236 resultados para Best practice variable


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Diabetes is the most significant chronic disease and the global prevalence is increasing. Diabetes is associated with debilitating long term complications and other comorbidities that cause high rates of morbidity and mortality. Keeping blood glucose and other metabolic parameters within an acceptable, personalised range is important to comfort and quality of life but can be challenging, especially during end-of-life care. Guidelines can help clinicians make appropriate care decisions; however, there is little research about what constitutes best practice diabetes care at the end-of-life: existing recommendations and guidelines blend the best available evidence with consensus opinion. In addition, there are important ethical and methodological considerations concerning research involving vulnerable people at the end-of-life. Chapter 3 describes the ethical and methodological issues that needed to be considered when developing guidelines for managing diabetes at the end-of-life and the contribution interviews with dying people and their family carers made to developing a guiding philosophy and to person-centred guidelines.


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Australian and Victorian Government policies encourage settlement in regional areas for international migrants, refugees and internal migrants. Migrants to regional areas are diverse in terms of their area or country of origin, skills and occupation, family status and other demographic characteristics. The regional cities to which they migrate are also varied in terms of their community resources, social and cultural capital. The objective shared by all of these cities is for migrants to engage successfully with their new communities. Just how this occurs is the subject of debate and a lack of clarity. This therefore calls for a sound, theoretically informed understanding of how employers and community groups (formal and informal) can effectively assist migrants to make social connections in regional cities, and practical strategies which respond to these insights. The well-established social determinants of health tell us that the more socially included, connected and stable workforce and their families are, the better will be their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

People in Australia generally move to live near family and friends; for better access to work or work opportunities; or to live in an attractive neighbourhood. Policies and programs intended to assist with settlement tend to be short term and project based. Good practice in assisting migrants make social connections however is long term and embedded into the community. Workplaces and community groups that are already established, and groups that migrants or others tend to form naturally, are good examples of such best practice. Workplaces, local government, institutions such as schools, community spaces and other organisations can also assist in the settling in process and can complement formal and informal community groups, once a sound evidence base is established.

This is the second paper to emerge from a research project running over 2011-2012 at the Alfred Deakin Research Institute (ADRI), Deakin University in Geelong. The first Working Paper (No. 32) (Jackson et al., 2012) located the research theoretically. This second Working Paper will report on the research itself, its methods and outcomes as well as policy implications. The first section of this paper will briefly outline the project before considering those who have migrated to Geelong in the past two to five years: to investigate why they moved to Geelong; how they made connections and with whom; and, what was the value of those connections (Section 2). The third section of the paper examines how employers, non-government organisations (NGOs) and other facilitators effectively assist migrants to make social connections. The fourth and fifth sections look at the barriers to making connections but also those things – organisation and policies - that facilitated settling in. Section six summarises the findings and makes a series of policy recommendations for individuals, organisations and government on how to better the prospects for migrant in regional centres.


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Depression can have a strongly negative impact on a person’s ability to engage with and participate in activities of daily living. Clinicians currently seeking guidance on best practice in this area currently need to access and critique a wide range of evidence from a number of disciplines. While some clinical practice guidelines are available, this form of evidence presentation presents several barriers to implementation.

This article proposes a new procedure for developing guidance for clinicians, known as evidence based guidelines. The purpose of the guidelines presented here is to provide guidance on appropriate assessment and intervention strategies with people experiencing depression, who wish to improve their engagement and participation in daily activities. They were constructed using a multiple methods procedure, with five phases.

Evidence based guidelines for the general population, older adults and people with co-morbid physical conditions are presented at the conclusion of this article.

The procedure described here produces evidence based guidelines with built in measures to promote implementation into practice. The resulting guidelines for depression will enable clinicians from all disciplines to engage in best practice, and assist people with depression participate more fully in their lives.


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This paper provides a systematic review of education literature focused on identifying school-based approaches for developing students’ intercultural understanding. Studies were assessed using selection criteria and then critically appraised for study quality. A key finding from the review is that developing students’ intercultural understanding beyond cultural awareness requires students and teachers to take a critical approach toward cultural diversity, as well as the opportunity for ongoing intercultural and intergroup contact. Studies reported that only building cultural awareness and knowledge is not enough to promote long-term changes in attitudes. There is a need for more rigorously evaluated longitudinal school-based interventions. Finally, studies consistently call for investment in teachers’ professional and personal intercultural capabilities. The paper concludes by calling for school-based interventions that are informed by best practice approaches at a whole school level in order to effectively develop students’ intercultural attitudes and skills.


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A great deal of research has emphasized the strategic management of corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, gaps remain on how CSR can be effectively integrated with existing business processes. One key question remaining is how to design business processes so that they accommodate stakeholder requirements in an integrated manner. The purpose of this paper is to present a framework that can be used to integrate CSR into business processes. The framework highlights the concept of simultaneous ‘top-down integration’ and ‘bottom-up community-related indicators development’ approaches to CSR. These two approaches are elaborated with the help of two cases. The top-down approach focuses on building CSR into existing business initiatives through an integrated management systems (IMS) approach. This paper concludes that an IMS approach provides the infrastructure for the integration of CSR. The bottom-up approach focuses on the development of indicators linked to community initiatives. Examples of best practice for both the top-down and bottom-up approaches are provided in two case studies.


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Although considered a key driver of racial disparities in healthcare, relatively little is known about the extent of interpersonal racism perpetrated by healthcare providers, nor is there a good understanding of how best to measure such racism.

This paper reviews worldwide evidence (from 1995 onwards) for racism among healthcare providers; as well as comparing existing measurement approaches to emerging best practice, it focuses on the assessment of interpersonal racism, rather than internalized or systemic/institutional racism.

The following databases and electronic journal collections were searched for articles published between 1995 and 2012: Medline, CINAHL, PsycInfo, Sociological Abstracts. Included studies were published empirical studies of any design measuring and/or reporting on healthcare provider racism in the English language. Data on study design and objectives; method of measurement, constructs measured, type of tool; study population and healthcare setting; country and language of study; and study outcomes were extracted from each study.

The 37 studies included in this review were almost solely conducted in the U.S. and with physicians. Statistically significant evidence of racist beliefs, emotions or practices among healthcare providers in relation to minority groups was evident in 26 of these studies. Although a number of measurement approaches were utilized, a limited range of constructs was assessed.

Despite burgeoning interest in racism as a contributor to racial disparities in healthcare, we still know little about the extent of healthcare provider racism or how best to measure it. Studies using more sophisticated approaches to assess healthcare provider racism are required to inform interventions aimed at reducing racial disparities in health.


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The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the instruments used in the screening process, with particular attention given to supporting research validation. Psychological screening is a well-established process used in the selection of employees across public safety industries, particularly in police settings. Screening in and screening out are both possible, with screening out being the most commonly used method. Little attention, however, has been given to evaluating the comparative validities of the instruments used.

This review investigates literature supporting the use of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the California Personality Inventory (CPI), the Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI), the Australian Institute of Forensic Psychology's test battery (AIFP), and some other less researched tests. Research supporting the validity of each test is discussed.

It was found that no test possesses unequivocal research support, although the CPI and AIFP tests show promise. Most formal research into the validity of the instruments lacks appropriate experimental structure and is therefore less powerful as “evidence” of the utility of the instrument(s).

Practical implications
This research raises the notion that many current screening practices are likely to be adding minimal value to the selection process by way of using instruments that are not “cut out” for the job. This has implications for policy and practice at the recruitment stage of police employment.

This research provides a critical overview of the instruments and their validity studies rather than examining the general process of psychological screening. As such, it is useful to those working in selection who are facing the choice of psychological instrument. Possibilities for future research are presented, and development opportunities for a best practice instrument are discussed.


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The beginning of nursing research is attributed to Florence Nightingale whose research during the Crimean War in the 1850s ultimately shaped health care, including nursing practice. Modern research, like clinical care, is influenced by technological, societal, organisational and environmental changes. However, ‘nursing research’ is a simple term that may not encompass complex inter-related concepts and practices and various research methods: quantitative, qualitative, implementation science, evaluation and audit. All research methods follow a similar basic ‘research process,’ but the way the process is applied and rigor is demonstrated differs among the methods. All nurses must engage in research on some level, given they practice in a climate of evidence-based care and are expected to adhere to evidence-based protocols and guidelines. In addition, they need to be able to implement evidence-based best practice and use clinical judgement to treat each person as an individual.


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Job stress is a large and growing concern in Australia and internationally. This report presents a current snapshot on job stress concepts and measures, an overview of the evidence linking job stress to ill health, estimates of the size of the problem, the benefits of reducing job stress, a summary of the intervention research on ways to prevent and control job stress, an outline of international best practice in job stress intervention and resources for workplace stakeholders to support efforts to implement best practice.


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Job stress is a large and growing concern in Australia and internationally. This report presents a current snapshot on job stress concepts and measures, an overview of the evidence linking job stress to ill health, estimates of the size of the problem, the benefits of reducing job stress, a summary of the intervention research on ways to prevent and control job stress, an outline of international best practice in job stress intervention and resources for workplace stakeholders to support efforts to implement best practice.


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In this paper, we challenge the current focus on ‘best practice’, graduate teacher tests, and student test scores as the panacea for ensuring teaching quality and argue for ways of thinking about evidence of quality beginning teaching outside and beyond the current neoliberal accountability discourses circulating in Australia and other countries. We suggest that teacher educators need to reinsert themselves as key players in the debates around quality beginning teaching, rather than being viewed as a source of the problem. To enable teacher educators to assume accountability for quality beginning teachers, we propose the framework of a capstone teacher performance assessment—a structured portfolio called the Authentic Teacher Assessment (ATA)— and examine examples of these assessments through the lens of critical discourse analysis. As a measure of ‘readiness to teach’, the ATA is compared with supervising teachers’ assessments of preservice teachers. We argue that structured portfolios that include artefacts derived from preservice teachers’ practice in classrooms along with graduate teacher self assessments provide a stronger accountability measure of effec- tive beginning teaching and demonstrably address the current anxiety regarding ‘evi- dence’. We suggest that such an approach should be reliable enough to be ‘read’ by external assessors (and moderated across other teacher education institutions). Rigor- ous research on a national basis is called for in order to develop and implement a structured portfolio as rich evidence of graduates’ quality and readiness to teach.


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Unhealthy processed food products are increasingly dominating over healthy foods, making food and nutrition environments unhealthier. Development and implementation of strong government healthy food policies is currently being circumvented in many countries by powerful food industry lobbying. In order to increase accountability of both governments and the private sector for their actions, and improve the healthiness of food environments, INFORMAS (the International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Research, Monitoring and Action Support) has recently been founded to systematically and comprehensively monitor food environments and policies in countries of varying size and income. This will enable INFORMAS to rank both governments and private sector companies globally according to their actions on food environments. Identification of those countries which have the healthiest food and nutrition policies and using them as international benchmarks against which national progress towards best practice can be assessed, should support reductions in global obesity and diet-related NCDs.


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This paper reports on ways in which one Australian independent school seeks to develop and sustain best practice and academic integrity in its programs through a quality assurance system of ongoing program reviews, and findings of a study that we conducted into staff perceptions of the different program reviews. First, we outline the overarching methodological and conceptual approaches used in the school’s program reviews. Second, we present and discuss the findings of the study.


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Unhealthy diets are heavily driven by unhealthy food environments. The International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS) has been established to reduce obesity, NCDs and their related inequalities globally. This paper describes the design and methods of the first-ever, comprehensive national survey on the healthiness of food environments and the public and private sector policies influencing them, as a first step towards global monitoring of food environments and policies.

Methods and analysis:
A package of 11 substudies has been identified: (1) food composition, labelling and promotion on food packages; (2) food prices, shelf space and placement of foods in different outlets (mainly supermarkets); (3) food provision in schools/early childhood education (ECE) services and outdoor food promotion around schools/ECE services; (4) density of and proximity to food outlets in communities; food promotion to children via (5) television, (6) magazines, (7) sport club sponsorships, and (8) internet and social media; (9) analysis of the impact of trade and investment agreements on food environments; (10) government policies and actions; and (11) private sector actions and practices. For the substudies on food prices, provision, promotion and retail, 'environmental equity' indicators have been developed to check progress towards reducing diet-related health inequalities. Indicators for these modules will be assessed by tertiles of area deprivation index or school deciles. International 'best practice benchmarks' will be identified, against which to compare progress of countries on improving the healthiness of their food environments and policies.

This research is highly original due to the very 'upstream' approach being taken and its direct policy relevance. The detailed protocols will be offered to and adapted for countries of varying size and income in order to establish INFORMAS globally as a new monitoring initiative to reduce obesity and diet-related NCDs.


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This book shows educators how to support children’s friendships in the early years. It covers three core themes:

- knowing how young children form close relationships with each other 

- exploring an appropriate role for adults supporting young children to make close relationships with each other
- the role of leading best practice

The Positive Relationships in the Early Years series is designed to give early years educators practical examples of how to promote positive relationships in their settings.