72 resultados para Dean Adami


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In Canada there are numerous studies about indigenous Entrepreneurship, most descriptive with little theory development or testing, This leaves a gap in the information available to researchers, policy makers and practitioners. In this paper we describe a research program intended to address this gap beginning with the activities of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, considered an exemplar of successful indigenous entrepreneurship. From these activities, we draw propositions about indigenous entrepreneurship that are compatible with generic theory. Finally, we describe how we will move from these propositions to a model of indigenous entrepreneurship using grounded theory and structural equation modelling.


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As part of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project, we asked 2,000 adult New Zealanders if they have made a personal investment in a new firm in the past three years as well as the magnitude of their supPort, the nature of the businesses they sponsored, and their relationship with
the recipient. We compared these data on informal investment to data on venture capital obtained from national sources. We are thus able to compare New Zealand's performance to cross-national measures. We also surveyed 20 key informants/experts on questions on financing.
In New Zealand, venture capital accounts for only 0.80/o of total investment in new and growing start-ups. Yet New Zealand is world-ranked in terms of informal investment. In New Zealand, informal investment activity is 3.5olo of the national GDP amount. New Zealand is also a world leader in the prevalence of informal investors (percentage in the adult population). Seventy-three percent of informal investors put their money into a relative's or a friend's business. Fifty-eight Percent of New Zealand's informal investors are female, quite the reverse of the world pattern.

When we compare Australia and New Zealandlo the rest of the GEM world, Australia ranks favourably with the GEM globat measures in terms of venture capital as a percentage of GDp, while New Zealand does poorly. Australia also does about 40olo better than New Zealand in terms
of the amount of VC invested in individual companies. But New Zealand is clearly higher in the measures of informal investment.

We conclude with implications for entrepreneurs, policy makers, educators, researchers, and journalists. In a nutshell, they should pay more attention to the critical role of the four F's - family friends, founders, and "foolish" investors - in start-up ventures. Informal investment is a critical component of New Zealand's entrepreneurial process and thus to its economic growth. Perhaps fifty superstars with extraordinary opportunities will receive financing from the New Zealand Venture Investment Fund to launch their businesses. Meanwhile, the vast majority of firms rely on the 4Fs - friends, family founders, and "foolish" lnvestors.


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It is argued that entrepreneurship researchers do not place sufficient emphasis on making their research findings relevant to entrepreneurs and their advisors. The paper provides a Specific example demonstrating five general principles that can be used to turn a complex range of entrepreneurship research findings into useful action guidelines for practising entrepreneurs. The existing research-based knowledge concerning opportunity assessment is distilled into a diagrammatic framework. This framework and a sequence of ten, plain-English questions, provides entrepreneurs and SME operators with a tool for discovering, evaluating and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities.


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There has been increasing public debate in Australia in recent years about research culture in universities and other publicly funded research agencies such as CSIRO and its impact on Australia's performance in generating economic, social and environmental benefits to the Australian community from the large amount of public funding for R&D. This is the supply side issue. On the demand side there is equally concern about the technology absorptive capacity of Australian. business as illustrated by the low proportion of gross business research expenditure (GERD) spent by business (BERD). Against this background, this paper has explored the views of abut 100 "experts" interviewed in the Australian Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) studies in the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 on the issues, strengths and weaknesses of Australia's technology transfer performance as it applies to new technology small firms. The paper has also explored evidence for any longitudinal change over this period.


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To defeat the heirs of the enlightenment with their own weapon i.e. reason itself. To reduce all philosophy all science all views to irrational meaningless babble using their own epistemic conditions of truth. To confound the products of reason by reason itself. To show that the rational in fact collapses into the irrational. By reason itself all products of human reason reduce to intellectual chaos. To shatter the categories of thought, to rob all views and ideas of any epistemic worth by using reason to show that they end in stultification foolishness, or absurdity. Reason confounds reason and convicts reason by it's own standard to unintelligibility, babble, stultification, incoherence foolishness and absurdity, or meaninglessness. Reasons critique of reason shows that there is no consistency in ally product of reason, no order , no coherence only chaos and absurdity, or meaninglessness. The life-jacket, or anchor reason gives in the void of meaninglessness is broken by reason itself. Into the void of nothing reason drops us. Cut adrift in meaninglessness we are free to acquire other insights other realizations by transcending reason. Meaning can be reduced to absurdity. Meaninglessness can be reduced to absurdity but for those who hold meaninglessness as a view, or meaning there is no hope.


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This thesis investigates the relationship between analysis and insight in Prasarigika Madhyamika Buddhism. More specifically it asks whether analysis is a necessary and/or a sufficient condition for the generation of insight. The thesis is divided into six chapters which include an introduction, an appendix which outlines Prasangika and Svatantrika views regarding the syllogism (svatantra) and a conclusion. The remaining chapters seek to demonstrate that analysis for the Prasarigika and the Tibetan Geluk-ba school is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for the arising of insight. Chapter one is an investigation of certain Western psychological theories which deal with the effects on the mind of cogitating upon contradictions. Though the psychological theories are only suggestive, this chapter will lend support to the claim a) of the Prasaiigika, that analysis generates an altered state of consciousness; and b) that analysis may be a necessary and sufficient condition for the generation of insight. Chapter two seeks to construct a logico-psychological model of how insight is generated. In this model it is argued that insight is a conceptual and intuitive experience: i.e. non-inferential, and that all thought comes via the intuition. This model argues that analysis is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for the generation of insight. In chapter three an investigation of the writings of Dzong-ka-ba (Tsong-Kha-pa) is undertaken in order to ascertain how the Tibetan Geluk-ba (dGe lugs pa) school regard the relationship between analysis and insight. The model of chapter two will be compared with the Tibetan Geluk-ba accounts to gauge its explanatory power and correspondence with the Geluk-ba views. Chapter four is an investigation of the writings of certain Western scholars. This investigation seeks to ascertain how these scholars may have regarded the relationship between analysis and insight. The chapter then compares these views with the model developed in chapter two.


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The salt attack of Fired Clay Bricks (FCBs) causes surface damage that is aesthetically displeasing and eventually leads to structural damage. Methods for determining the resistances of FCBs to salt weathering have mainly tried to simulate the process by using accelerating aging tests. Most research in this area has concentrated on the types of salt that can cause damage and the damage that occurs during accelerated aging tests. This approach has lead to the use of accelerated aging tests as standard methods for determining resistance. Recently, it has been acknowledged that are not the most reliable way to determine salt attack resistance for all FCBs in all environments. Few researchers have examined FCBs with the aim of determining which material and mechanical properties make a FCB resistant to salt attack. The aim of this study was to identify the properties that were significant to the resistance of FCBs to salt attack. In doing so, this study aids in the development of a better test method to assess the resistance of FCBs to salt attack. The current Australian Standard accelerated aging test was used to measure the resistance of eight FCBs to salt attack using sodium sulfate and sodium chloride. The results of these tests were compared to the water absorption properties and the total porosity of FCBs. An empirical relationship was developed between the twenty-four-hour water absorption value and the number of cycles to failure from sodium sulfate tests. The volume of sodium chloride solution was found to be proportional to the total porosity of FCBs in this study. A phenomenological discussion of results led to a new mechanism being presented to explain the derivation of stress during salt crystallisation of anhydrous and hydratable salts. The mechanical properties of FCBs were measured using compression tests. FCBs were analysed as cellular materials to find that the elastic modules of FCBs was equivalent for extruded FCBs that had been fired a similar temperatures and time. Two samples were found to have significantly different elastic moduli of the solid microstructure. One of these samples was a pressed brick that was stiffer due to the extra bond that is obtained during sintering a closely packed structure. The other sample was an extruded brick that had more firing temperature and time compared with the other samples in this study. A non-destructive method was used to measure the indentation hardness and indentation stress-strain properties of FCBs. The indentation hardness of FCBs was found to be proportional to the uniaxial compression strength. In addition, the indentation hardness had a better linear correlation to the total porosity of FCBs except for those samples that had different elastic moduli of the solid microstructure. Fractography of exfoliated particles during salt cycle tests and compression tests showed there was a similar pattern of fracture during each failure. The results indicate there were inherent properties of a FCB that determines the size and shape of fractured particles during salt attack. The microstructural variables that determined the fracture properties of FCBs were shown to be important variables to include in future models that attempt to estimate the resistance of FCBs to salt attack.


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Very few studies have quantified the level of agreement among alternative diagnostic procedures that use a common set of fixed operational criteria. The authors examined the procedural validity of four independent methods of assigning DSM-III-R diagnoses of psychotic disorders. METHOD: The research was conducted as a satellite study to the DSM-IV Field Trial for Schizophrenia and Related Psychotic Disorders. The setting was the National Health and Medical Research Council Schizophrenia Research Unit's Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre, which focuses on first-episode psychosis. Consecutively admitted patients (N = 50) were assessed by independent raters who used four different procedures to determine a DSM-III-R diagnosis. These procedures were 1) the diagnostic instrument developed for the DSM-IV field trial, 2) the Royal Park Multidiagnostic Instrument for Psychosis, 3) the Munich Diagnostic Checklists, and 4) a consensus DSM-III-R diagnosis assigned by a team of clinician researchers who were expert in the use of diagnostic criteria. RESULTS: Concordance between pairs of diagnostic procedures was only moderate. Corresponding levels of percent agreement, however, ranged from 66% to 76%, with converse misclassification rates of 24%-34% (assuming one procedure to be "correct"). CONCLUSIONS: These findings have significant research and clinical implications. Despite the introduction of operationally defined diagnoses, there remained an appreciable level of differential classification or misclassification arising from variability in the method of assigning the diagnostic criteria rather than the criteria themselves. Such misclassification may impede neurobiological research and have harmful clinical effects on patients with first-episode psychosis.