282 resultados para international postgraduate students


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Understanding the waysthatinternational students seek information and help in the host country is essential forimprovingacademic, social, cultural,and welfare support for this student cohort. However,there is a dearth of literature that documentshowinternational studentsin the vocational education and training (VET) sector do so. This paper aims to fill thisgap. Based on in-depth interviews with 30 Chinese international students undertaking diploma and associate degree programsin Australia,this research shows thatthe ways in which Chinese international students seek help prior to their departure and after their arrival at the host country, largely dependson the nature of the issuesthey confront. The data also reveals that students’use of education agents is not limited to the pre-departure stage,asisindicated in theexisting literature, but throughout their journey in the host country. Notably,the role of agents has become increasingly important in Chinese international students’ decision-making processesduring their transition from diploma to associate degree and higher education programs.


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Intercultural interaction plays an important role in contributing to international students’ learning and wellbeing in the host country. While research on international students’ intercultural interactions reveals multifaceted aspects of personal and social factors, there is a tendency to consider language barrier and cultural differences as individual factors that constrain their interactions with the institutional community. Drawing on 105 interviews with international students in Australian vocational education and training and dual sector institutions, this paper examines international students’ intercultural interactions in host institutions and the factors that act as enablers or inhibitors for intercultural interactions. It highlights the social and structural conditions in creating symbolic capital of elitist Anglo-Australian culture and English language, and social differentiation. This paper offers insights into understanding the legitimacy of such elitism, in hope that future conceptualisation, research and practices of intercultural interactions may locate international students within their cultural diversity.


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This article draws on recent research and policy developments to make a case for considering international students as an important component of Australian foreign relations. It links historical and contemporary Australian experiences of international students, especially in the Colombo Plan and New Colombo Plan, to the field of public diplomacy, and sets an agenda for further research in this direction. It highlights the need to recover student voices and to be sensitive to the emergence of everyday or ‘vernacular’ internationalism, as a phenomenon of international students visiting, traveling and otherwise encountering different groups of Australians. It suggests a need to take up anew this form of inquiry for both earlier postwar student experiences and the post-1980s period, in which international students’ voices are frequently silenced by debates over commodification, funding needs, and neo-liberal economics.


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International students’ connectedness with their peers, institutions and the broader community significantly affects their learning and wellbeing. It is important to understand their multiple desires for intercultural connectedness in order to nurture it. This paper analyses the motives and nature of international students’ intercultural connectedness. It is based on a study that includes more than 150 interviews and fieldwork with international students and staff from 25 vocational education colleges in Australia. Drawing on Blumer’s symbolic interactionism theory as a conceptual framework, the study found international students’ motivation to engage in intercultural connectedness is linked to not only their desire for respect and recognition for intellectual, cultural and linguistic capacities and diversities but also for employment aspirations. The research shows various dimensions in which intercultural engagement is seen to encompass not only empathy, sociability and equity but also employability. The findings suggest meaningful interaction is essentially bound to reciprocal learning.


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An increasing number of students around the globe have pursuedtertiary education outside their national borders over the past few decades. There are over 4.5 million international students currently undertaking overseas study (OECD, 2014). Despite the growing focus of institutions around the world on internationalisation of education and increasing research interests in international education, the ‘mobility’ of international students remains a largely under-theorised phenomenon. This paper provides insights into the mobility of an often-neglected group within the field of international education –international students in vocational education and training (VET). It draws on a four-year study funded by the Australian Research Council that involves 105 semi-structured interviews with international students from the Asia Pacific region, Europe and America in 25 VET institutions and dual sector universities in Australia.


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The past three decades have witnessed significant growth of culturally and linguistically diverse international students in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. International students now constitute an important component of the student body at many universities, especially in their business schools. The increased presence of international students has generated new demands and challenges for these business schools, and a number of issues related to international students have been identified in the literature. However, the increased presence of international students has not led universities and business schools to develop adequate responses to the issues and make subsequent changes in the curriculum. Diversity on campus continues to be managed in roughly the same way as in business organizations. Drawing on the notion that diversity should be defined and understood in terms of context, this conceptual paper redefines diversity on campus, identifies limitations of current diversity education in the higher education context, and develops a competency-oriented approach to improve inclusion and academic performance of international students.


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Work-integrated learning (WIL) is regarded as an important vehicle to assist students’ development of relevant professional skills, knowledge and attributes that can enhance their employability. WIL arrangement for international students is a challenging issue for institutions, international students themselves as well as other related stakeholders. While there is an emerging body of literature that examines WIL for international students, how the value of WIL is perceived by this cohort is little known. This paper responds to this dearth of the literature by exploring the different meanings that international students in the vocational education and training sector attach to WIL. Using Bourdieu’s thinking tools of capitals and habitus to interpret interview data from 105 international students, this paper shows that WIL is seen to not only add value to student learning, career aspiration and employability but also transform and enhance their symbolic and social capitals. The paper underscores the instrumental, symbolic and developmental meanings that international students associate with WIL. In particular, it highlights the reciprocal relationship between students’ development of vocational ‘being’ and personal ‘being’ through WIL.


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A significant body of literature on international education examines the experiences of international students in the host country. There is however a critical lack of empirical work that investigates the dynamic and complex positioning of international students within the current education-migration nexus that prevails international education in countries such as Australia, Canada and the UK. This paper addresses an important but under-researched area of the education-migration landscape by examining how the stereotyping of students as mere ‘migration hunters’ may impact their study and work experiences. It draws on a four-year research project funded by the Australian Research Council that includes more than 150 interviews and fieldwork in the Australian vocational education context. Positioning theory is used as a conceptual framework to analyse how generalising international students as ‘mere migration hunters’ has led to the disconnectedness, vulnerability and marginalization of the group of international students participating in this research.


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Despite the prevalence of English conversations being held by Non Native Speakers (NNS), little research has investigated accent, the most salient aspect of pronunciation, in English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) interactions. The aim of this study is to investigate two facets of accentedness: the intelligibility of accented speech for Non-Native Listeners (NNL) and the impact that language attitude has on the judgment of accentedness. While accentedness has been shown to be both independent of intelligibility and extremely salient to Native Listeners (NL) (Derwing 2008; Nelson, 2008), there is a significant gap in our understanding of how accented English speech is judged by NNL (Derwing & Munro 1997; 2009; Munro & Derwing 1995; 1999; 2010; Munro 2007). It is hypothesised that there is a dependency between the intelligibility scores of foreign accented speech and accentedness judgment in ELF contexts. Moreover, it is believed that the judgment of accentedness is influenced by attitudes held by the NNL. The intelligibility of accented speech will be investigated by measuring the accuracy of transcribed audio samples. Judgment of accentedness will be measured using a Likert scale and journal entries. Attitudes towards accentedness will, firstly, be quantified using a survey that rates language attitudes on a Likert scale, followed by a semi-structured interview that will elicit attitudes towards accentedness. The results of this study will have implications for the teaching and learning of pronunciation, listening skills, and curriculum design. Furthermore, the findings may allude to fundamental differences in how NNL and Native Listeners (NL) perceive second language (L2) speech; thus, such inferences may lead to a shift in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) perspectives.


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For several decades,Singapore has experienced a high rate of outbound degree mobility with around 1 in 10 higher education students currently studying outside the country according to UNESCO figures. Singapore’s successful economic development strategy, which has seen it become a key Asian hub for knowledge-intensive industries for internationalized services, has benefited from the presence of large numbers of graduates who have been educated abroad. However, significant numbers of Singaporean students do not return home after their studies, and since the late 1990s, the government has expressed concern about the resulting “brain drain.” This article examines four strategies that have been used by the Singapore government to address this concern: reducing the number of outbound students through improvements to domestic study options, promoting the return of graduates after their studies, engagement with the Singaporean diaspora, and recruitment of incoming international students into the workforce. While data are limited, the measures adopted to support each of these approaches appear to have had some success over the past decade. While the circumstances of each sending country vary, the case of Singapore is illustrative of the types of practical measures that are effectively adopted by governments to moderate the negative impacts of student emigration.


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This study extends previous research by examining the role of cultural intelligence (CQ) in both culture shock and reverse culture shock. Specifically, this study asserts that CQ acts as a moderating mechanism that lessens the negative effects of both culture shock and reverse culture shock on psychological and sociocultural adaptation among international students. Two studies were conducted in Australia to test these assertions. Study 1 (n = 189) was participated in by new international students. An online survey was set up and disseminated. Results indicated that culture shock is significantly but negatively related to both psychological and sociocultural adaptation. In addition, results demonstrated that CQ moderates the relationship by lessening the impact of culture shock on students’ psychological and sociocultural adaptation. Study 2 (n = 123) was participated in by international students who had recently graduated and returned to their home countries. An online survey was also set up and disseminated. Results indicated that reverse culture shock is significantly but negatively related to both psychological and sociocultural adaptation. CQ also served as a moderator in lessening the impact of reverse culture shock on both forms of adaptation.


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The reconstruction of the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector into a competitive training market, which led to the participation of international students and commercial for-profit private VET providers, has until
recently focused on the importance of international students to the national economy whilst ignoring the students ’important educational characteristics and the other benefits that accrue to Australia. Drawing on views and perspectives of students, teachers, training managers and quality assurance auditors, this article presents an analysis of the VET provider-level processes, which have contributed tolimited discursive constructions of the identities of international students in private VET providers in Melbourne. It argues that there is an urgent need for a rethinking of the way international students are conceptualised and represented in the competitive training market environment.


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Australian universities have large numbers of overseas students who do not engage meaningfully with local students about their international experience. The objective of this research, an initiative that was part of a project funded by Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT), entitled the Global Canopy, was to develop pedagogy to promote local students’ awareness about international study based on an in-country teaching program. The research study aimed to develop new knowledge about how domestic students understand global mobility through interacting with international students enrolled in the same university. The initiative included two workshops that brought together a number of project team members, three overseas students and academic staff mentors, representatives from Deakin Global Student Mobility office, and 31 undergraduate domestic students. Data was collected from a series of in-depth interviews with students involved in the program. Initial findings suggested that the workshops were successful, with 12 undergraduate students enrolled in winter schools in India after completion of the program. The paper concludes with lessons learned from the initiative and calls for exploring new ways of identifying international experiences that can be facilitated within discipline curriculum of the home university.