41 resultados para TRANSFUSION TISSUE


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This study investigated whether there was a worsening of the neuromuscular capacity of older adults after the seventh decade of life. The results suggest that the age-related deterioration in maximal strength measures and rapid force production characteristics in older adults could be related to a reduction in the mass and neural activation of the thigh muscles.


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Plant natriuretic peptide immuno-analogues (irPNP) have previously been shown to affect a number of biological processes including stomatal guard cell movements, ion fluxes and osmoticum-dependent water transport. Tissue printing and immunofluorescent labelling techniques have been used here to study the tissue and cellular localization of irPNP in ivy (Hedera helix L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Polyclonal antibodies active against human atrial natriuretic peptide (anti-hANP) and antibodies against irPNP from potato (anti-StPNP) were used for immunolabelling. Tissue prints revealed that immunoreactants are concentrated in vascular tissues of leaves, petioles and stems. Phloem-associated cells, xylem cells and parenchymatic xylem cells showed the strongest immunoreaction. Immunofluorescent microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG supported this finding and, furthermore, revealed strong labelling to stomatal guard cells and the adjacent apoplastic space as well. Biologically active immunoreactants were also detected in xylem exudates of a soft South African perennial forest sage (Plectranthus ciliatus E. Mey ex Benth.) thus strengthening the evidence for a systemic role of the protein. In summary, in situ cellular localization is consistent with physiological responses elicited by irPNPs reported previously and is indicative of a systemic role in plant homeostasis.


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The dynamics of fatty acid composition modifications were examined in tissues of Murray cod fed diets containing fish oil (FO), canola oil (CO) and linseed oil (LO) for a 25-week period and subsequently transferred to a FO (finishing/wash-out) diet for a further 16 weeks. At the commencement of the wash-out period, following 25 weeks of vegetable oil substitution diets, the fatty acid compositions of Murray cod fillets were reflective of the respective diets. After transfer to the FO diet, differences decreased in quantity and in numerousness, resulting in a revert to the FO fatty acid composition. Changes in percentages of the fatty acids and total accumulation in the fillet could be described by exponential equations and demonstrated that major modifications occurred in the first days of the finishing period. A dilution model was tested to predict fatty acid composition. In spite of a general reliability of the model (Y=0.9234X+0.4260, R2=0.957, P<0.001, where X is the predicted percentage of fatty acid; Y the observed percentage of fatty acid), in some instances the regression comparing observed and predicted values was markedly different from the line of equity, indicating that the rate of change was higher than predicted (i.e. Y=0.4205X+1.191, R2=0.974, P<0.001, where X is the predicted percentage of α-linolenic acid; Y the observed percentage of α-linolenic acid). Ultimately, using the coefficient of distance (D), it was shown that the fatty acid composition of fish previously fed the vegetable oil diets returned to the average variability of the fillet fatty acid composition of Murray cod after 70 or 97 days (LO and CO respectively).


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Titanium foams fabricated by a new powder metallurgical process have bimodal pore distribution architecture (i.e., macropores and micropores), mimicking natural bone. The mechanical properties of the titanium foam with low relative densities of approximately 0.20-0.30 are close to those of human cancellous bone. Also, mechanical properties of the titanium foams with high relative densities of approximately 0.50-0.65 are close to those of human cortical bone. Furthermore, titanium foams exhibit good ability to form a bonelike apatite layer throughout the foams after pretreatment with a simple thermochemical process and then immersion in a simulated body fluid. The present study illustrates the feasibility of using the titanium foams as implant materials in bone tissue engineering applications, highlighting their excellent biomechanical properties and bioactivity.


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This paper focuses on the development of a haptic recording and modelling system. Currently being evaluated for multiple uses in surgery and manufacturing, this recording system evaluates haptic data captured via a robotic ann coupled with real time high-resolution load cell. This data is then analysed and validated against previous samples and a generated model before being logged for playback during simulation and training of a human operator. 3D models of point force interactions are created allowing unique visuals to be presented to a user. Primarily designed for the medical field, recorded results of soft tissue cutting have been presented.


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A simple and sensitive HPLC method was developed to simultaneously determine CPT-11 and its major metabolite SN-38 in culture media and cell lysates. Camptothecin (CPT) was used as internal standard (I.S.). Compounds were eluted with acetonitrile–50 mM disodium hydrogen phosphate buffer containing 10 mM sodium 1-heptane-sulfonate, with the pH adjusted to 3.0 using 85% (w/v) orthophosphoric acid (27/73, v/v) by a Hyperclon ODS (C18) column (200 mm × 4.6 mm i.d.), with detection at excitation and emission wavelengths of 380 and 540 nm, respectively. The average extraction efficiencies were 96.9–108.3% for CPT-11 in culture media and 94.3–107.2% for CPT-11 in cell lysates; and 87.7–106.8% for SN-38 in culture media and 90.1–105.6% for SN-38 in cell lysates. Within- and between-day precision and accuracy varied from 0.1 to 10.3%. The limit of quantitation (precision and accuracy <20%) was 5.0 and 2.0 ng/ml for CPT-11 and 1.0 and 0.5 ng/ml for SN-38 in culture media and cell lysates, respectively. This method was successfully applied to quantitate the cellular accumulation and metabolism of CPT-11 and SN-38 in H4-II-E, a rat hepatoma cell line.


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Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) have been shown to decrease body fat content in pigs. It is possible that feeding pigs diets rich in CLA may increase carcass lipid CLA to levels that could provide health benefits when included as a part of a healthy diet. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine whether dietary CLA supplementation has any effect on the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous and intramuscular adipose tissue in pigs. Thirty-five female cross bred (Large White X Landrace) pigs (initial weight 57·2 kg and initial P2 back fat 11·5 mm) were used in the present study. Pigs were housed individually and randomly allocated to one of six dietary treatments (0·00, 1·25, 2·50, 5·00, 7·50 and 10·00 g CLA55 (55 g CLA isomers/100 g total fatty acids; Natural Lipids Ltd, Hovdebygda, Norway)/kg)
and fed their respective diets for 8 weeks. Twelve CLA isomers in the diet and in pig tissue lipids were separated by Agþ-HPLC. CLA was incorporated at fivefold higher levels in subcutaneous fat as compared with intramuscular fat and in a dose-dependant manner. Overall, the transfer efficiency of CLA was maximized at 5·00 g CLA55/kg. However, there was clear selectivity in the uptake or incorporation of cis,trans-9,11 isomer over the trans,cis-10,12 isomer. In general, CLA supplementation produced significant changes in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue fatty acid composition, indicating that dietary CLA had a potent affect on lipid transport and metabolism in vivo. Significant increases in myristic, palmitic and palmitoleic acids and a reduction in arachidonic acid were observed, suggesting an alteration in
activity of Δ5-, Δ6- and Δ9-desaturases in pig adipose tissue. In conclusion, feeding pigs diets supplemented with CLA increases carcass lipid CLA, but also results in changes in the fatty acid profile in pig fat that could potentially outweigh the benefits of CLA.


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Several chronic bioassays have been conducted in multiple strains of mice in which various concentrations of arsenate or arsenite were administered in the drinking water without a tumorigenic effect. However, one study (Ng et al., 1999) reported a significant increase in tumor incidence in C57Bl/6J mice exposed to arsenic in their drinking water throughout their lifetime, with no tumors reported in controls. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for arsenic in the mouse has previously been developed (Gentry et al., 2004) to investigate potential differences in tissue dosimetry of arsenic species across various strains of mice. Initial results indicated no significant differences in blood, liver, or urine dosimetry in B6C3F1 and C57Bl/6 mice for acute or subchronic exposure. The current work was conducted to compare model-predicted estimates of tissue dosimetry to additional kinetic information from the (C57Bl/6 x CBA)F1 and TgAc mouse. The results from the current modeling indicate that the pharmacokinetic parameters derived based on information in the B6C3F1 mouse adequately describe the measured concentrations in the blood/plasma, liver, and urine of both the (C57Bl/6 x CBA)F1 and TgAc mouse, providing further support that the differences in response observed in the chronic bioassays are not related to strain-specific differences in pharmacokinetics. One significant finding was that no increases in skin or lung concentrations of arsenic species in the (C57Bl/6 x CBA)F1 strain were observed following administration of low concentrations (0.2 or 2 mg/L) of arsenate in the drinking water, even though differences in response in the skin were reported. These data suggest that pharmacodynamic changes may be observed following exposure to arsenic compounds without an observable change in tissue dosimetry. These results provided further indirect support for the existence of inducible arsenic efflux in these tissues.


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Objective: It has been suggested that adiponectin regulates plasma free fatty acid (FFA) clearance by stimulating FFA uptake and/or oxidation in muscle. We aimed to determine changes in plasma adiponectin concentration and adiponectin receptor 1 and 2 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle during and after prolonged exercise under normal, fasting conditions (high FFA trial; HFA) and following pharmacological inhibition of adipose tissue lipolysis (low FFA trial; LFA). Furthermore, we aimed to detect and locate adiponectin in skeletal muscle tissue. Methods: Ten subjects performed two exercise trials (120 min at 50% VO2max). Indirect calorimetry was used to determine total fat oxidation rate. Plasma samples were collected at rest, during exercise and during post-exercise recovery to determine adiponectin, FFA and glycerol concentrations. Muscle biopsies were taken to determine adiponectin protein and adiponectin receptor 1 and 2 mRNA expression and to localise intramyocellular adiponectin. Results: Basal plasma adiponectin concentrations averaged 6.57±0.7 and 6.63±0.8 mg/l in the HFA and LFA trials respectively, and did not change significantly during or after exercise. In the LFA trial, plasma FFA concentrations and total fat oxidation rates were substantially reduced. However, plasma adiponectin and muscle adiponectin receptor 1 and 2 mRNA expression did not differ between trials. Immunohistochemical staining of muscle cross-sections showed the presence of adiponectin in the sarcolemma of individual muscle fibres and within the interfibrillar arterioles. Conclusion: Plasma adiponectin concentrations and adiponectin receptor 1 and 2 mRNA expression in muscle are not acutely regulated by changes in adipose tissue lipolysis and/or plasma FFA concentrations. Adiponectin is abundantly expressed in muscle, and, for the first time, it has been shown to be present in/on the sarcolemma of individual muscle fibres.


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Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is important for the degradation of triacylglycerol in adipose and muscle tissue, but the tissue-specific regulation of this enzyme is not fully understood. We investigated the effects of adrenergic stimulation and AMPK activation in vitro and in circumstances where AMPK activity and catecholamines are physiologically elevated in humans in vivo (during physical exercise) on HSL activity and phosphorylation at Ser563 and Ser660, the PKA regulatory sites, and Ser565, the AMPK regulatory site. In human experiments, skeletal muscle, subcutaneous adipose and venous blood samples were obtained before, at 15 and 90 min during, and 120 min after exercise. Skeletal muscle HSL activity was increased by ~80% at 15 min compared with rest and returned to resting rates at the cessation of and 120 min after exercise. Consistent with changes in plasma epinephrine, skeletal muscle HSL Ser563 and Ser660 phosphorylation were increased by 27% at 15 min (P < 0.05), remained elevated at 90 min, and returned to preexercise values postexercise. Skeletal muscle HSL Ser565 phosphorylation and AMPK signaling were increased at 90 min during, and after, exercise. Phosphorylation of adipose tissue HSL paralleled changes in skeletal muscle in vivo, except HSL Ser660 was elevated 80% in adipose compared with 35% in skeletal muscle during exercise. Studies in L6 myotubes and 3T3-L1 adipocytes revealed important tissue differences in the regulation of HSL. AMPK inhibited epinephrine-induced HSL activity in L6 myotubes and was associated with reduced HSL Ser660 but not Ser563 phosphorylation. HSL activity was reduced in L6 myotubes expressing constitutively active AMPK, confirming the inhibitory effects of AMPK on HSL activity. Conversely, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, AMPK activation after epinephrine stimulation did not prevent HSL activity or glycerol release, which coincided with maintenance of HSL Ser660 phosphorylation. Taken together, these data indicate that HSL activity is maintained in the face of AMPK activation as a result of elevated HSL Ser660 phosphorylation in adipose tissue but not skeletal muscle.


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The concentrations of heavy metals in the edible tissue of commonly fished species of the Victorian coast of Australia are reported. The metals studied were As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se, and Zn and the fish species examined were snapper (Pagruss auratus), flathead (Platycephalus bassenssis and Neoplatycephalus richardsoni), lobster (Jasus edwardsii), and abalone (Haliotis rubra). None of the fish species studied had average concentrations exceeding the maximum levels specified for As, Cd, Hg, and Pb by the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand Food Standards code. Additionally, the concentrations of Cu, Se, and Zn were close to or below the median values generally expected in these species. Essential trace elements Se and Zn were found to be well regulated by all fish species. Although also essential, Cu was not so well regulated, especially in abalone. Nonessential metals As, Cd, and Hg are not regulated in the studied fish and their concentrations in the fish tissue are dependent on size and fishing zone. Metal concentrations were not largely affected by sex. Surprisingly, the concentrations of metals in fish in Port Phillip Bay, a zone, which includes the major cities of Melbourne and Geelong and is known to have high concentrations of metals in the water and sediment, were not consistently higher than those in other less-populated fishing zones.


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The toxic milk (tx) mouse is a rodent model for Wilson disease, an inherited disorder of copper overload. Here we assessed the effect of copper accumulation in the tx mouse on zinc and iron metabolism. Copper, zinc and iron concentrations were determined in the liver, kidney, spleen and brain of control and copper-loaded animals by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Copper concentration increased dramatically in the liver, and was also significantly higher in the spleen, kidney and brain of control tx mice in the first few months of life compared with normal DL mice. Hepatic zinc was increased with age in the tx mouse, but zinc concentrations in the other organs were normal. Liver and kidney iron concentrations were significantly lower at birth in tx mice, but increased quickly to be comparable with control mice by 2 months of age. Iron concentration in the spleen was significantly higher in tx mice, but was lower in 5 day old tx pups. Copper-loading studies showed that normal DL mice ingesting 300 mg/l copper in their diet for 3 months maintained normal liver, kidney and brain copper, zinc and iron levels. Copper-loading of tx mice did not increase the already high liver copper concentrations, but spleen and brain copper concentrations were increased. Despite a significant elevation of copper in the brain of the copper-loaded tx mice no behavioural changes were observed. The livers of copper-loaded tx mice had a lower zinc concentration than control tx mice, whilst the kidney had double the concentration of iron suggesting that there was increased erythrocyte hemolysis in the copper-loaded mutants.


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Catch-up growth, a risk factor for later obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, is characterized by hyperinsulinemia and an accelerated rate for recovering fat mass, i.e., catch-up fat. To identify potential mechanisms in the link between hyperinsulinemia and catch-up fat during catch-up growth, we studied the in vivo action of insulin on glucose utilization in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in a previously described rat model of weight recovery exhibiting catch-up fat caused by suppressed thermogenesis per se. To do this, we used euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps associated with the labeled 2-deoxy-glucose technique. After 1 week of isocaloric refeeding, when body fat, circulating free fatty acids, or intramyocellular lipids in refed animals had not yet exceeded those of controls, insulin-stimulated glucose utilization in refed animals was lower in skeletal muscles (by 20–43%) but higher in white adipose tissues (by two- to threefold). Furthermore, fatty acid synthase activity was higher in adipose tissues from refed animals than from fed controls. These results suggest that suppressed thermogenesis for the purpose of sparing glucose for catch-up fat, via the coordinated induction of skeletal muscle insulin resistance and adipose tissue insulin hyperresponsiveness, might be a central event in the link between catch-up growth, hyperinsulinemia and risks for later metabolic syndrome.


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It is widely reported that an association exists between dietary fat intake and the incidence of prostate cancer in humans. To study this association, there is a need for an animal model where prostate carcinogenesis occurs spontaneously. The canine prostate is considered a suitable experimental model for prostate cancer in humans since it is morphologically similar to the human prostate and both humans and dogs have a predisposition to benign and malignant prostate disease. In this study, the FA and lipids profiles of the normal canine prostate tissue from nine dogs were examined. The total lipid content of the canine prostate tissue was 1.7±0.5% (wet weight). The lipid composition analysis using TLC-FID showed that the two major lipid classes were phospholipids and TAG. Total FA, phospholipid, and TAG FA analysis showed that the major FA were palmitic acid (16∶0), stearic acid (18∶0), oleic acid (18∶1), linoleic acid (18∶2n−6), and arachidonic acid (20∶4n−6), The n−3 FA were present at <3% of total FA and included α-linolenic acid (18∶3n−3) (in total and TAG tissue FA), EPA (20∶5n−3) (not in TAG), and DHA (22∶6n−3) (not in TAG). The n−3/n−6 ratio was 1∶11, 1∶13, and 1∶8 in total, phospholipid, and TAG FA, respectively. This study shows the canine prostate has a low level of n−3 FA and a low n−3/n−6 ratio. This is perhaps due to low n−3 content of the diet of the dogs. FA analysis of dogfoods available in Australia showed that the n−3 content in both supermarket and premium bran dogfoods was <3% (wet weight), and the n−3/n−6 ratio was low.


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BACKGROUND: The objective was to determine the contribution of transfusion in the past to the risk of current infection with hepatitis B or C among patients attending a large hospital for endoscopic procedures.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Blood samples had been tested for hepatitis markers by routine methods. Patients completed a comprehensive risk factor questionnaire and results were analyzed using computer software.
RESULTS: Twenty-seven percent of the 2120 participants in the study received transfusions in the past. There was no increase in prevalence of hepatitis B among those transfused. Compared with nontransfused participants, recipients of blood before the implementation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening in 1990 had a 4.6-fold increased risk of HCV infection, whereas those transfused with screened blood had a 3-fold increased risk. The difference between the odds ratios for patients before and after screening was not significant.
CONCLUSIONS: Because screening has almost completely eliminated HCV from the blood supply, our finding of a continuing association of HCV infection with transfusion was unexpected. It implies that there are significant other nosocomial risks for hepatitis C transmission associated with the clinical situations where patients received blood. These should be actively investigated.