72 resultados para Dairy Farmers


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This thesis explains the benefits of HRM policies and practices for Australian dairy farmers. A conceptual roadmap for rural industry policy-makers and farm owner-managers is presented in this thesis. It helps farmers to enhance dairy farm performance through HRM practices, which in turn would contribute to regional economic development.


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Sustainability refers to having the ability to meet present needs without impacting on future generations to meet their needs. It incorporates social, economic and environmental aspects, and as a measure of sustainability, a range of sustainability indicators at the economy, regional, and individual level, have been suggested. However, given the complex and multidisciplinary nature of the concept, an interdisciplinary approach is necessary. Sustainability is not something that is easily measurable, and the aim of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for quantifying sustainability on the basis of social economic efficiency. According to neoclassical economic theory, economic activity will only be sustained by the private sector as long as it is profitable. However, private economic decisions do not always ensure long-term sustainability of environmental resources or production. The approach suggested here is to derive a measure of social economic efficiency as a measure of sustainability. For dairy farmers, increased productivity has been emphasized, while recognizing the need to reduce greenhouse emissions, pests and disease, nutrient run-off into the environment and degradation of the soil structure. By incorporating environmental and economic impacts, a fuller measure of efficiency, social economic efficiency, and sustainability of the farming practice can be developed.


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Dairy farm operators-farmers, workers, and family members-are faced with many demands and stressors in their daily work and these appear to be shared across countries and cultures. Dairy operators experience high psychosocial demands with respect to a hard work and production ethos, economic influences, and social and environmental responsibility. Furthermore, both traditional and industrial farms are highly dependent on external conditions, such as weather, fluctuating markets, and regulations from government authorities. Possible external stressors include disease outbreaks, taxes related to dairy production, and recent negative societal attitudes to farming in general. Dairy farm operators may have very few or no opportunities to influence and control these external conditions, demands, and expectations. High work demands and expectations coupled with low control and lack of social support can lead to a poor psychosocial work environment, with increased stress levels, ill mental health, depression, and, in the worst cases, suicide. Internationally, farmers with ill mental health have different health service options depending on their location. Regardless of location, it is initially the responsibility of the individual farmer and farm family to handle mental health and stress, which can be of short- or long-term duration. This paper reviews the literature on the topics of psychosocial working conditions, mental health, stress, depression, and suicide among dairy farm operators, farm workers, and farm family members in an international perspective.


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Objective: This study aims to understand the extent offarmers’ exposure to hazardous noise, and trial and testthe ability of an on-farm noise audit report to improve awareness and preventative action towards farm based noise hazards.Design: Visits were made to working farms where noiseand dosimetry measurements undertaken. During return visits, the noise measurements were explained ina brief report. A follow-up questionnaire was imple-mented gathering feedback on the use or otherwise ofthe report.Setting: Working farms in Western Victoria and SEQueensland including dairy, beef, wool, prime lamb andcropping.Participants: Participants were 14 female and 37 male farm workers.Interventions: Noise exposure assessment of dailyactivities through dosimetry; measurements of noisy tasks and machinery; supply and interpretation of anoise audit report.Main outcome measures: Participants were suppliedwith a ‘noise report’ of their workplace together with an explanation of the report’s meaning to farm workers.Results: Men and women have similar at risk expo-sures. The average noise exposure was 1.09 Pa2h(LAeq,8h= 85.3 dB). This implies 163 000 Australian agricultural workers are at risk from hazardous noise.On-farm noise audit reports were a relevant and valuable feedback to farmers in relation to their potential noise hazards.Conclusions: Of those measured 51%, and by extrapo-lation 163 000 Australian agricultural workers, have noise exposure levels greater than the recommendedAustralian Standard of 1.01 Pa2h (85 dB). Men and women are equally exposed. On-farm noise auditreports are an effective feedback to increase awareness and improve hearing health


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Milk-processing plants generate significant quantities of wastewater with relatively high organic matter concentrations on a daily basis. In addition to environmental damage that can result from the discharge of these wastewaters into the natural waterways, the presence of products such as milk solids into wastewater streams represents a loss of valuable product for the plants. This paper presents a review of wastewater management practices employed by six milk-processing plants in Victoria, Australia. In all six plants investigated, milk powder represents a major product. During the milk powder production, water is evaporated, condensed and can be reused for various purposes with a significant impact on water usage. Other major products are anhydrous milk fat, cheese, butter, and UHT milk. The effectiveness of the practices was assessed through two main criteria: first through the water to milk intake ratio, and the waste volume coefficient. Both parameters characterise the plant efficiency in regard of water consumption and water reuse, Information on cleaning chemical usage and recovery was also assessed as part of the review. Significant discrepancies emerge between the plants first due to the products manufacturad and water reuse possibilities available in each plant. Second the type of treatment technologies used for condensate and cleaning solution influences the figures. One of the investigated plants is almost self-sufficient for water, emphasising the benefits gained from the use of technologies like membrane separations for condensate and cleaning solution treatment. In some cases, less cost-intensive technologies such as a clarifier are successful to improve cleaning agent recovery.


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Basic activated alumina with negatively charged surface is considered as a potential adsorbent for a targeted molecule with positive polarity. Adsorption of sodium by basic activated alumina was investigated as a method for desalting dairy waste streams, in which sodium ion concentration averaged 600 mg/L. Sodium equilibrium and kinetic adsorption were investigated using basic activated alumina with synthetic brines. The results of equilibrium adsorption show that uptake of sodium by activated alumina is significantly higher when the pH is greater than 8 and increases as the pH of the brines increases until pH reaches around 10. The results of kinetic adsorption show that 90 hours were needed to reach equilibrium for sodium adsorption. Binding and diffusion processes are suggested to have taken place within the activated alumina.


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This paper examines how the adoption of a system's perspective to the use of both marketed and public resources can be incorporated into an analysis of productivity measurement.  A biophysical model is used to measure the environmental inputs which are combined with conventional marketed inputs to develop a Malmquist Productivity Index to determine social productivity growth over the perios under study.  The analysis is applied to data collected from selected farms in south west Victoria and includes a measure of leaching and run-off as a proxy measure of the impact the application of fertilizers has on ground and surface water.  Although the sample is small, the results show measured productivity growth differs when environmental factors are considered.


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In this paper we estimate a Translog output distance function for a balanced panel of state level data for the Australian dairy processing sector. We estimate a fixed effects specification employing Bayesian methods, with and without the imposition of monotonicity and curvature restrictions. Our results indicate that Tasmania and Victoria are the most technically efficient states with New South Wales being the least efficient. The imposition of theoretical restrictions marginally affects the results especially with respect to estimates of technical change and industry deregulation. Importantly, our bias estimates show changes in both input use and output mix that result from deregulation. Specifically, we find that deregulation has positively biased the production of butter, cheese and powders.


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The publication of a Preliminary Final Assessment Report on 4 April 2007 heralded another step towards the introduction of a new Health Claims Standard to be inserted into the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. This Health Claims Standard, once approved by the Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand and by the Australia New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council, will permit the making of certain substantiated health claims. Prior to the introduction of the new Standard, health claims have not been permitted on food labels, with the exception of claims in relation to maternal folate consumption and its positive effect in reducing the risk of foetal neural tube defects. The new Health Claims Standard as outlined in the Preliminary Final Assessment Report is likely to have a significant impact on the dairy industry. This paper seeks to analyse that impact, including threats, opportunities and challenges that the Standard poses to the dairy industry and other food suppliers.


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In this paper we use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate technical efficiency for a sample of 1742 Australian dairy farms. Bearing in mind data limitations we find that average technical efficiency is 59 per cent, but there are significant regional differences. These results reflect differences in State level milk marketing arrangements in place before dairy deregulation in July 2000 providing an ex post explanation for the changing composition of dairy farms in Australia. We also examine two important technical aspects of DEA implementation. First, how changes in model input specification alter the relative performance of farms. Second, we employ a simple bootstrap procedure to show how changes in sample size affects estimates of technical efficiency. These results have simple but important implications for the use of DEA as an industry-benchmarking tool.