80 resultados para Learning strategy


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Background: This paper will address the evaluation of WIL (placements) in order to provide a strategy to improve performance in universities' WIL as benchmarked in the AUSSE, GDS and placement unit feedback.
Overview of issue: Although WIL placements are important and valuable for student engagement, learning, graduate employability and industry partnerships, there are few empirical studies or reviews that inform evaluation methodology for them. The assessment of placement outcomes and the student experience is typically more complex than evaluation of a standard university unit because of the wide variation that occurs with placements. Students are likely to be working in different organisations, and working on different projects within their various disciplines. Adding to this complexity, the organisation supervisor is an additional stakeholder critical to the placement experience, and who ultimately makes the judgment of student performance. Although an organisation supervisor may complete an individual feedback form for their students, generally this information is not strategically aligned within a broader university evaluation process. Initial examination of available literature revealed that the multi-dimensional perspective (organisational supervisor, placement co-ordinator and student) is not usually incorporated into evaluation of placements to inform continuous improvement for example. There are gaps in the evaluation process which could be addressed through more  comprehensive evaluation that could be utilised across Faculties and Institutions. In 2010, we will conduct an inter-faculty project to develop and trial an evaluation methodology for WIL placements. It will incorporate a triangulated approach including student, organisation and university supervisor feedback. Preliminary results gained from this project will be discussed.
Argument: An evaluation methodology that is inclusive of a triangulated approach, would provide university stakeholders with comprehensive feedback that could be used to strategically inform continuous improvement efforts in Institutions in the areas of WIL placements.
Implications: The importance of triangulated data gathering leading to a comprehensive evaluation and subsequent improvement strategies will be concluded. Suggested evaluation process and potential tools will be presented.


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E-book devices are changing current organizational practices by providing a source of e-learning, in which organizations and their employees can more easily access information about current business developments that impact on their existing practices. E-book devices (also referred to as e-book readers or e-readers) use electronic ink technology to display written words from books, newspapers, magazines and other documentation. They are portable devices that are the size of a paperback book and are a new technology that has only been mass-marketed to the general population in the past year. Most importantly for an organization is that e-books could transform and will certainly influence their current technology practices and how people communicate and perform their job tasks.


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Study guide for the unit of competency RUA AG4804RM A


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This study reports on the effect of different levels of proficiency on the students' achievements in collaborative learning instruction among 30 Persian-speaking EFL college students. Having been divided into dyads with different levels of proficiency, these subjects participated in nine sessions of collaborative instruction based on the form focused collaborative text-editing task. The results of this study are obtained through the analyses of the proficiency gains in formal aspects of language in text-editing pre and post-tests and text-reconstruction post-test. The study highlights the significant effect of this type of instruction on more proficient students. Reasons provided in this study are the language analytic ability of the students, learning styles and strategies, and motivation. The findings of this study are helpful to teachers of the classes with heterogeneous language proficiency.


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This paper describes an experimental study of the Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) neural network as an autonomous learning system for pattern classification tasks. A benchmark database of radar signals from ionosphere has been employed for the system to classify arbitrary sequences of pattern into distinct categories. A number of simulations have been conducted systematically to evaluate the applicability and usefulness of FAM in this context. First, we identify the 'optimum' parameter settings of FAM for the problem at hand, and investigate the effects of different training schemes and learning rules on classification results, using an off-line learning methodology. We then examine a voting strategy to improve classification accuracy by combining results from multiple FAM classifiers. In addition to off-line learning, we evaluate the prospect of using FAM as an autonomously learning pattern classification system for on-line, non-stationary environments. The performance of FAM is comparable with other reported results, but with the added advantage of on-line and incremental learning.


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Identifying an appropriate architecture of an artificial neural network (ANN) for a given task is important because learning and generalisation of an ANN is affected by its structure. In this paper, an online pruning strategy is proposed to participate in the learning process of two constructive networks, i.e. fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) and fuzzy ARTMAP with dynamic decay adjustment (FAMDDA), and the resulting hybrid networks are called FAM/FAMDDA with temporary nodes (i.e. FAM-T and FAMDDA-T, respectively). FAM-T and FAMDDA-T possess a capability of reducing the network complexity online by removing unrepresentative neurons. The performances of FAM-T and FAMDDA-T are evaluated and compared with those of FAM and FAMDDA using a total of 13 benchmark data sets. To demonstrate the applicability of FAM-T and FAMDDA-T, a real fault detection and diagnosis task in a power plant is tested. The results from both benchmark studies and real-world application show that FAMDDA-T and FAM-T are able to yield satisfactory classification performances, with the advantage of having parsimonious network structures.


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ELearning suffers from the lack of face-to-face interaction and can deprive learners from the benefits of social interaction and comparison. In this paper we present the results of a study conducted for the impact of social comparison. The study was conducted by collecting students’ engagement with an eLearning tool, the attendance, and grades scored by students at specific milestones and presented these metrics to students as feedback using Kiviat charts. The charts were complemented with appropriate recommendations to allow them to adapt their study strategy and behaviour. The study spanned over 4 semesters (2 with and 2 without the Kiviats) and the results were analysed using paired T tests to test the pre and post results on topics covered by the eLearning tool. Survey questionnaires were also administered at the end for qualitative analysis. The results indicated that the Kiviat feedback with recommendation had positive impact on learning outcomes and attitudes.


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The importance of enchancing metacognition and encouraging active learning in philosophy teaching has been increasingly recognised in recent years. Yet traditional teaching methods have not always centralised helping students to become reflectively and critically aware of the quality and consistency of their own thinking. This is particularly relevant when teaching moral philosophy, where apparently inconsistent intuitions and responses are common. In this paper I discuss the theoretical basis of the relevance of metacognition and active learning for teaching moral philosophy. Applying recent discussions of metacognition, intuition conflicts and survey-based teaching techniques, I then outline a strategy for encouraging metacognitive awareness of tensions in students’ pretheoretical beliefs, and developing a critical self-awareness of their development as moral thinkers.


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In this paper, we show the development and application of a sustainable assessment strategy as an implementation of effective learning for a computer crime and digital forensics unit. The unit is undertaken by undergraduate students as part of an Information Technology Security course at Deakin University. Over a five year period the teaching team has made continuous improvements to the delivery of material and content taking informal student feedback and Faculty review into careful consideration. In addition formal student evaluation of the unit has been extremely positive. As part of reflective teaching practice the teaching team derived a map of the relationship between learning objectives, learning activities, the assessment and the unit outcomes to verify what has led to the favorable student experience and its impact on learning process in order to repeat this strategy for other tertiary courses.


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In this article an argument for the use of collaborative professional learning teams to improve teaching and children's achievement is presented together with an explanation of how this can be done. The case provided in this article concerns children's understanding of equivalence and the way in which teachers together can explore children's conceptions and misconceptions held by children in their classroom. An effective teaching strategy using a number talk about a true/false number sentence is also described.


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Cross-cultural care and antidiscrimination are vital to ethical effective health systems. Nurses require quality educational preparation in cross-cultural care and antidiscrimination. Limited evidence-based research is available to guide teachers.

To develop, implement and evaluate an evidence-based teaching and learning approach in cross-cultural care and antidiscrimination for undergraduate nursing students.

A quantitative design using pre- and post-survey measures was used to evaluate the teaching and learning approach.

The Bachelor of Nursing program in an Australian university.

Academics and second year undergraduate nursing students.

A literature review and consultation with academics informed the development of the teaching and learning approach. Thirty-three students completed a survey at pre-measures and following participation in the teaching and learning approach at post-measures about their confidence to practice cross-cultural nursing (Transcultural Self-efficacy Tool) and about their discriminatory attitudes (Quick Discrimination Index).

The literature review found that educational approaches that solely focus on culture might not be sufficient in addressing discrimination and racism. During consultation, academics emphasised the importance of situating cross-cultural nursing and antidiscrimination as social determinants of health. Therefore, cross-cultural nursing was contextualised within primary health care and emphasised care for culturally diverse communities. Survey findings supported the effectiveness of this strategy in promoting students' confidence regarding knowledge about cross-cultural nursing. There was no reported change in discriminatory attitudes. The teaching and learning approach was modified to include stronger experiential learning and role playing.

Nursing education should emphasise cross-cultural nursing and antidiscrimination. The study describes an evaluated teaching and learning approach and demonstrates how evaluation research can be used to develop cross-cultural nursing education interventions.


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Workplace training is a key strategy often used by organisations to optimise performance. Further, trainee motivation is a key determinant of the degree to which the material learned in a training programme will be transferred to the workplace, enhancing the performance of the trainee. This study investigates the relationship between several components of the Revised Human Resource Development (HRD) Evaluation and Research Model. This model provides a framework for diagnosing and understanding the causal influences of HRD intervention outcomes on training effectiveness. Data were obtained from an online questionnaire completed by 105 employees of various organisations. Findings revealed that affective organisational commitment, job involvement and utility perceptions are predictors of motivation to learn and transfer learning. An interaction effect was found, with increased affective organisational commitment predicting greater motivation to learn when training was of lower perceived utility. These findings suggest that the design and delivery of training should emphasise the relevance and utility of the programme in order to encourage greater trainee motivation and maximise return on investment. Additionally, implementing strategies aimed at promoting organisational commitment would appear beneficial.


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This chapter examines the use of spoken mathematics in the public discourse of eighth-grade mathematics classrooms internationally. By “spoken mathematics” we mean the recognizably mathematical terms used in spoken interaction in the classroom. Our principal focus was the relatively sophisticated terms by which each lesson’s central concepts or procedures were named. In our analysis we addressed the question(s): “What is the occurrence of publicly spoken mathematics in the different classrooms studied and what efforts do the teachers appear to make to promote students’ use of technical mathematical terms in their public classroom talk?” A companion chapter examines the question of students’ private spoken mathematics in the classroom and the possible learning that might result.


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My doctoral research studies Australian PLT practitioners’ engagement with scholarship of teaching and learning. I argue that many PLT practitioners are motivated to engage with scholarship of teaching and learning in their work. There are, however, individual and extra-individual impediments.
PLT practitioners are lawyers that teach in institutional practical legal training (“PLT”). Satisfactory completion of mandatory PLT is an eligibility requirement for admission to the Australian legal profession. The PLT requirement is additional to academic legal qualifications. PLT is undertaken at a post-graduate level with, or after, the academic law degree.
My study investigates PLT practitioners’ motivations and capabilities to engage with scholarship of teaching and learning (“SoTL”). I study organisational symbolic support for SoTL in PLT, and organisational allocation of resources to SoTL in PLT.
The study involves individual and extra-individual domains of PLT practitioners’ work. It considers how social structures (e.g. “the juridical”) are inscribed into individuals’ practices (“teaching”) and, conversely, whether practices influence social structures.
My research adopts qualitative methodologies. These involve inter-disciplinary exchanges between law, legal education, practice research, sociology of law, cultural theory, and theory and practice of teaching and learning. My theoretical framework draws on Pierre Bourdieu’s “reflexive sociology”, and Michel de Certeau’s “heterological science”.
I sourced data from documents, and semi-structured interviews with 36 Australian PLT practitioners. Documentary sources include statutory instruments, speeches, reports, practice directions, histories, and scholarly publications.
To analyse the data I adopted Kelle’s characterisation of “theoretical sensitivity”, drawing on “explicit” and “emergent” analysis strategies derived from “grounded theory”. The explicit strategies were based on my theoretical framework. The emergent strategy involved sensitivity to non-explicit concepts and theories that emerged from the data. Computer-aided qualitative data analysis software expedited these methods.
My findings to date question dominant legal structures’ readiness for change, the implications of this for teaching and learning in PLT, and in particular for PLT practitioners’ engagement with SoTL in PLT.
The espoused rationale for mandatory PLT (in statutes) is improvement for the protection of clients, the administration of justice, and to assure quality legal services. The tacit rationale is improved quality of legal education, and experiences, for lawyers-to-be. My thesis argues dominant structures in legal education impede the espoused and tacit objectives, and impede PLT practitioners’ engagement with scholarship of teaching and learning.