39 resultados para G EXPRESSION


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In mammals, stress hormones have profound influences on spatial learning and memory. Here, we investigated whether glucocorticoids influence cognitive abilities in birds by testing a line of zebra finches selectively bred to respond to an acute stressor with high plasma corticosterone (CORT) levels. Cognitive performance was assessed by spatial and visual one-trial associative memory tasks. Task performance in the high CORT birds was compared with that of the random-bred birds from a control breeding line. The birds selected for high CORT in response to an acute stressor performed less well than the controls in the spatial task, but there were no significant differences between the lines in performance during the visual task. The birds from the two lines did not differ in their plasma CORT levels immediately after the performance of the memory tasks; nevertheless, there were significant differences in peak plasma CORT between the lines. The high CORT birds also had significantly lower mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA expression in the hippocampus than the control birds. There was no measurable difference between the lines in glucocorticoid receptor mRNA density in either the hippocampus or the paraventricular nucleus. Together, these findings provide evidence to suggest that stress hormones have important regulatory roles in avian spatial cognition.


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Heterotrimeric G proteins are involved in the defense response against necrotrophic fungi in Arabidopsis. In order to elucidate the resistance mechanisms involving heterotrimeric G proteins, we analyzed the effects of the Gβ (subunit deficiency in the mutant agb1-2 on pathogenesis-related gene expression, as well as the genetic interaction between agb1-2 and a number of mutants of established defense pathways. Gβ-mediated signaling suppresses the induction of salicylic acid (SA)-, jasmonic acid (JA)-, ethylene (ET)- and abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent genes during the initial phase of the infection with Fusarium oxysporum (up to 48 h after inoculation). However, at a later phase it enhances JA/ET-dependent genes such as PDF1.2 and PR4. Quantification of the Fusarium wilt symptoms revealed that Gβ- and SA-deficient mutants were more susceptible than wild-type plants, whereas JA- and ET-insensitive and ABA-deficient mutants demonstrated various levels of resistance. Analysis of the double mutants showed that the Gβ-mediated resistance to F. oxysporum and Alternaria brassicicola was mostly independent of all of the previously mentioned pathways. However, the progressive decay of agb1-2 mutants was compensated by coi1-21 and jin1-9 mutations, suggesting that at this stage of F. oxysporum infection Gβ acts upstream of COI1 and ATMYC2 in JA signaling.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana heterotrimeric G protein complex is encoded by single canonical Galpha and Gbeta subunit genes and two Ggamma subunit genes (AGG1 and AGG2), raising the possibility that the two potential G protein complexes mediate different cellular processes. Mutants with reduced expression of one or both Ggamma genes revealed specialized roles for each Ggamma subunit. AGG1-deficient mutants, but not AGG2-deficient mutants, showed impaired resistance against necrotrophic pathogens, reduced induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, and decreased sensitivity to methyl jasmonate. By contrast, both AGG1- and AGG2-deficient mutants were hypersensitive to auxin-mediated induction of lateral roots, suggesting that Gbetagamma1 and Gbetagamma2 synergistically inhibit auxin-dependent lateral root initiation. However, the involvement of each Ggamma subunit in this root response differs, with Gbetagamma1 acting within the central cylinder, attenuating acropetally transported auxin signaling, while Gbetagamma2 affects the action of basipetal auxin and graviresponsiveness within the epidermis and/or cortex. This selectivity also operates in the hypocotyl. Selectivity in Gbetagamma signaling was also found in other known AGB1-mediated pathways. agg1 mutants were hypersensitive to glucose and the osmotic agent mannitol during seed germination, while agg2 mutants were only affected by glucose. We show that both Ggamma subunits form functional Gbetagamma dimers and that each provides functional selectivity to the plant heterotrimeric G proteins, revealing a mechanism underlying the complexity of G protein-mediated signaling in plants.


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Milk sialoglycoconjugates can protect the gastrointestinal tract of the suckling neonate by competitively binding to invading pathogens and promoting growth of beneficial flora, and their potential role in postnatal brain development is of particular interest in human infant nutrition. Although the concentration and the distribution of sialoglycoconjugates have been extensively studied in the milk of various species, the investigation of sialyltransferase gene expression in the mammary gland, in the context of lactation, has been limited. The sialyltransferase enzyme ST6Gal I transfers sialic acid from CMP-sialic acid to type 2 (Galβ1,4GlcNAc) free disaccharides or the termini of N- or O-linked oligosaccharides using an α2,6-linkage. Expression of the ST6Gal I gene is primarily regulated at the level of transcription through the use of several cell and development- specific promoters, producing transcripts with divergent 5′ untranslated regions (UTR). In the mouse mammary gland, the novel 5′UTR exon (L) appears to be associated with a drastic increase in ST6Gal I gene expression during lactation. We find that rats also possess an exon (L), suggesting conservation of this regulatory mechanism in rodents. In contrast, an exon (L)-containing transcript was not detected in the lactating bovine or human mammary gland. We also observed a trend of increasing ST6Gal I gene expression in the bovine mammary gland, culminating in involution. This is in contrast to species such as mice where the greatest change in ST6Gal I gene expression occurs between pregnancy and lactation, suggesting different roles in rodents vs. other mammals for α2,6-sialylated oligosaccharides present in milk.


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Cardiac ischemia reperfusion leads to oxidative stress and poor physiological recovery. Selenium deficiency down-regulates thioredoxin reductase (Txnrd) and glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) activity, impairing recovery from ischemia-reperfusion. Furthermore, selenium supplementation has been shown to be cardioprotective and lessens oxidative stress in reperfused rat hearts. In this study we have investigated the role of selenium in the mRNA expression of these, and related antioxidant proteins, post ischemia-reperfusion. Male rats were fed varying doses of selenium for five weeks. Hearts were isolated and perfused using the Langendorff method with 22.5 min of global ischemia and 45 min reperfusion. RNA was extracted for quantitative real-time PCR analysis of glutathione peroxidase (Gpx)-1 and 4, glutathione reductase (Gsr), thioredoxin peroxidase-2 (Prdx2), thioredoxin (Txn) and thioredoxin reductase (Txnrd)-1 and 2 gene expression. Selenium deficiency produced significant reductions in Gpx-1, Gpx-4, Prdx2, Txnrd-1 and Txnrd-2 expression. Conversely, selenium supplementation of 1000 μg/kg significantly up-regulated Gpx-1, Gpx-4, Txn, Txnrd-1 and Txnrd-2 transcription. Our results show selenium modulates the cardiac mRNA expression of thioredoxin and glutathione related enzymes post ischemia-reperfusion, and impacts on tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion.


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The limited activity of Δ6 fatty acid desaturase (FAD6) on α-linolenic (ALA, 18:3n-3) and linoleic (LA, 18:2n-6) acids in marine fish alters the long-chain (≥C20) polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) concentration in fish muscle and liver when vegetable oils replace fish oil (FO) in aquafeeds. Echium oil (EO), rich in stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4n-3) and γ-linoleic acid (GLA, 18:3n-6), may enhance the biosynthesis of n-3 and n-6 LC-PUFA by bypassing the rate-limiting FAD6 step. Nutritional and environmental modulation of the mechanisms in LC-PUFA biosynthesis was examined in barramundi, Lates calcarifer, a tropical euryhaline fish. Juveniles were maintained in either freshwater or seawater and fed different dietary LC-PUFA precursors present in EO or rapeseed oil (RO) and compared with FO. After 8 weeks, growth of fish fed EO was slower compared to the FO and RO treatments. Irrespective of salinity, expression of the FAD6 and elongase was up-regulated in fish fed EO and RO diets, but did not lead to significant accumulation of LC-PUFA in the neutral lipid of fish tissues as occurred in the FO treatment. However, significant concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) and arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6), but not docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3), appeared in liver and, to a lesser extent, in muscle of fish fed EO with marked increases in the phospholipid fraction. Fish in the EO treatment had higher EPA and ARA in their liver phospholipids than fish fed FO. Endogenous conversion of dietary precursors into neutral lipid LC-PUFA appears to be limited by factors other than the initial rate-limiting step. In contrast, phospholipid LC-PUFA had higher biosynthesis, or selective retention, in barramundi fed EO rather than RO.


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The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a single bout of exercise on GLUT4 gene expression in muscle of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and control subjects, matched for age and body mass index. Nine patients with T2D and nine control subjects performed 60 min of cycling exercise at ∼55% peak power (Wmax). Skeletal muscle biopsies were obtained at baseline, immediately post and 3-h post exercise. GLUT4 mRNA expression increased (p < 0.05) to a similar extent immediately post exercise in control (∼60%) and T2D (∼66%) subjects, and remained elevated (p < 0.05) 3-h post exercise with no differences between groups. Similarly, p-AMP-activated protein kinase, p38 mitogen-activated kinase and proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator-alpha mRNA expression were increased (p < 0.05) post exercise, and were not different between the groups. In conclusion, a single bout of exercise increased skeletal muscle GLUT4 mRNA expression in patients with T2D to a similar extent as in control subjects.


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Dietary deficiency of &omega;-3 fatty acids (&omega;-3 DEF) produces hypertension in later life. This study examined the effect of &omega;-3 DEF on blood pressure and hypothalamic gene expression in young rats, before the development of hypertension, and in older rats following the onset of hypertension. Animals were fed experimental diets that were deficient in &omega;-3 fatty acids, sufficient in short-chain &omega;-3 fatty acids or sufficient in short- and long-chain &omega;-3 fatty acids, from the prenatal period until 10 or 36 weeks-of-age. There was no difference in blood pressure between groups at 10 weeks-of-age; however, at 36 weeks-of-age &omega;-3 DEF animals were hypertensive in relation to sufficient groups. At 10 weeks, expression of angiotensin-II1A receptors and dopamine D3 receptors were significantly increased in the hypothalamic tissue of &omega;-3 DEF animals. In contrast, at 36 weeks, α2a and β1 adrenergic receptor expression was significantly reduced in the &omega;-3 DEF group. Brain docosahexaenoic acid was significantly lower in &omega;-3 DEF group compared with sufficient groups. This study demonstrates that dietary &omega;-3 DEF causes changes both in the expression of key genes involved in central blood pressure regulation and in blood pressure. The data may indicate that hypertension resulting from &omega;-3 DEF is mediated by the central adrenergic system.


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We examined the effects of leptin treatment on the expression of key genes in adipocyte metabolism in Psammomys obesus (P. obesus), a polygenic rodent model of obesity. Lean and obese P. obesus were given three daily intraperitoneal injections of either saline or leptin (total of 45 mg/kg per day) for 7 days. In lean animals, leptin treatment led to reductions in food intake, body weight and fat mass. Pair-fed animals matched for the reduction in food intake of the lean leptin-treated animals demonstrated similar reductions in body weight and fat mass. In obese P. obesus, leptin treatment failed to have any effect on body weight or body fat mass, indicating leptin resistance. Lipoprotein lipase, hormone-sensitive lipase and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma 2 mRNA levels were significantly reduced in lean leptin-treated animals, whereas pair-fed animals were similar to lean controls. Uncoupling protein 2 and glycerol phosphate acyltransferase were also reduced in the lean leptin-treated animals, but not significantly so. Obese animals did not show any gene expression changes after leptin treatment. In conclusion, high circulating concentrations of leptin in lean P. obesus resulted in decreased gene expression of a number of key lipid enzymes, independent of changes in food intake, body weight and fat mass. These effects of leptin were not found in obese P. obesus.


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Hepcidin, a peptide hormone that decreases intestinal iron absorption and macrophage iron release, is a potential drug target for patients with iron overload syndromes because its levels are inappropriately low in these individuals. Endogenous stimulants of Hepcidin transcription include bone morphogenic protein 6 (BMP6) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) by effects on mothers against decapentaplegic homolog (Smad)4 or signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat)3, respectively. We conducted a small-scale chemical screen in zebrafish embryos to identify small molecules that modulate hepcidin expression. We found that treatment with the isoflavone, genistein, from 28-52 hours postfertilization in zebrafish embryos enhanced Hepcidin transcript levels, as assessed by whole-mount in situ hybridization and quantitative real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Genistein's stimulatory effect was conserved in human hepatocytes: Genistein treatment of HepG2 cells increased both Hepcidin transcript levels and promoter activity. We found that genistein's effect on Hepcidin expression did not depend on estrogen receptor signaling or increased cellular iron uptake, but was impaired by mutation of either BMP response elements or the Stat3-binding site in the Hepcidin promoter. RNA sequencing of transcripts from genistein-treated hepatocytes indicated that genistein up-regulated 68% of the transcripts that were up-regulated by BMP6; however, genistein raised levels of several transcripts involved in Stat3 signaling that were not up-regulated by BMP6. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and ELISA experiments revealed that genistein enhanced Stat3 binding to the Hepcidin promoter and increased phosphorylation of Stat3 in HepG2 cells. Conclusion: Genistein is the first small-molecule experimental drug that stimulates Hepcidin expression in vivo and in vitro. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of identifying and characterizing small molecules that increase Hepcidin expression. Genistein and other candidate molecules may subsequently be developed into new therapies for iron overload syndromes.