal failure. Here we describe a multiplatform metabolomic analysis of urine from individualswith type 2 diabetes, collected before and immediately following experimental hyperglycemia. We used targetednuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and gaschromatography - MS (GC-MS) to identify markers of hyperglycemia. Following optimization of data normalisation andstatistical analysis, we identified a reproducible NMR and LC-MS based urine signature of hyperglycemia. Significantincreases of alanine, alloisoleucine, isoleucine, leucine, N-isovaleroylglycine, valine, choline, lactate and taurine anddecreases of arginine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, hippurate, suberate and N-acetylglutamate were observed. GC-MSanalysis identified a number of metabolites differentially present in post-glucose versus baseline urine, but these could not be identified using current metabolite libraries. This analysis is an important first step towards identifying biomarkers of early-stage diabetic nephropathy.


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This paper presents an investigation on the wave propagation in timber poles with Wavelet Transform (WT) analysis for identification of the condition and underground depth of embedded timber poles in service. Most of non-destructive testing (NDT) applications for timber poles using wave-based methods consider only single wave mode and no dispersion. However, for wave propagations in timber poles (damaged/undamaged), such simplification may not be correct, especially for broad band excitation using impulse impact. To investigate the problem, a 5m timber pole was investigated numerically and experimentally. A dispersion curve is generated from the numerical results to provide guidance on the velocity and wave mode selection. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is applied on the same signal to verify the presence of modes and to process data from experimental testing. The results are presented in both time domain and time-frequency domain for comparison. The results of the investigation showed that, wavelet transform analysis can be a reliable signal processing tool for NDT in terms of condition and embedment length determination.


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Previously, the Fiji Pneumococcal Project (FiPP) evaluated reduced dose immunization schedules that incorporated pneumococcal protein conjugate and/or polysaccharide vaccine (PCV7 and 23vPPV, respectively). Immune hyporesponsiveness was observed in children vaccinated with 23vPPV at 12 months of age compared with children who did not receive 23vPPV.

Here we assess the long-term impact of 23vPPV vaccination on nasopharyngeal carriage rates and densities of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus and Moraxella catarrhalis. Nasopharyngeal swabs (n = 194) were obtained from healthy children who participated in FiPP (now aged 5–7 years). S. pneumoniae were isolated and identified by standard culture-based methods, and serotyped using latex agglutination and the Quellung reaction. Carriage rates and densities of S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, S. aureus and M. catarrhalis were determined using real-time quantitative PCR.

There were no differences in the rate or density of S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae or M. catarrhalis carriage by PCV7 dose or 23vPPV vaccination in the vaccinated participants overall. However, differences were observed between the two main ethnic groups: Fijian children of Indian descent (Indo-Fijian) were less likely to carry S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis, and there was evidence of a higher carriage rate of S. aureus compared with indigenous Fijian (iTaukei) children. Polysaccharide vaccination appeared to have effects that varied between ethnic groups, with 23vPPV vaccination associated with a higher carriage rate of S. aureus in iTaukei children, while there was a lower carriage rate of S. pneumoniae associated with 23vPPV vaccination in Indo-Fijian children.

Overall, polysaccharide vaccination had no long-term impact on pneumococcal carriage, but may have impacted on S. aureus carriage and have varying effects in ethnic groups, suggesting current WHO vaccine schedule recommendations against the use of 23vPPV in children under two years of age are appropriate.


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Replacing dietary grass silage (GS) with maize silage (MS) and dietary fat supplements may reduce milk concentration of specific saturated fatty acids (SFA) and can reduce methane production by dairy cows. The present study investigated the effect of feeding an extruded linseed supplement on milk fatty acid (FA) composition and methane production of lactating dairy cows, and whether basal forage type, in diets formulated for similar neutral detergent fiber and starch, altered the response to the extruded linseed supplement. Four mid-lactation Holstein-Friesian cows were fed diets as total mixed rations, containing either high proportions of MS or GS, both with or without extruded linseed supplement, in a 4×4 Latin square design experiment with 28-d periods. Diets contained 500 g of forage/kg of dry matter (DM) containing MS and GS in proportions (DM basis) of either 75:25 or 25:75 for high MS or high GS diets, respectively. Extruded linseed supplement (275 g/kg ether extract, DM basis) was included in treatment diets at 50 g/kg of DM. Milk yields, DM intake, milk composition, and methane production were measured at the end of each experimental period when cows were housed in respiration chambers. Whereas DM intake was higher for the MS-based diet, forage type and extruded linseed had no significant effect on milk yield, milk fat, protein, or lactose concentration, methane production, or methane per kilogram of DM intake or milk yield. Total milk fat SFA concentrations were lower with MS compared with GS-based diets (65.4 vs. 68.4 g/100 g of FA, respectively) and with extruded linseed compared with no extruded linseed (65.2 vs. 68.6 g/100 g of FA, respectively), and these effects were additive. Concentrations of total trans FA were higher with MS compared with GS-based diets (7.0 vs. 5.4 g/100 g of FA, respectively) and when extruded linseed was fed (6.8 vs. 5. 6g/100 g of FA, respectively). Total n-3 FA were higher when extruded linseed was fed compared with no extruded linseed (1.2 vs. 0.8 g/100 g of FA, respectively), whereas total n-6 polyunsaturated FA were higher when feeding MS compared with GS (2.5 vs. 2.1 g/100 g of FA, respectively). Feeding extruded linseed and MS both provided potentially beneficial decreases in SFA concentration of milk, and no significant interactions were found between extruded linseed supplementation and forage type. However, both MS and extruded linseed increased trans FA concentration in milk fat. Neither MS nor extruded linseed had significant effects on methane production or yield, but the amounts of supplemental lipid provided by extruded linseed were relatively small.


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This book provides readers a complete and self-contained set of knowledge about dependent source separation, including the latest development in this field. The book gives an overview on blind source separation where three promising blind separation techniques that can tackle mutually correlated sources are presented. The book further focuses on the non-negativity based methods, the time-frequency analysis based methods, and the pre-coding based methods, respectively.


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 This thesis presents several results regarding the kinematic performance analysis of axis-symmetric parallel mechanisms with closed-loop sub-chains. Screw theory based methods have been utilised to generate new indices, along with a formal procedure, enabling the systematic and complete singularity and motion/force transmission analysis of parallel mechanisms with these closed-loop sub-chains.


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Geometry is a source of inspiration in the design and making of the manmade world. Computing techniques provide tools to explore complex forms: the research question is how computational tool can be systemised to assist with the translation of geometric concepts into physical objects. The purpose is to describe computational/manufacturing methods for creating digital models and physical objects from regular geometric configurations. The methods are based on parametric design, assisting from ideation to the generation of digital models with material specifications – using the five regular convex polyhedra as a case study. The results are comprised of digital models used for prototyping with 3D printing technologies and hybrid fabrication processes: the products are built geometric shapes ranging from body ornaments to sculptures. These procedures can be extended to generate designs based on irregular geometric shapes. Parametric-based methods are recommended in the digital modeling and fabrication of any geometric form.


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This thesis address issues for face recognition with multi-view face images. Several effective methods are proposed and compared with current state of the art. A novel framework that generalises existing sparse representation-based methods in order to exploit the sharing information to against pose variations of face images is proposed.


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This thesis presents two novel algorithms for blind chancel equalization (BCE) and blind source separation (BSS). Beside these, a general framework for global convergent analysis is proposed. Finally, the open problem of equalising a non-irreducible system is answered by the algorithm proposed in this thesis.


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Human identification by gait has created a great deal of interest in computer vision community due to its advantage of inconspicuous recognition at a relatively far distance. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of recent developments on gait recognition approaches. The survey emphasizes on three major issues involved in a general gait recognition system, namely gait image representation, feature dimensionality reduction and gait classification. Also, a review of the available public gait datasets is presented. The concluding discussions outline a number of research challenges and provide promising future directions for the field.