48 resultados para Radio frequency modulation.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging wireless object identification technology with many potential applications such as supply chain management, personnel tracking and healthcare. However, security vulnerabilities of the RFID system have been a serious concern for its wide adoption in many applications. Although there are lots of work to provide privacy and anonymity, little focus has been given to ensure confidentiality and integrity of RFID tag data. To this end, we propose a lightweight hybrid approach based on stenographic and watermarking to ensure data confidentiality, linkability resistance and integrity on the RFID tags data. The proposed technique is capable of tampered data recovering and restoring for RFID tag. It has been validated and tested on EPC class 1 gen2 tags.


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The purpose of this study is to design a low-cost planar Archimedean dipole antenna for batteryless transcranial direct current stimulation devices. The antenna parameters including resonance frequency, radiation efficiency, radiation pattern, and gain are simulated using finite difference time domain based electromagnetic simulation software XFdtd. The proposed antenna is simulated with low-cost FR4 PCB substrate of thickness of 1.6 mm. The antenna is designed with half wavelength of resonant frequency and fed with a matching line. The target frequency band is the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band of 915 MHz which is in the simulated band width of 31 MHz (903-934MHz). Moreover, since the bio-effect of specific absorption rate by radio frequency electromagnetic wave for power harvesting is an important concern, we try to find out the safety limit. Thus a quantitative analysis of distributions of electric field and power absorption in anatomical human head model by the far field radio frequency energy received by our designed antenna has been presented.


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Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is seen as one of the requirements for the implementation of the Internet-of-Things (IoT). However, an RFID system has to be equipped with a holistic security framework for a secure and scalable operation. Although much work has been done to provide privacy and anonymity, little focus has been given to performance, scalability and customizability issues to support robust implementation of IoT. Also, existing protocols suffer from a number of deficiencies such as insecure or inefficient identification techniques, throughput delay and inadaptability. In this paper, we propose a novel identification technique based on a hybrid approach (group-based approach and collaborative approach) and security check handoff (SCH) for RFID systems with mobility. The proposed protocol provides customizability and adaptability as well as ensuring the secure and scalable deployment of an RFID system to support a robust distributed structure such as the IoT. The protocol has an extra fold of protection against malware using an incorporated malware detection technique. We evaluated the protocol using a randomness battery test and the results show that the protocol offers better security, scalability and customizability than the existing protocols. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ability to image electrochemical processes in situ using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers exciting possibilities for understanding and optimizing materials in batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors. In these applications, however, the quality of the MRI measurement is inherently limited by the presence of conductive elements in the cell or device. To overcome related difficulties, optimal methodologies have to be employed. We show that time-efficient three dimensional (3D) imaging of liquid and solid lithium battery components can be performed by Sectoral Fast Spin Echo and Single Point Imaging with T1 Enhancement (SPRITE), respectively. The former method is based on the generalized phase encoding concept employed in clinical MRI, which we have adapted and optimized for materials science and electrochemistry applications. Hard radio frequency pulses, short echo spacing and centrically ordered sectoral phase encoding ensure accurate and time-efficient full volume imaging. Mapping of density, diffusivity and relaxation time constants in metal-containing liquid electrolytes is demonstrated. 1, 2 and 3D SPRITE approaches show strong potential for rapid high resolution (7)Li MRI of lithium electrode components.


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A passive deep brain stimulation (DBS) device can be equipped with a rectenna, consisting of an antenna and a rectifier, to harvest energy from electromagnetic fields for its operation. This paper presents optimization of radio frequency rectifier circuits for wireless energy harvesting in a passive head-mountable DBS device. The aim is to achieve a compact size, high conversion efficiency, and high output voltage rectifier. Four different rectifiers based on the Delon doubler, Greinacher voltage tripler, Delon voltage quadrupler, and 2-stage charge pumped architectures are designed, simulated, fabricated, and evaluated. The design and simulation are conducted using Agilent Genesys at operating frequency of 915 MHz. A dielectric substrate of FR-4 with thickness of 1.6 mm, and surface mount devices (SMD) components are used to fabricate the designed rectifiers. The performance of the fabricated rectifiers is evaluated using a 915 MHz radio frequency (RF) energy source. The maximum measured conversion efficiency of the Delon doubler, Greinacher tripler, Delon quadrupler, and 2-stage charge pumped rectifiers are 78, 75, 73, and 76 % at -5 dBm input power and for load resistances of 5-15 kΩ. The conversion efficiency of the rectifiers decreases significantly with the increase in the input power level. The Delon doubler rectifier provides the highest efficiency at both -5 and 5 dBm input power levels, whereas the Delon quadrupler rectifier gives the lowest efficiency for the same inputs. By considering both efficiency and DC output voltage, the charge pump rectifier outperforms the other three rectifiers. Accordingly, the optimised 2-stage charge pumped rectifier is used together with an antenna to harvest energy in our DBS device.


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Design of a rectangular spiral planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) at 915 MHz for wireless power transmission applications is proposed. The antenna and rectifying circuitry form a rectenna, which can produce dc power from a distant radio frequency energy transmitter. The generated dc power is used to operate a low-power deep brain stimulation pulse generator. The proposed antenna has the dimensions of 10 mm × 12.5 mm × 1.5 mm and resonance frequency of 915 MHz with a measured bandwidth of 15 MHz at return loss of -10 dB. A dielectric substrate of FR-4 of εr = 4.8 and δ = 0.015 with thickness of 1.5 mm is used for both antenna and rectifier circuit simulation and fabrication because of its availability and low cost. An L-section impedance matching circuit is used between the PIFA and voltage doubler rectifier. The impedance matching circuit also works as a low-pass filter for elimination of higher order harmonics. Maximum dc voltage at the rectenna output is 7.5 V in free space and this rectenna can drive a deep brain stimulation pulse generator at a distance of 30 cm from a radio frequency energy transmitter, which transmits power of 26.77 dBm.


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 Development of an optimum rectenna for radio frequency energy harvesting in miniature head-mountable deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices. The designed miniature rectenna can operate a DBS device without battery for murine preclinical research. The battery-less operation of the device eliminates battery related difficulties.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is anemerging technology for automating object identification. TheNetworked RFID System (NRS) is a component of a distributedobject identification network which facilitates automated supplychain management. It also makes the Internet of Things (IoT)concept a reality. To increase the business feasibility of NRSimplementation, the system should be able to ensure the visibilityand traceability of the object throughout the chain using achecker protocol. By doing so, the protocol will check thegenuineness of the object and the genuineness of the object’sprevious travel path on-site. While doing so, the protocol needs toensure the security requirement of the system. To this end, wepropose a secure checker protocol for NRS which will use a PUF(Physically Unclonable Function) and simple cryptographicprimitives. The protocol provides security (protect privacy of thepartners, injection of fake objects, non-repudiation, andunclonability), visibility and traceability for NRS. It is alsosuitable for passive tags.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that has been deployed successfully for asset tracking within hospitals aimed at improving the quality of processes. In the Australian hospitals context however, adoption of this technology seem sporadic. This research reports on a long-term investigation to gain a deeper understanding of the socio-technical factors involved in the adoption of RFID in Australian hospitals. The research was conducted using interpretive multiple case methodology and results analyzed through the Actor-Network Theoretical (ANT) Lens. © 2013 Infonomics Society.


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We present an experimental comparison of several through-space Hetero-nuclear Multiple-Quantum Correlation experiments, which allow the indirect observation of homo-nuclear single- (SQ) or double-quantum (DQ) 14N coherences via spy 1H nuclei. These 1H-{14N} D-HMQC sequences differ not only by the order of 14N coherences evolving during the indirect evolution, t1, but also by the radio-frequency (rf) scheme used to excite and reconvert these coherences under Magic-Angle Spinning (MAS). Here, the SQ coherences are created by the application of center-band frequency-selective pulses, i.e. long and low-power rectangular pulses at the 14N Larmor frequency, ν0(14N), whereas the DQ coherences are excited and reconverted using rf irradiation either at ν0(14N) or at the 14N overtone frequency, 2ν0(14N). The overtone excitation is achieved either by constant frequency rectangular pulses or by frequency-swept pulses, specifically Wide-band, Uniform-Rate, and Smooth-Truncation (WURST) pulse shapes. The present article compares the performances of four different 1H-{14N} D-HMQC sequences, including those with 14N rectangular pulses at ν0(14N) for the indirect detection of homo-nuclear (i) 14N SQ or (ii) DQ coherences, as well as their overtone variants using (iii) rectangular or (iv) WURST pulses. The compared properties include: (i) the sensitivity, (ii) the spectral resolution in the 14N dimension, (iii) the rf requirements (power and pulse length), as well as the robustness to (iv) rf offset and (v) MAS frequency instabilities. Such experimental comparisons are carried out for γ-glycine and l-histidine.HCl monohydrate, which contain 14N sites subject to moderate quadrupole interactions. We demonstrate that the optimum choice of the 1H-{14N} D-HMQC method depends on the experimental goal. When the sensitivity and/or the robustness to offset are the major concerns, the D-HMQC sequence allowing the indirect detection of 14N SQ coherences should be employed. Conversely, when the highest resolution and/or adjusted indirect spectral width are needed, overtone experiments are the method of choice. The overtone scheme using WURST pulses results in broader excitation bandwidths than that using rectangular pulses, at the expense of reduced sensitivity. Numerically exact simulations also show that the sensitivity of the overtone 1H-{14N} D-HMQC experiment increases for larger quadrupole interactions.


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The research focused on the design, fabrication and measurement of a low actuation voltage micro electro mechanical high frequency switch. The fabricated micro switch offers outstanding radio frequency parameters for a very large frequency band, with actuation voltage and switching time less than 20 volts and 3 micro seconds, respectively.


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Networked systems have adapted Radio Frequency identification technology (RFID) to automate their business process. The Networked RFID Systems (NRS) has some unique characteristics which raise new privacy and security concerns for organizations and their NRS systems. The businesses are always having new realization of business needs using NRS. One of the most recent business realization of NRS implementation on large scale distributed systems (such as Internet of Things (IoT), supply chain) is to ensure visibility and traceability of the object throughout the chain. However, this requires assurance of security and privacy to ensure lawful business operation. In this paper, we are proposing a secure tracker protocol that will ensure not only visibility and traceability of the object but also genuineness of the object and its travel path on-site. The proposed protocol is using Physically Unclonable Function (PUF), Diffie-Hellman algorithm and simple cryptographic primitives to protect privacy of the partners, injection of fake objects, non-repudiation, and unclonability. The tag only performs a simple mathematical computation (such as combination, PUF and division) that makes the proposed protocol suitable to passive tags. To verify our security claims, we performed experiment on Security Protocol Description Language (SPDL) model of the proposed protocol using automated claim verification tool Scyther. Our experiment not only verified our claims but also helped us to eliminate possible attacks identified by Scyther.


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Security of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a key issue in information security. Most existing security protocols exploit various Mathematical tools to strengthen their security. Some protocols use the details of the geographical location of the nodes. However, to the best authors’ knowledge, none of the existing works exploit the constraints faced by the adversary, specifically, tracing a particular frequency from a large range of unknown frequency channels. The current work uses positional details of the individual nodes. Then the aim is to exploit this weakness of tracing frequencies by assigning a wide range of frequency channels to each node. Experiments using Magneto Optic Sensors reveal that any change of the parametric Faraday’s rotational angle affects the frequency of the Optical waves. This idea can perhaps be generalized for practically deployable sensors (having respective parameters) along with a suitable key management scheme.


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In this paper, we propose a secure object tracking protocol to ensure the visibility and traceability of an object along the travel path to support the Internet of Things (IoT). The proposed protocol is based on radio frequency identification system for global unique identification of IoT objects. For ensuring secure object tracking, lightweight cryptographic primitives and physically unclonable function are used by the proposed protocol in tags. We evaluated the proposed protocol both quantitatively and qualitatively. In our experiment, we modeled the protocol using security protocol description language (SPDL) and simulated SPDL model using automated claim verification tool Scyther. The results show that the proposed protocol is more secure and requires less computation compared to existing similar protocols.