56 resultados para hazardous


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Fire fighters are often required to work in dynamic and hazardous environments involving a high level of uncertainty. The present study investigated 110 volunteer fire fighters’ assessments of levels of risk associated with a photographic depiction of a typical grassland fire situation. The fire fighters used a standard fire agency risk-rating matrix procedure requiring them to specify the severity of the hazards depicted and the probability of a mishap in order to rate overall level of risk (1 = Low; 4 = Extreme). The risk ratings made by the fire fighters varied greatly. The overall rate of agreement with the risk level rating of the situation made by a panel of expert fire officers (=1, Low) was only 27%. It seems that use of a standard risk-rating matrix procedure by fire fighters at incidents, as recommended currently by many fire agencies, is likely to result in unreliable risk assessments, at least in the absence of effective training in the risk assessment procedure. The 110 volunteers were also asked to identify the total number of potential hazards apparent in five photographs depicting different kinds of emergency incidents. Identifying more hazards was found to be associated with (a) previous personal experience of a ‘near-miss’; and (b) higher levels of education. The findings imply that when faced with identical fire ground situations, individual fire fighters are likely to differ in their situational awareness of hazards and consequent risk assessments.


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Teleoperated mobile robots provide the ability for a human operator to safely explore and evaluate hazardous environments. This ability represents an important progression towards the preservation of human safety in the inevitable response to situations such as terrorist activities and urban search and rescue. The benefits of removing physical human presence from such environments are obvious, however challenges inhibiting task performance when remotely operating a mobile robotic system need to be addressed. The removal of physical human presence from the target environment introduces telepresence as a vital consideration in achieving the desired objective. Introducing haptic human-robotic interaction represents one approach towards improving operator performance in such a scenario. Teleoperative stair traversal proves to be a challenging task when undertaking threat response in an urban environment. This article investigates the teleoperation of an articulated track mobile robot designed for traversing stairs in a threat response scenario. Utilising a haptic medium for bilateral human-robotic interaction, the haptic cone methodology is introduced with the aim of providing the operator with a vision-independent, intuitive indication of the current commanded robot velocity. The haptic cone methodology operates synergistically with the introduced fuzzy-haptic augmentation for improving teleoperator performance in the stair traversal scenario.


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Teleoperated mobile robotics offer potential use in a variety of different real-world applications including hazardous materials handling, urban search and rescue and explosive ordnance handling and disposal. Recent research discusses the use of Haptic technology in increasing task immersion and teleoperator performance. This work investigates the utility of low-cost, ungrounded tactile haptic interfaces in mobile robotic teleoperation. In order to achieve the desired implementation using only tactile sensation presents distinct challenges. Innovative haptic control methodologies providing the teleoperator with intuitive motion control and task-relevant haptic augmentation are presented within this paper.


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Teleoperated mobile robotics offer potential use in a variety of different real-world applications including hazardous materials handling, urban search and rescue and explosive ordnance handling and disposal. Recent research discusses the use of Haptic technology in increasing task immersion and teleoperator performance. This work investigates the utility of low-cost, ungrounded tactile haptic interfaces in mobile robotic teleoperation. In order to achieve the desired implementation using only tactile sensation presents distinct challenges. Innovative haptic control methodologies providing the teleoperator with intuitive motion control and task-relevant haptic augmentation are presented within this paper.


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In recent years there has been increasing recognition internationally that health care is not as safe as it ought to be and that patient safety outcomes need to be improved. To this end patient safety has become the focus of a world-wide endeavour aimed at reducing the incidence and impact of preventable human errors and related adverse events in health care domains. The emergency department has been identified as a significant site of preventable human errors and adverse events in the health care system, raising important questions about the nature of human error management and patient safety ethics in rapidly changing environments. In this article (the first of a two-part discussion on the subject) an overview of the incidence and impact of preventable adverse events in ED contexts is explored. The development of a ‘culture of safety’ in other hazardous industries and the ‘lessons learned’ and applied to the health care industry are also briefly examined. In a second article (to be presented as Part II), some of the ethical tensions that have arisen in the context of implementing patient safety processes and their possible implications for ED contexts are explored.


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ZnO, TiO2 and CeO2 are known as UV-shielding ceramic materials that have advantages over organic UV absorbers for their photo-stability and non-hazardous nature to human bodies. However, they normally cause low transparency in the visible-light range due to light scattering by large particles, which is undesirable for many transparent UV-blocking applications in cosmetic and plastic industries. Light-scattering efficiency of particles can be drastically reduced by decreasing the particle sizes down below 100 nm. This paper reviews recent investigation on the synthesis of ZnO and CeO2 nanoparticles by mechanochemical processing. The resulting particles had a significantly low degree of agglomeration, having mean particle sizes of ~ 25 nm and ~ 10 nm, respectively. The aqueous suspensions of the nanoparticles showed strong absorption in the UV-light range and high transmittance in the visible-light range. Mechanochemical processing offers the possibility of industrial-scale production of transparent UV-shielding ceramic particles for many applications.


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Disasters, emergencies, incidents, and major incidents - they all come back to the same thing regardless of what they are called. The common denominator is that there is loss of life, injury to people and animals and damage and destruction of property. The management of such events relies on four phases: 1. Prevention 2. Preparation 3. Response 4. Recovery Each of these phases is managed in a different way and often by different teams. Here, concentration has been given to phases 2 and 3, with particular emphasis on phase 3, Response. The words used to describe such events are often related to legislation. The terminology is detailed later. However, whatever the description, whenever prevention is not possible, or fails, then the need is to respond. Response is always better when the responders are prepared. Training is a major part of response preparation and this book is designed to assist those in the health industry who need to be ready when something happens. One of the training packages for responders is the Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) Course and this work was designed to supplement the manual prepared by Hodgetts and Macway-Jones(87) in the UK. Included is what the health services responder, who may be sent to an event in which the main concern is trauma, should know. Concentration is on the initial response and does not deal in any detail with hospital reaction, the public health aspects, or the mental health support that provides psychological help to victims and responders, and which are also essential parts of disaster management. People, in times of disaster, have always been quick to offer assistance. It is now well recognised however, that the 'enthusiastic amateur', whilst being a well meaning volunteer, isn't always what is needed. All too often such people have made things worse and have sometimes ended up as victims themselves. There is a place now for volunteers and there probably always will be. The big difference is that these people must be well informed, well trained and well practiced if they are to be effective. Fortunately such people and organisations do exist. Without the work of the St John Ambulance, the State Emergency Service, the Rural Fire Service the Red Cross and the Volunteer Rescue Association, to mention only a few, our response to disasters would be far less effective. There is a strong history of individuals being available to help the community in times of crisis. Mostly these people were volunteers but there has also always been the need for a core of professional support. In the recent past, professional support mechanisms have been developed from lessons learned, particularly to situations that need a rapid and well organised response. As lessons are learned from an analysis of events, philosophy and methods have changed. Our present system is not perfect and perhaps never will be. The need for an 'all-hazards approach' makes detailed planning very difficult and so there will probably always be criticisms about the way an event was handled. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, provided we learn from it. That means that this text is certainly not the 'last word' and revisions as we learn from experience will be inevitable. Because the author works primarily in New South Wales, many of the explanations and examples are specific to that state. In Australia disaster response is a State, rather than a Commonwealth, responsibility and consequently, and inevitably, there are differences in management between the states and territories within Australia. With the influence of Emergency Management Australia, these differences are being reduced. This means that across state and territory boundaries, assistance is common and interstate teams can be deployed and assimilated into the response rapidly, safely, effectively and with minimum explanation. This text sets out to increase the understanding of what is required, what is in place and how the processes of response are managed. By way of introduction and background, examples are given of those situations that have occurred, or could happen. Man Made Disasters has been divided into two distinct sections. Those which are related to structures or transport and those related directly to people. The first section, Chapter 3, includes: • Transport accidents involving land, rail, sea or air vehicles. • Collapse of buildings for reasons other than earthquakes or storms. • Industrial accidents, including the release of hazardous substances and nuclear events. A second section dealing with the consequences of the direct actions of people is separated as Chapter 4, entitled 'People Disasters'. Included are: • Crowd incidents involving sports and entertainment venues. • Terrorism From Chapter 4 on, the emphasis is on the Response phase and deals with organisation and response techniques in detail. Finally there is a section on terminology and abbreviations. An appendix details a typical disaster pack content. War, the greatest of all man made disasters is not considered in this text.


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This thesis examines the predictions of Jeffrey Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory in the development of smoking and hazardous drinking behaviours in young women. Impulsivity was found to significantly predict alcohol use and young women who smoked and drank at hazardous levels were significantly more impulsive than hazardous drinkers.


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This research developed non-hazardous methods for coating wool with conductive polymers for thermal and anti-static clothing. Conductive polymers are black in colour, thus the synthesis of new conductive polymers was required to produce coloured or fluorescent conductive textile. Cross-linked conductive polymers were also synthesised to increase their durability.


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Haptic teleoperation allows human operators to interact with a remote mobile robot using their haptic sensory modality. This research introduces new haptic control methodologies allowing the teleoperator to overcome the limitations of existing techniques, ultimately facilitating improved mobile robotic control for the exploration of hazardous and remote environments.


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Examines whether the personality traits of sensitivity to reward and punishment as defined by Jeffrey Gray contributed to the prediction of disordered eating and hazardous alcohol use. Studies were conducted in both subclinical and clinical populations. Heightened sensitivity to reward contributed to the prediction of hazardous alcohol use and heightened sensitivity to punishment contributed to the prediction of disordered eating in women. Women with comorbid bulimia and alcohol dependence were more behaviourally sensitive to reward than normal controls.


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Background: Recent work suggests that 2 biologically based traits convey risk for alcohol misuse: reward sensitivity ⁄ drive and (rash) impulsiveness. However, the cognitive mechanisms through which these traits convey risk are unclear. This study tested a model predicting that the risk conveyed by reward sensitivity is mediated by a learning bias for the reinforcing outcomes of alcohol consumption (i.e., positive alcohol expectancy). The model also proposed that the risk conveyed by rash impulsiveness (RI) is mediated by drinkers’ perceived ability to resist alcohol (i.e., drinking refusal self-efficacy).
Methods: Study 1 tested the model in a sample of young adults (n = 342). Study 2 tested the model in a sample of treatment-seeking substance abusers (n = 121). All participants completed a battery of personality, cognitive, and alcohol use questionnaires and models were tested using structural equation modeling.
Results: In both studies, the hypothesized model was found to provide a good fit to the data, and a better fit than alternative models. In both young adults and treatment-seeking individuals, positive alcohol expectancy fully mediated the association between reward sensitivity and hazardous alcohol use. For treatment seekers, drinking refusal self-efficacy fully mediated the association between RI and hazardous drinking. However, there was partial mediation in the young adult sample. Furthermore, neither trait was directly associated with the other cognitive mediator.
Conclusions: The hypothesized model was confirmed on a large sample of young adults and replicated on a sample of treatment-seeking substance abusers. Taken together, these findings shed further light on the mechanisms through which an impulsive temperament may convey risk for alcohol misuse.


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Large amounts of Citrus peel (rich in poly-phenolic compounds) are generated as a by-product of the juice processing industry. Development of alternative, higher valued products utilizing peel waste from grapefruit, oranges, Valencia and other citrus fruit would benefit citrus juice processors by providing them with means to profitably process their peel waste and to avoid environmentally hazardous dumping. Citrus peel waste [CPW, comprised of peel, membranes and juice vesicles] contains a high level of polyphenols and has been used for the production of animal feed, single-cell protein, fibre, enzyme(s), immobilization support & bio-sorbent for heavy metal removal. Naringin (a major tri-hydroxy flavonoid glycoside) is available in large amounts in citrus peel, processed juice and can be extracted from citrus peel waste1. The extracted naringin is further hydrolysed by rhamnosidase to produce D-rhamnose for the production of ethanol and other fermentation products. We have produced a recombinant enzyme2 that has the ability to catalyse the cleavage of terminal rhamnoside groups from naringin to prunin and rhamnose. We have recovered important sugar “D-rhamnose” from the processed waste which would be utilized for ethanol production3. This presentation will summarize current efforts to develop an enzymatic treatment which would facilitate the economical processing of citrus waste for bioenergy generation.


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Mobile robots are providing great assistance operating in hazardous environments such as nuclear cores, battlefields, natural disasters, and even at the nano-level of human cells. These robots are usually equipped with a wide variety of sensors in order to collect data and guide their navigation. Whether a single robot operating all sensors or a swarm of cooperating robots operating their special sensors, the captured data can be too large to be transferred across limited resources (e.g. bandwidth, battery, processing, and response time) in hazardous environments. Therefore, local computations have to be carried out on board the swarming robots to assess the worthiness of captured data and the capacity of fused information in a certain spatial dimension as well as selection of proper combination of fusion algorithms and metrics. This paper introduces to the concepts of Type-I and Type-II fusion errors, fusion capacity, and fusion worthiness. These concepts together form the ladder leading to autonomous fusion systems.


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While our awareness towards sustainable society and environment grows, the importance of ‘green’ materials and manufacturing is gaining significant recognition. We have demonstrated that naturally-occurring fibers as renewable raw materials can be converted into nanoparticles and nano fibers using simple top-down methods without introducing hazardous chemicals. This new class of green nanomaterials will have a wide range of environmental and biomedical applications owing to the inherent biocompatible, biodegradable and carbon-neutral nature.