95 resultados para Facets


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This paper considers the Cardinality Constrained Quadratic Knapsack Problem (QKP) and the Quadratic Selective Travelling Salesman Problem (QSTSP). The QKP is a generalization of the Knapsack Problem and the QSTSP is a generalization of the Travelling Salesman Problem. Thus, both problems are NP hard. The QSTSP and the QKP can be solved using branch-and-cut methods. Good bounds can be obtained if strong constraints are used. Hence it is important to identify strong or even facet-defining constraints. This paper studies the polyhedral combinatorics of the QSTSP and the QKP, i.e. amongst others we identify facet-defining constraints for the QSTSP and the QKP, and provide mathematical proofs that they do indeed define facets.


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This paper will report on a research project funded by the Australian Football League (AFL) that is exploring the emergence and evolution of a ‘professional identity’ for AFL footballers – an identity that has many facets including the emerging ideas that a professional leads a balanced life, and has a prudent orientation to the future. The research is informed by Foucault’s later work on the care of the Self to focus on the ways in which player identities are governed by coaches, club officials, player agents and the AFL Commission/Executive; and the manner in which players conduct themselves in ways that can be characterised as professional - or not. The paper explores elements of these processes by analysing the forms of risk management that Clubs use in the processes of List and Player management that they engage in as a consequence of AFL rules. Psychological testing and profiling of players is becoming more important in identifying, recruiting and managing players. The paper discusses how this testing is used to identify character or personality traits prior to initial recruitment in the draft or trading processes – and suggests that a number of issues related to workplace surveillance and identity emerge as a result.


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Analyses of the twenty facet scores for 243 females and 394 males who undertook Form K of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) revealed strong and meaningful patterns of relationships with the four preferences. A clear factor structure of four factors emerged which had a few minor cross-loadings. It was found that the facets are distinctive and generally do not correlate with preferences other than those intended. Comparisons with USA evidence revealed patterns that were even clearer in the Australian data. The previously observed differences related to gender (as found in research on Form G) were reproduced using the Form K format. The evidence implies that the robustness of Fonl1 K with an Australian sample has been demonstrated.


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In this presentation we discuss some of the findings of a research project funded by the Australian Football League (AFL) titled: Getting the Balance Right: Professionalism, Performance, Prudentialism and Playstations in the Life of AFL Footballers. The research explored the following issues: the emergence and evolution of a ‘professional identity’ for AFL footballers – an identity that has many facets including the emerging ideas that a professional leads a balanced life, and has a prudent orientation to the future, to life after football. This ‘professional identity’ isn’t natural, and must be developed through a range of ‘professional development’ activities (a common link to all other ‘professions’). In the AFL at this time professional development has a focus on engaging players in a variety of education and training activities – TAFE & University courses, and workshops and seminars that the industry has put in place to educate players about issues that the industry sees as important.

The presentation will focus on our research with players we classified as Early Career players. For many of these 17 to 21 year old young men the later years of secondary schooling were compromised in their pursuit of an AFL career, and their subsequent drafting is followed by intense efforts to physically prepare them for football. In this context our research indicates that many Early Career players put football first, second and third – education and training, and industry expectations that they participate in this sort of professional development come further down their list of priorities.


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This paper explores team assignments as an increasingly common component of many university courses. It argues that a need exists for all instructors, particularly those involved in the teaching of business communication, to develop a multi-faceted teamwork perspective which encompasses every dimension of team assignments. Such a perspective should permeate assignment design, student training, assessment of team process as well as product, self and peer assessment and the individualisation of student scores. Each of these facets is discussed with reference to research literature with a number of practical suggestions provided as exemplars for how to make teamwork work.


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The purpose of the present study was to explore graduate nurses' perceptions of their medication management activities in the acute care context. A qualitative research design with a semistructured interview schedule was used to elicit information from participants. The sampling population consisted of graduate nurses involved in direct patient care in medical and surgical wards of a Melbourne metropolitan teaching hospital, completing a graduate nurse program. Twelve graduate nurses participated in the interviews. Two major themes emerged: (i) monitoring medications and (ii) interventions for patient care. The findings indicate that graduate nurses are required to address several facets of the medication management role in their daily practice. It is pertinent to examine ward dynamics to ensure that graduate nurses have ready access to experienced health care professionals. Through collegial support, graduate nurses should also be encouraged to critically examine the different possibilities when making clinical judgments about monitoring patient medications.


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The asymmetric travelling salesman problem with replenishment arcs (RATSP), arising from work related to aircraft routing, is a generalisation of the well-known ATSP. In this paper, we introduce a polynomial size mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation for the RATSP, and improve an existing exponential size ILP formulation of Zhu [The aircraft rotation problem, Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 1994] by proposing two classes of stronger cuts. We present results that under certain conditions, these two classes of stronger cuts are facet-defining for the RATS polytope, and that ATSP facets can be lifted, to give RATSP facets. We implement our polyhedral findings and develop a Lagrangean relaxation (LR)-based branch-and-bound (BNB) algorithm for the RATSP, and compare this method with solving the polynomial size formulation using ILOG Cplex 9.0, using both randomly generated problems and aircraft routing problems. Finally we compare our methods with the existing method of Boland et al. [The asymmetric traveling salesman problem with replenishment arcs, European J. Oper. Res. 123 (2000) 408–427]. It turns out that both of our methods are much faster than that of Boland et al. [The asymmetric traveling salesman problem with replenishment arcs, European J. Oper. Res. 123 (2000) 408–427], and that the LR-based BNB method is more efficient for problems that resemble the aircraft rotation problems.


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In this paper, we introduce five classes of new valid cutting planes for the precedence-constrained (PC) and/or time-window-constrained (TW) Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problems (ATSPs) and directed Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). We show that all five classes of new inequalities are facet-defining for the directed VRP-TW, under reasonable conditions and the assumption that vehicles are identical. Similar proofs can be developed for the VRP-PC. As ATSP-TW and PC-ATSP can be formulated as directed identical-vehicle VRP-TW and PC-VRP, respectively, this provides a link to study the polyhedral combinatorics for the ATSP-TW and PC-ATSP. The first four classes of these new cutting planes are cycle-breaking inequalities that are lifted from the well-known D-k and D+k inequalities (see Grötschel and Padberg in Polyhedral theory. The traveling salesman problem: a guided tour of combinatorial optimization, Wiley, New York, 1985). The last class of new cutting planes, the TW 2 inequalities, are infeasible-path elimination inequalities. Separation of these constraints will also be discussed. We also present prelimanry numerical results to demonstrate the strengh of these new cutting planes.


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The mechanism of regional economic development has been studied extensively by economists, geographers, town planners and other academics. The existing wide varieties of theories into regional economic development are insufficient on their own in explaining how a region can develop and prosper. Each theory has evaluated a few facets of regional economic development. Research from these different perspectives is narrow and prevents any cross-fertilization of research from all these diverse

Recognition of multiple factors affecting the development process has led the author to create a new broad composite model of regional economic development. The paper first sets out to describe and explain this broad composite model. Each of the components of this new model draws heavily upon seminal work in the field. This model proposes three rings. Each ring is at a different level of abstraction. The determinants of development described in each ring can influence each and every other determinant of development shown in the three ring structure. This model recognises that development in any centre, regional or urban, nascent or established is a composite end result of the complex interplay of all the determinants of development.

The paper then goes on to show how this model can provide a broad holistic approach to regional economic development that can assist researchers in their attempts to understand and link the various theories of regional economic development.


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Purpose – Sir George Simpson, the Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) from 1821 to his death in 1860, was the subject of numerous biographical works that described various facets of the man including his managerial abilities, literary prowess, physical stamina, abundant energy, extensive art collection and ethnological specimens. Two related aspects of his outstanding management style have been overlooked: the genesis of his management style and where it can be placed in the evolution of management practices during the 19th century.

Design/methodology/approach – Primary data from the Hudson's Bay Company archives plus secondary sources.

Findings – Simpson's management abilities came from his grammar school education and his apprenticeship to a counting house. More importantly, it can be attributed to his association with his mentor Andrew Wedderburn, his dedication to the HBC, and his high level of physical and intellectual energy. His information intensive management style was also a significant precursor to systematic management, which occurred later in the 19th century.

Research limitations/implications – Future research should examine other examples of the evolution of management during the 19th century, particularly the transition from sub-unit accountability to systematic management.

Originality/value – The paper emphasizes the importance of managers in making management systems work.


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The paper discusses some of the findings of a research project funded by the Australian Football League (AFL) titled: Getting the Balance Right: Professionalism, Performance, Prudentialism and Playstations in the Life of AFL Footballers. The research explored the emergence and evolution of a professional identity for AFL footballers – an identity that has many facets including the ideas that a professional leads a balanced life, and has a prudent orientation to the future, to life after football. The AFL is a high profile, sports entertainment business in which brand relationships between the industry and its sponsors generate substantial income for the League, for Clubs, and for Coaches and players. In addition the AFL’s equalisation policies tightly regulate the ways in which Clubs can recruit, maintain and develop playing lists. In this context various tools of analysis are used to identify and characterise the particular Body, Mind and Soul elements of the young men who might be recruited to a Club; who might have significant time, money and effort invested in their development (as players, as persons); who might develop an identity as an AFL footballer. Drawing on Foucault’s work on the care of the self we argue that in this situation, narratives of identity necessarily involve a struggle for the Body, Mind and Soul of these young men.


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There is increasing coverage in the literature relating to the different facets surrounding the security service of authentication, but there is a need for further research into the usability of graphical authentication. Specifically, the usability and viability of graphical authentication techniques for providing increased security needs to be further explored. There is a significant amount of evidence relating to traditional authentication techniques which highlight the fact that as technological advances grip modern societies, the requirement for more advanced authentication and security approaches increases. The exponential growth in the number of people using the Internet carries with it the high potential for increased security threats, suggesting that there are needs for further techniques to increase security in online environments. This paper presents the findings of how various interface design approaches affect the usability of a previously developed alternative graphical authentication technique called AuthentiGraph. The security design provided by Authentigraph has been established and justified in previous research by the authors. The primary focus of this paper is the usability of this technique. Using an experimental laboratory based approach, combined with an online survey, 20 university students evaluated a combination of five varying graphical interfaces in three different screen sizes. The outcome provides the interface design criteria best suited for the implementation and use of the AuthentiGraph technique.


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Past research has suggested that developing CSR linked brands is a complex activity that needs to consider the social issues being addressed as well as multiple facets of organisational activities. This paper proposes that organisational activities need to be considered at four different levels – corporate brand, product/line brands, location/functional activities and supply chain issues. The four activities are discussed and implications for developing CSR-leveraged brands are explored.


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Prismatic boron nitride nanorods have been grown on single crystal silicon substrates by mechanical ball-milling followed by annealing at 1300 °C. Growth takes place by rapid surface diffusion of BN molecules, and follows heterogeneous nucleation at catalytic particles of an Fe/Si alloy. Lattice imaging transmission electron microscopy studies reveal a central axial row of rather small truncated pyramidal nanovoids on each nanorod, surrounded by three basal planar BN domains which, with successive deposition of epitaxial layers adapt to the void geometry by crystallographic faceting. The bulk strain in the nanorods is taken up by the presence of what appear to be simple nanostacking faults in the external, near-surface domains which, like the nanovoids are regularly repetitive along the nanorod length. Growth terminates with a clear cuneiform tip for each nanorod. Lateral nanorod dimensions are essentially determined by the size of the catalytic particle, which remains as a foundation essentially responsible for base growth. Growth, structure, and dominating facets are shown to be consistent with a system which seeks lowest bulk and surface energies according to the well-known thermodynamics of the capillarity of solids.


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The patellofemoral joint is an example of an incongruent articulation commonly affected by osteoarthritis (OA). The relationship between femoral sulcus angle and the development and progression of patellofemoral OA is unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the femoral sulcus angle at baseline and patella cartilage volume at baseline and at 2-year follow-up among community based adults with established knee OA.

One hundred subjects had magnetic resonance imaging of their symptomatic knee at baseline and at 2-year follow-up. From these images, patella cartilage volume was determined. Radiographic skyline views of the patellofemoral joint were taken at baseline to measure the femoral sulcus angle.

For every 1° increase in the femoral sulcus angle (i.e., as the sulcus angle became more shallow) there was an associated 9.1 mm3 (95% CI 3.1, 15.0) increase in medial patella cartilage volume at baseline (P = 0.003). There was a similar trend that approached statistical significance between the femoral sulcus angle and the lateral patella facet cartilage volume at baseline (P = 0.09). There was no association between the femoral sulcus angle at baseline and the change in patella cartilage volume over 2 years in either patellofemoral compartment.

These results infer that the femoral sulcus angle is a cross-sectional determinant of the amount of patella cartilage, but is not a major determinant of the annual change of patella cartilage volume among people with knee OA. These data suggest that a shallower sulcus in the context of established OA may be an advantageous anatomical variant. Further longitudinal studies are required to determine the role of the femoral sulcus angle in OA.