173 resultados para Basal Metabolism


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Background – It has been recognized that specific fatty acids have the ability to directly influence the abundance of gene transcripts in organs such as the liver. However little comparison has been made between the effects of common dietary of fatty acids and there influence on gene expression.
Objectives – To determine the effect of diets rich saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated on gene transcripts associated with liver fat metabolism. Specifically how these three classes of fatty acids influence mRNA levels of key transcriptional regulators (PGC1a, PPARa, PPARd, SREBP1C & ChREBP), fat oxidative (ACO, LCPT1, HMG-CoA lyase & UCP-2) and fat synthetic (ACC, MCD, GPAT & malic enzyme) genes were investigated.
Design - Rats (n=32) were evenly divided into four groups; a saturated fat diet, a monounsaturated fat diet, a polyunsaturated fat diet (each diet contained 23% fat) and standard rat chow (7% fat) diet and fed for 12 weeks. Real-time PCR analysis was performed on liver tissue.
Outcomes – PGC1a and SREBP1C increased 1.9 fold or greater in all groups. Conversely, PPARa, PPARd and ChREBP demonstrated variable changes with diet composition. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat increased HMG-CoA lyase 2.8 fold, a response that was absent in the saturated fat fed animals. UCP-2 was decrease 3.0 fold by all dietary treatments. Malic enzyme was increased 2.8 and 2.4 fold with saturated and polyunsaturated diets respectively, yet was unaltered by the monounsaturated fat diet.
Conclusion – Modifications in common dietary fat composition initiated divergent gene responses in liver. These alterations were complex, with no uniform alteration in transcription factors with closely related functions (PPARfamily) and genes encoding proteins within the same metabolic pathway (fat oxidation or fat synthesis). Further studies are necessary to identify the predominant mechanisms regulating these differences in gene expression.


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Background – Squalene is a component of shark liver oil and has been speculated to have cholesterol reducing properties. High levels of total and LDL cholesterol have been shown to contribute to the development of chronic heart disease. The liver is central to the regulation of cholesterol metabolism and dietary intervention has long been recognized as a primary means to reduce the risks of chronic heart disease and related ailments.
Objectives – To determine the effect of dietary squalene supplementation on gene transcripts associated with liver cholesterol metabolism. Specifically the effect of squalene supplementation on mRNA levels for proteins that
regulate cholesterol biosynthesis (HMDH & ERG1), cholesterol elimination (SRB1), bile synthesis (CP7A1 & CP27A) and cholesterol excretion by the liver into bile (ABCG5 & ABCG8) was investigated.
Design – Rats (n=32) were divided into four groups and supplemented for 12 weeks. Groups one and two were fed a cholesterol rich diet for six weeks followed by six weeks of a cholesterol rich diet plus 1.75mg/day of squalene or 3.5 mg/day. Group three was fed a cholesterol rich diet for 12 weeks and group four was fed standard rat chow for 12 weeks. Blood lipid levels were monitored during the study and liver gene expression was determined at the
conclusion of the feeding trial via RT-PCR.
Outcomes – 3.5 mg/day of squalene lowered total and LDL cholesterol in rats consuming a cholesterol rich diet. This dose of squalene also resulted in constant levels of HMDH and ERG1 whereas the cholesterol rich diet halved mRNA levels of these enzymes. Furthermore 3.5 mg/day of squalene caused a greater than 3.0 fold increase in mRNA levels of the proteins SRB1, CP7A1, CP27A and ABCG5.
Conclusion – Dietary squalene supplementation at a dose of 3.5 mg/day lowers total and LDL cholesterol in rats consuming a cholesterol rich diet. These reductions in cholesterol levels may be due to increased cholesterol
elimination, bile synthesis and cholesterol excretion by the liver into bile mediated by changes in gene expression of key enzymes involved in these metabolic pathways


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The effect of fenitrothion exposure on birds was examined by measuring aerobic metabolism, blood hemoglobin content, plasma cholinesterases, and body weight for up to 21 d postdose. Peak metabolic rate was measured in a flight chamber in three-dose groups of house sparrows (Passer domesticus; 100 mg/kg = high, 60 mg/kg = medium, 30 mg/kg = low) and one-dose groups of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata; 3 mg/kg) and king quails (Coturnix chinensis; 26 mg/kg). Aerobic metabolism was measured during 1 h of exposure to subfreezing thermal conditions in low-dose house sparrows and king quails (26 mg/kg). Fenitrothion had no effect on metabolic rate during cold exposure or on blood hemoglobin at any time. By contrast, aerobic performance during exercise in sparrows was reduced by 58% (high), 18% (medium), and 20% (low), respectively, 2 d postdose. House sparrows (high) had the longest recovery period for peak metabolic rate (21 d) and plasma cholinesterase activity (14 d). House sparrows (high) and treated king quails had significantly lower myoglobin at 48 h postdose, whereas myoglobin was invariant in zebra finches and house sparrows (medium and low). Cholinesterase was maximally inhibited at 6 h postdose, and had recovered within 24 h, in house sparrows (low), king quails, and zebra finches. Exercise peak metabolic rate in zebra finches and king quails was reduced by 23% at 2 d and 3 d, respectively, despite these birds being asymptomatic in both behavior and plasma cholinesterase activities.


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We measured aerobic metabolism during cold exposure and exercise performance (run duration and oxygen consumption while running at 1 m s−1) in the fat-tailed dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata, a dasyurid marsupial, before and after ingestion of 30 mg kg−1 of fenitrothion, an organophosphate (OP) pesticide. Running endurance of OP-exposed animals was less than half that of control animals over the first 3 days after dosing and 55% of control animal endurance on day 5 post-dose. Despite these declines, peak metabolic rate at this running speed (9.3 times basal metabolic rate; BMR) was unaffected by OP exposure. Peak metabolic rate (PMR) and cumulative oxygen consumption during a 1-h exposure to conditions equivalent to −20 °C did not differ between OP-treated and control dunnarts, with PMR averaging 11 times BMR. We conclude that fenitrothion-induced exercise fatigue is not due to limitations in oxygen or substrate delivery to muscle or in their uptake per se, but more likely relates to decreased ability to sustain high-frequency neuromuscular function. The persistence of locomotor impairment following OP exposure in otherwise asymptomatic animals emphasizes the importance of using performance-based measures when characterising sublethal effects of pesticide exposure in an ecological context.


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The central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) is a medium-sized lizard that is common in semiarid habitats in Australia and that potentially is at risk of fenitrothion exposure from use of the chemical in plague locust control. We examined the effects of single sublethal doses of this organophosphate (OP; low dose = 2.0 mg/kg; high dose = 20 mg/kg; control = vehicle alone) on lizard thermal preference, standard metabolic rate, and prey-capture ability. We also measured activities of plasma total cholinesterase (ChE) and acetylcholinesterase before and at 0, 2, 8, 24, 120, and 504 h after OP dosing. Predose plasma total ChE activity differed significantly between sexes and averaged 0.66 ± 0.06 and 0.45 ± 0.06 μmol/min/ml for males and females, respectively. Approximately 75% of total ChE activity was attributable to butyrylcholinesterase. Peak ChE inhibition reached 19% 2 h after OP ingestion in the low-dose group, and 68% 8 h after ingestion in high-dose animals. Neither OP doses significantly affected diurnal body temperature, standard metabolic rate, or feeding rate. Plasma total ChE levels remained substantially depressed up to 21 d after dosing in the high-dose group, making this species a useful long-term biomonitor of OP exposure in its habitat.


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We examined the effects of cage size and testosterone (T) levels on basal and peak metabolic rates (BMR and PMR, respectively) and on pectoral and leg muscle masses of male house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Birds were housed either in small birdcages or in flight aviaries for at least 2 weeks prior to the initial metabolic evaluations. They were then implanted with either empty or T-filled silastic capsules and remeasured 5–6 weeks later. Birds treated with single T implants achieved breeding levels (4–6 ng/mL) and one group given double implants reached 10 ng/mL. There was no effect of T on BMR or PMR in any group studied, but there was an effect of caging. Caged birds showed significant reductions in PMR over the course of captivity, whereas PMR in aviary-housed birds were indistinguishable from their free-living counterparts. Testosterone treatment significantly increased leg muscle mass in caged birds, but had no effect on muscle mass in aviary-housed sparrows. We conclude that testosterone has no direct effect on sparrow metabolic rate or muscle mass, but may interact with cage conditions to produce indirect changes to these variables.


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• 1. The present review discusses the potential role of nitric oxide (NO) in the: (i) regulation of skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise; and (ii) activation of mitochondrial biogenesis after exercise.
• 2. We have shown in humans that local infusion of an NO synthase inhibitor during exercise attenuates increases in skeletal muscle glucose uptake without affecting blood flow. Recent studies from our laboratory in rodents support these findings in humans, although rodent studies from other laboratories have yielded conflicting results.
• 3. There is clear evidence that NO increases mitochondrial biogenesis in non-contracting cells and that NO influences basal skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. However, there have been few studies examining the potential role of NO in the activation of mitochondrial biogenesis following an acute bout of exercise or in response to exercise training. Early indications are that NO is not involved in regulating the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis that occurs in response to exercise.
• 4. Exercise is considered the best prevention and treatment option for diabetes, but unfortunately many people with diabetes do not or cannot exercise regularly. Alternative therapies are therefore critical to effectively manage diabetes. If skeletal muscle NO is found to play an important role in regulating glucose uptake and/or mitochondrial biogenesis, pharmaceutical agents designed to mimic these effects of exercise may improve glycaemic control.


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Nitric oxide is a potential regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis. Therefore, we investigated if mice deficient in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS-/-) or neuronal NOS (nNOS-/-) have attenuated activation of skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in response to exercise. eNOS-/-, nNOS-/- and C57Bl6 (CON) mice (16.3 ± 0.2 weeks old) either remained in their cages (basal) or ran on a treadmill (16 m min-1, 5 grade) for 60 min (n = 8 per group) and were killed 6 h after exercise. Other eNOS-/-, nNOS-/- and CON mice exercise trained for 9 days (60 min per day) and were killed 24 h after the last bout of exercise training. eNOS-/- mice had significantly higher nNOS protein and nNOS-/- mice had significantly higher eNOS protein in the EDL, but not the soleus. The basal mitochondrial biogenesis markers NRF1, NRF2α and mtTFA mRNA were significantly (P< 0.05) higher in the soleus and EDL of nNOS-/- mice whilst basal citrate synthase activity was higher in the soleus and basal PGC-1α mRNA higher in the EDL. Also, eNOS-/- mice had significantly higher basal citrate synthase activity in the soleus but not the EDL. Acute exercise increased (P< 0.05) PGC-1α mRNA in soleus and EDL and NRF2α mRNA in the EDL to a similar extent in all genotypes. In addition, short-term exercise training significantly increased cytochrome c protein in all genotypes (P< 0.05) in the EDL. In conclusion, eNOS and nNOS are differentially involved in the basal regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle but are not critical for exercise-induced increases in mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle.


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We compared in human skeletal muscle the effect of absolute vs. relative exercise intensity on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling and substrate metabolism under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Eight untrained males cycled for 30 min under hypoxic conditions (11.5% O2, 111 ± 12 W, 72 ± 3% hypoxia VO2 peak; 72% Hypoxia) or under normoxic conditions (20.9% O2) matched to the same absolute (111 ± 12 W, 51 ± 1% normoxia VO2 peak; 51% Normoxia) or relative (to VO2 peak) intensity (171 ± 18 W, 73 ± 1% normoxia VO2 peak; 73% Normoxia). Increases (P < 0.05) in AMPK activity, AMPK{alpha} Thr172 phosphorylation, ACCbeta Ser221 phosphorylation, free AMP content, and glucose clearance were more influenced by the absolute than by the relative exercise intensity, being greatest in 73% Normoxia with no difference between 51% Normoxia and 72% Hypoxia. In contrast to this, increases in muscle glycogen use, muscle lactate content, and plasma catecholamine concentration were more influenced by the relative than by the absolute exercise intensity, being similar in 72% Hypoxia and 73% Normoxia, with both trials higher than in 51% Normoxia. In conclusion, increases in muscle AMPK signaling, free AMP content, and glucose disposal during exercise are largely determined by the absolute exercise intensity, whereas increases in plasma catecholamine levels, muscle glycogen use, and muscle lactate levels are more closely associated with the relative exercise intensity.


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In consideration of economical and environmental concerns, fish oil (FO) substitution in aquaculture is the focus of many fish nutritionists. The most stringent drawback of FO replacement in aquafeeds is the consequential modification to the final fatty acid (FA) make-up of the fish fillet.However, it is envisaged that a solution may be achieved through a better understanding of fish FA metabolism. Therefore, the present study investigated the fate of individual dietary FA in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed a FO-based diet (rich in 20 : 5n-3) or a linseed oil-based diet (LO; rich in 18 : 3n-3). The study demonstrated that much of the 18 : 3n-3 content from the LO diet was oxidised and, despite the significantly increased accretion of D-6 and D-5 desaturated FA, a 2- and 3-fold reduction in the fish body content of 20 : 5n-3 and 22 : 6n-3, respectively, compared with the FO-fed fish, was recorded. The accretion of longer-chain FA was unaffected by the dietary treatments, while there was a greater net disappearance of FA provided in dietary surplus. SFA and MUFA recorded a net accretion of FA produced ex novo. In the fish fed the FO diet, the majority of dietary 20 : 5n-3 was accumulated (53·8 %), some was oxidised (14·7 %) and a large proportion (31·6 %) was elongated and desaturated up to 22 : 6n-3. In the fish fed the LO diet, the majority of dietary 18 : 3n-3 was accumulated (58·1 %), a large proportion was oxidised (29·5 %) and a limited amount (12·4 %) was bio-converted to longer and more unsaturated homologues.