44 resultados para global heading changes


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 This chapter presents and discusses data from five different nations—Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, and the United States—on doctoral candidates and graduates. These data are from governmental and institutional sources for the years 1998–2004, a sample that enables changes across a five-year span to be identified. They span important basic characteristics, such as gender, age, discipline, and study load (that is, full-time or part-time study). Therefore, readers can see national as well as international trends and differences in such characteristics and can match these to equivalent and/or contemporary data in their own nations. The five countries considered here are among those whose data were discussed at the 2007 CIRGE research synthesis meeting in Australia. Although these countries are not universally representative of doctoral education, their practices do offer a vivid sense of how vastly the enterprise of doctoral education differs in its scope and dimensions around the world


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In 21st-century public health, rapid urbanization and mental health disorders are a growing global concern. The relationship between diet, brain function and the risk of mental disorders has been the subject of intense research in recent years. In this review, we examine some of the potential socioeconomic and environmental challenges detracting from the traditional dietary patterns that might otherwise support positive mental health. In the context of urban expansion, climate change, cultural and technological changes and the global industrialization and ultraprocessing of food, findings related to nutrition and mental health are connected to some of the most pressing issues of our time. The research is also of relevance to matters of biophysiological anthropology. We explore some aspects of a potential evolutionary mismatch between our ancestral past (Paleolithic, Neolithic) and the contemporary nutritional environment. Changes related to dietary acid load, advanced glycation end products and microbiota (via dietary choices and cooking practices) may be of relevance to depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. In particular, the results of emerging studies demonstrate the importance of prenatal and early childhood dietary practices within the developmental origins of health and disease concept. There is still much work to be done before these population studies and their mirrored advances in bench research can provide translation to clinical medicine and public health policy. However, the clear message is that in the midst of a looming global epidemic, we ignore nutrition at our peril.


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The effectiveness of a currency overlay hedge for a global equity portfolio can be significantly affected by changes in the base currency. Base currency changes have no significant effect on the hedged portfolio risk; however, they may substantially increase or decrease risk relative to the unhedged position. Australian (AUD) and Canadian (CAD) forwards provide effective cross-hedging, particularly in combination with one or two other currency hedges. Hedge effectiveness is significantly improved by allowing for natural hedges via a dynamic approach that captures structural change and permits under-hedging of currency exposures. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Analysis of Permian-Triassic brachiopod diversity and body size changes from different water depths spanning the continental shelf to basinal facies in South China provides insights into the process of environmental deterioration. Comparison of the temporal changes of brachiopod diversity between deepwater and shallow-water facies demonstrates that deepwater brachiopods disappeared earlier than shallow-water brachiopods. This indicates that high environmental stress commenced first in deepwater settings and later extended to shallow waters. This environmental stress is attributed to major volcanic eruptions, which first led to formation of a stratified ocean and a chemocline in the outer shelf and deeper water environments, causing the disappearance of deep marine benthos including brachiopods. The chemocline then rapidly migrated upward and extended to shallow waters, causing widespread mass extinction of shallow marine benthos. We predict that the spatial and temporal patterns of earlier onset of disappearance/extinction and ecological crisis in deeper water ecosystems will be recorded during other episodes of rapid global warming.


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The purpose of this chapter is to explore whether a 3-week China Study Program (CSP) run by Deakin Graduate School of Business (Australia) has helped students gain cultural intelligence for doing business cross-culturally. It is believed that the ongoing CSP would provide a distinct advantage for business students to develop relevant global management skills and equip students with knowledge and skills for work challenges in the greater Asia-Pacific region. However, it is unclear whether students indeed have developed global mindsets and cultural intelligence - two most important elements of skill sets for effective global managers. This chapter adopts a reflective approach, aiming at identifying triggers that could help facilitate positive behavioral changes and enable students to better prepare for future global assignments.


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In December 2008, the Australian Government was presented with a report from a Review of Australian HigherEducation known as the ‘Bradley Review’. The report clearly articulates many challenges that lie ahead; it questions thestructure, organisation and financial position of Australia to effectively compete in the global economy. This paperprovides a succinct discussion of some of the challenges and dilemmas encountered at a metropolitan Australianuniversity in Melbourne within the Faculty of Arts and Education in the School of Education. The courses will bereaccredited in 2016 and has to comply with the new Australian Qualification Framework (AQF), the AustralianTeaching Standards Framework (AITSL) and the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT). By employing narrative inquiry,reflective practice and document analysis as methodology, I discuss the Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor ofArts course (degree), the largest secondary pre-service teacher education course at a university in Melbourne presentingsome strategies and inviting international dialogue in relation to some of the challenges faced regarding increasednumbers of students and lower entrance scores. Limitations of the current course are acknowledged and generalizationscannot be made to other education courses at universities across Australia. However, some new initiatives in the facultyare offered.


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Global biodiversity indicators can be used to measure the status and trends of biodiversity relating to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) targets. Whether such indicators can support decision makers by distinguishing among policy options remains poorly evaluated. We tested the ability of two CBD indicators, the Living Planet Index and the Red List Index, to reflect projected changes in mammalian populations in sub-Saharan Africa in response to potential policies related to CBD targets for protected areas (PAs). We compared policy scenarios to expand the PA network, improve management effectiveness of the existing network, and combinations of the two, against business as usual. Both indicators showed that more effective management would provide greater benefits to biodiversity than expanding PAs alone. The indicators were able to communicate outcomes of modeled scenarios in a simple quantitative manner, but behaved differently. This work highlights both the considerable potential of indicators in supporting decisions, and the need to understand how indicators will respond as biodiversity changes.


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There has been a resurgence in activity by non-traditional donors (NTDs) since 2000. These flows of foreign development assistance (FDA) are a reflection of the global shift in production and income towards semi-peripheral economies, above all the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The PRC has also adopted its “peaceful rise” and “non-interference” policies with a strong emphasis on South-South cooperation. Some even foresee these changes as opening the space for more public-investment focused development policies, with NTDs providing ready access to capital with few conditionalities. Little attention, however, has been focused how these changes are already impacting in Southeast Asia. The PRC has now become the second largest source of FDA in the Philippines, funding major rail and other infrastructure projects and this trend is set to continue. The experience so far, however, suggests that the Philippine “soggy state” – where the state lacks autonomy from elite classes and processes that hinder development processes - has meant little benefit has accrued from the availability of concessional finance. Despite the rhetoric of “non-interference” in PRC policy, there is evidence that these FDA flows may indeed be aggravating processes of social and political exclusion.


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The 2010 biodiversity target agreed by signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity directed the attention of conservation professionals toward the development of indicators with which to measure changes in biological diversity at the global scale. We considered why global biodiversity indicators are needed, what characteristics successful global indicators have, and how existing indicators perform. Because monitoring could absorb a large proportion of funds available for conservation, we believe indicators should be linked explicitly to monitoring objectives and decisions about which monitoring schemes deserve funding should be informed by predictions of the value of such schemes to decision making. We suggest that raising awareness among the public and policy makers, auditing management actions, and informing policy choices are the most important global monitoring objectives. Using four well-developed indicators of biological diversity (extent of forests, coverage of protected areas, Living Planet Index, Red List Index) as examples, we analyzed the characteristics needed for indicators to meet these objectives. We recommend that conservation professionals improve on existing indicators by eliminating spatial biases in data availability, fill gaps in information about ecosystems other than forests, and improve understanding of the way indicators respond to policy changes. Monitoring is not an end in itself, and we believe it is vital that the ultimate objectives of global monitoring of biological diversity inform development of new indicators.


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Myanmar is opening up to the world after fifty years of military rule and heading into times of rapid economic, social, and political transformation. There is some indication that the changes taking place in Myanmar will parallel those faced in Vietnam twenty-five years ago when it, too, emerged from a period of isolation and opened up to global investment, tourism, and intellectual influences. One of the similarities is likely to be in the growing awareness and use of cultural heritage as a political, economic, and social asset. In all states, capital cities are pivotal in the transformative processes and governments make use of heritage as part of nation-building strategies. This chapter opens up consideration of the role of heritage in times of rapid transformation in Yangon and Hanoi – respectively the colonial and post-colonial capitals of Myanmar (until November 2005) and Vietnam. Important cultural and political differences between the two national contexts are noted and questions asked about what Yangon might learn from the Vietnamese transformation experience.


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By 2005, human organ trafficking, commercialization, and transplant tourism had become a prominent and pervasiveinfluence on transplantation therapy. The most common source of organs was impoverished people in India,Pakistan, Egypt, and the Philippines, deceased organ donors in Colombia, and executed prisoners in China. Inresponse, in May 2008, The Transplantation Society and the International Society of Nephrology developed theDeclaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism consisting of a preamble, a set of principles, anda series of proposals. Promulgation of the Declaration of Istanbul and the formation of the Declaration of IstanbulCustodian Group to promote and uphold its principles have demonstrated that concerted, strategic, collaborative,and persistent actions by professionals can deliver tangible changes. Over the past 5 years, the Declaration of IstanbulCustodian Group organized and encouraged cooperation among professional bodies and relevant international, regional,and national governmental organizations, which has produced significant progress in combating organ traffickingand transplant tourism around the world. At a fifth anniversary meeting in Qatar in April 2013, the DICGtook note of this progress and set forth in a Communique´ a number of specific activities and resolved to furtherengage groups from many sectors in working toward the Declaration’s objectives.


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This article explores whether proposed changes to the regulation of synthetic securitisation in Australia are sufficient in light of the Global Financial Crisis. Synthetic securitisation is specifically chosen as an object of study, given the relative ease with which it can be over-used. The article examines several theoretical problems with securitisation, which entice corporations into excessively risky behaviour. Contrary to popular belief, it is established that agency issues are not a serious problem with securitisation. Instead, managerial behavioural biases are shown to be most problematic. The article recommends stricter capital adequacy relief requirements, which would provide a disincentive for excessive risk-taking by potentially over-confident managers.


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Throughout evolution, microbial genes and metabolites have become integral to virtually all aspects of host physiology, metabolism and even behaviour. New technologies are revealing sophisticated ways in which microbial communities interface with the immune system, and how modern environmental changes may be contributing to the rapid rise of inflammatory noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) through declining biodiversity. The implications of the microbiome extend to virtually every branch of medicine, biopsychosocial and environmental sciences. Similarly, the impact of changes at the immune-microbiota interface are directly relevant to broader discussions concerning rapid urbanization, antibiotics, agricultural practices, environmental pollutants, highly processed foods/beverages and socioeconomic disparities--all implicated in the NCD pandemic. Here, we make the argument that dysbiosis (life in distress) is ongoing at a micro- and macro-scale and that as a central conduit of health and disease, the immune system and its interface with microbiota is a critical target in overcoming the health challenges of the twenty-first century.


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Interest in the education of young people to be ‘responsible global citizens’ has grown exponentially since the turn of the century, led by increasingly diverse networks of sectors, including government, community, business and philanthropy. These networks now have a significant influence on education policy and practice, indicative of wider changes in governance and processes of globalisation. Yet little of the academic literature on global citizenship education specifically examines the impact of these networks on the production of knowledge about young global citizens. This paper addresses this gap by analysing the discourses of global citizenship that underpin recent work by a youth organisation that works closely with a network of sectors in Australia. The paper finds that a particular kind of entrepreneurial global citizen is favoured, one that is simultaneously responsible for themselves, for the rights of others and for ensuring Australia's future economic prosperity.