26 resultados para International organization.


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In this article, we examine the unit root null hypothesis for per capita total Health Expenditures (HEs), per capita private HEs and per capita public HEs for 29 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The novelty of our work is that we use a new nonlinear unit root test that allows for one structural break in the data series. We find that for around 45% of the countries, we are able to reject the unit root hypothesis for each of the three HE series. Moreover, using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that our proposed unit root model has better size and power properties than the widely used Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) and Lagrange Multiplier (LM) type tests.


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At 5:17AM on Friday 26 July 1963, Skopje was struck by an earthquake, which in 17 seconds destroyed approximately 75% of the urban fabric, and changed the course of its history from an unknown town to a city of international focus. Immediate actions and a formidable level of local organization; an unprecedented pouring in of aid from the other Yugoslav republics and from individual nations and organisations; and a monumental role for the United Nations in the co-ordination of international , architectural and urban planning expertise for the city's large-scale and long-term reconstruction, laid the foundation for what has been called 'a precise Marxist revolutionary situation' .1 The detail of the paper concerns Stage 4, Replanning 1963 to 1966 of the planning strategy that was organised into five stages, and has a major interest in the invited United Nations (UN) international competition ~o redesign approximately two square kilometres of the city centre.2 Action is associated with activity as productivity, but in Skopje added to this were symbolic human acts and heroic action such that its inhabitants regained their city and importantly a new position as city in the world.


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Development is a difficult undertaking in any environment, but much more so in places such as Myanmar with its “perfect storm” of extreme poverty, international sanctions, and political repression and human rights violations with concomitant conflicts within development organizations over norms and policies.

Context-Sensitive Development examines how to effect successful development interventions in Myanmar. Anthony Ware points out that while practitioners have questioned universal economic prescriptions for development, they have not been as consistent in questioning the normative foundations behind their work. Ware does not argue for a facile moral relativism; he sees Myanmar as an egregious violator of human rights, but he does call for “context sensitivity” to help organizations adapt their values to better meet the needs of client populations.

Through his years of practice in the field and extensive series of interviews, the author brings into focus key issues of perception and practice that are intrinsic to the development enterprise. Although the focus is on Myanmar as a quintessential “difficult” case, Ware shows how his conclusions can be used elsewhere. His book represents a major contribution to both development theory and practice, vital for both the classroom and the development organization in situ.


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This paper argues that it is essential for live theatre that incorporates stereoscopic imagery to reconceptualise the performance space to facilitate a successful audience experience. While 3D technology greatly increases artistic possibilities, the risks of perceptual confusion exist in live theatre just as in stereoscopic cinema, indeed more so given the coexistence of live performers. This paper argues that Gestalt perceptual organization theory can be valuable in informing how best to employ stereoscopic imagery within a live theater environment, with reference to the artistic works of one of the authors.


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Background and objectives: 

The World Health Organization (WHO)’s monitoring of risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) does not include ’upstream’ monitoring of many aspects of food environments that influence population diets. INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity/NCDs Research, Monitoring and Action Support) is a global network of public-interest organisations and researchers that aims to monitor, benchmark and support public and private sector actions to create healthy food environments and reduce obesity and NCDs. This monitoring of public and private sector policies, and their impacts on the healthiness of food environments, seeks to complement existing WHO monitoring efforts.

Monitoring areas are divided into process, impact and outcome modules. The two process modules focus on monitoring and benchmarking the policies and actions of the public and private sector. The seven impact modules focus on monitoring and benchmarking the impact of those policies and actions on key aspects of food environments, such as food composition, labelling, promotion, provision, access, availability, affordability, and trade and investment. The three outcome modules focus on monitoring and evaluating changes in behavioural, dietary, physiological and metabolic risk factors, as well as health outcomes. Some aspects of these outcome components are being developed by WHO as part of their global NCD monitoring framework.

The development of protocols and pilot testing is planned for 2013-2015. The monitoring framework will be trialled in large and small, and high- and low-income countries globally. Within five years, it is expected that all countries will be invited to collect their own data and contribute those data to a global database for benchmarking food environments. 

Benchmarking data and good practice exemplars will be communicated to policymakers, civil society and the food industry with the aim of stimulating improvements in the healthiness of food environments.


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Medulloblastoma is curable in approximately 70% of patients. Over the past decade, progress in improving survival using conventional therapies has stalled, resulting in reduced quality of life due to treatment-related side effects, which are a major concern in survivors. The vast amount of genomic and molecular data generated over the last 5-10 years encourages optimism that improved risk stratification and new molecular targets will improve outcomes. It is now clear that medulloblastoma is not a single-disease entity, but instead consists of at least four distinct molecular subgroups: WNT/Wingless, Sonic Hedgehog, Group 3, and Group 4. The Medulloblastoma Down Under 2013 meeting, which convened at Bunker Bay, Australia, brought together 50 leading clinicians and scientists. The 2-day agenda included focused sessions on pathology and molecular stratification, genomics and mouse models, high-throughput drug screening, and clinical trial design. The meeting established a global action plan to translate novel biologic insights and drug targeting into treatment regimens to improve outcomes. A consensus was reached in several key areas, with the most important being that a novel classification scheme for medulloblastoma based on the four molecular subgroups, as well as histopathologic features, should be presented for consideration in the upcoming fifth edition of the World Health Organization's classification of tumours of the central nervous system. Three other notable areas of agreement were as follows: (1) to establish a central repository of annotated mouse models that are readily accessible and freely available to the international research community; (2) to institute common eligibility criteria between the Children's Oncology Group and the International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe and initiate joint or parallel clinical trials; (3) to share preliminary high-throughput screening data across discovery labs to hasten the development of novel therapeutics. Medulloblastoma Down Under 2013 was an effective forum for meaningful discussion, which resulted in enhancing international collaborative clinical and translational research of this rare disease. This template could be applied to other fields to devise global action plans addressing all aspects of a disease, from improved disease classification, treatment stratification, and drug targeting to superior treatment regimens to be assessed in cooperative international clinical trials.


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The Islamic Republic of Iran has pursued full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). In doing so, Iran has appeared to be unfazed by the prospect of allying with Russia and China, two countries which have systematically suppressed their Muslim minorities for decades. Similarly, the SCO's Central Asian member states are led by individual leaders who are generally believed to rule in spite of their populations. As a result, Iran's eagerness to join the SCO may appear to contradict its self-promoted image as the champion of Muslim interests, but in reality it sits nicely within its overarching enmity for the USA. Indeed, the SCO is seen as a geopolitical counterweight to the USA. For Iran, this geopolitical opportunity overrides ideological imperatives, with the gap between ideology and geopolitics most evident under the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


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The past three decades have witnessed significant growth of culturally and linguistically diverse international students in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. International students now constitute an important component of the student body at many universities, especially in their business schools. The increased presence of international students has generated new demands and challenges for these business schools, and a number of issues related to international students have been identified in the literature. However, the increased presence of international students has not led universities and business schools to develop adequate responses to the issues and make subsequent changes in the curriculum. Diversity on campus continues to be managed in roughly the same way as in business organizations. Drawing on the notion that diversity should be defined and understood in terms of context, this conceptual paper redefines diversity on campus, identifies limitations of current diversity education in the higher education context, and develops a competency-oriented approach to improve inclusion and academic performance of international students.


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This paper explores the role and perceptions of animals in international development efforts and the possible contradictions between differing priorities of agencies involved in international charitable efforts. Although there is a wide range of purposes for a charitable organization, as shown in the (England and Wales) Charities Act 2011 (c.25) and having one purpose does not preclude a second, organizations concerned with animal welfare are quite distinct from those working for poverty alleviation in the developing world (and indeed the developed world). A fun and novel gift of a donkey may equally be perceived as a cruel, environmentally unsustainable and misguided development effort, a valuable asset, or a burden to a household struggling to feed existing mouths. Exacerbating this situation is the fact that much of the debate around animals in a developing context is heavily polarized between livestock welfare, and animal rights, with a very limited middle ground. This chapter analyzes the underlying tensions between human development, animal welfare, and poverty alleviation, exploring cultural tensions, philosophical tensions and where areas of common ground may be found, with specific reference to development programming. The chapter is framed by contemporary debate on ethics and international development. International development interventions are driven by human welfare concerns, within the broader context of an increasingly globalized world economy. There is a danger in not engaging with ethical considerations with regard to animals and development , as there are potentially complex, interrelated and unintended outcomes. Such outcomes include rising inequality for those who depend on livestock for livelihoods in a business-as-usual scenario of increasing production and intensification; a focus on animal welfare in isolation, with potential accusations of forcing limitations on animal production on low income communities and countries;, and, finally, a moral debate surrounding the issue of whether it is reasonable to require animal welfare standards of people who live in poverty, as a pathway out of poverty. Discourse and practice needs to engage with how to link debate on international development with ethics of livestock production, beyond animal welfare, with global sustainability as core.


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We describe out experiences in running an “International Capstone Exchange” project between North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, ND in the USA and Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) inMelbourne, Australia. An NDSU-based student team worked on an industry capstone project with a Melbourne-based organization (National ICT Australia) and a Melbourne-based student team worked on anindustry capstone project with a Fargo-based organization (Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute). We describe the rationale behind the international capstone exchange, how we organized the projects and teams, how the projects and teams fared, lessons learned, and plans for expanding in the future.


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The nexus between states,non-state actors and intergovernmental organisations is an increasingly important area in both the study and practice of global governance. Hannah Murphy makes a meaningful contribution to this area in examining the informal role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in relation to agenda-setting within the World Trade Organization (WTO). © Dean Coldicott, Deakin University 2012.