59 resultados para Relapse


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Energy conservation directed at accelerating body fat recovery (or catch-up fat) contributes to obesity relapse after slimming and to excess fat gain during catch-up growth after malnutrition. To investigate the mechanisms underlying such thrifty metabolism for catch-up fat, we tested whether during refeeding after caloric restriction rats exhibiting catch-up fat driven by suppressed thermogenesis have diminished skeletal muscle phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) activity or AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling—two pathways required for hormone-induced thermogenesis in ex vivo muscle preparations. The results show that during isocaloric refeeding with a low-fat diet, at time points when body fat, circulating free fatty acids, and intramyocellular lipids in refed animals do not exceed those of controls, muscle insulin receptor substrate 1-associated PI3K activity (basal and in vivo insulin-stimulated) is lower than that in controls. Isocaloric refeeding with a high-fat diet, which exacerbates the suppression of thermogenesis, results in further reductions in muscle PI3K activity and in impaired AMPK phosphorylation (basal and in vivo leptin-stimulated). It is proposed that reduced skeletal muscle PI3K/AMPK signaling and suppressed thermogenesis are interdependent. Defective PI3K or AMPK signaling will reduce the rate of substrate cycling between de novo lipogenesis and lipid oxidation, leading to suppressed thermogenesis, which accelerates body fat recovery and furthermore sensitizes skeletal muscle to dietary fat-induced impairments in PI3K/AMPK signaling.—Summermatter, S., Mainieri, D., Russell, A. P., Seydoux, J., Montani, J. P., Buchala, A., Solinas, G., Dulloo, A. G. Thrifty metabolism that favors fat storage after caloric restriction: a role for skeletal muscle phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity and AMP-activated protein kinase.


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Clinical interventions based on training in mindfulness skills are an increasingly common part of psychological practice. Mindfulness training can lead to reductions in a variety of problematic conditions including pain, stress, anxiety, depressive relapse, psychosis, and disordered eating but to date there have been few attempts to investigate the effectiveness of this approach with problematic anger. In this paper, the literature in relation to the theory and treatment of problematic anger is reviewed, with the aim of determining whether a rationale exists for the use of mindfulness with angry individuals. It is concluded that anger as an emotion seems particularly appropriate for the application of mindfulness-based interventions, and the potential mechanisms for its proposed effects in alleviating the cognitive, affective and behavioral manifestations of anger are discussed.


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In this thesis, the link between substance abuse and family dysfunction is examined, and an argument is made for the assessment of family dysfunction when treating clients with substance abuse issues. Family dysfunction has been associated with a broad range of problems in children (e.g., low self esteem, increased risk of child abuse) through to adolescence and adulthood (e.g., increased risk of mental disorders such as depressive disorders, substance abuse disorders, and personality disorders) (Kaplan & Sadock, 1998). It is not the purpose of this thesis to suggest that family dysfunction causes substance abuse but rather to highlight that family dysfunction can in some cases place the individual at greater risk of substance abuse. Therefore, in order to understand the reasons why substance abuse developed and how it is maintained in the present requires the assessment of family dysfunction. Further, the importance of assessing the role and impact that family dysfunction may have had on the client, may help to better understand the nature and extent of substance abuse so that relevant and appropriate treatment goals for change may be set, progress monitored, and risk of relapse reduced. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to this thesis, and Chapter 2 is a review of the literature on the impact of family dysfunction including poor parental attachment and supervision, neglect, physical and sexual abuse, in adolescence and adulthood. Four case studies are presented to illustrate how family dysfunction and substance abuse may be related, thus highlighting the importance of assessing family dysfunction when treating substance abuse clients. All of the case studies include an individual with a substance abuse disorder (namely heroin) but they are diverse in terms of the types and extent of family dysfunction. The final chapter discusses the case studies in relation to the literature reviewed. Lastly, it gives consideration to the implication of a history of family dysfunction, and how it may impact negatively on treatment and therefore prognosis.


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Despite the widespread acceptance that follow-up or maintenance sessions are an important part of the change process for those who have completed offender rehabilitation programmes, there have been few attempts to articulate the basis upon which such sessions might be developed. This paper reviews the current theoretical and empirical literature relating to maintenance programmes, concluding that whilst there are a number of theories which might be relevant to the design of effective maintenance programmes, there is almost no empirical basis from which to make any assessment of their likely value or effectiveness.


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CYP2B6 is mainly expressed in the liver that has been thought historically to play an insignificant role in human drug metabolism. However, increased interest in this enzyme has been stimulated by the discovery of polymorphic and ethnic differences in CYP2B6 expression, identification of additional substrates for CYP2B6, and evidence for co-regulation with CYP3A4. This paper updates our knowledge about the structure, function, regulation and polymorphism of CYP2B6. CYP2B6 can metabolise approximately 8% of clinically used drugs (n > 60), including cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, tamoxifen, ketamine, artemisinin, nevirapine, efavirenz, bupropion, sibutramine, and propofol. CYP2B6 is one of the CYP enzymes that bioactivate several procarcinogens and toxicants. This enzyme also metabolizes arachidonic acid, lauric acid, 17beta-estradiol, estrone, ethinylestradiol, and testosterone. Typical substrates of CYP2B6 are non-planar molecules, neutral or weakly basic, highly lipophilic with one or two hydrogen-bond acceptors. The crystal structure of CYP2B6 has not been resolved, while several pharmacophore and homology models of human CYP2B6 have been reported. Human CYP2B6 is closely regulated by constitutive androstane receptor (CAR/NR1I3) which can activate CYP2B6 expression upon ligand binding. Pregnane X receptor and glucocorticoid receptor also play a role in the regulation of CYP2B6. Induction of CYP2B6 may partially explain some clinical drug interactions observed. For example, coadministered carbamazepine decreases the systemic exposure of bupropion. There is a wide interindividual variability in the expression and activity of CYP2B6. Such a large variability is probably due to effects of genetic polymorphisms and exposure to drugs that are inducers or inhibitors of CYP2B6. To date, at least 28 allelic variants and some subvariants of CYP2B6 (*1B through *29) have been described and some of them have been shown to have important functional impact on drug clearance and drug response. For example, the efavirenz plasma levels in African-American subjects with the CYP2B6 homozygous 516T/T genotype are approximately 3-fold higher than individuals carrying the homozygous G/G genotype. The CYP2B6 516T/T genotype is associated with 1.7-fold greater plasma levels of nevirapine in HIV-infected patients. Smokers with the 1459C>T (R487C) variant of CYP2B6 may be more vulnerable to abstinence symptoms and relapse following treatment with bupropion as a smoking cessation agent. Further studies in the structure, function, regulation and polymorphism of CYP2B6 are warranted.


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Two theoretical developments, the Self-Regulation Model of the Offence and Relapse Process and the Good Lives Model, have recently offered promise in the advancement of sex offender treatment. The present paper represents a preliminary attempt to operationalize these theoretical principles by developing a number of practical treatment procedures. We have employed the method of a life map, which traces personal development from birth and which incorporates long-term future projections. This includes all actions, events, incidents and skills (whether positive or negative), which have led to a sense of self-esteem and the development of personal values. These will include risk factors and criminogenic needs which lead to offending as well as positive experiences and self-resources which can be incorporated into a future Good Lives Pathway. Two case illustrations are presented, which demonstrate the way in which all experiences from the past can be incorporated into alternative future pathways. These pathways will include positive self-resources and protective variables which develop into a non-offending future and negative self-resources with risk variables which develop into an offending future. The cases illustrate the way in which GLM and self-regulation pathways can be combined in a robust practical treatment procedure. Practical difficulties inherent in the procedure are also discussed.


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The overall objective of the review is to evaluate the effect of antioxidants as add-on treatments to standard antipsychotic medication for improving acute psychotic episodes and core symptoms and preventing relapse in people with schizophrenia.


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Objective: The staging model suggests that early stages of bipolar disorder respond better to treatments and have a more favourable prognosis. This study aims to provide empirical support for the model, and the allied construct of early intervention.

Methods: Pooled data from mania, depression, and maintenance studies of olanzapine were analyzed. Individuals were categorized as having had 0, 1–5, 6–10, or >10 prior episodes of illness, and data were analyzed across these groups.

Results: Response rates for the mania and maintenance studies ranged from 52–69% and 10–50%, respectively, for individuals with 1–5 previous episodes, and from 29–59% and 11–40% for individuals with >5 previous episodes. These rates were significantly higher for the 1–5 group on most measures of response with up to a twofold increase in the chance of responding for those with fewer previous episodes. For the depression studies, response rates were significantly higher for the 1–5 group for two measures only. In the maintenance studies, the chance of relapse to either mania or depression was reduced by 40–60% for those who had experienced 1–5 episodes or 6–10 episodes compared to the >10 episode group, respectively. This trend was statistically significant only for relapse into mania for the 1–5 episode group (p = 0.005).

Conclusion: Those individuals at the earliest stages of illness consistently had a more favourable response to treatment. This is consistent with the staging model and


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• Adjunctive psychosocial interventions for bipolar disorder target many of the issues that are not addressed by medication alone, including non-adherence, efficacy–effectiveness gap and functionality.

• Psychosocial interventions have been found to reduce relapse, particularly for the depressive pole, and improve functionality.

• Approaches such as psychoeducation, cognitive behaviour therapy, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, and family therapy have shown benefits as adjunctive treatments.

• Each of the various psychosocial interventions has a unique emphasis, but they share common elements. These include: providing information and education; developing a personal understanding of the illness, such as triggers and early warning signs; having prepared strategies in place for early intervention, should symptoms of illness develop; and promoting a collaborative approach.

• Evidence to date supports the use of adjunctive psychosocial interventions in the management of bipolar disorder.


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Objective: To assess the potential role of atypical antipsychotics as mood stabilizers.

Method: A MedLine, PsychLIT, PubMed, and EMBASE literature search of papers published up to December 2004 was conducted using the names of atypical antipsychotics and a number of key terms relevant to bipolar disorder. Additional articles were retrieved by scrutinizing the bibliographies of review papers and literature known to the authors. Data pertinent to the objective was reviewed according to the various phases of bipolar disorder.

Results: The data is most substantive for the use of atypical antipsychotics in mania, to the extent that an argument for a class effect of significant efficacy can be made. This does not extend to bipolar depression, however, good data is now emerging for some agents and will need to be considered for each individual agent as it accumulates. As regards mixed states and rapid cycling the evidence is thus far sparse and too few maintenance studies have been conducted to make any firm assertions. However, with respect to long-term therapy the atypical antipsychotics do have clinically significant side-effects of which clinicians need to be aware.

Conclusion: Based on the evidence thus far it is perhaps premature to describe the atypical antipsychotics as mood stabilizers. Individual agents may eventually be able to claim this label, however, much further research is needed especially with respect to maintenance and relapse prevention.


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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:

To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of anti-angiogenic therapy, either alone or in combination with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy in patients with HGG. Comparisons will be as follows:

1. Newly diagnosed HGG treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy in combination with angiogenesis inhibitor versus without angiogenesis inhibitors.
2. First relapse therapy with angiogenesis inhibitor versus without angiogenesis inhibitors.
3. Second or third line angiogenesis inhibitors versus therapy without angiogenesis inhibitors.


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Aim: There is a scarce literature describing psychological interventions for a young, first-episode cohort who have experienced psychotic mania. This study aimed to assess whether a manualized psychological intervention could be effective in reducing symptomatology and relapse, and improve functional outcome in this population.

Methods: The study was an open-label design, drawn from a larger pharmacotherapy trial. All participants in the pharmacotherapy trial were offered a manualized psychological intervention in addition to case management. Inclusion in the psychotherapy group was based on participant's choice, and on completion of four or more of the eight modules offered. All clinical files were audited to ensure accuracy of group allocation. Forty young people aged 15 to 25 years old who had experienced a manic episode with psychotic features were recruited into the study, with 20 people in the combined treatment as usual plus psychotherapy group (P+TAU), and an equal number of matched control participants who received treatment as usual (TAU) within the same service. All participants were prescribed antipsychotic and mood-stabilizing medication. Symptomatic, functional and relapse measures were taken both at baseline and at 18-month follow-up.

Results: Manic symptoms improved significantly for both groups, with no differences between groups. Depression scores and overall symptom severity were significantly lower in the P + TAU group. No differences were evident between groups with regard to numbers or type of relapse. The P + TAU group had significantly better social and occupational functioning after 18 months.

Conclusion: This study suggests that a manualized psychological intervention targeted to a first-episode population can be effective in reducing depression and overall symptom severity, and can improve functional outcome following a first episode of psychotic mania.


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To assess the effects of specific drugs with antioxidant properties, in comparison with placebo, as adjunctive treatment to standard mood-stabilising treatment for improving acute mood episodes and preventing relapse in people with bipolar disorder.

Given the diverse range of antioxidant drugs under consideration we will only seek to draw conclusions regarding the efficacy of individual drugs as an adjunct to mood stabilisers and there will be no comment on relative efficacy between different antioxidants.


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Background The Bipolar Comprehensive Outcomes Study (BCOS) is a 2-year, prospective, non-interventional, observational study designed to explore the clinical and functional outcomes associated with ‘real-world’ treatment of participants with bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder. All participants received treatment as usual. There was no study medication.

Methods Participants prescribed either conventional mood stabilizers (CMS; n = 155) alone, or olanzapine with, or without, CMS (olanzapine ± CMS; n = 84) were assessed every 3 months using several measures, including the Young Mania Rating Scale, 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Clinical Global Impressions Scale – Bipolar Version, and the EuroQol Instrument. This paper reports 24-month longitudinal clinical, pharmacological, functional, and socioeconomic data.

Results On average, participants were 42 (range 18 to 79) years of age, 58%; were female, and 73%; had a diagnosis of bipolar I. Polypharmacy was the usual approach to pharmacological treatment; participants took a median of 5 different psychotropic medications over the course of the study, and spent a median proportion of time of 100%; of the study on mood stabilizers, 90%; on antipsychotics, 9%; on antidepressants, and 5%; on benzodiazepines/hypnotics. By 24 months, the majority of participants had achieved both symptomatic and syndromal remission of both mania and depression. Symptomatic relapse rates were similar for both the CMS alone (65%;) and the olanzapine ± CMS (61%;) cohorts.

Conclusions Participants with bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder in this study were receiving complex medication treatments that were often discordant with recommendations made in contemporary major treatment guidelines. The majority of study participants demonstrated some clinical and functional improvements, but not all achieved remission of symptoms or syndrome.