86 resultados para IT curriculum


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This paper reports on a study on the perceived effectiveness of educational resources within the context of a single course in a first-year biology program at the University of Sydney (Australia). The overall study examined the dynamic state of perceptions towards these resources by the major stakeholders involved with the course (students, teaching staff, and technical staff). A major focus of the research was the extent to which the students used the computer-based resources made available to them, and staff and students' perceptions of the usefulness of these resources in supporting their learning. Specifically, results are discussed related to student use of computers and the Internet, use of biology online materials in the virtual learning environment, use and perceptions of communication technologies, and use and perceptions of computer-based online resources. Data were collected from the students using surveys and focus groups and from staff using surveys and interviews within an action-research paradigm. While the majority of students found the resources to be of use in supporting learning, some did not find them useful, and some did not use them at all. In comparison, the staff had higher expectations of both usage and usefulness. The level of student use was not a function of access to computers or the Internet, so the findings suggest that the provision of online resources will not necessarily generate value-added learning.


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This research in progress is a qualitative and quantitative case study that is exploring the need for the integration of cyberethics into the curriculum for the middle school years 6 through 8. The broader research question in the study investigates: ‘Is there a problem with how school students in the middle years use the Internet in and out of school?’ The study has been exploring the level of understanding the group of students have of ethical behaviour on the Internet. This research helps identify areas where an understanding of cyberethics will increase students’ current and future understanding in the use of the Internet and their interaction with other aspects of the Internet and its environment. If a student encounters unsafe behaviour on the Internet, the student will be able to behave and act appropriately. The research is also investigating teachers and parents perceptions of the evidence of problems associated with their students/children’s access to the Internet.

This area was chosen for research because of the significant impact computers have had in education in the last decade. Since the advent of personal computers and networking the Education Departments in many developed nations have taken the opportunity to promote the technology’s educational benefits. There have been several studies on the educational value of computers in schools and the research thus far describes some of the ethical changes that have emerged as a result of the technology as well as the benefits and shortcomings of the use of this technology within the Australian environment as compared to its usage in other Western nations, namely the U.S. and U.K.

Identifying the problems in the use of the Internet by middle school students is a part of this investigation and it will make recommendations with regard to the integration of cyberethics into the middle school curriculum. This approach will help prompt students, teachers and parents to re-examine their decision framework with regard to Internet usage and hence move them to reflect and consider the use of the technology ethically. Further the research is examining students’, parents’ and teachers’ need for the introduction of cyberethics into the curriculum. The case study is drawing data from individual surveys of parents, teachers and students. The questionnaires consist of relevant scenarios so that it may identify the general understanding and use of the Internet by students, teachers and parents.

During the study, any modification to the curriculum for the integration of cyberethics is to be identified and these findings should be of interest to the wider educational community in Australia and New Zealand. The questions raised in this research may affect teacher education and help demonstrate the importance of the parents’ role in their children’s Internet usage. The research will cover current issues of cyberethics and its effects on middle school students.


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# 1. Introduction. Exploring the gender and IT problem and possible ways forward /​ Julianne Lynch
# 2. The imagined curriculum: who studies Computing and Information Technology subjects at the senior secondary level? /​ Margaret Vickers and My Trinh Ha
# 3. A question of attention: challenges for researching the under representation of girls in Computing and Information Technology subjects /​ Leonie Rowan
# 4. The nature and purpose of Computing and Information Technology subjects in the senior secondary school curriculum in New South Wales /​ Toni Downes
# 5. The social construction of Computing and Information Technology subject subculture /​ Catherine Harris
# 6. Boy nerds, girl nerds: constituting and negotiating Computing and Information Technology and peer groups as gendered subjects in schooling /​ Kerry Robinson and Cristyn Davies
# 7. CIT teachers' cultures in a globalising world /​ Carol Reid and Jose van der Akker
# 8. Perceptions of changing pedagogies in Computing and Information Technology /​ Susanne Gannon


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This essay presents the foundation Editor's vision for Transnational Curriculum Inquiry (TCI), the journal of the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS). It explores some theoretical and practical possibilities for building new transnational and transcultural solidarities in postcolonial curriculum inquiry and argues that building such solidarities requires a rethinking of the ways in which we perform and represent curriculum inquiry, so that curriculum work within a global knowledge economy does not merely assimilate national (local) curriculum discourses-practices into an imperial (global) archive.


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Teachers not only know how to multiply, they also know how to teach children multiplication. But at any one time, most teachers are only concerned with a small section of the whole large process of teaching multiplication. It is easy to lose sight of the wood, because of the close attention being given to individual trees. What is the larger picture? How do children learn to multiply, asks the author? The author discusses the progressive stages of ideas and processes that are involved in learning to multiply. He also provides questions to assist teachers with identifying how far students have progressed in their understanding of multiplication.


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The article discusses the Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE) curriculum structures which was originally given at the Australian Curriculum Studies Association Conference held on July 8-10, 2007 in Melbourne, Victoria. It is noted that Key Learning Areas (KLAs) as curriculum organizers was introduced across all Australian States and Territories. An overview of a debate about the purpose and nature of SOSE is given. It also examines political attempts toward a national curriculum as a factor shaping the future of SOSE.


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If your school has already made a Literacy policy, and cleaned up its Literacy practices, what about Numeracy? What is it, and what are you going to do about it? Consider the following steps towards a policy and practice. Define “numeracy” (it is a subset of mathematics, used in particular ways). Identify numeracy needs and assessment activities in nonmathematics KLAs, including ICT and communication. Link mathematics learning outcomes with nonmathematics KLA numeracy needs. Establish school and year-level entry screening, and follow-up. Develop staff PD and teacher-parent discussion.


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This presentation reports on a two-phase research program which focuses on the experiences of Islamic-background learners in science/environmental education. The research program explores perceived dissonances between western science and Islamic belief as an issue for: the highly visible discourse of constructivism in science and environmental education; the policy challenges of ‘internationalising the university curriculum’; and the pedagogical challenge of ‘Quality Learning’ – in particular responding to ‘faith-based’ commitments in education.
Conceptually, the research program is conducted within a constructivist discourse. Essentially, we are proposing that dissonances experienced by Islamic-background learners in a western science curriculum (as reported in Sharifah, 2003), and the effects of these dissonances on how learners construct meaning in science, can be understood within a constructivist discourse. Further, we believe the research has the promise of not only exploring and explicating some of the issues experienced by teachers and learners in Islamic science education contexts (and thereby contributing to our understanding of the idea of ‘quality learning’), but also expanding our grasp of the expressions, implications and limitations of the constructivist hypothesis in education. In this sense it has a transformative agenda by working to improve access to and experience in the science curriculum for Muslim students.


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Problem solving is often seen as being the core of mathematics. While there are many examples of teaching for and about problem solving, there are relatively few examples of teaching mathematical content through problem solving. This paper uses data from three, apparently quite different, mathematics lessons from Australia and Japan to explore different ways in which mathematics can be taught successfully through problem solving and to analyse some of the characteristics of such lessons. It also attempts to identify some of the supports and constraints for adopting a problem solving approach to the teaching of mathematics that exist in the quite different contexts of Japan and Australia.


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SOSE curriculum structures have changed dramatically over the last few decades. Teachers who once taught history, geography and economics have found themselves teaching in the SOSE KLA which many perceive as a generic mish-mash of former school subjects. Some saw this as the death of their disciplines whilst others saw it as an opportunity to explore transdiciplinary and inter-disciplinary teaching and learning. Regardless of opinion, many teachers and tertiary education students often asked a familiar question - What am I supposed to teach and how am I supposed to teach it?

Whilst NSW retained a disciplinary structure for the teaching and learning of SOSE in secondary schools, all other Australian States and Territories adopted a Key Learning Area [KLA] approach. In recent years Victorian curriculum change has seen the re-emergence of a disciplinary approach to the teaching and learning of SOSE in upper primary schools and secondary schools and we can only wonder what curriculum change in other States and Territories will bring. In this paper we explore disciplinary, transdiciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to SOSE and critique these in relation to effective teaching and learning.


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Various theorists and educators over the years have produced their preferred knowledge groupings or frameworks. Most well-known ones include those produced by Hirst (1974) and Phenix (1964).

Curriculum frameworks were advocated by many educators in the 1990s as an important springboard and focus for teachers in terms of curriculum planning. It was argued that they would be a stimulus for evoking creative ideas and activities. Yet, they are also a major tool for control and direction.

The use of curriculum frameworks were very evident in Australia in April 1991 when eight learning areas were created by the Australian Education Council (AEC) and planned for use in all states and territories. These eight learning areas, or key learning areas (KLA's) have largely endured in all states and territories even though the ambitious plans for national statements and profiles did not survive.

This paper provides a stock-take on the current uses, benefits and problems in using KLA's as curriculum frameworks in Australia. There are many different contextual factors operating, which affect their use and effectiveness. Disjunctions can occur between major players at federal and state levels which provide different and often conflicting points of leverage. It is timely to analyse their impact on curriculum planning and implementation in Australia.


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In this paper we explore the tensions that exist between two health promotion discourses prevalent in school based Health Education. We use one example from a widely used curriculum resource and one classroom episode to explore discourses related to obesity prevention, often described as an obesity epidemic by media and health professionals alike. Our argument is that these discourses work to produce the 'unhealthy other' that everyone is then in danger of becoming and in the process produce moral judgements and reinforce stereotypes about overweight and obese people. In so doing they run counter to health education and other discourses that seek to promote self-esteem and body acceptance in students no matter what their shape and size.


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Travel can interrupt and disrupt ways of seeing and understanding the world. For teachers, their experience of travel is often overlooked as a resource to be utilised in the classroom and school. This paper explores the impact of travel on teachers’ work through analysis of two teachers’ experiences of an educational study tour. The impact of this travel can be seen through revised curriculum, teachers’ increased knowledge and altered customs. A discussion of this impact is through the social imaginary. The central argument is that teachers’ travel experiences are an undervalued resource with potential to shape a global education and improve classroom effectiveness. It concludes with speculation about the possibilities for enrichment of classroom practices through travel experiences both as personal growth and curriculum renewal that responds to education for a changing world.


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In the literacy classroom, students have few opportunities to use their literacy practices to contest narratives of race, class, gender and sexuality. Instead, extensive time is spent completing literacy activities associated with what “good” readers and writers do. Students’ literacy practices are often formulaic, repetitive, and serve classroom management strategies producing a mythic narrative of good literacy teaching. This paper introduces a queer literacy curriculum that poses pedagogy as a series of questions: What does being taught, what does knowledge do to students? How does knowledge become understood in the relationship between teacher/text and student? (Lusted, 1986) It emphasizes developing critical analyses of heterosexism, heteronormativity and normativity with the goal of helping students understand binary categories are not givens, rather social constructions we are often forced to perform (Butler, 1990) through available discourses. The paper highlights an interruption into the literacy curriculum where, through collective memory work, students investigated, analysed and contested the usually-not-noticed ways a small understanding of heterosexuality has come to structure their lives.


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Teaching Visual Culture: Curriculum, Aesthetics and the Social Life of Art, Kerry Freedman (2003) New York: Teachers College Press & Reston: National Art Education Association, xiv + 187 pp., ISBN 0-8077-4372-0 (hbk £29.95)

This critical review has two principal goals. First of all, it will briefly summarize how Kerry Freedman’s ambitious eight-chapter monograph initially sets in train a number of key themes, all of which are aimed at enlarging if not transforming visual arts practice. Secondly, it will critically disclose a small set of pivotal assumptions which call any uncritical support for visual culture as the panacea for arts education into question. More particularly, we shall conclude, the logical underpinnings of Teaching Visual Culture are open to serious doubt in at least two respects.