48 resultados para Logic, Symbolic and mathematical


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An understanding of the rate and the mechanism of reaction is of fundamental importance in the many facets of chemistry. Electrochemical systems are further complicated by the heterogeneous boundary, between the solution and the electrode, that the electron passes through before any electrochemical reaction can take place. This thesis concerns the development of methods for analysing electrode kinetics. One part involves the further development of the Global Analysis procedure to include electrodes with a spherical geometry which are traditionally the most popular form of electrodes. Simulated data is analysed to ascertain the accuracy of the procedure and then the known artifacts of uncompensated solution resistance and charging current are added to the simulated data so that the effects can be observed. The experimental analysis of 2-methyl-2-nitropropane is undertaken and comparisons are made with the Marcus-Hush electrochemical theories concerning electrode kinetics. A related section explores procedures for the kinetic analysis of steady state voltammetric data obtained at microdisc electrodes. A method is proposed under the name of Normalised Steady State Voltammetry and is tested using data obtained from a Fast Quasi-Explicit Finite Difference simulation of diffusion to a microdisc electrode. In a second area of work using microelectrodes, the electrochemical behaviour of compounds of the general formula M(CO)3(η3 - P2P1) where M is either Cr, Mo or W and P2P' is bis(2-diphenylphosphinoethyl)phenylphosphine) is elucidated. The development of instrumentation and mathematical procedures relevant to the measurement and quantitation of these systems is also investigated. The tungsten compound represents the first examples where the 17-electronfac+ and mer+ isomers are of comparable stability.


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Requirements engineering is a commencing phase in the development of either software applications or information systems. It is concerned with understanding and specifying the customer's requirements of the system to be delivered. Throughout the literature, this is agreed to be one of the most crucial and, unfortunately, problematic phases in development. Despite the diversity of research directions, approaches and methods, the question of process understanding and management is still limited. Among contemporary approaches to the improvement of the current practice of Requirements Engineering, Formal Object-Oriented Method (FOOM) has been introduced as a new promising solution. The FOOM approach to requirements engineering is based on a synthesis of socio-organisational theory, the object-oriented approach, and mathematical formal specification. The entire FOOM specification process is evolutionary and involves a large volume of changes in requirements. During this process, requirements evolve through various forms of informal, semi-formal, and formal while maintaining a semantic link between these forms and, most importantly, conforming to the customer's requirements. A deep understanding of the complexity of the requirements model and its dynamics is critical in improving requirements engineering process management. This thesis investigates the benefits of documenting both the evolution of the requirements model and the rationale for that evolution. Design explanation explains and justifies the deliberations of, and decisions made during, the design activity. In this thesis, design explanation is used to describe the requirements engineering process in order to improve understandability of, and traceability within, the evolving requirements specification. The design explanation recorded during this research project is also useful in assisting the researcher in gaining insights into the creativity and opportunistic characteristics of the requirements engineering process. This thesis offers an interpretive investigation into incorporating design explanation within FOOM in order to extend and advantage the method. The researcher's interpretation and analysis of collected data highlight an insight-driven and opportunistic process rather than a strictly and systematically predefined one. In fact, the process was not smoothly evolutionary, but involved occasional 'crisis' points at which the model was reconceptualised, simplified and restructured. Therefore, contributions of the thesis lie not only in an effective incorporation of design explanation within FOOM, but also a deep understanding of the dynamic process of requirements engineering. The new understanding of the complexity of the requirements model and its dynamics suggests new directions for future research and forms a basis for a new approach to process management.


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This study develops a definition of the concept of entrepreneurial capacity and formalizes it in two models explaining how value is created in the innovation process. The formalization integrates the influential opportunity-based definition of entrepreneurship research offered by Shane and Venkataraman (2000) with the consensus prevailing in the management, strategy, economics and entrepreneurship literatures that innovation is a process for transforming the inherent economic value of new knowledge into realized economic value for identified stakeholders. The linear flow and mathematical models presented in the study possess the clarity and richness required of a theoretical framework for generating and testing insightful hypotheses. This study, regarding Penrose (1959) more as theorist of entrepreneurship than of resources, deepens scepticism about the relevance to entrepreneurship of the literatures on the resource-based view of the firm (RBV) and dynamic capabilities (DC). Finally, the arguments and perspectives of the study imply several pedagogic possibilities and challenges for entrepreneurship educators.


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In exercising vision we employ strategies to perceive space and to distinguish the objects of attention. Some processes however remain invisible to us; how we process binocular vision; and how we resolve vision in motion. This work images invisible motion perspective. Revelation of invisible mechanisms of vision exposes the haptic qualities of sight and their contribution to proprioception and ʻaffordanceʼ. Figuring the ʻvortex of visionʼ also releases symbolic and metaphoric potentials. This innovative outcome of practical research develops imagery which depicts relative movement in space using the principles of motion perspective (Herschel) and optic flow (J. J. Gibson); the locative awareness of volumes in space through the dimensions of time and space presented in 2D imagery. The mural scale (3.5 metres) work presented in 'Circle', a group show of work around the idea of 'the circle' curated by Melinda Capp is derived from a large production of digital photographs made in the London Underground. In this work, the circle is associated with the orbit of the commuter which bends around the twin poles of home and employment, work and rest, circulating in an ellipse around the Ideal Life. Each traveller's path is a braid woven through gyrations of force and resistance. Optic flow, emulated with the rotating lens, tracing the moving subject, makes this visible.


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Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) has been used frequently to retrofit concrete structures. Strengthening efficiency is related to the CFRP application process and the characteristics of the bonding agent. In this paper the mechanism of interface shear behaviour in CFRP to concrete beams is discussed considering previous test observations and mathematical models. This paper then discusses the consequences of introducing interface slip which reduces the integrity of the composite section, however improve ductility and delay debonding failure. The paper suggests that using softer bonding agent as well as setting limits on the interface slip could ensure acceptable serviceability and ductile behaviour.


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Compared with research on the role of student engagement with expert representations in learning science, investigation of the use and theoretical justification of student-generated representations to learn science is less common. In this paper, we present a framework that aims to integrate three perspectives to explain how and why representational construction supports learning in science. The first or semiotic perspective focuses on student use of particular features of symbolic and material tools to make meanings in science. The second or epistemic perspective focuses on how this representational construction relates to the broader picture of knowledge-building practices of inquiry in this disciplinary field, and the third or epistemological perspective focuses on how and what students can know through engaging in the challenge of representing causal accounts through these semiotic tools. We argue that each perspective entails productive constraints on students’ meaning-making as they construct and interpret their own representations. Our framework seeks to take into account the interplay of diverse cultural and cognitive resources students use in these meaning-making processes. We outline the basis for this framework before illustrating its explanatory value through a sequence of lessons on the topic of evaporation.


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Approximate models are often used for the following purposes: in on-line control systems of metal forming processes where calculation speed is critical; to obtain quick, quantitative information on the magnitude of the main variables in the early stages of process design; to illustrate the role of the major variables in the process; as an initial check on numerical modelling; and as a basis for quick calculations on processes in teaching and training packages. The models often share many similarities; for example, an arbitrary geometric assumption of deformation giving a simplified strain distribution, simple material property descriptions - such as an elastic, perfectly plastic law - and mathematical short cuts such as a linear approximation of a polynomial expression. In many cases, the output differs significantly from experiment and performance or efficiency factors are developed by experience to tune the models. In recent years, analytical models have been widely used at Deakin University in the design of experiments and equipment and as a pre-cursor to more detailed numerical analyses. Examples that are reviewed in this paper include deformation of sandwich material having a weak, elastic core, load prediction in deep drawing, bending of strip (particularly of ageing steel where kinking may occur), process analysis of low-pressure hydroforming of tubing, analysis of the rejection rates in stamping, and the determination of constitutive models by an inverse method applied to bending tests.


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Communication for Business introduces students to the core topics necessary for their undergraduate studies in business communication and is designed with the future professional in mind. It bridges academic theory and real-world business knowledge and provides lots of practical examples in the companion digital obook. It offers a fresh approach to the subject in the form of the three business communication principles: logic, clarity and courtesy in the way they frame the contents of the book. Written by a combination of management, communication, ethics and journalism academics it presents information that is practical and interesting in a style that is theoretical and accessible.


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This paper discusses the intensified role of the media in shaming ‘ordinary' people when they commit minor offences. We argue that shaming is a powerful cultural practice assumed by the news media in western societies after it was all but phased out as a formal punishment imposed by the judiciary during the early nineteenth century. While shaming is no longer a physically brutal practice, we reconceptualize the idea of a ‘lasting mark of shame' at the hands of the media in the digital age. We argue that this form of shaming should be considered through a lens of media power to highlight its symbolic and disciplinary dimensions. We also discuss the role new and traditional media forms play in shaming alongside formal punishments imposed by the judiciary. While ‘ordinary' people armed with digital tools increase the degree of disciplinary surveillance in wider social space, traditional news media continue to play a particularly powerful role in shaming because of their symbolic power to contextualize information generated in social and new media circles and their privileged position to other fields of power.


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This editorial captures the essence of each of the papers in this journal and synthesises the findings to highlight the complexity of developing practices that enable students to develop mathematical understandings. Papers described and discussed come from sources internal and external to Australasia. They include new perspectives on analysis of classroom practices, analyses of mathematical registers and mathematical language in classroom activity, action research of a teacher developing new pedagogical understandings, and various analyses associated with teacher education (pre-service teacher programs, interactions between pre-service teachers and their mentors, and how limited content knowledge can affect teacher interpretation of classroom activity. The editorial captures many of the complexities highlighted in the papers and points to the enormity of the expertise required to optimise the teaching of mathematics..


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Observation of fellow educators conducting demonstration lessons is one avenue for teachers to develop sensitivity to noticing students’ reasoning. We examined teachers’ noticing of children’s learning behaviours in one demonstration lesson of the Mathematical Reasoning Professional Learning Research Program (MRPLRP). The observations of teachers evident in the audio-taped post-lesson group interviews conducted at one school are reported in this paper. The teachers noticed that the children struggled to employ mathematical language to communicate their reasoning and expressed concern about gaps in children’s understanding of key mathematical concepts. The teachers viewed limitations in language and mathematical conceptual understandings as a barrier to effective reasoning.


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HIV undergoes high rates of mutation and recombination during reverse transcription, but it is not known whether these events occur independently or are linked mechanistically. Here we used a system of silent marker mutations in HIV and a single round of infection in primary T lymphocytes combined with a high-throughput sequencing and mathematical modeling approach to directly estimate the viral recombination and mutation rates. From >7 million nucleotides (nt) of sequences from HIV infection, we observed 4,801 recombination events and 859 substitution mutations (≈1.51 and 0.12 events per 1,000 nt, respectively). We used experimental controls to account for PCR-induced and transfection-induced recombination and sequencing error. We found that the single-cycle virus-induced mutation rate is 4.6 × 10(-5) mutations per nt after correction. By sorting of our data into recombined and nonrecombined sequences, we found a significantly higher mutation rate in recombined regions (P = 0.003 by Fisher's exact test). We used a permutation approach to eliminate a number of potential confounding factors and confirm that mutation occurs around the site of recombination and is not simply colocated in the genome. By comparing mutation rates in recombined and nonrecombined regions, we found that recombination-associated mutations account for 15 to 20% of all mutations occurring during reverse transcription.


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Community-based initiatives (CBIs) that build capacity and promote healthy environments hold promise for preventing obesity and non-communicable disease, however their characteristics remain poorly understood and lessons are learned in isolation. This limits understanding of likely effectiveness of CBIs; the potential for actively supporting practice; and the translation of community-based knowledge into policy. Building on an initial survey (2010), an online survey was launched (2013) with the aim to describe the reach and characteristics of Australian CBIs and identify and evaluate elements known to contribute to best practice, effectiveness and sustainability. Responses from 104 CBIs were received in 2013. Geographic location generally reflected population density in Australia. Duration of CBIs was short-term (median 3 years; range 0.2-21.0 years), delivered mostly by health departments and local governments. Median annual funding had more than doubled since the 2010 survey, but average staffing had not increased. CBIs used at least two strategy types, with a preference for individual behaviour change strategies. Targeting children was less common (31%) compared with the 2010 survey (57%). Logic models and theory were used in planning, but there was low use of research evidence and existing prevention frameworks. Nearly, all CBIs had an evaluation component (12% of budget), but dissemination was limited. This survey provides information on the scope and varied quality of the current obesity prevention investment in Australia. To boost the quality and effectiveness of CBIs, further support systems may be required to ensure that organizations adopt upstream, evidence-informed approaches; and integrate CBIs into systems, policies and environments.


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Work-integrated learning (WIL) is regarded as an important vehicle to assist students’ development of relevant professional skills, knowledge and attributes that can enhance their employability. WIL arrangement for international students is a challenging issue for institutions, international students themselves as well as other related stakeholders. While there is an emerging body of literature that examines WIL for international students, how the value of WIL is perceived by this cohort is little known. This paper responds to this dearth of the literature by exploring the different meanings that international students in the vocational education and training sector attach to WIL. Using Bourdieu’s thinking tools of capitals and habitus to interpret interview data from 105 international students, this paper shows that WIL is seen to not only add value to student learning, career aspiration and employability but also transform and enhance their symbolic and social capitals. The paper underscores the instrumental, symbolic and developmental meanings that international students associate with WIL. In particular, it highlights the reciprocal relationship between students’ development of vocational ‘being’ and personal ‘being’ through WIL.


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1. Introduction Japanese Lesson Study first came to world-wide attention through Makoto Yoshida’s doctoral dissertation (Yoshida, 1999; Fernandez & Yoshida, 2004) and Stigler and Hiebert’s (1999) accounts of Lesson Study based on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). By 2004, Lesson Study was taking place in the USA in at least 32 states and 150 lesson study clusters.Lewis (2002) describes the Lesson Study Cycle as having four phases: goal-setting and planning – including the development of the Lesson Plan; teaching the “research lesson” – enabling the lesson observation; the post-lesson discussion; and the resulting consolidation of learning, which has many far-reaching consequences (see, for example, Lewis & Tsuchida, 1998). It could be said that research lessons make participants and observers think quite profoundly about specific and general aspects of teaching.In Japan, Lesson Study occurs across many curriculum areas, mainly at the elementary school level, and to a lesser extent junior secondary. In mathematics, the research lesson usually follows the typical lesson pattern for a Japanese “structured problem solving lesson”.Major characteristics of such lessons include: the hatsumon – the thought-provoking question or problem that students engage with and that is the key to students’ mathematical development and mathematical connections; kikan-shido – sometimes referred to as the “purposeful scanning” that takes place while students are working individually or in groups, which allows teachers not only to monitor students’ strategies but also to orchestrate their reports on their solutions in the neriage phase of the lesson; neriage – the “kneading” stage of alesson that allows students to compare, polish and refine solutions through the teacher’s orchestration and probing of student solutions; and matome — the summing up and careful review of students’ discussion in order to guide them to higher levels of mathematical sophistication (see, for example, Shimizu, 1999).