68 resultados para NGO


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Transitioning towards an information security culture for organisations has not been adequately explored in the current security and management literature. Many authors have proposed how information security culture can be created, fostered and managed within organisations, but have failed to adequately address the transition process towards information security culture change, particularly for small medium enterprises (SMEs). This paper aims to (1) recapitulate key developments and trends within information security culture literature; (2) explore in detail the transition process towards organisational change; (3) adapt the transition process with respects to the key players involved in transition and propose a transition model for information security culture change; and (4) consider how this model could be used by managers and employees of Australian SMEs. A major intention of this paper is to provide academic researchers and practicing managers with an understanding of the transition process towards achieving information security culture change within SMEs.


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This paper addresses the role of security in the collaborative e-learning environment, and in particular, the social aspects of security and the importance of identity. It represents a case study, completed in Nov 2004, which was conducted to test the sense of security that students experienced whilst using the wiki platform as a means of online collaboration in the tertiary education environment. Wikis, fully editable Web sites, are easily accessible, require no software and allow its contributors (in this case students) to feel a sense of responsibility and ownership. A comparison between two wiki studies will be made whereby one group employed user login and the other maintained anonymity throughout the course of the study. The results consider the democratic participation and evolution of the work requirements over time, which in fact ascertains the nonvalidity of administrative identification.


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The awarding of the 2006 Nobel Peace prize to Grameen Bank founder Muhammad Yunus has further highlighted how microfinance has come to be regarded as a significant and effective tool in making finance available to the poor. However, much debate still centres on both how microfmance should be delivered and its effectiveness measured. Microfinance funding is not something that should be undertaken lightly, and an awareness of all the cogent issues is essential for any donor looking to undertake effective microfinance programming. This chapter will outline some of the key arguments in the contested debate on effective microfinance programming. It will focus on a discussion of poverty and impact assessments and argues that the effective funding of microfinance is dependent on the ability of an NGO to recognise the many forms which micro finance can take and direct their funding accordingly.


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Over the past decade, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been contesting the neo-liberal economic order in international politics by campaigning for normative conditions to bring about what Richard Falk calls 'humane governance'. However, the degree to which NGOs have contributed to the formation of global social contracts remains controversial. While NGO activists and various scholars advocate the establishment of such contracts, empirical testing of this normative argument is underdeveloped. Drawing upon this lack of empirical support, critics dismiss the global social contract concept and question the roles played by NGOs in international politics. This article addresses the controversy through a review, refinement and application of global social contract theory and an empirical study of two prominent international NGO campaigns directed at the World Trade Organization (WTO), an institution that represents a 'hard test case'. It explores the ways in which NGOs and their networks are challenging the neo-liberal basis of WTO agreements and contributing to the emergence of global social contracts. The article concludes that in some circumstances, NGOs have the capacity to inject social justice into international economic contracts and there is some basis for optimism regarding the formation of global social contracts involving NGOs, nation-states and international organizations.


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Many people not directly involved in developing, maintaining and evaluating business–community partnerships tend to assume that such partnerships are one of two types: an add-on to an organisation’s core business or a fundraiser for an NGO. There are lots of examples of these two categories of “partnership” around the world, but there are considerably fewer of a third type – where the partnership is part of “core business” and as such is deeply embedded in the more forward-looking companies and community organisations that implement them, and also achieves significant internal impact. This situation raises some interesting communication


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The role of peak NGOs in Australian civil society is considered crucial for representing marginal groups in the public and policy arena. The Howard government had particularly challenged the advocacy, coordination, information, research and policy role of peak NGOs. Instead of dealing with NGOs, the Howard government developed a 'governing through communities' process establishing new arrangements between the Federal government and local communities. It is of concern that 'governance through communities' may directly erode the values of voluntary association, broad representation of diverse groups in society and may negate non-instrumental political relations that NGOs aim to contribute to a healthy democracy. How the new Rudd government relates to peak NGOs is thus worthy of close analysis to understand what democratic role especially peak NGO's will play in Australian civil society.


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This paper outlines the professional development program used to introduce a learning repository at Deakin University. Providing appropriate, timely and effective professional development programs to support academic and other staff is one of the objectives of the Deakin University Teaching and Learning Functional Plan 2008. Our blended program combines web-based and face-to-face training with a wide variety of resources to support staff. Issues noted in the literature relating to the introduction and use of learning repositories informed the planning and development of our program. Challenges and issues we experienced at Deakin are also outlined.


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The problems of unsustainable development and the increased-awareness of corporate power in the global era have contributed to an agenda of corporate citizenship. This thesis explores the meanings and practices that fall under the banner of the triple bottom line of corporate citizenship through forty-two in-depth interviews with representatives from the corporate sector and NGO sector (including trade unions) in Australia. This purposive sample includes a specific range of corporate industries and NGO types, all of which have involvement with various areas of sustainability. Interviewees described their feelings and experiences in relation to the concept of the triple bottom line, the potential and limitations of this type of sustainability and the purpose and impacts of partnerships between NGOs and the corporate sector. On the basis of this research, this thesis argues that corporate citizenship is at best, a set of initiatives for making minor adjustments to the way companies perform their day-to-day operations and at worst, a program for improving corporate image rather than performance and for shifting the agenda of sustainable development toward corporate interests. While radical steps are required to achieve a sustainable society and environment, the terms of corporate citizenship offer very limited opportunities for change. The self-regulatory and market based model of citizenship does not challenge the impact of consumerism or the legitimacy of particular industry types and their products, except where threats are perceived to the longevity of the companies involved. Furthermore, while the exploitation of the environment and society has occurred as a result of corporate self-interest, corporate citizenship is justified on the same basis. The self-interest rationale and the tyranny of the economic bottom line in particular, substantially limit the fields of responsibility that can be included in the citizenship paradigm. While there are undoubtedly some well-intentioned corporate representatives who are working toward attaining a more sustainable corporate culture, the discourse is primarily used to shift the sustainable development agenda toward corporate paradigms and interests.


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Active citizens can become a powerful driver of development by holding to popular account those who traditionally wield decision-making power at the local and national levels. Active citizenship draws from a long history of understanding the importance of community participation and ownership of development interventions. However, in spite of its inherent strengths, active citizenship may not be a possible (or optimal) outcome in all circumstances. This article argues for the realistic expectation of active citizenship (and indeed participation) of one specific sub-population in Thailand, where the overwhelming majority of illegal migrants (of an estimated total of 800,000-1.5 million) are Burmese. Their precarious existence as illegal migrants compounds the development needs that confront any poor community. This in turn hinders their ability to engage actively in the development process. This article reviews the lessons learned by a Thai-based NGO that has worked with illegal Burmese migrants for more than 15 years. It discusses the unique strengths and weakness of these illegal communities, whether or not it is appropriate to seek to engage them as active citizens, and the implications for NGOs working with such communities. It suggests that the unique role that NGOs must play, in cases where public participation could endanger the lives of community members, is that of advocate-guardians, whereby they assume the role of active citizen on behalf of the community in question and simultaneously provide development interventions and advocate on its behalf.


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Agricultural production in Tirnor Leste is of vital importance, both for the majority of the population who rely primarily on agricultural production for their livelihoods, but also in the broader development agenda of this new nation. The post independence lack of public agricultural extension and the destruction of much the resource base led to the current situation whereby the NGO sector is the primary provider of advice, extension and access to resources for agricultural production. The very recent move to invest once more in public agricultural extension services provides a timely point to assess the role, approach, issues and opportunities faced by NGOs. This research is based on discussions with a number of NGO personnel, both local, national and international and raises a number of questions regarding how the wide variety of organisations engage with communities, their objectives, inputs, coverage, and impacts. The discussion is framed by an analysis of the changing practices in agricultural extension and the associated role of NGOs, and questions how best the agricultural sector rnight move forward in providing appropriate support to the farmers of Timor Leste..


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The study developed a model to help Australian organisations transition toward an improved IT security culture. The IT Security Culture Transition Model improved organisations' IT security awareness, knowledge, attitude and behaviour allowing them to better protect their IT security. The model can be implemented face-to-face and as an e-learning program.


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Investigates the major theoretical and practical issues related to distance education and English language teacher retraining. Suggests a number of models for the provision of Australian postgraduate programmes in TESOL for the upgrading of the teaching qualifications of Vietnamese tertiary teachers of English.