56 resultados para Underwater vehicles


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Underwater surveying by swarms of autonomous underwater vehicles presents problems in communication among the robots. These problems involve the bandwidth, power consumption, timing, processing power, and other issues. This paper presents a novel approach to communicate and coordinate effectively among underwater vehicles to accomplish this task successfully. The proposed approach solves issues by reducing the number of hops to conserve power, while reducing computation time and bandwidth, effectively utilizing resources to reduce the load on each node. Finally, the simulation results are presented, in order to prove that the proposed approach improves efficiency and effectiveness in communicating among underwater vehicles.


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This research investigated the cooperation of multi underwater robots to perform a task. This combined engineering design, electronics and consensus control to create systems capable of achieving the task. Challenges such as underwater radio communications were researched and a simulation framework was created and tested on virtual and real systems.


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To perform under water robotic research requires specialized equipment. A few pieces of electronics atop a set of wheels is not going to cut it. An underwater research platform must be waterproof, reliable, robust, recoverable and easy to maintain. It must also be able to move in 3 dimensions. Finally it must be able to navigate and avoid obstacles. To purchase such a platform can be very expensive. However, for shallow water, a suitable platform can be built from mostly off the shelf items at little cost. This paper describes the design of one such underwater robot including various sensors and communications systems that allow for swarm robotics.


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One stage in designing the control for underwater robot swarms is to confirm the control algorithms via simulation. To perform the simulation Microsoftpsilas Robotic Studiocopy was chosen. The problem with this simulator and others like it is that it is set up for land-based robots only. This paper explores one possible way to get around this limitation. This solution cannot only work for underwater vehicles but aerial vehicles as well.


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The objective of this research is to model and analyze candidate hull configurations for a low-cost, modular, autonomous underwater robot. As the computational power and speed of microprocessors continue to progress, we are seeing a growth in the research, development, and the utilization of underwater robots. The number of applications is broadening in the R&D and science communities, especially in the area of multiple, collaborative robots. These underwater collaborative robots represent an instantiation of a System of Systems (SoS). While each new researcher explores a unique application, control method, etc. a new underwater robot vehicle is designed, developed, and deployed. This sometimes leads to one-off designs that are costly. One limit to the wide-scale utilization of underwater robotics is the cost of development. Another limit is the ability to modify the configuration for new applications and evolving requirements. Consequently, we are exploring autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) hull designs towards the goal of modularity, vehicle dexterity, and minimizing the cost. In our analysis, we have employed 3D solid modeling tools and finite element methods. In this paper we present our initial results and discuss ongoing work.


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This paper presents a distributed protocol for communication among autonomous underwater vehicles. It is a complementary approach for coordination between the autonomous underwater vehicles. This paper mainly describes different methods for underwater communication. One of the methods is brute force approach in which messages are broadcasted to all the communication nodes, which in turn will broadcast the acknowledgement. Issues relating to this brute force approach are time delay, number of hops, power consumption, message collision and other practical issues. These issues are discussed and solved by proposing a new method to improve efficiency of this proposed approach and its effectiveness in communication among autonomous underwater vehicles.


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The control of a swarm of underwater robots requires both a control algorithm and a communication system. Unfortunately, underwater communications is difficult at the best of times and so large time delays and minimal information is a concern. The control system must be able to handle a large number of robots without a master control, i.e., a decentralized control approach. This paper describes Consensus control as a way to decentralize. Consensus control allows each robot to know the final goal and then to decide, based on the position of the other robots, its best move to help achieve the goal.


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To perform under water robotic research requires specialized equipment. A few pieces of electronics atop a set of wheels are not going to cut it. An underwater research platform must be waterproof, reliable, robust, recoverable and easy to maintain. It must also be able to move in 3 dimensions. Also it must be able to navigate and avoid obstacles. Further if this platform is to be part of a swarm of like platforms then it must be cost effective and relatively small. To purchase such a platform can be very expensive. However, for shallow water, a suitable platform can be built from mostly off the shelf items at little cost. This article describes the design of one such underwater robot including various sensors and communications systems that allow for swarm robotics. Whilst the robotic platform performs well, to explore what many of them would do, that is more than are available, simulation is required. This article continues to study how best to simulate these robots for a swarm, or system of systems, approach.


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The control of a swarm of underwater robots requires more than just a control algorithm, it requires a communications system. Underwater communications is difficult at the best of times and so large time delays and minimal information is a concern. The control system must be able to work on minimal and out of date information. The control system must also be able to control a large number of robots without a master control, a decentralized control approach. This paper describes one such control method.


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In order to develop a robotic system of systems the robotic platforms must be designed and built. For this to happen, the type of application involved should be clear. Swarm robots need to be self contained and powered. They must also be self governing. Here the authors examine various applications and a prototype robot that may be useful in these scenarios.


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The propeller is the primary propulsion method for underwater vehicles. It is relatively simple to implement and generally uses rotational motion from the drive through to the propeller. However, it is difficult to seal a high speed propeller shaft from water ingress. As an alternative we can look at nature's own underwater inhabitants and study their locomotive methods.


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This paper presents a novel path planning method for minimizing the energy consumption of an autonomous underwater vehicle subjected to time varying ocean disturbances and forecast model uncertainty. The algorithm determines 4-Dimensional path candidates using Nonlinear Robust Model Predictive Control (NRMPC) and solutions optimised using A∗-like algorithms. Vehicle performance limits are incorporated into the algorithm with disturbances represented as spatial and temporally varying ocean currents with a bounded uncertainty in their predictions. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated through simulations using a 4-Dimensional, spatially distributed time-series predictive ocean current model. Results show the combined NRMPC and A∗ approach is capable of generating energy-efficient paths which are resistant to both dynamic disturbances and ocean model uncertainty.


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Here we define the terminal attitude of the pursuer with respect to a target and present a LQR and H¿ control approach to solving the problem of pursuer achieving a desired terminal attack/approach angle. The intercept or engagement criteria is defined in terms of both minimizing the miss distance and controlling the pursuer's body attitude with respect to the target at the terminal point. This approach in comparison to previous approaches consider the relativistic approach of the pursuer with respect to the target as opposed the absolute velocities of the two dynamic bodies, and have possible applications ranging from autonomous vehicle entry in to a mother craft to nossle engagements in on-flight refuelling or even in precision missile guidance. Here we also suitably formulate the H¿ control ideas directly applicable to the underlying problem and presents both state feedback and output feed back results for the case of finite horizon and non-zero initial conditions together with a optimal parameter value to achieve a desired terminal characteristic in terms of the original weighting parameters.