65 resultados para Daily living


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Purpose. To conduct a preliminary investigation on the ability of the Melbourne Low Vision ADL Index to detect changes in functional ability as a result of low-vision rehabilitation.

Methods. Twenty two subjects with age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) who were newly referred to the Kooyong Low Vision Clinic were recruited. The Melbourne Low Vision ADL Index was administered prerehabilitation and postrehabilitation. Changes in scores and effect size statistics were analyzed.

Results. The median total score for the subjects prerehabilitation was 67, and the median total score postrehabilitation was 76. The difference in prerehabilitation and postrehabilitation scores was statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed rank test = 248.5, p < 0.001). The mean change score for the total Melbourne Low Vision ADL Index was 9.3 (SD, 5.6). Thus the overall effect size statistic (mean change score divided by SD of prerehabilitation score) was 0.78.

Conclusions. This preliminary investigation indicates that the Melbourne Low Vision ADL Index is responsive to a rehabilitation program for patients with ARMD. It has potential to be used as a measure of low-vision rehabilitation outcomes.


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Objective. To develop a version of the Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index that measures the personal impact of disability in activities of daily living (ADL's). Also, to determine the relationship between clinical measures of vision impairment and disability impact.

Methods. The Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index (MLVAI) is a desk-based clinical assessment of disability in ADL's. Ability to perform each item is rated on a five-level descriptive scale from zero to four. In this study, the original version of the MLVAI was modified to measure disability impact. The simple modification involved weighting each item by the importance of that item to the person being tested. Importance was also rated on a five-level scale from zero to four. The validity and reliability of the Weighted Melbourne Low-Vision ADL Index (MLVAIW) was determined for 97 vision-impaired subjects in a cross-sectional study.

Results. Cronbach's alpha coefficient indicated an internal reliability of 0.94, and an intraclass correlation coefficient indicated an overall reliability of 0.88. The standard error of measurement was 24.7 points (out of a possible score of 400). There was a statistically significant difference in test scores between normal subjects and vision-impaired subjects. All vision measures had a high, statistically significant correlation with MLVAIW score. Near-word acuity had the strongest correlation (rs = 0.78, p < 0.001), followed by Melbourne Edge Test contrast sensitivity (rs = -0.72, p < 0.001). Visual field had the weakest correlation (rs = -0.52, p < 0.001). The best predictive model of MLVAIW score incorporated the variables age, near-word acuity, and visual field. Together, these variables accounted for 65.1% of the variance in MLVAIW score.

Conclusions. The MLVAI is highly valid and reliable when weighted by a scale that reflects the personal importance of ADL's. The MLVAIW can provide information over and above that obtained with the usual clinical vision measures and may be used to assess low-vision patients and to measure low-vision rehabilitation outcomes. It is suggested that the assessment of disability using the original MLVAI and the assessment of the impact of disability using the MLVAIW should be kept separate to facilitate the clear interpretation of the outcomes of low-vision rehabilitation.


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Purpose: This study describes the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of Australians living with Parkinson disease (PD) and compares the findings to international reports.
Methods: The Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39) was used to measure HRQOL in 210 individuals with PD living in Australia. In parallel, a tailored literature search identified previous studies on HROQL in people with PD. A quantitative meta-analysis with a random-effects model was used to compare the HRQOL of individuals with PD living in Australia and other countries.
: The mean PDQ-39 summary index (SI) score for this sample of Australians with PD was 20.9 (SD 12.7). Ratings for the dimension of social support and stigma were significantly lower than ratings for bodily discomfort, mobility, activities of daily living, cognition, and emotional well-being. Comparing the Australian and international PD samples revealed a significant heterogeneity in overall HRQOL (I2 = 97%). The mean PDQ-39 SI scores for Australians were lower, indicating better HRQOL relative
to samples from other countries.
Conclusions: This Australian sample with PD perceived their HRQOL as poor, although it was less severely compromised than that of international samples. While further research is required, these findings can inform the clinical decision-making processes of physiotherapists


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Background : Little is known about the personal burden of fracture across the age spectrum, particularly in men. This study aimed to document the impact of clinical fracture on men's participation in employment, sports and outdoor recreation, mobility, handiwork, activities of daily living, home modification, and utilisation of community and health services.

Methods : This prospective study followed 196 men with incident fracture identified from radiology reports at the Geelong Hospital during the period July 2006 to December 2007 and examined personal and psychosocial impacts 12 months post-fracture, using a self-report questionnaire.

Results : Of all men identified with fracture, 40% took time off work. All fractures, except those to the upper limbs, had considerable impact on mobility. Inability to drive was associated with all fractures, but was most common with ankle fractures and most prolonged with hip fractures. Loss of confidence was reported by over one-third of all fracture cases, even 12 months after the fracture event. All fractures affected activities of daily living, and this was generally most prolonged for fractures of the hip. Similarly, all men with fracture utilised community and health services, even for the relatively minor fractures of the finger/thumb.

Conclusions : This study supports previous reports of the personal impact of hip fracture, and presents data about the consequences of upper and lower limb fractures and the generally poorly described sequelae of fractures of the finger/thumb and foot/toe. These observations have important implications for post-fracture care and rehabilitation in men.


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This small-scale study carried out in a Melbourne metropolitan hospital explored patients’ and their carers’ perceptions of information, adequacy of information, and their utilization of information concerning post-discharge care received from health professionals during their stay in hospital. The research design consisted of two stages. Stage one involved a qualitative approach using focused interviews of five pairs of patients and their carers, 2 weeks after discharge from hospital. Five main themes emerged from the content analysis of the interview transcripts: information given by health professionals to patients and carers, patients’ and carers’ psychological well-being, activities of daily living, caring tasks of the patients, and community linkages. A quantitative approach was used for stage two involving two sets of questionnaires, one for the patient and one for the carer, developed from the themes identified in stage one. A pilot study was conducted on three pairs of patients and their carers, 2 weeks after discharge from hospital. The main study consisted of a convenience sample of 40 pairs of patients and their carers who completed the questionnaires 2 weeks post-discharge. Data analysis of stage two of the study consisted of descriptive statistics and cross-tabulations. The main findings suggested that carers received very little information from health professionals concerning their patients’ health problems and care at home. The carers’ health and employment states were often not considered in their patients’ discharge plan. Carers who were present with their patients when they received information concerning post-discharge care experienced a decrease in anxiety during their patients’ convalescence at home, greater satisfaction with the information they received, and their patients experienced fewer medical problems post-discharge. The implications for nursing practice and research include recommendations for a more effective system of discharge planning, and further research to include a larger population with a more varied group of participants.


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Depression can have a strongly negative impact on a person’s ability to engage with and participate in activities of daily living. Clinicians currently seeking guidance on best practice in this area currently need to access and critique a wide range of evidence from a number of disciplines. While some clinical practice guidelines are available, this form of evidence presentation presents several barriers to implementation.

This article proposes a new procedure for developing guidance for clinicians, known as evidence based guidelines. The purpose of the guidelines presented here is to provide guidance on appropriate assessment and intervention strategies with people experiencing depression, who wish to improve their engagement and participation in daily activities. They were constructed using a multiple methods procedure, with five phases.

Evidence based guidelines for the general population, older adults and people with co-morbid physical conditions are presented at the conclusion of this article.

The procedure described here produces evidence based guidelines with built in measures to promote implementation into practice. The resulting guidelines for depression will enable clinicians from all disciplines to engage in best practice, and assist people with depression participate more fully in their lives.


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Diabetes and increased age are known risk factors for physical disability. With the increasing prevalence of diabetes within our aging population, the future burden of disability is expected to increase. To date, there has not been a pooled estimate of the risk for disability associated with diabetes or its precursor states, impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting glucose. We aim to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between prediabetes and diabetes with disability, and quantify the risk of association.


We will search for relevant studies in Medline via Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane library and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), as well as scan reference lists from relevant reviews and publications included in our review. We will review all publications that include studies on human adults (18 years and older) where information is included on diabetes status and at least one measure of disability (Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental ADL (IADL) or functional/mobility limitation), and where a risk association is available for the relationship between diabetes and/or prediabetes with disability, with reference to those without diabetes.

We will further conduct a meta-analysis to pool estimates of the risk of disability associated with prediabetes and diabetes. Sensitivity analysis will be conducted to assess for publication bias and study quality.Findings from this systematic review and meta-analysis will be widely disseminated through discussions with stake-holders, publication in a peer-reviewed journal and conference presentation.


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According to previous reports, the risk of disability as a result of diabetes varies from none to double. Disability is an important measure of health and an estimate of the risk of disability as a result of diabetes is crucial in view of the global diabetes epidemic. We did a systematic review and meta-analysis to estimate this risk.

We searched Ovid, Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature up to Aug 8, 2012. We included studies of adults that compared the risk of disability—as measured by activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), or mobility—in people with and without any type of diabetes. We excluded studies of subpopulations with specific illnesses or of people in nursing homes. From the studies, we recorded population characteristics, how diabetes was diagnosed (by doctor or self-reported), domain and definition of disability, and risk estimates for disability. We calculated pooled estimates by disability type and type of risk estimate (odds ratio [OR] or risk ratio [RR]).

Our systematic review returned 3224 results, from which 26 studies were included in our meta-analyses. Diabetes increased the risk of mobility disability (15 studies; OR 1·71, 95% CI 1·53—1·91; RR 1·51, 95% CI 1·38—1·64), of IADL disability (ten studies; OR 1·65, 95% CI 1·55—1·74), and of ADL disability (16 studies; OR 1·82, 95% CI 1·63—2·04; RR 1·82, 95% CI 1·40—2·36).

Diabetes is associated with a strong increase in the risk of physical disability. Efforts to promote healthy ageing should account for this risk through prevention and management of diabetes.

Monash University, Baker IDI Bright Sparks Foundation, Australian Postgraduate Award, VicHealth, National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Research Council, Victorian Government.


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The project aims to identify, evaluate and make recommendations to improve the pathways by which West Australian (WA) Home and Community Care (HACC) clients access daily living equipment. Otherwise known as assistive technology (AT), these devices are largely non-complex and often low cost. Funded by HACC and conducted within the context of the WA Assessment Framework (WAAF), the project seeks to answer the following question:

    How can aids and equipment be most effectively assessed, accessed, funded and used?
The research is designed to inform WA state government policy and Commonwealth HACC government policy in relation to the funding of HACC client access to assistive technology. Whilst set in WA, the topic and findings have relevance to HACC in other Australian states and territories, as well as other aspects of aged care policy, other sectors such as disability, and other areas of inquiry such as competency standards and consumer self-direction.


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The aim of the current study was to examine whether reaction time (RT) among older adults could be improved through video game training. Twenty-nine participants between the ages of 50 and 84 either played (N = 14) or did not play (N = 15) a video game, Pac-Man: Adventures in Time. All participants completed a pre- and postassessment of RT. Results from this study showed that there were no significant differences between the control and experimental groups on RT performance across time. These findings indicate that the amount of training provided may have been inadequate to improve RT skills. It is therefore important to investigate the amount of training required to allow older adults to respond faster to environmental stimuli and transfer skills to activities of daily living.


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Determination of patients' ability to self-administer medications in the hospital has largely been determined using the subjective judgment of health professionals.


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Purpose : People with lung cancer report a higher burden of unmet needs, specifically psychological and daily living unmet needs. They experience more psychological distress and more physical hardship than other tumour sites. This study examined the levels of unmet need and psychological distress in inoperable lung cancer patients at the start of treatment.

Methods : A cross-section survey methodology was employed using baseline data from a randomised controlled trial designed to evaluate a supportive care intervention. Eligible lung cancer patients were approached to participate at the start of treatment. Consenting patients completed questionnaires prior to or just after the commencement of treatment. Reliable and valid measures included Needs Assessment for Advanced Lung Cancer Patients, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Brief Distress Thermometer.

Results : Of the 108 patients participating, the top unmet need was ‘Dealing with concerns about your family’s fears and worries’ (62%); with the next four also coming from the psychological/emotional domain, but, on average, most needs related to medical communication. Thirty two percent of patients reported clinical or subclinical anxiety and 19% reported HADS scores suggestive of clinical or subclinical depression. Moreover, 39.8% of the sample reported distress above the cut-off on the distress thermometer and this was associated with higher needs for each need subscale (p < 0.05).

Conclusions : People with lung cancer have high levels of unmet needs especially regarding psychological/emotional or medical communication. People with lung cancer who are classified as distressed have more unmet needs.


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Effective telerehabilitation technologies enable patients with certain physiological disabilities to engage in rehabilitative exercises for performing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Therefore, training and assessment scenarios for the performance of ADLs are vital for the promotion for telerehabilitation. In this paper we investigate quantitatively and automatically assessing patient's kinematic ability to perform functional upper extremity reaching tasks. The shape of the movement trajectory and the instantaneous acceleration of kinematically crucial body parts, such as wrists, are used to compute the approximate entropy of the motions to represent stability (smoothness) in addition to the duration of the activity. Computer simulations were conducted to illustrate the consistency, sensitivity and robustness of the proposed method. A preliminary experiment with kinematic data captured from healthy subjects mimicking a reaching task with dyskinesia showed a high degree of correlation (Cohen's kappa 0.85 with p < 0.05) between a human observer and the proposed automatic classification tool in terms of assigning the datasets to various levels to represent the subjects' kinematic abilities to perform reaching tasks. This study supported the use of Microsoft Kinect to quantitatively evaluate the ability of individuals with involuntary movements to perform an upper extremity reaching task.


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BACKGROUND: Restorative care in palliative care is a subset of rehabilitation that aims to improve quality of life through restoration or maintenance of physical functions. Outcomes for restorative care programmes delivered by palliative care units have not adequately been assessed. OBJECTIVES: The objectives are to examine the outcomes of a restorative care programme in an inpatient palliative care unit, including discharge destination, performance status changes and length of stay. METHODS: Retrospective clinical audit of consecutive patients admitted to Calvary Health Care Bethlehem in Melbourne, Australia, principally for restorative care from July 2010 to December 2011. RESULTS: 79 admissions met inclusion criteria. Mean age was 76.5 years (SD=11.14) and 43 (54%) were men. 75 (95%) patients had a malignant diagnosis; of these, the majority had lung cancer (24%). 16 patients (20%) were discharged home, 51 (65%) died and 12 (15%) were transferred. Of the patients discharged home, only 6 (38% of those discharged home) improved their performance status. Those discharged home had a significantly shorter length of stay (17 days compared to 39 days; p<0.05). Patients discharged home also had significantly better Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status (AKPS) and Resource Utilisation Groups-Activities of Daily Living (RUG-ADL) scores on admission than others (both p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients referred for restorative care died during admission, with only a minority discharged home. Patients discharged most commonly experienced maintenance and not improvement in performance status. A successful discharge home following restorative care was associated with a shorter length of stay. Implications and recommendations for successful restorative care will be discussed.