28 resultados para Swedish Core Affect Scale


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This paper is a rebuttal to the reviews of Moum and Land. Publication has been facilitated by Journal policy (see Instructions to authors ‘Procedure when the authors and reviewers disagree’ on the Journal website) which details the procedure to be followed in the case of disputed manuscripts. Our reply is in two parts. The first concerns issues of theory and the second issues of methodology. Each point of critique raised by the reviewers has been answered and shown either to be false or irrelevant. We contend that our original conclusion still stands. Subjective wellbeing is dominated by Core Affect.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of strategies to both decrease weight and increase muscle tone on negative (depression, anxiety) and positive affect among adolescent males and females. The respondents were 1185 adolescents (587 males, 598 females) who were enrolled in grades 7 and 9 (mean age for MALES=13.22 years; mean age for FEMALES=13.21 years). Respondents completed the Body Image and Body Change Inventory that assessed body image satisfaction, body image importance, body change strategies to decrease weight, body change strategies to increase muscle tone, and food supplements. Respondents also completed the Pubertal Development Scale, the depression and anxiety scales of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, and the positive affect items from the Positive and Negative Affect Scale. Structural equation modelling was used to determine how body satisfaction and importance, body change strategies, and puberty impacted on depression, anxiety, and positive affect. The results demonstrated that for both boys and girls, there was a strong association between body change strategies and negative affect. For boys, body dissatisfaction did not predict negative affect, although this was a strong predictor for girls. Body change strategies did not strongly predict positive affect for either boys or girls, although body image satisfaction was a strong predictor for both genders. The implications of these findings for obtaining a better understanding of the role of pubertal development, body image, and body change strategies in predicting positive and negative affect among adolescent males and females are discussed.


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The affective content of Subjective Wellbeing (SWB) was investigated in two separate studies. Study 1 involved a representative sample of 478 participants from across Australia aged between 18 and 72 years. This study tested the circumplex model of affect and then determined the minimum set of affects that explain variance in SWB. The model was supported, with most affects congregated around the valence axis. Overall, 64% of the variance in SWB was explained by six Core Affects, indicating that SWB is a highly affective construct. Study 2 tested the relative strength of Core Affect (content, happy and excited), in three separate models of SWB incorporating cognition (seven discrepancies)
and all five factors of personality. Using a sample of 854 participants aged been 18 – 86 years, structural equation modeling was used to compare an affective-cognitive driven model of SWB, with a personality driven model of SWB and a discrepancy driven model of SWB. The results provide support for an affective-cognitive model which explained 90 percent of the variance in SWB. All models confirm that the relationship between SWB, Core Affect and Discrepancies is far stronger than the relationship between personality and SWB. It is proposed that Core Affect and Discrepancies comprise the essence of SWB. Moreover, Core Affect is the driving force behind individual set-point levels in SWB homeostasis.


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The International Well-being Index (IWI) measures both personal and national well-being. It comprises two subscales: the Personal Well-being Index (PWI) and the National Well-being Index (NWI). The aim of this paper is to test the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of the translated scale in Austria. Convergent validity is assessed using the Scales of Psychological Well-Being, the Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale. In addition, a Visual–Analog Scales capturing “satisfaction with life as a whole” was applied. The participants were 581 students of the Medical University Innsbruck (female: 47.7%; age: 23.2 ± 3.7). Internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) of the IWI was for both scales > .70 (PWI: .85; NWI: .83). The exploratory factor analysis of the IWI identified a 2-factor-structure identical with the two scales of the IWI explaining 54.2% of the variance. The convergent validity hypotheses were confirmed, construct validity was partly confirmed for the PWI being a deconstruction of a first factor called “satisfaction with life” (38.1% explained variance). Happy participants scored higher on the PWI (84.3 ± 7.9 vs. 68.7 ± 13.7; p < .001) and NWI (64.3 ± 15.8 vs. 57.9 ± 15.1; p < .001) scores than unhappy participants. It is concluded that the Austrian version of the IWI is a reliable and valid instrument to assess personal and national well-being. Further studies including a representative sample should be carried out on a recurring basis to use the IWI as an indicator for social science research in Austria.


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The affective component of Subjective Wellbeing (SWB) was investigated according to the Circumplex model of affect. Structural equation modelling demonstrated that affect is the dominant component of SWB and it is concluded that core affect is the central component of SWB, and the driving force behind SWB homeostasis.


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The thesis found results supporting the involvement of the Right Frontal area of the brain in the subjective wellbeing (SWB) of individuals. Additional results suggested SWB is dependent upon Core Affect, itself dependent upon the Right Parietal area of the brain. These results provide evidence that SWB and Core Affect are based upon a neurological substrate. The portfolio investigated the association between chronic medical conditions and anxiety disorders, and how the occurence of anxiety issues can affect overall psychological adjustment to illness.


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This thesis challenges the orthodox view in the quality of life field by demonstrating, using different methodologies across multiple samples, that subjective judgments of life satisfaction are determined by an individual's affective style, rather than cognition or personality. This suggests that subjective wellbeing is a function of our Core Affect.


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This thesis quantifies the normative characteristics of Subjective Wellbeing amongst Australian high-school age students using the Personal Wellbeing Index adapted for school children. No previous study has undertaken this task. The results confirm the homeostatic model and corroborate previous research suggesting that Subjective Wellbeing is a construct driven primarily by Core Affect.


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Examines business ethics in Swedish public sector organizations, and in particular, explores the content of public sector codes of ethics; suggests that it is possible through such an analysis to gain an understanding of an organization's performance in this area. Describes the questionnaire survey sent to public sector organizations (government, county councils, municipalities) requesting information on how they developed an ethical ethos into their daily operations, and details the analysis undertaken into their codes of ethics. Draws on case studies with public sector units representing best practice, in respect to codes of ethics, to develop a customized public sector scale (PUBSEC-scale) consisting of seven dimensions and 41 items. Makes suggestions as to how the PUBSEC-scale could be used; points to the differences between the codes of ethics in the public and private sectors; looks at what the private sector can learn from the public sector; makes suggestions for further research.


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Background: Extremely preterm infants generally experience postnatal growth failure. It is still unclear if this is related to micronutrient intakes.

Aim: To investigate the effect of micronutrient intakes (calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, folate and vitamin B12) on growth during the first 28 days of life in extremely preterm infants.

Method: From the EXPRESS cohort (all infants born < 27 gestational weeks between 2004-2007 in Sweden), those who survived the first 28 days were included (n=524). Daily parenteral and enteral intakes and anthropometric measurements were retrieved from hospital records.

Results: Preliminary analyses of data from 333 infants (mean±SD gestational age 25.2±1.0 weeks, birth weight 753±168g) showed that macronutrient intakes were lower than recommended (energy 98±13kcal/kg/day, protein 2.9±0.4g/kg/day). Infants showed postnatal growth failure: mean standard deviation scores decreased by 2.2 for weight, 2.3 for length and 1.4 for head circumference. Intakes of micronutrients were generally low, e.g. adjusted enteral intakes of calcium were 66.6±21.4 mg/kg/day. The exception was iron, with a high parenteral intake of 2.7±1.6 mg/kg/day, mainly from blood transfusions. Adjusting for protein intake and other confounders, calcium intakes were positively correlated with head growth (r=+0.19, p=0.006) and iron intakes were negatively correlated with length gain (r=-0.18, p=0.009).

Conclusions: Low calcium intakes and high iron intakes were associated with poor growth with regard to head circumference and length, respectively. If these results are confirmed, optimized micronutrient intakes may improve early growth in extremely preterm infants.


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A key factor impacting upon sustainable development are the perceptions people hold of their local social, economic and ecological environment. These perceptions influence how communities fashion the local landscape and in turn help to condition the ways people adapt themselves to their local spatial realities. Implicit in these perceptions are indicators of sustainability that may or may not be integrated across the social, economic and ecological realms. Further, these local indicators may not accord with those adopted at the national or global scale. Accordingly, spatial scale presents a particular set of challenges in identifying appropriate indicators of sustainability. In the same way that aggregated changes at a local scale influence sustainability on a broad scale, national and global externalities profoundly affect perceptions relating to sustainable development at the finest of spatial scales.

This paper focuses on one aspect of the issue of scale in sustainable indicator selection: local perceptions of sustainability. In this paper we report on a survey of perceptions of sustainability conducted across thirty-two sub-catchments in three major catchments in south west Victoria. We sought to uncover what people within each sub-catchment perceived as socially, economically and ecologically sustainable. Responses were compared across sub-catchments to determine whether perceptions at the sub-catchment scale were shared across the region. The results indicate that perceptions of sustainability varied between sub-catchments, which means that perceptions relating to sustainability at the regional scale may mask local trends.


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Information on the variability in supply of algal propagules is scarce, hindered by the difficulty in identifying propagules, but this variability may affect the distribution and abundance of algal assemblages. This study examined the small-scale (½ hourly to hourly) temporal variation in propagule supply of Chondrus verrucosus (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) over a dense, isolated bed in south-eastern Japan in summer and winter of 1999. Either 0.5 litre scoop samples or 5 litre pump samples were collected ½ hourly to hourly over 13, 22.5, and 30 h on three occasions in summer (June & July) and 32 h on one occasion in winter (December). Sampling was conducted around either the new moon (two occasions in summer) or full moon (one occasion in both summer and winter) and incorporated full tidal sequences including daytime (summer) and nighttime (winter) low-low (LL) tides. Chondrus verrucosus was the only red alga with spores within the size range of 15–20 μm that was fertile in the study area and surrounds at the time of sampling facilitating identification of spores. Spores in scoop samples were settled onto Petri dishes and identified on the basis of cell shape, colour and size. Pump samples were filtered onto transparent membrane filters and identified using epifluorescence microscopy: C. verrucosus spores fluoresced bright yellow and were easily distinguished from other micro-organisms of similar size, which fluoresced red or green. Results showed that while propagules could be found in the water column at most times, propagule supply of C. verrucosus was greatest during the 1–2 h period following LL tides. Variability in propagule supply was less than in previous studies examining surface or offshore waters. Spore release is thought to be stimulated by either desiccation or salinity changes associated with periods of emersion at low tide followed by re-immersion on incoming tides.