24 resultados para Increased Disturbance Hypothesis


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Fire is a common form of recurrent disturbance in many ecosystems, but ecological theory has a poor record of predicting animal responses to fire, at both species and assemblage levels. As a consequence, there is limited information to guide fire regime management for biodiversity conservation. We investigated a key research gap in the fire ecology literature; that is, the response of an anuran assemblage to variation in the fire return interval. We tested two hypotheses using a spatially-explicit fire database collected over a 40 year period: 1) species richness would peak at intermediate levels of disturbance. 2) Species with traits which enabled them to escape fire - burrowing or canopy dwelling - would be better able to survive fires, resulting in higher levels of occurrence in frequently burned sites. We found no evidence for either a reduction in species richness at locations with short fire return intervals, or a peak in species richness at intermediate levels of disturbance. Although we found some support for individual species responses to fire return intervals, these were inconsistent with the interpretation of burrowing or climbing being functional traits for fire-avoidance. Instead burrowing and climbing species may be more likely to be disadvantaged by frequent fire than surface dwelling frogs. More generally, our results show that many species in our study system have persisted despite a range of fire frequencies, and therefore that active management of fire regimes for anuran persistence may be unnecessary. The responses of anurans to fire in this location are unlikely to be predictable using simple life-history traits. Future work should focus on understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of fire responses, by integrating information on animal behavior and species' ecological requirements.


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We tested the 'cars cause less disturbance' hypothesis by comparing the flight-initiation distance (FID) evoked by a car versus a single walker for 38 species of waterbird (n = 657 standardised approaches). For the 15 species where we had sample size adequate for statistical testing (n ≥ 5), we found that cars elicited shorter responses after controlling for starting distance. Within-species analyses revealed that this difference was significant in 8 of 15 species. Although mean FIDs for car approaches were always shorter than FIDs toward single walkers in the remaining species (7), the tests in those species lacked sufficient power to draw meaningful conclusions. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that birds respond to cars at shorter distances. The wide taxonomic breadth of species investigated suggests that this principle may be broadly applicable, at least in waterbirds. The results of this study and the FID estimates we present will allow development of meaningful stimulus-specific buffer zones to protect waterbirds from disturbance.


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Fire is an integral disturbance shaping forest community dynamics over large scales. However, understanding the relationship between fire induced habitat disturbance and biodiversity remain equivocal. Ecological theories including the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) and the habitat accommodation model (HAM) offer predictive frameworks that could explain faunal responses to fire disturbances. We used an 80 year post-fire chronosequence to investigate small reptile community responses to fires in temperate forests across 74 sites. First, we evaluated if changes in species richness, abundance and evenness post-fire followed trends of prior predictions, including the IDH. Second, using competing models of fine scale habitat elements we evaluated the specific ways which fire influenced small reptiles. Third, we evaluated support for the HAM by examining compositional changes of reptile community post-fire. Relative abundance was positively correlated to age post-fire while richness and evenness showed no associations. The abundance trend was as expected based on the prior prediction of sustained population increase post-disturbance, but the trend for richness contradicted the prediction of highest diversity at intermediate levels of disturbance (according to IDH). Abundance changes were driven mainly by changes in overstorey, ground layer, and shelter, while richness and evenness did not associate with any vegetation parameter. Community composition was not strongly correlated to age since fire, thus support for the HAM was weak. Overall, in this ecosystem, frequent fire disturbances can be detrimental to small reptiles. Future studies utilizing approaches based on species traits could enhance our understanding of biodiversity patterns post-disturbance.


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The topics of succession and post-disturbance ecosystem recovery have a long and convoluted history. There is extensive redundancy within this body of theory, which has resulted in confusion, and the links among theories have not been adequately drawn. This review aims to distil the unique ideas from the array of theory related to ecosystem change in response to disturbance. This will help to reduce redundancy, and improve communication and understanding between researchers. We first outline the broad range of concepts that have developed over the past century to describe community change in response to disturbance. The body of work spans overlapping succession concepts presented by Clements in 1916, Egler in 1954, and Connell and Slatyer in 1977. Other theories describing community change include state and transition models, biological legacy theory, and the application of functional traits to predict responses to disturbance. Second, we identify areas of overlap of these theories, in addition to highlighting the conceptual and taxonomic limitations of each. In aligning each of these theories with one another, the limited scope and relative inflexibility of some theories becomes apparent, and redundancy becomes explicit. We identify a set of unique concepts to describe the range of mechanisms driving ecosystem responses to disturbance. We present a schematic model of our proposed synthesis which brings together the range of unique mechanisms that were identified in our review. The model describes five main mechanisms of transition away from a post-disturbance community: (i) pulse events with rapid state shifts; (ii) stochastic community drift; (iii) facilitation; (iv) competition; and (v) the influence of the initial composition of a post-disturbance community. In addition, stabilising processes such as biological legacies, inhibition or continuing disturbance may prevent a transition between community types. Integrating these six mechanisms with the functional trait approach is likely to improve the predictive capacity of disturbance theory. Finally, we complement our discussion of theory with a case study which emphasises that many post-disturbance theories apply simultaneously to the same ecosystem. Using the well-studied mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) forests of south-eastern Australia, we illustrate phenomena that align with six of the theories described in our model of rationalised disturbance theory. We encourage further work to improve our schematic model, increase coverage of disturbance-related theory, and to show how the model may link to, or integrate with, other domains of ecological theory.


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Timber harvesting is a common global disturbance that has important effects on the ability of forests to provide ecosystems services and retain biodiversity. Using predictive frameworks to examine biodiversity responses to logging could assist in retaining natural forest values. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) and the habitat accommodation model (HAM) potentially offer frameworks for explaining different coarse scale community responses to logging. We used a 60. year post-logging chronosequence to investigate small reptile community responses to age post-logging in temperate forests using three metrics (species richness, evenness and relative abundance). First, we evaluated if variation in these metrics adhered to prior predictions, including the IDH. Second, we evaluated how age post-logging influence community responses through fine scale vegetation elements. Third, we evaluated support for the HAM by measuring compositional change (species turnover) of small reptile community to age post-logging. Reptile relative abundance exhibited a curvilinear relationship to age since logging, contradicting our prior prediction of sustained increase. Species richness and evenness were unrelated to age since logging thus providing no support to IDH and other prior predictions. Relative abundance and richness did not relate to any vegetation characteristic tested. These metrics were also unrelated to logging method. Community composition was marginally significantly influenced by age since logging, thus supporting the HAM. Our results suggest that forest reptiles exposed to logging exhibit variable changes depending on the community metric in question, and that different approaches, including those based on species traits, are needed to improve evaluating disturbance related biodiversity responses.


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Dispersal fundamentally influences spatial population dynamics but little is known about dispersal variation in landscapes where spatial heterogeneity is generated predominantly by disturbance and succession. We tested the hypothesis that habitat succession following fire inhibits dispersal, leading to declines over time in genetic diversity in the early successional geckoNephrurus stellatus We combined a landscape genetics field study with a spatially explicit simulation experiment to determine whether successional patterns in genetic diversity were driven by habitat-mediated dispersal or demographic effects (declines in population density leading to genetic drift). Initial increases in genetic structure following fire were likely driven by direct mortality and rapid population expansion. Subsequent habitat succession increased resistance to gene flow and decreased dispersal and genetic diversity inN. stellatus Simulated changes in population density alone did not reproduce these results. Habitat-mediated reductions in dispersal, combined with changes in population density, were essential to drive the field-observed patterns. Our study provides a framework for combining demographic, movement and genetic data with simulations to discover the relative influence of demography and dispersal on patterns of landscape genetic structure. Our results suggest that succession can inhibit connectivity among individuals, opening new avenues for understanding how disturbance regimes influence spatial population dynamics.


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Aims/hypothesis: We sought to determine the risk of diabetes and IGT/IFG with grand multiparity. Subjects, materials and methods: Women, aged ≥25 years, from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study and the Crossroads Undiagnosed Disease Study (a rural study in Victoria, Australia), participated in a household census (response 67 and 70%, respectively), subsequently attending a biomedical examination that included an oral glucose tolerance test (58% [6198] and 69% [819]). Results: After adjusting for age, obesity and socio-economic status, diabetes, but not IGT/IFG, was less common among women with a parity of 1 to 2 (odds ratio [OR]=0.64 [0.48– 0.84]) and 3 to 4 (OR=0.72 [0.53–0.96]) than in grand multiparous women. This relationship was unrelated to past hysterectomy, use of the oral contraceptive pill or menopausal status. Conclusions/interpretation: Grand multiparity is associated with an increased risk of diabetes but not of IGT/IFG.We postulate that parity accelerates transition from IGT/IFG to diabetes, more than it does transition from normal glucose tolerance to IGT/IFG.


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Objective: Rational therapeutic development in bipolar is hampered by a lack of pathophysiological model. However, there is a wealth of converging data on the role of dopamine in bipolar disorder. This paper therefore examines the possibility of a dopamine hypothesis for bipolar disorder.

Method: A literature search was conducted using standard search engines Embase, PyschLIT, PubMed and MEDLINE. In addition, papers and book chapters known to the authors were retrieved and examined for further relevant articles.

Collectively, in excess of 100 articles were reviewed from which approximately 75% were relevant to the focus of this paper.

Conclusion: Pharmacological models suggest a role of increased dopaminergic drive in mania and the converse in depression. In Parkinson’s disease, administration of high-dose dopamine precursors can produce a ‘maniform’ picture, which switches into a depressive analogue on withdrawal. It is possible that in bipolar disorder there is a cyclical process, where increased dopaminergic transmission in mania leads to a secondary down regulation of dopaminergic receptor sensitivity over time. This may lead to a period of decreased dopaminergic transmission, corresponding with the depressive phase, and the repetition of the cycle. This model, if verified, may have implications for rational drug development.


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Aims/hypothesis Insulin hypersecretion may be an independent predictor of progression to type 2 diabetes. Identifying genes affecting insulin hypersecretion are important in understanding disease progression. We have previously shown that diabetes-susceptible DBA/2 mice congenitally display high insulin secretion. We studied this model to map and identify the gene(s) responsible for this trait.

Methods Intravenous glucose tolerance tests followed by a genome-wide scan were performed on 171 (C57BL/6 × DBA/2) × C57BL/6 backcross mice.

Results A quantitative trait locus, designated hyperinsulin production-1 (Hip1), was mapped with a logarithm of odds score of 7.7 to a region on chromosome 13. Production of congenic mice confirmed that Hip1 influenced the insulin hypersecretion trait. By studying appropriate recombinant inbred mouse strains, the Hip1 locus was further localised to a 2 Mb interval, which contained only nine genes. Expression analysis showed that the only gene differentially expressed in islets isolated from the parental strains was Nnt, which encodes the mitochondrial proton pump, nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT). We also found in five mouse strains a positive correlation (r 2  = 0.90, p < 0.01) between NNT activity and first-phase insulin secretion, emphasising the importance of this enzyme in beta cell function. Furthermore, of these five strains, only those with high NNT activity are known to exhibit severe diabetes after becoming obese.

Conclusions/interpretation Insulin hypersecretion is associated with increased Nnt expression. We suggest that NNT must play an important role in beta cell function and that its effect on the high insulin secretory capacity of the DBA/2 mouse may predispose beta cells of these mice to failure.


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Refuges protect plant and animal populations from disturbance. Knowledge of refuges from disturbance in mediterranean climate rivers (med-rivers) has increased the last decade. We review disturbance processes and their relationship to refuges in streams in mediterranean climate regions (med-regions). Med-river fauna show high endemicity and their populations are often exposed to disturbance; hence the critical importance of refuges during (both seasonal and supraseasonal) disturbances. Disturbance pressures are increasing in med-regions, in particular from climatic change, salinisation, sedimentation, water extraction, hydropower generation, supraseasonal drought, and wildfire. Med-rivers show annual cycles of constrained precipitation and predictable seasonal drying, causing the biota to depend on seasonal refuges, in particular, those that are spatially predictable. This creates a spatial and temporal mosaic of inundation that determines habitat extent and refuge function. Refuges of sufficient size and duration to maintain populations, such as perennially flowing reaches, sustain biodiversity and may harbour relict populations, particularly during increasing aridification, where little other suitable habitat remains in landscapes. Therefore, disturbances that threaten perennial flows potentially cascade disproportionately to reduce regional scale biodiversity in med-regions. Conservation approaches for med-river systems need to conserve both refuges and refuge connectivity, reduce the impact of anthropogenic disturbances and sustain predictable, seasonal flow patterns.


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Aims/hypothesis. Our aim was to examine the possible direct relationship of interleukin-6 and TNFα with insulin sensitivity in humans. Methods. We carried out two series of euglycaemic-hyperinsulinaemic clamp experiments. In the first (CLAMP1), skeletal muscle mRNA expression and plasma concentrations of IL-6 and TNFα were examined in patients with Type 2 diabetes (n=6), subjects matched for age (n=6), and young healthy (n=11) control subjects during a 120-min supra-physiological hyperinsulinaemic (40 mU·m -2·min-1) euglycaemic clamp. In the second series of experiments (CLAMP2), patients with Type 2 diabetes (n=6) and subjects matched for age (n=7) were studied during a 240-min high-physiological hyperinsulinaemic (7 mU·m-2·min-1) euglycaemic clamp, during which arterial and venous (femoral and subclavian) blood samples were measured for IL-6 and TNFα flux. Results. In both experiments the glucose infusion rate in the patients was markedly lower than that in the other groups. In CLAMP1, basal skeletal muscle IL-6 and TNFα mRNA were the same in all groups. They were not affected by insulin and they were not related to the glucose infusion rate. In CLAMP2, neither cytokine was released from the arm or leg during insulin stimulation in either group. In both experiments plasma concentrations of these cytokines were similar in the patients and in the control subjects, although in CLAMP1 the young healthy control group had lower (p<0.05) plasma IL-6 concentrations. Using data from all subjects, a strong positive correlation (r=0.85; p<0.00001) was observed between basal plasma IL-6 and BMI. Conversely, a negative relationship (r=-0.345; p<0.05) was found between basal plasma TNFα and BMI, although this was not significant when corrected for BMI. When corrected for BMI, no relationship was observed between either basal plasma IL-6 or TNFα and GIR. Conclusions/interpretation. These data show that the increased circulating IL-6 concentrations seen in patients with Type 2 diabetes are strongly related to fat mass and not insulin responsiveness, and suggest that neither IL-6 nor TNFα are indicative of insulin resistance.


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There is evidence emerging from Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) research that autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are associated with greater impairment in the left hemisphere. Although this has been quantified with volumetric region of interest analyses, it has yet to be tested with white matter integrity analysis. In the present study, tract based spatial statistics was used to contrast white matter integrity of 12 participants with high-functioning autism or Aspergers syndrome (HFA/AS) with 12 typically developing individuals. Fractional Anisotropy (FA) was examined, in addition to axial, radial and mean diffusivity (AD, RD and MD). In the left hemisphere, participants with HFA/AS demonstrated significantly reduced FA in predominantly thalamic and fronto-parietal pathways and increased RD. Symmetry analyses confirmed that in the HFA/AS group, WM disturbance was significantly greater in the left compared to right hemisphere. These findings contribute to a growing body of literature suggestive of reduced FA in ASD, and provide preliminary evidence for RD impairments in the left hemisphere.


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The inflammatory hypothesis of schizophrenia (SZ) posits that inflammatory processes and neural-immune interactions are involved in its pathogenesis, and may underpin some of its neurobiological correlates. SZ is the psychiatric disorder causing the most severe burden of illness, not just owing to its psychiatric impairment, but also owing to its significant medical comorbidity. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a commonly used biomarker of systemic inflammation worldwide. There are some conflicting results regarding the behaviour of CRP in SZ. The aims of this study were to verify whether peripheral CRP levels are indeed increased in SZ, whether different classes of antipsychotics divergently modulate CRP levels and whether its levels are correlated with positive and negative symptomatology. With that in mind, we performed a meta-analysis of all cross-sectional studies of serum and plasma CRP levels in SZ compared to healthy subjects. In addition, we evaluated longitudinal studies on CRP levels before and after antipsychotic use. Our meta-analyses of CRP in SZ included a total of 26 cross-sectional or longitudinal studies comprising 85 000 participants. CRP levels were moderately increased in persons with SZ regardless of the use of antipsychotics and did not change between the first episode of psychosis and with progression of SZ (g=0.66, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.43 to 0.88, P<0.001, 24 between-group comparisons, n=82 962). The extent of the increase in peripheral CRP levels paralleled the increase in severity of positive symptoms, but was unrelated to the severity of negative symptoms. CRP levels were also aligned with an increased body mass index. Conversely, higher age correlated with a smaller difference in CRP levels between persons with SZ and controls. Furthermore, CRP levels did not increase after initiation of antipsychotic medication notwithstanding whether these were typical or atypical antipsychotics (g=0.01, 95% CI -0.20 to 0.22, P=0.803, 8 within-group comparisons, n=713). In summary, our study provides further evidence of the inflammatory hypothesis of SZ. Whether there is a causal relationship between higher CRP levels and the development of SZ and aggravation of psychotic symptoms, or whether they are solely a marker of systemic low-grade inflammation in SZ, remains to be clarified.


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Increased recognition of the global importance of salt marshes as 'blue carbon' (C) sinks has led to concern that salt marshes could release large amounts of stored C into the atmosphere (as CO2) if they continue undergoing disturbance, thereby accelerating climate change. Empirical evidence of C release following salt marsh habitat loss due to disturbance is rare, yet such information is essential for inclusion of salt marshes in greenhouse gas emission reduction and offset schemes. Here we investigated the stability of salt marsh (Spartinaalterniflora) sediment C levels following seagrass (Thallasiatestudinum) wrack accumulation; a form of disturbance common throughout the world that removes large areas of plant biomass in salt marshes. At our study site (St Joseph Bay, Florida, USA), we recorded 296 patches (7.5 ± 2.3 m(2) mean area ± SE) of vegetation loss (aged 3-12 months) in a salt marsh meadow the size of a soccer field (7 275 m(2)). Within these disturbed patches, levels of organic C in the subsurface zone (1-5 cm depth) were ~30% lower than the surrounding undisturbed meadow. Subsequent analyses showed that the decline in subsurface C levels in disturbed patches was due to loss of below-ground plant (salt marsh) biomass, which otherwise forms the main component of the long-term 'refractory' C stock. We conclude that disturbance to salt marsh habitat due to wrack accumulation can cause significant release of below-ground C; which could shift salt marshes from C sinks to C sources, depending on the intensity and scale of disturbance. This mechanism of C release is likely to increase in the future due to sea level rise; which could increase wrack production due to increasing storminess, and will facilitate delivery of wrack into salt marsh zones due to higher and more frequent inundation.