42 resultados para network effectiveness


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This paper presents a new approach to enhance speech based on a distributed microphone network. Each microphone is used to simultaneously classify the input into either one of the noise types or as speech. For enhancing the speech signal a modified spectral subtraction approach is used that utilise the sound information of the entire network to update the noise model even during speech. This improves the reduction of the ambient noise, especially for non-stationary noise types such as street or beach noise. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system.


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In this brief, a new neural network model called generalized adaptive resonance theory (GART) is introduced. GART is a hybrid model that comprises a modified Gaussian adaptive resonance theory (MGA) and the generalized regression neural network (GRNN). It is an enhanced version of the GRNN, which preserves the online learning properties of adaptive resonance theory (ART). A series of empirical studies to assess the effectiveness of GART in classification, regression, and time series prediction tasks is conducted. The results demonstrate that GART is able to produce good performances as compared with those of other methods, including the online sequential extreme learning machine (OSELM) and sequential learning radial basis function (RBF) neural network models.


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This paper presents a novel conflict-resolving neural network classifier that combines the ordering algorithm, fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM), and the dynamic decay adjustment (DDA) algorithm, into a unified framework. The hybrid classifier, known as Ordered FAMDDA, applies the DDA algorithm to overcome the limitations of FAM and ordered FAM in achieving a good generalization/performance. Prior to network learning, the ordering algorithm is first used to identify a fixed order of training patterns. The main aim is to reduce and/or avoid the formation of overlapping prototypes of different classes in FAM during learning. However, the effectiveness of the ordering algorithm in resolving overlapping prototypes of different classes is compromised when dealing with complex datasets. Ordered FAMDDA not only is able to determine a fixed order of training patterns for yielding good generalization, but also is able to reduce/resolve overlapping regions of different classes in the feature space for minimizing misclassification during the network learning phase. To illustrate the effectiveness of Ordered FAMDDA, a total of ten benchmark datasets are experimented. The results are analyzed and compared with those from FAM and Ordered FAM. The outcomes demonstrate that Ordered FAMDDA, in general, outperforms FAM and Ordered FAM in tackling pattern classification problems.


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A hybrid neural network model, based on the fusion of fuzzy adaptive resonance theory (FA ART) and the general regression neural network (GRNN), is proposed in this paper. Both FA and the GRNN are incremental learning systems and are very fast in network training. The proposed hybrid model, denoted as GRNNFA, is able to retain these advantages and, at the same time, to reduce the computational requirements in calculating and storing information of the kernels. A clustering version of the GRNN is designed with data compression by FA for noise removal. An adaptive gradient-based kernel width optimization algorithm has also been devised. Convergence of the gradient descent algorithm can be accelerated by the geometric incremental growth of the updating factor. A series of experiments with four benchmark datasets have been conducted to assess and compare effectiveness of GRNNFA with other approaches. The GRNNFA model is also employed in a novel application task for predicting the evacuation time of patrons at typical karaoke centers in Hong Kong in the event of fire. The results positively demonstrate the applicability of GRNNFA in noisy data regression problems.


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In this paper, a two-stage pattern classification and rule extraction system is proposed. The first stage consists of a modified fuzzy min-max (FMM) neural-network-based pattern classifier, while the second stage consists of a genetic-algorithm (GA)-based rule extractor. Fuzzy if-then rules are extracted from the modified FMM classifier, and a ??don't care?? approach is adopted by the GA rule extractor to minimize the number of features in the extracted rules. Five benchmark problems and a real medical diagnosis task are used to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed FMM-GA system. The results are analyzed and compared with other published results. In addition, the bootstrap hypothesis analysis is conducted to quantify the results of the medical diagnosis task statistically. The outcomes reveal the efficacy of FMM-GA in extracting a set of compact and yet easily comprehensible rules while maintaining a high classification performance for tackling pattern classification tasks.


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In this paper, a neural network (NN)-based multi-agent classifier system (MACS) utilising the trust-negotiation-communication (TNC) reasoning model is proposed. A novel trust measurement method, based on the combination of Bayesian belief functions, is incorporated into the TNC model. The Fuzzy Min-Max (FMM) NN is used as learning agents in the MACS, and useful modifications of FMM are proposed so that it can be adopted for trust measurement. Besides, an auctioning procedure, based on the sealed bid method, is applied for the negotiation phase of the TNC model. Two benchmark data sets are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed MACS. The results obtained compare favourably with those from a number of machine learning methods. The applicability of the proposed MACS to two industrial sensor data fusion and classification tasks is also demonstrated, with the implications analysed and discussed.


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In this paper, the effectiveness of three different operating strategies applied to the Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) neural network in pattern classification tasks is analyzed and compared. Three types of FAM, namely average FAM, voting FAM, and ordered FAM, are formed for experimentation. In average FAM, a pool of the FAM networks is trained using random sequences of input patterns, and the performance metrics from multiple networks are averaged. In voting FAM, predictions from a number of FAM networks are combined using the majority-voting scheme to reach a final output. In ordered FAM, a pre-processing procedure known as the ordering algorithm is employed to identify a fixed sequence of input patterns for training the FAM network. Three medical data sets are employed to evaluate the performances of these three types of FAM. The results are analyzed and compared with those from other learning systems. Bootstrapping has also been used to analyze and quantify the results statistically. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].


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Kansei Engineering (KE), a technology founded in Japan initially for product design, translates human feelings into design parameters. Although various intelligent approaches to objectively model human functions and therelationships with the product design decisions have been introduced in KE systems, many or the approaches are not able to incorporate human subjective feelings and preferenees into the decision-making process. This paper proposes a new hybrid KE system that attempts to make the machine-based decision-making process closely resembles the real-world practice. The proposed approach assimilates human perceptive and associative abililities into the decision-making process of the computer. A number of techniques based on the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) neural network are employed in the backward KE system to reveal the underlying data structures that are involved in the decision-making process. A case study on interior design is presented to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed approach. The results obtained demonstrate tbe effectiveness of the proposed approach in developing an intelligent KE system which is able to combine huiiUUI feelings and preferences into its decision making process.


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This paper presents the development of a keystroke dynamics-based user authentication system using the ARTMAP-FD neural network. The effectiveness of ARTMAPFD in classifying keystroke patterns is analyzed and compared against a number of widely used machine learning systems. The results show that ARTMAP-FD performs well against many of its counterparts in keystroke patterns classification. Apart from that, instead of using the conventional typing timing characteristics, the applicability of typing pressure to ascertaining user's identity is investigated. The experimental results show that combining both latency and pressure patterns can improve the Equal Error Rate (ERR) of the system.


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In this paper, the Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) neural network is used to classify metal detector signals into different categories for automated target discrimination. Feature extraction of the metal detector signals is conducted using a wavelet transform technique. The FAM neural network is then employed to classify the extracted features into different target groups. A series of experiments using individual FAM networks and a voting FAM network is conducted. Promising classification accuracy rates are obtained from using individual and voting FAM networks, respectively. The experimental outcomes positively demonstrate the effectiveness of the generated features, and of the FAM network in classifying metal detector signals for automated target discrimination tasks.


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Artificial neural networks have a good potential to be employed for fault diagnosis and condition monitoring problems in complex processes. In this paper, the applicability of the fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) neural network as an intelligent learning system for fault detection and diagnosis in a power generation plant is described. The process under scrutiny is the circulating water (CW) system, with specific attention to the conditions of heat transfer and tube blockage in the CW system. A series of experiments has been conducted systematically to investigate the effectiveness of FAM in fault detection and diagnosis tasks. In addition, a set of domain rules has been extracted from the trained FAM network so that its predictions can be explained and justified. The outcomes demonstrate the benefits of employing FAM as an intelligent fault detection and diagnosis tool with an explanatory capability for monitoring and diagnosing complex processes in power generation plants.


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In this paper, typing biometrics is applied as an additional security measure to the password-based or Personal Identification Number (PIN)-based systems to authenticate the identity of computer users. In particular, keystroke pressure and latency signals are analyzed using the Fuzzy Min-Max (FMM) neural network for authentication purposes. A special pressure-sensitive keyboard is designed to collect keystroke pressure signals, in addition to the latency signals, from computer users when they type their passwords. Based on the keystroke pressure and latency signals, the FMM network is employed to classify the computer users into two categories, i.e., genuine users or impostors. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach, two sets of experiments are conducted, and the results are compared with those from statistical methods and neural network models. The experimental outcomes positively demonstrate the potentials of using typing biometrics and the FMM network to provide an additional security layer for the current password-based or PIN-based methods in authenticating the identity of computer users.


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In this paper, a study of the effectiveness of a multiple classifier system (MCS) in a medical diagnostic task is described. A hybrid network, based on the integration of a fuzzy ARTMAP and the probabilistic neural network, is employed as the basis of the MCS. Outputs from multiple networks are combined using some decision combination method to reach a final prediction. By using a real medical database, a set of experiments has been conducted to evaluate the performance of the MSC with different network configurations. The experimental results reveal the potential of the MCS as a useful decision support tool in the medical field.


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Generalized adaptive resonance theory (GART) is a neural network model that is capable of online learning and is effective in tackling pattern classification tasks. In this paper, we propose an improved GART model (IGART), and demonstrate its applicability to power systems. IGART enhances the dynamics of GART in several aspects, which include the use of the Laplacian likelihood function, a new vigilance function, a new match-tracking mechanism, an ordering algorithm for determining the sequence of training data, and a rule extraction capability to elicit if-then rules from the network. To assess the effectiveness of IGART and to compare its performances with those from other methods, three datasets that are related to power systems are employed. The experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of IGART with the rule extraction capability in undertaking classification problems in power systems engineering.


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In this paper, a new robust single-hidden layer feedforward network (SLFN)-based pattern classifier is developed. It is shown that the frequency spectrums of the desired feature vectors can be specified in terms of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) technique. The input weights of the SLFN are then optimized with the regularization theory such that the error between the frequency components of the desired feature vectors and the ones of the feature vectors extracted from the outputs of the hidden layer is minimized. For the linearly separable input patterns, the hidden layer of the SLFN plays the role of removing the effects of the disturbance from the noisy input data and providing the linearly separable feature vectors for the accurate classification. However, for the nonlinearly separable input patterns, the hidden layer is capable of assigning the DFTs of all feature vectors to the desired positions in the frequencydomain such that the separability of all nonlinearly separable patterns are maximized. In addition, the output weights of the SLFN are also optimally designed so that both the empirical and the structural risks are well balanced and minimized in a noisy environment. Two simulation examples are presented to show the excellent performance and effectiveness of the proposed classification scheme.