35 resultados para university events


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The aim of this study was to make an assessment of the role of the cognitive component in the development of sexual dysfunction. Past studies have largely focused on the impact of particular events on sexual dysfunction and have not assessed the role of the perception of these events. A number of theories on sexual dysfunction have been developed to explain the influence of cognitions, but these have not been empirically tested. This study investigated the role of the cognitive evaluation of sexual experiences among 30 sexually dysfunctional participants and 30 control participants who were matched on age, marital status and biological sex. The Cognitive Aspects of Sexual Dysfunction Measure (CASDM) was constructed to evaluate sexual dysfunction. This measure was designed to tap into the major events in participants’ lives and, more importantly, the participants’ perceptions of these events. The components assessed were the intergenerational (family of origin), individual, current life and relationship aspects of the person’s life. These factors were measured from the responses to questions regarding the participant's cognitions about past experiences, the effect of the past experience on the participant at the lime it occurred and the influence this experience had on the participant's sense of self now, their relationship now and sexual functioning now. The main findings in the intergenerational area were that past experiences were perceived by the sexually dysfunctional group to be having an impact on the self, relationships and their sexual functioning although there were no actual differences between the sexually functional and the sexual dysfunctional participants in the occurrence of the event. For the individual factors, there were differences between the sexually functional and sexually dysfunctional participants in both values and lifestyle, although these were not perceived to be having an impact on the self, relationship and sexual functioning. In the relationship area, anger was the major factor separating the sexually functional and sexually dysfunctional groups. Anger was high among the sexually dysfunctional participants and was perceived to be having an impact on self, the couple’s relationship and their sexual functioning. The importance of all these variables in providing a better understanding of the cognitive factors in sexual dysfunction was discussed. The findings demonstrate the importance of cognitions in influencing sexual functioning. Clinicians should not simply deal with the life experiences of sexually dysfunctional people when attempting to change their behaviour, but should focus on changing cognitions about the behaviours in relation to sexual functioning.


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This is a thesis presented on the position of the distance education student at a distance education university in the present era. Traditionally, the distance education student has been a sort of Cinderella: marginalised, being constructed as some form of lesser version of the on campus one. A largely invisible part of the higher education system in Australia since 1911, the distance education student has really only come to be foregrounded in university education discourses from 1983 onwards. It was not until then that the distance education student emerged from ‘hidden pools’ identified by Karmel (1975), and since then the construction of this student has undergone a number of modifications, mapped in this thesis. At the same time university education itself has undergone a series of modifications, not least of which has been its taking on mercantilist overtones as investments made by students in their own careers and professional development. The modifications, also mapped in this thesis, have progressed to the stage where the construction of the old distance education student is now one of a flexible learner in a mercantilist system of university education. The notion of distance education and the distance education student has undergone significant shifts, redefinitions and constructions, which are tracked in this thesis. My research has focussed on a number of pertinent questions, based on a study of Deakin University and its practice since its establishment. The thesis draws on a number of works which have been informed by those of Foucault, and I have framed my research questions accordingly. I have asked why and how Deakin University came into being as a distance education provider at tertiary level. What were the conditions of its establishment and progression in relation to the political events, economic practices and communication technology in use over time? To consider such questions, I needed to analyse the changes that I had seen occurring in the context of wider restructurings in university education. These had occurred in the context of government forging a closer interconnectedness between education and national economic aims and objectives at the same time as it demanded greater productivity in the face of commercial and industrial sector pushes for applied knowledge. Poststructuralist philosophical developments offer tools to explore not only questions of power, but the practical outcomes of questions of power, and how the complicity of individuals is established. This thesis explores ways in which such considerations helped to shape the changing constructions of the distance education student from a marginalised, disadvantaged and under-represented participant in higher education to a privileged, well catered for and advantaged learner. These same considerations are used to explore ways in which they have helped to shape university distance education courses from a perceived second-rate form of higher education to a prototype that better captures the essential elements of learning for what has been styled in a postmodern world as the Information Age. Overlaid on these considerations is a changing view of the economics of such provision of higher education. It is anticipated that this thesis will contribute to developing new understandings of the construction of subjectivities in relation to the distance education university student specifically, and to the university student generally, in the postmodern world. The implications of this examination are not inconsiderable for students and academics in a self-styled Information Society.


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This study examines the general impressions and blame attributions of Trinidadian university students in cases of sexual assault. Participants were 132 female students from the University of the West Indies, Faculty of Social Sciences. Each respondent read one of four sexual assault scenarios, in which victim and perpetrator gender were varied. Participants' impressions of the incident, opinions about each party's behaviour, blame attributions, attitudes about reporting the incident to the police, desired outcome, and their reasons for these were then assessed. Consistent with Burt's rape myth theory, the qualitative and quantitative results showed a tendency for participants to attribute an internal locus of control to female victims, and to blame them more than males. Although same sex events evoked significantly more emotional and disgust-related reactions, these reactions did not translate into different seriousness scores, or different ideas about whether the victim should report the incident to the police. Although respondents showed an ability to separate their initial reactions from their attitudes about the legal status of the event, many of the response patterns indicated gender role biases on the part of these future professionals.


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This thesis explored young children's reporting of non-experienced (false) events. It demonstrated that children can be led to provide convincing reports of plausible and implausible false events within both narrow and broad contextual frameworks. Further, it showed that investigative interviewers utilise questioning techniques that could elicit false-event reports from children.


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This thesis examined the nature and strength of the relationship between children's performance on suggestibility scales and their recall of independent events. It demonstrated that whilst standardised scales of suggestibility may be useful in predicting children's reporting of false information, there are clear boundaries to their usefulness. The clinical portfolio examines and discusses the impact that exposure to family violence has on children's functioning across development.


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The number of older Australians with one or multiple chronic diseases is increasing. This thesis presents a model to assist in identifying current older patients with multiple illnesses and taking multiple medications who are at risk of experiencing an adverse drug reaction if they are prescribed a newly released drug.


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This thesis examined factors associated with increased story-grammar production in police interviews with children who allege abuse. These factors included the child's age, the type of question asked and the nature of the event experienced by the child. Recommendation for improving story-grammar, which in turn enhances witness credibility, were discussed. The portfolio explored how an awareness of specific responsivity factors can inform treatment recommendations and execution in rehabilitation of offenders with substance use issues. Four case studies are presented in illustration.


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Event organisers invest considerable effort in developing, promoting and conducting events with the expectation that not only will new participants be attracted to future events but also that those who have attended will make repeat visitations. This study addresses this issue by investigating the type of events that attract repeat visitation and the possible reasons for these repeat visitations. Getz's (1997) typology of events is used to classify the events, which were used in the data collection for this research. The study utilises data collected in an origin-based survey to explore which events attract repeat visitors and what motivates this repeat visitation. Whilst marketing literature, and to some degree, tourism literature, have examined repeat purchase and repeat visitation, events literature has not dealt with this to any great extent.

While there has been increased examination of the motivation and behaviour of event visitors (Mohr, Backman et al. 1993; Uysal, Gahan et al. 1993; Crompton and McKay 1997; Tang and Turco 2001) there has been relatively little examination of repeat visitors to events. The emphasis within studies on repeat visitation has been on satisfaction with those events rather than a consideration of a wider range of influencing factors (Gitelson and Crompton 1984; O'Neill, Getz et al. 1999). Those factors may include an interest in a particular type of event, influence of family and friends, whether it is a local community event, the cost - value factor and a variety of other reasons.


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The Australian coast is rich in history and is scattered with coastal settlements amongst a contrasting landscape with infinite visual and ecological diversity. These attributes provide the opportunity to create sustainable and resilient settlements, linking the wholeness of a place to the foundation of living in harmony with nature. On the contrary the coastal regions of Australia are facing dynamic changes of population growth including the looming impact of a changing climate. Acknowledging these challenges, the Australian Government highlighted that one of the key requirements for a sustainable future is to establish sustainable settlements that are resilient against the impacts of climate change. Recent government studies and reports highlighted various possible impacts to the Australian coast and regional settlements due to sea level rise with associated coastal recession, extreme weather events, flooding, and prolonged heat waves. Various adaptation frameworks are proposed to deal with this issue, but very few consider the relationship between ecological systems and human built environments. The resilience planning of settlements must consider the co-evolution of human and nature under future climate effects. This paper is thus seeking answers to the question: How can the theoretical principles of Design with Nature (McHarg, 1967) and The Nature of Order (Alexander, 1980) provide for input to a adaptation model for settlements along the coast? Reflecting on a literature review of these two well established theories, the author select key principles from both as input to a ecological design based adaptation model for coastal settlements, which establishes a system of unfolding steps to create sustainable communities that connect with the landscape, and are resilient against future impacts of change.


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The 2009 'Black Saturday' Victorian bushfires claimed the lives of 173 people and have become known as the worst fire event in Australian history. Victoria has been at the centre of two other significant Australian fire disasters - 'Black Friday' in 1939 and the 1983 'Ash Wednesday' fires in south-eastern Australia that claimed the lives of 47 people in Victoria. As media scholar and commentator Michael Gawenda has noted, the media not only report an 'event' - like the Victorian bushfires or the tsunami in the South Pacific - but in a sense create and define it. Print and electronic media coverage of extreme weather events therefore raises a multitude of issues about the media's role in serving the community before, during and after a crisis, while also trying to produce the best possible reportage in a competitive industry undergoing dramatic change. This issue of MIA provides a venue for critical, empirical engagement with media coverage and representation, and the role of journalism and journalists in reporting national and international bushfires, tsunamis, hurricanes and other extreme weather events, with a special focus on the 2009 Victorian bushfires. Its goal is to address the ramifications of an industry in flux - indeed, some may say crisis - driven by technological advances, staff reductions and media organisations under financial pressure, and to explore the ways in which such extreme weather events have impacted media practices and policy