118 resultados para Problem solving, control methods, and search – scheduling


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Critical analysis and problem-solving skills are two graduate attributes that are important in ensuring that graduates are well equipped in working across research and practice settings within the discipline of psychology. Despite the importance of these skills, few psychology undergraduate programmes have undertaken any systematic development, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum activities to foster these graduate skills. The current study reports on the development and implementation of a tutorial programme designed to enhance the critical analysis and problem-solving skills of undergraduate psychology students. Underpinned by collaborative learning and problem-based learning, the tutorial programme was administered to 273 third year undergraduate students in psychology. Latent Growth Curve Modelling revealed that students demonstrated a significant linear increase in self-reported critical analysis and problem-solving skills across the tutorial programme. The findings suggest that the development of inquiry-based curriculum offers important opportunities for psychology undergraduates to develop critical analysis and problem-solving skills. © 2013 The Australian Psychological Society.


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The Hadoop framework provides a powerful way to handle Big Data. Since Hadoop has inherent defects of high memory overhead and low computing performance in processing massive small files, we implement three methods and propose two strategies for solving small files problem in this paper. First, we implement three methods, i.e., Hadoop Archives (HAR), Sequence Files (SF) and CombineFileInputFormat (CFIF), to compensate the existing defects of Hadoop. Moreover, we propose two strategies for meeting the actual needs of different users. Finally, we evaluate the efficiency of the implemented methods and the validity of the proposed strategies. The experimental results show that our methods and strategies can improve the efficiency of massive small files processing, thereby enhancing the overall performance of Hadoop. © 2014 ISSN 1881-803X.


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The aim of this study was to assess the longitudinal associations between adaptive autobiographical memory functions and depressive symptoms. Consistent with the proposed mechanisms of change underpinning cognitive-reminiscence therapy (CRT), it was hypothesised that more frequent adaptive reminiscence would lead to increases in psychological resources over time and indirectly affect depressive symptoms through this pathway. A sample of 171 young adults (mean age=25.9years, SD=3.5) completed measures of how frequently they utilised autobiographical memory for identity-continuity and problem-solving purposes, depressive symptoms and personal resources (self-esteem, self-efficacy, meaning in life and optimism) at two time-points. The results of structural equation modelling supported the model of indirect influence between reminiscence functions and depression through these psychological resources. These findings clarify the effects of adaptive autobiographical memory on depressive symptoms in young adults and indicate potential benefits of interventions such as CRT.


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Pt. I. Fundamentals of hybrid intelligent systems and agents -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Basics of hybrid intelligent systems -- 3. Basics of agents and multi-agent systems -- Pt. II. Methodology and framework -- 4. Agent-oriented methodologies -- 5. Agent-based framework for hybrid intelligent systems --6. Matchmaking in middle agents -- Pt. III. Application systems -- 7. Agent-based hybrid intelligent system for financial investment
planning -- 8. Agent-based hybrid intelligent system for data mining -- Pt. IV. Concluding remarks -- 9. The less the more -- App. Sample source codes of the agent-based financial planning system


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Popper, Polanyi and Duncker represent the widely held position that theoretical and experimental scientific research are motivated by problems to which discoveries are solutions. According to the argument here, their views are unsupported and - in light of counter-instances, anomalous chance discoveries, and the force of curiosity - over-generalized.


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Examines the theoretical justifications for the anti-discrimination protection for working parents in Australia. Implication of discrimination, voluntaries and employment; Analysis of the tort principles; Factors affecting the justification for protecting working parents.


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The study of human gait has expanded and diversified to the extent that it is now possible to identify a substantive literature concerning a variety of gait tasks, such as gait initiation [Halliday SE, Winter DA, Frank JS, Patla AE, Prince F. The initiation of gait in young, elderly, and Parkinson's disease subjects. Gait Posture 1998;8:8–14; Mickelborough J, van der Linden ML, Tallis RC, Ennos AR. Muscle activity during gait initiation in normal elderly people. Gait Posture 2004;19:50–57], stepping over and across obstacles [Patla AE, Prentice SD, Robinson C, Newfold J. Visual control of locomotion: strategies for changing direction and for going over obstacles. J Exp Psych 1991;17:603–34; Chen, HC, Ashton-Miller JA, Alexander NB, Schultz AB. Effect of age and available response time on ability to step over an obstacle. J Gerontol 1994;49:227–33; Sparrow WA, Shinkfield AJ, Chow S, Begg RK. Gait characteristics in stepping over obstacles. Hum Mov Sci 1996;15:605–22; Begg RK, Sparrow WA, Lythgo ND. Time-domain analysis of foot–ground reaction forces in negotiating obstacles. Gait Posture 1998;7:99–109; Patla AE, Rietdyk S. Visual control of limb trajectory over obstacles during locomotion: effect of obstacle height and width. Gait Posture 1993;1:45–60] negotiating raised surfaces such as curbs and stairs [Begg RK, Sparrow WA. Gait characteristics of young and older individuals negotiating a raised surface: implications for the prevention of falls. J Gerontol Med Sci 2000;55A:147–54; Mcfayden BJ, Winter DA. An integrated biomechanical analysis of normal stair ascent and descent. J Biomech 1988;21:733–44]. In addition, increasing research interest in age-related declines in gait that might predispose individuals to falls has engendered a very extensive literature concerning ageing effects on gait. While rapid locomotor adjustments are common in the course of daily activities there has been no previous review of the findings concerning gait adaptations when walking is terminated both rapidly and unexpectedly. The aims of this review were first, to summarise the key research findings and methodological considerations from studies of termination. The second aim was to demonstrate the effects of ageing and gait pathologies on termination with respect to the regulation of step characteristics, lower-limb muscle activation patterns and foot–ground reaction forces.


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Efficiently inducing precise causal models accurately reflecting given data sets is the ultimate goal of causal discovery. The algorithm proposed by Wallace et al. [10] has demonstrated its ability in discovering Linear Causal Models from data. To explore the ways to improve efficiency, this research examines three different encoding schemes and four searching strategies. The experimental results reveal that (1) specifying parents encoding method is the best among three encoding methods we examined; (2) In the discovery of linear causal models, local Hill climbing works very well compared to other more sophisticated methods, like Markov Chain Monte Carto (MCMC), Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Parallel MCMC searching.


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RE is well-recognised as a creative problem solving activity by the systems development community. However, while substantial research has been conducted and knowledge gained about creativity in the general psychology of problem solving, creativity as it applies to RE remains a relatively unexplored area - one that has neither been comprehensively studied, nor highly recognised, as a research topic of importance. This paper attempts to address the above mentioned gap by presenting findings from a recent focus group study of creativity in RE as perceived by a group of RE practitioners. We provide a conceptual framework for understanding creativity in RE, which may be of use to requirements engineers attempting to enable more creative approaches and results, as well as adding to the existing, limited body of research in this area.


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 Problem based learning has been implemented as a pedagogical tool world-wide across a range of health professions since its inception at McMaster University, Canada, in 1969 (Neville & Norman, 2007). In addition to enhancing knowledge and understanding it is also claimed that PBL develops communication skills, encourages teamwork, sharing of information and respect for others, furthers problem solving skills, and allows students to assume responsibility for their own learning (Wood, 2003). However, the cognitive outcomes of PBL and traditional pedagogy (based on didactic teaching) are similar and hence widespread adoption of PBL has been questioned (see Colliver, 2000). Criticisms of PBL include its resource hungry nature, requiring, as it does, experienced tutors to facilitate .learning across several clusters of students dealing with the same problem. Given the actual and anticipated increase in numbers of medical students in Australia other strategies that retain the advantages of PBL, while minimising the demands on faculty, should now be explored. This paper reports our experience with a modification of the traditional PBL approach, termed PBLplus. This innovation was trialled in a regional clinical school, attached to a hospital, with a group of 19 graduate entry students, who had completed an integrated Year 1 / 2 of the MBBS. PBLplus involved allocating students from the whole class to three task directed groups. Groups had specified assignments to complete to facilitate learning across the whole class. A tutor listened to student presentations and provided an interactive presentation. Hence use of tutors was made more efficient, and faculty input was more specialised.


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To date, many of the models and theories that seek to explain problem solving and decision making, have tended to adopt an overly reductionist view of the processes involved. As a consequence, most theories and models have proved unsuitable in providing managers with a practical explanation of the dynamics that underpin problem solving. A substantial part of a manager’s time is taken up with problem solving and decision making issues. The question of whether managers possess the necessary problem solving skills, or have access to “tools”, which can be used to manage different types of problems, has become an issue of some importance for managers and organisations alike. This paper seeks to contribute to the current literature on problem solving and decision making, by presenting a conceptual model of problem solving, which is intended to assist managers in developing a more holistic framework for managing problem solving issues.