76 resultados para Thermo-tolerance


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Fault tolerant manipulators maintain their trajectory even if their joint/s fails. Assuming that the manipulator is fault tolerant on its trajectory, fault tolerant compliance manipulators provide required force at their end-effector even when a joint fails. To achieve this, the contributions of the faulty joints for the force of the end-effector are required to be mapped into the proper compensating joint torques of the healthy joints to maintain the force. This paper addresses the optimal mapping to minimize the force jump due to a fault, which is the maximum effort to maintain the force when a fault occurs. The paper studies the locked joint fault/s of the redundant manipulators and it relates the force jump at the end-effector to the faults within the joints. Adding on a previous study to maintain the trajectory, in here the objective is to providing fault tolerant force at the end-effector of the redundant manipulators. This optimal mapping with minimum force jump is presented using matrix perturbation model. And the force jump is calculated through this model for single and multiple joints fault. The proposed optimal mapping is used in different fault scenarios for a 5-DOF manipulator; also it is deployed to compensate the force at the end-effector for the 5-DOF manipulator through simulation study and the results are presented.


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Fault tolerance for a class of non linear systems is addressed based on the velocity of their output variables. This paper presents a mapping to minimize the possible jump of the velocity of the output, due to the actuator failure. The failure of the actuator is assumed as actuator lock. The mapping is derived and it provides the proper input commands for the healthy actuators of the system to tolerate the effect of the faulty actuator on the output of the system. The introduced mapping works as an optimal input reconfiguration for fault recovery, which provides a minimum velocity jump suitable for static nonlinear systems. The proposed mapping is validated through different case studies and a complementary simulation. In the case studies and the simulation, the mapping provides the commands to compensate the effect of different faults within the joints of a robotic manipulator. The new commands and the compare between the velocity of the output variables for the health and faulty system are presented.


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Autonomous or teleoperation of critical tasks in space applications require fault tolerant robotic manipulators. These manipulators are able to maintain their tasks even if a joint fails. If it is presumed that the manipulator is fault tolerant on its trajectory, then the next step is to provide a fault tolerant force at the end-effector of the manipulator. The problem of cooperative fault tolerant force is addressed in this paper within the operation of two manipulators. The cooperative manipulators are used to compensate the force jump which occurs on the force of the end-effector of one manipulator due to a joint failure. To achieve fault tolerant operation, the contribution of the faulty joint for the force of the end-effector of the faulty manipulator is required to be optimally mapped into the torque of the faulty and healthy manipulators. The optimal joint torque reconfigurations of both manipulators for compensating this force jump are illustrated. The proposed frameworks are deployed for two cooperative PUMA560 manipulators. The results of the case studies validate the fault tolerant cooperation strategies.


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Background : We sought to determine whether skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, fiber type proportions, and fiber size, capillary density or muscle mass might explain the impaired exercise tolerance in chronic heart failure (CHF). Previous studies are equivocal regarding the maladaptations that occur in the skeletal muscle of patients with CHF and their role in the observed exercise intolerance.

Methods and results :
Total body O2 uptake (VO2peak) was determined in 14 CHF patients and 8 healthy sedentary similar-age controls. Muscle samples were analyzed for mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production rate (MAPR), oxidative and glycolytic enzyme activity, fiber size and type, and capillary density. CHF patients demonstrated a lower VO2peak (15.1±1.1 versus 28.1±2.3 mL·kg−1·min−1, P<.001) and capillary to fiber ratio (1.09±0.05 versus 1.40±0.04; P<.001) when compared with controls. However, there was no difference in capillary density (capillaries per square millimeter) across any of the fiber types. Measurements of MAPR and oxidative enzyme activity suggested no difference in muscle oxidative capacity between the groups.

Conclusions : Neither reductions in muscle oxidative capacity nor capillary density appear to be the cause of exercise limitation in this cohort of patients. Therefore, we hypothesize that the low VO2peak observed in CHF patients may be the result of fiber atrophy and possibly impaired activation of oxidative phosphorylation.


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Stable thermo-responsive hydrogel nanofibres have been prepared by electrospinning of commercial poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) in the presence of a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) possessing eight epoxide groups and of an organic-base catalyst, followed by a heat curing treatment. The nanofibres showed excellent hydrogel characteristics with fast swelling and de-swelling responses triggered by temperature changes. They were also morphologically robust as their physical integrity was preserved upon repeated hydration/dehydration cycles and exposure to solvents.


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The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is functional within adipose tissue and angiotensin II, the active component of RAS, has been implicated in adipose tissue hypertrophy and insulin resistance. In this study, captopril, an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor that prevents angiotensin II formation, was used to study the development of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance in obesity prone C57BL/6J mice. The mice were fed a high fat diet (w/w 21% fat) and allowed access to either water or water with captopril added (0.2 mg/ml). Body weight was recorded weekly and water and food intake daily. Glucose tolerance was determined after 11–12 weeks. On completion of the study (after 16 weeks of treatment), the mice were killed and kidney, liver, epididymal fat and extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) were weighed. Blood samples were collected and plasma analysed for metabolites and hormones. Captopril treatment decreased body weight in the first 2 weeks of treatment. Food intake of captopril-treated mice was similar to control mice prior to weight loss and was decreased after weight loss. Glucose tolerance was improved in captopril-treated mice. Captopril-treated mice had less epididymal fat than control mice. Relative to body weight, captopril-treated mice had increased EDL weight. Relative to control mice, mice administered captopril had a higher plasma concentration of adiponectin and lower concentrations of leptin and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). The results indicate that captopril both induced weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity. Thus, captopril may eventually be used for the treatment of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.


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This paper studies the difference between the human behaviours for fault tolerance with a pseudo inverse reconfiguration approach for fault tolerance of robotic arms. If this difference is well understood then it can be used to introduce a hybrid approach for fault tolerant motion of robotic arms. The proposed approach is expected to combine human fault-tolerance dexterity and advantages of a model based fault tolerance. The main aim is to add human dexterity for fault tolerance of robotic arms.


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Static nonlinear systems are common when the model of the kinematics of mechanical or civil structures is analyzed for instance kinematics of robotic manipulators. This paper addresses the maximum effort toward fault tolerance for any number of the locked actuators failures in static nonlinear systems. It optimally reconfigures the inputs via a mapping that maximally accommodates the failures. The mapping maps the failures to an extra action of healthy actuators that results to a minimum jump for the velocity of the output variables. Then from this mapping, the minimum jump of the velocity of the output is calculated. The conditions for a zero velocity jump of the output variables are discussed. This shows that, when the conditions of fault tolerance are maintained, the proposed framework is capable of fault recovery not only at fault instances but also at the whole output trajectory. The proposed mapping is validated by three case studies.


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Islands-in-the-sea nanofibres are a very interesting system: one polymer (islands) is distributed in fibrillar domains within a second polymer (sea). This fibre geometry is often used in microfiber technologies to obtain very fine fibers, by removing the “sea” polymer. This geometry also allows to combine two polymers with very different properties. In this work this geometry is introduced applied to electrospun hydrogel nanofibers, in a novel fashion, and as a way to improve and stabilize the hydrogel nanofibers. Thermo-responsive islands-in-the-sea nanofibers are here produced by electrospinning solutions of a hydrogel-forming thermo-responsive polymer (crosslinked poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), PNIPAM) and a reinforcing polymer (polyetherketone cardo, PEK-c). The two polymers are thermodynamically incompatible in solution and phase separation takes place, which allows the instant formation of islands-in-the-sea nanofibers upon electrospinning. PNIPAM was then crosslinked post-spinning using an oligomeric silsesquioxane. The formed nanocomposite nanofibers showed intrinsic nanostructure, where the fibril-like PNIPAM domains are intimately adjacent to the strong PEK-c domains. Upon contacting with water, the hydrogel domains became instantly highly swollen, while the PEK-c domains did not. As a result, very wrinkly, swollen fibers were obtained, with increased capillary action, as demonstrated through confocal microscopy. The composite nanofibers in water showed excellent swelling ratios and very fast responses to temperature variations (of the order of 1 second) with morphological and optical effects: variations in fiber-diameter were accompanied by optical transitions: transparent-opaque. The produced hydrogel nanofibers also presented improved mechanical properties (even with small amounts of PEK-c), when compared to their crosslinked-PNIPAM-only nanofibers. It will be also shown how these materials can be used as optical actuators and smart hydrogel platforms with tuneable contact angle and morphology. In brief, this work aims to demonstrate a new platform technology which can be applied to several hydrogel systems, to achieve hydrogel-based composites with new and improved properties, while retaining (and improving) the main properties of the hydrogel. Here this was demonstrated by showing that the composite materials showed thermo-responsiveness, and enhanced transition kinetics.


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This study reports temperature effects on paralarvae from a benthic octopus species, Octopus huttoni, found throughout New Zealand and temperate Australia. We quantified the thermal tolerance, thermal preference and temperature-dependent respiration rates in 1-5 days old paralarvae. Thermal stress (1°C increase h-1) and thermal selection (~10-24°C vertical gradient) experiments were conducted with paralarvae reared for 4 days at 16°C. In addition, measurement of oxygen consumption at 10, 15, 20 and 25°C was made for paralarvae aged 1, 4 and 5 days using microrespirometry. Onset of spasms, rigour (CTmax) and mortality (upper lethal limit) occurred for 50% of experimental animals at, respectively, 26.0±0.2°C, 27.8±0.2°C and 31.4±0.1°C. The upper, 23.1±0.2°C, and lower, 15.0±1.7°C, temperatures actively avoided by paralarvae correspond with the temperature range over which normal behaviours were observed in the thermal stress experiments. Over the temperature range of 10°C-25°C, respiration rates, standardized for an individual larva, increased with age, from 54.0 to 165.2nmol larvae-1h-1 in one-day old larvae to 40.1-99.4nmol h-1 at five days. Older larvae showed a lesser response to increased temperature: the effect of increasing temperature from 20 to 25°C (Q10) on 5 days old larvae (Q10=1.35) was lower when compared with the 1 day old larvae (Q10=1.68). The lower Q10 in older larvae may reflect age-related changes in metabolic processes or a greater scope of older larvae to respond to thermal stress such as by reducing activity. Collectively, our data indicate that temperatures >25°C may be a critical temperature. Further studies on the population-level variation in thermal tolerance in this species are warranted to predict how continued increases in ocean temperature will limit O. huttoni at early larval stages across the range of this species.