53 resultados para Weak Slope


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Formation of autonomous mobile robots to an arbitrary geometric pattern in a distributed fashion is a fundamental problem in formation control. This paper presents a new fully distributed, memoryless (oblivious) algorithm to the formation control problem via distributed optimization techniques. The optimization minimizes an appropriately defined difference function between the current robot distribution and target geometric pattern. The optimization processes are performed independently by individual robots in their local coordinate system. A movement strategy derived from the results of the distributed optimizations guarantees that every movement makes the current robot configuration approaches the target geometric pattern until the final pattern is reached.


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The probability of failure of a rock slope is generally estimated by using the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) in conjunction with a reliability analysis. Although the LEM is relatively simple and time efficient, recent studies have indicated that using the LEM may overestimate the factor of safety by 21%, when based on a non-linear failure criterion. Fortunately, the solutions presented by Li et al. (2008, 2009) can provide more accurate evaluations for rock slope stability as the numerical upper and lower bound limit analysis methods (2002a, 2002b, 2005) were employed. The advantages of these methods are used in this study to assess the rock slope probability of failure. The motivation is that with more accurate methods to evaluate the factor of safety, more economic designs can be performed.


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Current investigations have shown that earthquakes can trigger significant damages of equipment, property infrastructure and environment. This is a persistent cause of economic loss for any country, especially for the loss of life. The conventional method for slope stability design is to utilize limit equilibrium method (LEM) in conjunction with the pseudo-static (PS) approach. However, the LEM has a significant drawback which is to determine the slip surface before factor of safety calculation. The numerical upper and lower bound limit analysis method employed in this paper can avoid this limitation. In this study, the presented slope stability evaluations considering earthquake effects based on the finite difference method will be discussed and compared with the results from the numerical limit analysis methods.


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In econometrics, heteroskedasticity refers to the case when the variances of the error terms of the data in hand are not equal. Heteroskedastic time series are challenging to different forecasting models. However, all available solutions adopt the strategy of accommodating heteroskedasticity in the time series and consider it as a type of noise. Some statistical tests were developed over the past three decades to determine whether a time series features heteroskedastic behaviour. This paper presents a novel strategy to handle this problem by deriving a quantifying measure for heteroskedasticity. The proposed measure relies on the definition of heteroskedasticity as a time-variant variance in the time series. In this work, heteroskedasticity is measured by calculating local variances using linear filters, estimating variance trends, calculating changes in variance slopes, and finally obtaining the average slope angle. The results confirm that the proposed index complies with the widely popular heteroskedasticity tests.


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Stability charts for soil slopes were first produced by Taylor in 1937 and they continue to be used extensively as design tools and draw the attention of many investigators. From a review of literature, it was found that there is no convenient solution has been provided for cohesive materials filled on purely cohesive undrained clay. A recent study revealed that the embankment slope which has two-layered clays failed in an undrained state which shows the importance of this study. In order to obtain the solutions for this type of fill slope. A number of numerical method are employed, namely the finite element upper and lower bound limit analysis methods and limit equilibrium method. The numerical upper and lower bound limit analysis method can bracket true solutions within a small range (6%). The solutions of limit equilibrium analysis are used for comparison purpose.


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Monotonicity with respect to all arguments is fundamental to the definition of aggregation functions. Here we study means that are not necessarily monotone. Weak monotonicity was recently proposed as a relaxation of the monotonicity condition for averaging functions. We provide results for the weak monotonicity of some importantclasses of mixture functions. With these results we are able to extend and improve the understanding of this very important class of functions.


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This paper uses the finite element upper and lower bound limit analysis to assess the stability of slopes mostly found in embankment cases where frictional materials are filled on purely cohesive undrained clay. For comparison purposes, the commonly used stability assessment method, limit equilibrium method (LEM) is also employed. The final results for both methods are then presented in the form of comprehensive chart solutions for the convenience of practicing engineers during preliminary slope designs. The failure mechanism will also be discussed in this paper. Ultimately, it should be noted that finite element limit analysis method holds the upper hand as its prior assumptions are not required. Thus, the obtained failure mechanism from the slope stability analysis will be more realistic. Hence, it will provide a better understanding for the slope failure surface. Therefore, engineers should design more carefully when the LEM is applied to the slopes with frictional materials filled on purely cohesive undrained clay. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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It is known that rock masses are inhomogeneous, discontinuous media composed of rock material and naturally occurring discontinuities such as joints, fractures and bedding planes. These features make any analysis very difficult using simple theoretical solutions. Generally speaking, back analysis technique can be used to capture some implicit parameters for geotechnical problems. In order to perform back analyses, the procedure of trial and error is generally required. However, it would be time-consuming. This study aims at applying a neural network to do the back analysis for rock slope failures. The neural network tool will be trained by using the solutions of finite element upper and lower bound limit analysis methods. Therefore, the uncertain parameter can be obtained, particularly for rock mass disturbance.