91 resultados para CORTISOL


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The unnaturally dark pigmentation of cultured Australian snapper Pagrus auratus can be improved through dietary astaxanthin supplementation and by holding fish in tanks with a white background. The practical application of these  laboratory-based findings was examined with two experiments to establish if the advantages of transferring fish to light coloured tanks before harvest could be achieved on-farm using white cages and to determine the effects of fish density on skin colour. For the first experiment, snapper (mean TL=29.7 cm) were transferred from a commercial snapper sea cage to black or white netted cages and fed diets supplemented with unesterified astaxanthin (supplied as Lucantin® Pink, BASF) at 0 or 39 mg kg−1 for 42 days. Skin colour was measured using the CIE L* (black–white), a* (green–red), b* (blue–yellow) colour scale. Snapper held in white netting cages became significantly lighter (higher L* ) than snapper held in black cages; however, values were not as high as previous laboratory-based studies in which snapper were held in white plastic-lined cages. Snapper fed astaxanthin displayed significantly greater a*and b* values, and total carotenoid concentrations after 42 days. In addition, total carotenoids were higher in fish from black than white cages. The second experiment was designed to investigate whether density reduced the improvements in skin colour achieved by holding fish in white coloured cages and whether cage colour affected stress. Snapper (mean weight=435 g) were acclimated to black cages and fed 39 mg kg−1 astaxanthin for 44 days before transferring to black or white plastic-lined cages at 14 (low), 29 (mid) or 45 (high) kg m−3 for 7 days after which time skin colour, plasma cortisol and plasma glucose concentrations were measured. Skin lightness (L* ) was greater in snapper transferred to white plastic-lined cages with the lightest coloured fish obtained from the lowest density after 7 days. Density had no effect on plasma cortisol or glucose levels after 7 days, although plasma cortisol was elevated in snapper from black cages. For improved skin colouration we recommend feeding unesterified astaxanthin at 39 mg kg−1 for approximately 6 weeks and transferring snapper to white plastic-lined cages or similar at low densities for short periods before harvest rather than producing fish in white netting sea cages subject to biofouling.


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This study investigated sex differences in the stress-induced activation of neurons containing corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and enkephalin in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of gonadectomized male and female sheep. Groups (n=3) of both sexes were either subjected to 90 min isolation and restraint stress (stress group) or were not stressed. Blood samples were taken every 10 min for 90 min prior to and after stress to monitor cortisol levels in plasma. Brains were harvested after 90 min of stress. Stress caused elevation of plasma cortisol levels to a similar extent in both sexes. Double-labeling immunohistochemistry for Fos and either CRH, AVP or enkephalin was undertaken to quantify the numbers of neurons staining for CRH, AVP and enkephalin that also immunostained for Fos. Stress increased Fos immunostaining in all cell types. There was a greater proportion of CRH than AVP neurons activated in stressed animals. There were no sex differences in the activation of CRH and AVP neurons although females had a greater proportion of enkephalin cells staining for Fos than males in both control and stressed animals. There were no differences between control and stressed animals in the proportion of cells co-staining for CRH and AVP. We conclude that isolation and restraint stress activates neurons producing CRH, AVP and enkephalin in sheep and that CRH may play a greater role than AVP in regulating adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion in response to this stressor in sheep. Finally, isolation and restraint stress does not influence co-localization of CRH and AVP in sheep.


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We investigated the effect of the presence and absence of lambs and suckling by lambs to attenuate activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to isolation and restraint stress in lactating sheep. In experiment 1, blood samples were collected every 10 min from nonlactating (n = 5) and lactating (n = 5) ewes for 4 h before and during stress. In experiment 2, ewes (n = 6) were allocated to 1) nonlactating, 2) lactating with lambs absent, 3) lactating with lambs present but unable to suckle, and 4) lactating with lambs present and able to suckle. Blood samples were collected over 8 h with no stress (control day) and for 4 h before and 4 h during stress (stress day). In experiment 1, the mean (±SEM) cortisol concentrations increased significantly (P < 0.05) in nonlactating ewes during stress but did not change in lactating ewes. In experiment 2, cortisol did not vary on the control day or pretreatment of the stress day but increased (P < 0.05) during stress in all groups except lactating ewes with lambs present and able to suckle. The greatest cortisol response occurred in nonlactating ewes followed by lactating ewes with lambs absent and lactating ewes with lambs present but unable to suckle. During stress, the ACTH concentrations increased (P < 0.05) in nonlactating ewes and lactating ewes with lambs absent but not in lactating ewes with lambs present. We conclude that the activity of the HPA axis during isolation and restraint is reduced in lactating ewes and that the presence of lambs increases this level of attenuation.


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Stress responses are thought to act within the hypothalamopituitary unit to impair the reproductive system, and the sites of action may differ between sexes. The effect of isolation and restraint stress on pituitary responsiveness to GnRH in sheep was investigated, with emphasis on possible sex differences. Experiments were conducted during the breeding season and the nonbreeding season. In both experiments, 125 ng of GnRH was injected i.v. every 2 h into hypothalamopituitary disconnected, gonadectomized rams and ewes on 3 experimental days, with each day divided into two periods. During the second period on Day 2, isolation and restraint stress was imposed for 5.5 h. Plasma concentrations of LH and cortisol were measured in samples of blood collected from the jugular vein. In the second experiment (nonbreeding season), plasma concentrations of epinephrine, norepinephrine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol were also measured. In both experiments, there was no effect of isolation and restraint stress on plasma concentrations of cortisol in either sex. During the breeding season, there was no effect of isolation and restraint stress on plasma concentrations of LH in either sex. During the nonbreeding season, the amplitude of the first LH pulse after the commencement of stress was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in rams and ewes. In the second experiment, during stress there was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in plasma concentrations of epinephrine in rams and ewes and significantly higher (P < 0.05) basal concentrations of norepinephrine in ewes than in rams. These results suggest that in sheep stress reduces responsiveness of the pituitary gland to exogenous GnRH during the nonbreeding season but not during the breeding season, possibly because of mediators of the stress response other than those of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland axis.


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Acute stress did not alter sucrose and salt preference. A dietary pattern low in sodium and high in potassium and magnesium improved overall mood. Modest weight loss did not alter the daily secretion of cortisol, but did reduce the blood pressure response to stress which may improve cardiovascular risk.


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Objective: Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) in women with a history of depressive disorders has been shown in some, but not all studies. This study investigated the association between self-reported depression and BMD in an age-stratified community sample of perimenopausal women residing in the South-Eastern region of Australia.

Design: Symptoms of depression in the year between July 2000 and July 2001 were ascertained by a self-report questionnaire based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) criteria. Women in the perimenopausal group who had undergone a BMD total hip and spine assessment within the 12-month period after the depression assessment were included in the analysis, resulting in a sample of 78 women aged 45 to 60 years.

Results: In this sample, 14 women were identified as depressed. There was no difference in age, hormone therapy (HT) use, or unadjusted BMD at the total hip or spine between the depressed and nondepressed women (P = 0.14, 0.89, 0.57, and 0.70, respectively), but the depressed women tended to be heavier [depressed (median weight, interquartile range = 80 kg, 66-94) vs nondepressed (72 kg, 61-80) P = 0.06]. Whereas there was no significant difference in age-, HT-, and weight-adjusted BMD at the spine [depressed (mean ± SE = 1.21 ± 0.05) vs nondepressed (1.28 ± 0.03 g/cm2) P = 0.18], adjusted BMD at the total hip for the depressed women was 7.8% lower than for the nondepressed [depressed (mean ± SE = 0.957 ± 0.038) vs nondepressed (1.038 ± 0.023 g/cm2) P = 0.04].

Conclusions: These results suggest that in perimenopausal women, self-reported depression is associated with lower BMD at the hip.


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Background: Rural Australians face a higher mental health and lifestyle disease burden (obesity, diabetes and
cardiovascular disease) than their urban counterparts. Our ongoing research reveals that the Australian farming
community has even poorer physical and mental health outcomes than rural averages. In particular, farm men and
women have high rates of overweightness, obesity, abdominal adiposity, high blood pressure and psychological
distress when compared against Australian averages. Within our farming cohort we observed a significant
association between psychological distress and obesity, abdominal adiposity and body fat percentage in the
farming population.
Presentation of hypothesis: This paper presents a hypothesis based on preliminary data obtained from an
ongoing study that could potentially explain the complex correlation between obesity, psychological distress and
physical activity among a farming population. We posit that spasmodic physical activity, changing farm practices
and climate variability induce prolonged stress in farmers. This increases systemic cortisol that, in turn, promotes
abdominal adiposity and weight gain.
Testing the hypothesis: The hypothesis will be tested by anthropometric, biochemical and psychological analysis
matched against systemic cortisol levels and the physical activity of the subjects.
Implications of the hypothesis tested: Previous studies indicate that farming populations have elevated rates of
psychological distress and high rates of suicide. Australian farmers have recently experienced challenging climatic
conditions including prolonged drought, floods and cyclones. Through our interactions and through the media it is
not uncommon for farmers to describe the effect of this long-term stress with feelings of ‘defeat’. By gaining a
greater understanding of the role cortisol and physical activity have on mental and physical health we may
positively impact the current rates of psychological distress in farmers.


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Background: Studies have confirmed that the rate of mental illness is no higher in rural Australians than that of urban Australians. However, the rate of poor mental health outcomes, and in particular suicide, is significantly raised in rural populations. This is thought to be due to lack of early diagnosis, health service access, the distance-decay effect, poor physical health determinants and access to firearms. Research conducted by the National Centre for Farmer Health between 2004 and 2009 reveals that there is a correlation between obesity and psychological distress among the farming community where suicide rates are recognised as high. Chronic stress overstimulates the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis that is associated with abdominal obesity. Increasing physical activity may block negative thoughts, increase social contact, positively influence brain chemistry and improve both physical and mental health. This paper describes the design of the Farming Fit study that aims to identify the effect of physical activity on psychological distress, obesity and health behaviours such as diet patterns and smoking in farm men and women.
Methods/Design: For this quasi-experimental (convenience sample) control-intervention study, overweight (Body Mass Index ≥25 kg/m2) farm men and women will be recruited from Sustainable Farm Families™ (SFF) programs held across Victoria, Australia. Baseline demographic data, health data, depression anxiety stress scale (DASS) scores, dietary information, physical activity data, anthropometric data, blood pressure and biochemical analysis of plasma and salivary cortisol levels will be collected. The intervention group will receive an exercise program and regular phone coaching in order to increase their physical activity. Analysis will evaluate the impact of the intervention by longitudinal data (baseline and post intervention) comparison of intervention and control groups.
Discussion: This study is designed to examine the effect of physical activity on psychological health and other comorbidities such as obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, hypertension and dyslipidaemia within a high-risk cohort. The outcomes of this research will be relevant to further research and service delivery programs, in particular those tailored to rural communities.


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Progress in psychiatric genetics has been slow despite evidence of high heritability for most mental disorders. We argue that greater use of early detectable intermediate traits (endophenotypes) with the highest likely aetiological significance to depression, rather than complex clinical phenotypes, would be advantageous. Longitudinal data from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study were used to identify an early life behavioural endophenotype for atypical hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenocortical function in adolescence, a neurobiological indicator of anxiety and depression. A set of descriptors representing rigid and reactive behaviour at age 1 year discriminated those in the top 20% of the free salivary cortisol exposure at age 17 years. Genetic association analysis revealed a male-sensitive effect to variation in three specific single nucleotide polymorphisms within selected genes underpinning the overall stress response. Furthermore, support for a polygenic effect on stress-related behaviour in childhood is presented.


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1. The role of adrenaline in regulating hepatic glucose production and muscle glucose uptake during exercise was examined in six adrenaline deficient, bilaterally adrenalectomised humans. Six sex and age matched healthy individuals served as controls (CON).

2. Adrenalectomised subjects cycled for 45 min at 68 ± 1% maximum pulmonary Oμ uptake (VOμ,max), followed by 15 min at 84 ± 2% VOμ,max without (−ADR) or with (+ADR) adrenaline infusion, which elevated plasma adrenaline levels (45 min, 4·49 ± 0·69 nmol l¢; 60 min, 12·41 ± 1·80 nmol l¢; means ± s.e.m.). Glucose kinetics were measured using [3_ÅH]glucose.

3. Euglycaemia was maintained during exercise in CON and −ADR, whilst in +ADR plasma glucose was elevated. The exercise induced increase in hepatic glucose production was similar in +ADR and −ADR; however, adrenaline infusion augmented the rise in hepatic glucose production early in exercise. Glucose uptake increased during exercise in +ADR and −ADR, but was lower and metabolic clearance rate was reduced in +ADR.

4. During exercise noradrenaline and glucagon concentrations increased, and insulin and cortisol concentrations decreased, but plasma levels were similar between trials. Adrenaline infusion suppressed growth hormone and elevated plasma free fatty acids, glycerol and lactate. Alanine and â_hydroxybutyrate levels were similar between trials.

5. The results demonstrate that glucose homeostasis was maintained during exercise in adrenalectomised subjects. Adrenaline does not appear to play a major role in matching hepatic glucose production to the increase in glucose clearance. In contrast, adrenaline infusion results in a mismatch by simultaneously enhancing hepatic glucose production and inhibiting glucose clearance.


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To identify the mechanism underlying the exaggerated hyperglycemia during exercise in the heat, six trained men were studied during 40 min of cycling exercise at a workload requiring 65% peak pulmonary oxygen uptake (V˙o 2 peak) on two occasions at least 1 wk apart. On one occasion, the ambient temperature was 20°C [control (Con)], whereas on the other, it was 40°C [high temperature (HT)]. Rates of glucose appearance and disappearance were measured by using a primed continuous infusion of [6,6-2H]glucose. No differences in oxygen uptake during exercise were observed between trials. After 40 min of exercise, heart rate, rectal temperature, respiratory exchange ratio, and plasma lactate were all higher in HT compared with Con (P < 0.05). Plasma glucose levels were similar at rest (Con, 4.54 ± 0.19 mmol/l; HT, 4.81 ± 0.19 mmol/l) but increased to a greater extent during exercise in HT (6.96 ± 0.16) compared with Con (5.45 ± 0.18;P < 0.05). This was the result of a higher glucose rate of appearance in HT during the last 30 min of exercise. In contrast, the glucose rate of disappearance and metabolic clearance rate were not different at any time point during exercise. Plasma catecholamines were higher after 10 and 40 min of exercise in HT compared with Con (P < 0.05), whereas plasma glucagon, cortisol, and growth hormone were higher in HT after 40 min. These results indicate that the hyperglycemia observed during exercise in the heat is caused by an increase in liver glucose output without any change in whole body glucose utilization.


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In some patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), individual illness characteristics appear consistent with those of a neuroprogressive illness. Features of neuroprogression include poorer symptomatic, treatment and functional outcomes in patients with earlier disease onset and increased number and length of depressive episodes. In such patients, longer and more frequent depressive episodes appear to increase vulnerability for further episodes, precipitating an accelerating and progressive illness course leading to functional decline. Evidence from clinical, biochemical and neuroimaging studies appear to support this model and are informing novel therapeutic approaches. This paper reviews current knowledge of the neuroprogressive processes that may occur in MDD, including structural brain consequences and potential molecular mechanisms including the role of neurotransmitter systems, inflammatory, oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways, neurotrophins and regulation of neurogenesis, cortisol and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis modulation, mitochondrial dysfunction and epigenetic and dietary influences. Evidence-based novel treatments informed by this knowledge are discussed.


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This paper reviews melatonin as an overlooked factor in the developmental etiology and maintenance of schizophrenia; the neuroimmune and oxidative pathophysiology of schizophrenia; specific symptoms in schizophrenia, including sleep disturbance; circadian rhythms; and side effects of antipsychotics, including tardive dyskinesia and metabolic syndrome. Electronic databases, i.e. PUBMED, Scopus and Google Scholar were used as sources for this review using keywords: schizophrenia, psychosis, tardive dyskinesia, antipsychotics, metabolic syndrome, drug side effects and melatonin. Articles were selected on the basis of relevance to the etiology, course and treatment of schizophrenia. Melatonin levels and melatonin circadian rhythm are significantly decreased in schizophrenic patients. The adjunctive use of melatonin in schizophrenia may augment the efficacy of antipsychotics through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects. Further, melatonin would be expected to improve sleep disorders in schizophrenia and side effects of anti-psychotics, such as tardive dyskinesia, metaboilic syndrome and hypertension. It is proposed that melatonin also impacts on the tryptophan catabolic pathway via its effect on stress response and cortisol secretion, thereby impacting on cortex associated cognition, amygdala associated affect and striatal motivational processing. The secretion of melatonin is decreased in schizophrenia, contributing to its etiology, pathophysiology and management. Melatonin is likely to have impacts on the metabolic side effects of anti-psychotics that contribute to subsequent decreases in life-expectancy.


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The present work evaluated several aspects of the generalized stress response [endocrine (cortisol), metabolic (glucose), hematologic (hematocrit and hemoglobin) and cellular (HSP70)] in the Amazonian warm-water fish matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus ) subjected to an acute cold shock. This species farming has been done in South America, and growth and feed conversion rates have been interesting. However, in subtropical areas of Brazil, where the water temperature can rapidly change, high rates of matrinxã mortality have been associated with abrupt decrease in the water temperature. Thus, we subjected matrinxã to a sudden cold shock by transferring the fish directly to tanks in which the water temperature was 10oC below the initial conditions (cold shock from 28ºC to 18oC). After 1h the fish were returned to the original tanks (28ºC). The handling associated with tank transfer was also imposed on control groups (not exposed to cold shock). While exposure to cold shock did not alter the measured physiological conditions within 1h, fish returned to the ambient condition (water at 28º C) significantly increased plasma cortisol and glucose levels. Exposure to cold shock and return to the warm water did not affect HSP70 levels. The increased plasma cortisol and glucose levels after returning the fish to warm water suggest that matrinxã requires cortisol and glucose for adaptation to increased temperature.