198 resultados para Pap test - Psychological aspects


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The thesis examined systemic factors that placed children in stepfamilies at greater risk of physical abuse and neglect by comparing differences between biological- and step-families on a number of known risk factors. A model describing the pathway of child abuse and neglect for children living in stepfamilies was developed to aid in prevention.The portfolio presents four case studies which demonstrate the impact of disruptions to attachment experiences and the sequelae on psychological functioning and how the associated affect dysregulation may be linked to attachment disruptions.


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This thesis examined the subjective emotional responses of women to depictions of violent and sexually violent film. Findings highlighted the significance of contextual factors, such as the gender of the perpetrator and victim upon viewers, and found that exposure to sexual violence in the media has important implications for women. The portfolio's four case studies demonstrate the complexities involved in making risk judgements and treatment planning given the diversity of offences and needs, as well as the implications these decisions can have when determining the amenability of offenders to specific sex offender treatment.


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The thesis examined variables that could potentially mediate the relationship between child abuse and eating pathology. The relationship was found to be intricate and multi-faceted with important gender differences. The most novel finding was that drive for muscularity was significantly associated with child abuse in males and in females. The portfolio presents four adult case studies, each with different experiences of child abuse. It aims to examine if the core tenets of neurobiological theory of trauma can be useful to understand the lasting effects of child abuse on adult functioning.


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Interviews with women regarding their experiences of sexual desire informed the development of the Female Sexual Desire Questionnaire. A validation sample of 741 women completed this questionnaire, with six interrelated factors found. These components of sexual desire were labelled: Dyadic Desire, Solitary Desire, Resistance, Positive Relationship, Sexual Self-image, and Concern. The portfolio concludes that a standard evaluation process is needed to assess the effectiveness of men's behaviour change groups (MBCGs), and that such programs should comprise only one component of a comprehensive multifaceted intervention strategy against intimate partner violence (IPV). Four case studies are presented.


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This research demonstrates the influence of parental bonding and parental authority on the parent-child relationship and subsequent child development in both biological and step-families. Differential effects of parental behaviour on child attachment style development were found for biological children and stepchildren. The results provide guidance for intervention and future research.


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Adolescent substance abuse is a prevalent problem and family interventions are increasingly used to prevent this problem and to assist family coping. The effectiveness of a prevention-focussed family intervention was evaluated within a randomised school trial for its secondary impacts on improving parental mental health and family functioning.


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The thesis aimed to identify and compare individual differences in anger related affective responses upon exposure to neutral, violent and sexually violent film. The findings revealed that both graphic and non-graphic sexually violent film content may have a stronger impact on viewers' anger levels than exposure to standard violent film. The portfolio examined in four case studies the utility of the Violence Risk Scale when seeking to identify factors associated with risk of violent recidivism and subsequent treatment targets for intellectually disabled offenders . Treatment indications must consider the impaired cognitive and adaptive abilities and the difficulties inherent in modifying the behavioural characteristics of intellectually disabled offenders.


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The thesis' aim was to explore outcome after traumatic injury. Poorer physical health prior to injury and receipt of compensation explained variance in physical health 12 months after injury. Poorer mental health 3 and 12 months after injury was partly explained by stronger emotional reactions immediately after the injury, receipt of compensation, and lower perceived social support. The portfolio focuses on symptoms of depression and anxiety in those suffering chronic pain. Through four case studies who attended a pain management service, it is argued that psychological symptoms are able to be addressed concurrently with pain management strategies.


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Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) knowledge has rarely been investigated in the context of a national vaccination program. The present study investigated HPV knowledge after the introduction of a national HPV vaccination program in Australia using a national sample of men and women. Methods: Questions assessing HPV knowledge were part of a broader national study of health and relationships administered via a computer-assisted telephone interview. These findings are from wave four of the study, conducted between 2007 and 2008. Knowledge questions about HPV included its association with cervical cancer, genital warts and abnormal Pap tests. Results: A total of 2634 women and 2556 men between the ages of 18 and 70 were interviewed. Overall, 62.8% (95% confidence interval (CI): 60.8–64.7%) of women and 38.3% (95% CI: 36.3–40.4%) of men had heard of HPV. Of these, 66.0% (95% CI: 64.1–67.9%) correctly answered that HPV is associated with cervical cancer, 50.2% (95% CI: 48.2–52.1%) answered that HPV is associated with abnormal Pap tests and 44.5% (95% CI:42.5–46.5%) answered that HPV causes warts. Predictors of good knowledge included being female, aged between 26 and 45, holding higher education levels and older age at first sex. Ever having a Pap test was also associated with awareness about HPV. Conclusion: One of the highest levels of knowledge about HPV in Australia to date is reported in the present study. Knowledge about the association between HPV and cervical cancer was particularly high, especially when compared with knowledge of the association with genital warts. This appears to be a consequence of the marketing of the HPV vaccine as a vaccination against cervical cancer.


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Young women experiencing depressive symptoms were shown to have different constraints to being active compared to young women without depressive symptoms, such as lower motivation and lower confidence in their ability to be active. Physical activity promotion initiatives may benefit from individually-tailored, multi-component programs rather than a 'one-fits-all', single-arm approach


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Childhood cruelty to animals is associated with interpersonal violence in later life. The study for this thesis investigated risk factors for childhood cruelty to animals in China. For both boys and girls externalising problems, poor communication within families, and harsh parental discipline predicted animal cruelty, providing targets for intervention to prevent later violence. The portfolio presents four clinical case studies which demonstrate the complex and varied impact that intimate partner violence has on women, and the importance of psychological intervention in assisting women to manage their physical and mental health and well-being.


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This research investigated attraction among individuals with autism. We found that those with autism prefer partners who assist them to meet their social and cognitive needs. Partners of those with autism chose to trade-off emotional and social skills for other traits. Lastly, those with autism had lower self-perceived mate value.


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This thesis investigated the use of mindfulness as an intervention for children with ADHD. Findings indicate significant improvements in attentional, behavioural, and affective deficit symptoms following participation in a mindfulness-based intervention, demonstrating that mindfulness may be a worthwhile alternative or adjunct to ADHD treatment.


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This thesis explored the idea that trauma experienced by Holocaust survivors has been transferred to their children and grandchildren. Findings provided evidence for an ' intergenerational transmission of trauma, revealing children of two Holocaust survivors to be particularly at risk. The transmission oftrauma was best explained through an attachment model.


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Research focussed on recent amendments to Victorian homicide defence legislation, investigating community decisions in cases where a fatality followed an alleged sexual assualt. Findings suggest that legislation may not match community sentiment and jurors require comprehensive instructions. Further, relationship history, accused, deceased and juror gender have an impact on verdict.