53 resultados para Viti-vinifera wines


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Both the physiological and biochemical control of budburst in the grapevine, Vitis Vinifera L. were investigated. It was found that the accuracy of a predictive model for grapevine budburst based on ambient temperature was limited under the experimental conditions. There was a significant correlation of 4.7 ± 0.3 days between the days of maximal xylem exudation and budburst over the 3 years of investigation. The co-relationships between daily xylem exudate volume and a range of environmental parameters were considered. It was found that soil temperature was highly correlated against daily xylem exudation. Ambient temperature and soil moisture were significantly correlated with xylem exudation, however the coefficients of correlation were much lower than that of soil temperature. Rainfall showed only a very limited correlation with daily xylem exudate flow. Seasonal variations in the pH and the carbohydrate and inorganic nutrient concentrations of xylem exudate were investigated. Exudate carbohydrate concentrations fell from 660 µM before the day of maximal xylem exudation to zero levels within 4 weeks. Xylem exudate pH was found to consistently fall to a minimum at the time of maximal exudate flow. Exudate concentrations of the metallic cofactors Ca, K, Mg, Mn and Zn varied directly with daily exudate flow, suggesting some sort of flow-dependent mobilisation of these nutrients. A growth promontory oligosaccharide fraction was prepared by partial acid hydrolysis of grapevine primary cell wall material. This fraction significantly increased control growth of the Lemna minor L. bioassay over a limited ‘window’ of bioactivity. A growth inhibitory oligosaccharide fraction, similar in activity to abscisic acid was isolated from grapevine xylem exudate prior to budburst. The exudate concentration or efficacy of this substance declined after budburst such that there was no apparent growth inhibition. A model is proposed for grapevine budburst whereby an oligosaccharide growth inhibitor is gradually removed from the xylematic stream under the effects of soil temperature, allowing the surge of metabolic activity and vegetative growth that constitute budburst.


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Flow injection methodology is described for the estimation of the total phenolic content of wine using acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection. Selected simple phenolic compounds including quercetin, rutin, catechin, epicatechin, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, gallic acid, 4-hydroxycinnamic acid and vanillin elicited analytically useful chemiluminescence with detection limits ranging between 4×10−10 and 7×10−7 M. A comparison between the chemiluminescence methodology and other total phenol/antioxidant assays, used by the food and beverage industry, resulted in a good correlation. The chemiluminescence detection was found to be selective with minimal interferences being observed from the non-phenolic components in wine. Analysis of 12 different wines showed that the chemiluminescence method was a rapid way to estimate their antioxidant or total phenolic content.


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The concept of "fair value" is increasingly being incorporated into Australian and international accounting standards and pronouncements. The fair-value concept has also been established and developed in Australian legal cases, and an examination of pertinent court decisions is of interest to accountants. By examining and analysing relevant cases, the paper highlights some of the principles and difficulties involved in operationalising the fair-value concept for accounting and legal purposes, particularly in situations where the asset being valued is subject to imperfect or incomplete markets.


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Flow injection methodology is described for the determination of proline in red and white wines using tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) chemiluminescence detection. Selective conditions were achieved for proline at pH 10, while other amino acids and wine components did not interfere. The precision of the method was less than 1.00% (R.S.D.) for five replicates of a standard (4 × 10−6 M) and the detection limit was 1 × 10−8 M. The level of proline in white and sparkling wines using the developed methodology was equivalent to those achieved using HPLC-FMOC amino acid analysis. SPE removal of phenolic material was required for red wines to minimize Ru(bipy)33+ consumption and its associated effect on accuracy.


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This study, based on 3 years of commercial data, presents the results of an economic analysis of a 20-tonne per annum (TPA) commercial recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility located in Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. Based on the assumptions of the analysis, results highlight the non-viability of the facility, with a 10-year projected negative cumulative cash flow of − $648,038, and negative net present value (NPV) of − $707,546. Economies of scale were assessed by the development of economic models for hypothetical 50-TPA and 100-TPA facilities, based on the actual figures obtained from the 20-TPA case study. These analyses highlighted marginal viability for the 50-TPA facility (with a ten-year projected cumulative cash flow of $1,030,300; negative NPV of − $167,651 and internal rate of return (IRR) of 11.75%), and an economically viable 100-TPA facility (with a ten-year projected cumulative cash flow of $3,176,750; NPV of $522,200 and IRR of 21.03%). Sensitivity analysis highlighted that the greatest gains to be realised in improving profitability were those associated with increasing the productive capacity of the facility, increasing the sale price of the product, and decreasing the capital costs of RAS facilities. Contradictions between the results from the present study to similar studies clearly highlight a need for further economic analyses of commercial RAS facilities, using commercial data sets and standard economic analysis procedures.


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This article presents the findings from a case study of the 2004–05 annual budgets prepared by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments of Australia. The study examined the headline budget balance (general government sector surplus or deficit) announced in the budget papers and speeches of each of the nine governments. Findings indicate the adoption of varying measurement bases and a consequent lack of comparability in the headlined budget balance numbers. Accounting reforms have resulted in adoption of two different systems of accrual accounting by governments — the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) system and the professional Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) system — which provide significantly different measurements of the budget balance. However, there has been no prescription of the manner in which these alternative measures should be presented. This raises a number of questions from an accounting perspective.


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This article undertakes a content analysis of publications in the first 10 years of the new series of the journal Accounting History. In so doing, it adds to the prior literature examining publishing patterns in the accounting history discipline. The article commences by providing an historical background to the introduction of the new series and the journal's editorial team. This is followed by a content analysis of the journal's research publications. This analysis examines patterns of authorship, the journal's most published authors, institutional and geographical affiliations of authors, author gender and article classifications.


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The introduction of accrual accounting principles for government reporting in recent years has been complicated by the presence of two alternative financial reporting frameworks, the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) framework and the Australian professional accounting standard rules. This paper presents the findings from a study of the 2004-05 and 2005-06 annual budgets prepared by the Australian Commonwealth government and the governments of the six Australian States and the two Australian Territories. The study examined the basis for the budget balance numbers (government surplus or deficit) headlined in the budgets of each of the nine governments over the two year period. Findings indicate the adoption of varying measurement bases and a resultant lack of inter-governmental and inter temporal comparability. A number of departures from the measurements
prescribed in the reporting frameworks were also observed.


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This paper investigates issues related to the role of accountants in presenting expert evidence in the form of share valuations in Family Court of Australia proceedings. By providing a background to the valuation rules applied by the Family Court and examining relevant cases, the paper emphasises that considerable ambiguity exists. The paper highlights some of the inconsistencies that are evident from reported decisions and stresses the difficulties that judges have experienced with valuations presented by accountants in Family Court cases. It is evident that the courts, despite the legal precedents, continue to have considerable difficulty with valuation issues and methodologies. By exploring issues related to accounting based valuations in the context of Australian family law cases, the present paper examines accounting in a particular social and institutional setting. The paper is interdisciplinary in nature, in that issues extending over accounting, finance and legal boundaries are considered.


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This paper adds to the prior literature examining publishing patterns in the accounting history discipline by undertaking a content analysis of publications in the first nine years of the new series of the journal Accounting History. The paper commences by providing an historical background to the introduction of the new series of the journal and the journal's editorial team. This is followed by an authorship analysis of the journal's research publications. This analysis examines patterns of authorship (single and multi-authored papers), the journal's most published authors, institutional and geographical affiliations of authors (including international collaboration and changes over the nine year period) and author gender.


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The government sector in Australia has seen the introduction of accrual accounting principles in recent years. However, this process has been complicated by the presence of two alternative financial reporting frameworks in the form of a) the Government Finance Statistics (OFS) uniform framework and b) the accrual accounting rules specified in Australian professional accounting standards, principally AAS 31. While a variety of cash and accrual based measurements are available pursuant to these frameworks, there has been no prescription of the manner in which the alternative measures should be presented. This paper presents the findings from a case study of the 2005-06 annual budgets prepared by the Australian Commonwealth government and the governments of the six Australian States and the two Australian Territories. The study examined the headlined financial outcome (general government sector budget surplus or deficit) announced in the budget papers of the nine governments. Findings indicate the adoption of varying measurement bases and a consequent lack of inter-government comparability. A number of variations to the measurements prescribed in the accounting frameworks were also observed. The paper analyses these government budget surplus and deficit numbers in the context of fiscal responsibility, the Commonwealth government's Charter of Budget Honesty and the AASB's current GAAPIGFS Convergence project.