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Background. ‘Music Therapeutic Caregiving’, defined as when caregivers’ sing for or together with persons with dementia care situations, has been shown to facilitate the caring situation, and enhance positive and decrease negative expressions in persons with dementia. No studies about singing during mealtimes have been conducted, and this project was designed to elucidate this. However, since previous studies have shown that there is a risk that persons with dementia will start to sing along with the caregiver, the caregiver in this study hummed such that the person with dementia did not sing instead of eat. Aim. To describe professional caregivers’ experiences of humming during meal time while feeding persons with dementia. Method. An intervention with caregivers humming was implemented during lunch time. Focus group interviews were conducted to fetch the caregivers experiences. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Results. The caregivers described that humming disseminated relaxation and joy, and awakened memories about the songs hummed which encouraged the persons with the dementia to join in the songs. They also described that humming seemed to make the persons with dementia associate with mealtime and could make them eat more. However it also revealed suspiciousness and agitation from the persons with dementia. Conclusion. Humming during mealtime revealed mainly positive as well as some negative influences. More and larger studies are needed to be able to draw general conclusions.
The number of persons with dementia (PWD) is increasing rapidly worldwide. Cognitive impairments and communication difficulties are common among PWD. Therefore, gaining mutual togetherness in caring relation between PWD and their caregivers is important. This study was to investigate the effects of music therapeutic care (MTC) during morning care situations on improving verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors in people with dementia. An observation study with 10 PWD participating. Videotaped interactions (VIO) between PWD and their caregivers were conducted during eight weekly sessions, four recordings consisted of usual morning care and four recordings were of morning care with MTC intervention. The Verbal and Nonverbal Interaction Scale was used to analyze the recorded interactions at a later time. The unsociable verbal variable Cursing decreased significantly (P=.037) during MTC when compared with the baseline measurement. A significant (P=.000) reduction was observed for the unsociable nonverbal variable Does not respond to question. MTC significantly (P=.01) increased the mean score for the sociable nonverbal variable – Calm – relaxed. For sociable verbal communication, significant differences were observed for the variables Use coherent communication (P=.012), Use relevant communication (P=.009), Responds to questions (P=.000), Humming (P=.004), Singing (P=.000). MTC during morning care situations can be an effective non-pharmacological treatment, as well as nursing intervention in order to improve sociable communication behaviors, as well as reduce unsociable communication behaviors of PWDs
Music therapeutic caregiving', when caregivers sing for or together with persons with severe dementia during care situations, has been suggested as a way to reduce problematic behaviors in dementia care. The present study implemented this technique as an intervention in dementia care. Six caregivers participated in group interviews about their experiences of morning care situations without and with'Music therapeutic caregiving'. Through a qualitative content analysis two themes emerged.'Being in a different reality' was based on'usual' morning care situations. The caregivers' experienced the persons with dementia as absent-minded; communication and cooperation were difficult. The second theme,'Being present', was based on morning care situations with the intervention. The caregivers described communication as enhanced; the persons with dementia expressed themselves more appropriately, making cooperation possible. The results indicate that'Music therapeutic caregiving' might lead to a more positive experience of the person with dementia and seems to increase receptivity to caregiving.
Background: Animal-Assisted Therapy using dogs have been described as having a calming effect, decrease sundowning and blood-pressure in persons with Alzheimer’s disease. The aim was to investigate how continuous and scheduled visits by a prescribed therapy dog affected daytime and night-time sleep for persons with Alzheimer’s disease. Methods: In this case study, registration of activity and sleep curves was conducted from five persons with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease living at a nursing home, over a period of 16 weeks using an Actiwatch. Data was analysed with descriptive statistics. Result: The study shows no clear pattern of effect on individual persons daytime activity and sleep when encounter with a therapy dog, but instead points to a great variety of possible different effects that brings an increased activity at different time points, for example during night-time sleep. Conclusions: Effects from the use of a Animal-Assisted Therapy with a dog in the care of persons with Alzheimer’s disease needs to be further investigated and analysed from a personcentred view including both daytime and nightime activities.
Can therapy dogs evoke awareness of one's past and present life in persons with Alzheimer's disease?
BACKGROUND: Persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD) sometimes express themselves through behaviours that are difficult to manage for themselves and their caregivers, and to minimise these symptoms alternative methods are recommended. For some time now, animals have been introduced in different ways into the environment of persons with dementia. Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) includes prescribed therapy dogs visiting the person with dementia for a specific purpose. AIM: This study aims to illuminate the meaning of the lived experience of encounters with a therapy dog for persons with Alzheimer's disease. METHOD: Video recorded sessions were conducted for each visit of the dog and its handler to a person with AD (10 times/person). The observations have a life-world approach and were transcribed and analysed using a phenomenological hermeneutical approach. RESULTS: The result shows a main theme 'Being aware of one's past and present existence', meaning to connect with one's senses and memories and to reflect upon these with the dog. The time spent with the dog shows the person recounting memories and feelings, and enables an opportunity to reach the person on a cognitive level. CONCLUSIONS: The present study may contribute to health care research and provide knowledge about the use of trained therapy dogs in the care of older persons with AD in a way that might increase quality of life and well-being in persons with dementia. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The study might be useful for caregivers and dog handlers in the care of older persons with dementia.
Objective: ‘Music Therapeutic Caregiving’, when caregivers sing for or together with persons with dementia during morning care situations, has been shown to increase verbal and nonverbal communication between persons with dementia and their caregivers, as well as enhance positive and decrease negative emotions in persons with dementia. No studies about singing during mealtimes have been conducted, and this pilot project was designed to elucidate this. However, since previous studies have shown that there is a risk that persons with dementia will start to sing along with the caregiver, the caregiver in this study hummed such that the person with dementia did not sing instead of eat. The aim of this pilot project was threefold: to describe expressed emotions in a woman with severe dementia, and describe communication between her and her caregivers without and with the caregiver humming. The aim was also to measure food and liquid intake without and with humming. Method: The study was constructed as a Single Case ABA design in which the ordinary mealtime constituted a baseline which comprised a woman with severe dementia being fed by her caregivers in the usual way. The intervention included the same woman being fed by the same caregiver who hummed while feeding her. Data comprised video observations that were collected once per week over 5 consecutive weeks. The Verbal and Nonverbal Interaction Scale and Observed Emotion Rating Scale were used to analyze the recorded interactions. Results: A slightly positive influence of communication was shown for the woman with dementia, as well as for the caregiver. Further, the women with dementia showed a slight increase in expressions of positive emotions, and she ate more during the intervention. Conclusion: Based on this pilot study no general conclusions can be drawn. It can be concluded, however, that humming while feeding persons with dementia might slightly enhance communication, and positive expressed emotions in persons with dementia. To confirm this, more studies on group levels are needed. Because previous studies have found that caregiver singing during caring situations influences persons with dementia positively it might be desirable to test the same during mealtime.
Palliativt förhållningssätt kännetecknas av helhetssyn av människan och uppnås genom stöttning av individen att leva med värdighet och största möjliga välbefinnande till livets slut oavsett diagnos eller ålder. Demens är en sjukdom som är svårt handikappande för den som drabbas och för de anhöriga är sjukdomen förödande. Den palliativa vården av personer med demens är inte optimerad. Studier visar att det dels beror på demenssjukdomen som är svår att vårda och dels för att stöd till de personer som vårdar sina anhöriga och det sociala kommunala nätverket har brister. Syfte: Att analysera upplevelsen av given vård i livets slutskede hos personer med demensdiagnos ur personalens och anhörigas perspektiv. Metod: Metasyntes utförd med Howell Major och Savin-Badins analysmodell, Qualitative Research Synthesis. Resultat: Kunskap och personcentrering var de två begrepp som blev produkten av syntesen. Begreppen fungerar som motsatser, om det finns kunskap och personcentrering så finns en bra upplevelse av given vård hos personal och anhöriga och om det brister i kunskap och personcentrering blir upplevelsen sämre. Diskussion: Kunskap om demens bland personal har i syntesen visats vara en indikator för god vård vid livets slut. Utbildning i demenssjukdom bör ske kontinuerligt och på olika nivåer beroende på vilken personalkategori som utbildas. Konklusion: Palliativ vård och demens måste få utrymme i utbildningarna av all personal, från undersköterska till specialistläkare.
The social constructions of old age and ability – the example of intellectual disability The aim of this article is to analyse and discuss constructions of old age as they are reflected in disability research with the focus on ageing and what it means to be elderly. The results of this study show three tendencies. First, the consequences of the impairment tend to be at forefront in studies of experiences of ageing among persons with intellectual disabilities. This obscures the fact that people with intellectual disabilities partake in a common idealisation of youthfulness that often contains ambivalence towards old age. Second, the concept of old age in disability research embraces significantly wider chronological age groups than those considered in ageing studies. Third, both disability and ageing research tend to use a late modern perspective of individualization as a way to illustrate new options and strategies, including resistance against stigmatisation. This article illustrates that social constructions of disability and old age are tightly interwoven, and constitute negations of normatively defined ideals of normality in a society where ability are highly regarded.
Background: Previous assessment methods for PG recognition used sensor mechanisms for PG that may cause discomfort. In order to avoid stress of applying wearable sensors, computer vision (CV) based diagnostic systems for PG recognition have been proposed. Main constraints in these methods are the laboratory setup procedures: Novel colored dresses for the patients were specifically designed to segment the test body from a specific colored background. Objective: To develop an image processing tool for home-assessment of Parkinson Gait(PG) by analyzing motion cues extracted during the gait cycles. Methods: The system is based on the idea that a normal body attains equilibrium during the gait by aligning the body posture with the axis of gravity. Due to the rigidity in muscular tone, persons with PD fail to align their bodies with the axis of gravity. The leaned posture of PD patients appears to fall forward. Whereas a normal posture exhibits a constant erect posture throughout the gait. Patients with PD walk with shortened stride angle (less than 15 degrees on average) with high variability in the stride frequency. Whereas a normal gait exhibits a constant stride frequency with an average stride angle of 45 degrees. In order to analyze PG, levodopa-responsive patients and normal controls were videotaped with several gait cycles. First, the test body is segmented in each frame of the gait video based on the pixel contrast from the background to form a silhouette. Next, the center of gravity of this silhouette is calculated. This silhouette is further skeletonized from the video frames to extract the motion cues. Two motion cues were stride frequency based on the cyclic leg motion and the lean frequency based on the angle between the leaned torso tangent and the axis of gravity. The differences in the peaks in stride and lean frequencies between PG and normal gait are calculated using Cosine Similarity measurements. Results: High cosine dissimilarity was observed in the stride and lean frequencies between PG and normal gait. High variations are found in the stride intervals of PG whereas constant stride intervals are found in the normal gait. Conclusions: We propose an algorithm as a source to eliminate laboratory constraints and discomfort during PG analysis. Installing this tool in a home computer with a webcam allows assessment of gait in the home environment.
Syfte: Att testa den patientenkät som används i utvärdering av en leversjuksköterskemottagning på patienter med dekompenserad levercirros för att undersöka upplevelsen av att besvara frågorna samt frågornas relevans till patientens situation. Metod: Pilotstudiens metod var mixad. Resultat: Spridningen av deltagarnas upplevelse av oro/obehag av enkäten var stor (VAS 6-100 millimeter). Vid få sjukdomssymtom väcktes oro om framtida sjukdomsutveckling men vid längre tids sjukdom kändes samtliga symtom igen, tankar om tidigare beteende uppstod vid alkoholsorsakad sjukdom. En mindre spridning (VAS 66-92 millimeter) sågs gällande hur viktiga/väsentliga frågorna upplevdes. Frågor om bemötande ansågs viktiga och påverkade upplevelsen av rätten till vård. Kompletterande frågor om individuellt anpassad information samt upplevelsen av delaktighet vid information efterfrågades. Deltagarna visade hög uppskattning (VAS 73-95 millimeter) till att sjukdomen/situation uppmärksammades genom enkäten. Besöken till sjuksköterskan skiljde sig från läkarbesök. Sjuksköterskan fokuserade på egenvård och mer tid fanns för information. För en informant innebar försöksverksamheten ökade antal sjukhusbesök, samordning innebar för- och nackdelar. Vid symtom på fatigue och nedsatt koncentrationsförmåga upplevdes enkäten lång, tvådelad enkät efterfrågades. Vid lindrig sjukdom upplevdes enkäten inte ansträngande. Språket var enkelt att förstå och innehållet upplevdes relevant. De öppna frågeställningarna tillförde inte något för de tre informanterna.
This thesis focused on the situation of family members of persons with psychotic illness, particular on their experience of the approach of the healthcare professionals and of their feelings of alienation regarding the professional care of their family member. A further aim was to explore how siblings who have participated in a support group for siblings experienced their situation. A questionnaire was developed that enabled the aims of this thesis to be investigated (I). Seventy family members from various parts of Sweden participated, and data were collected via the questionnaire developed in study I (II-III). Thirteen siblings who previously had participated in a support group participated in follow-up focus groups interviews (IV). The questionnaire developed was shown to be reliable and valid in these studies (I). In many cases, the participants had experienced an approach from professionals that indicated that they did not experience openness, confirmation and cooperation, and that they felt powerless and socially isolated in relation to the care. There was also found to be a certain degree of association between how the participants experienced the approach and whether they felt alienation (II). The majority of the participants considered openness, confirmation, and cooperation to be important aspects of professional’s approach. The result also identified a low level of agreement between the participants’ experience and what they considered to be significant in the professional’s approach (III). The findings revealed the complexity of being a sibling of an individual with psychotic illness. Participating in a support group for siblings can be of importance in gaining knowledge and minimizing feelings of being alone (IV). Although the psychiatric care services in Sweden have been aware of the importance of cooperating with family members, the results indicated that there is a need for further research in this area.
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom (AD) är den vanligaste formen av demenssjukdomar och antalet människor som insjuknar i AD förväntas öka kraftigt med tiden. Dessutom kännetecknas personer med AD ofta av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom (BPSD) som kan innefatta agitation, depression, vanföreställningar, oro, ångest, hallucinationer, sömnrubbningar, rastlöshet och apati. Dessa symtom kan orsaka lidande hos patienten och är svåra att hantera för både vårdgivaren och anhöriga, samt försvårar omvårdnadsarbetet. Syftet var att beskriva icke-farmakologiska metoder och effekter av dessa metoder vid omvårdnad av personer med Alzheimers sjukdom som har beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt bestående av 16 utvalda kvantitativa forskningsartiklar har genomförts. Artiklarna publicerades mellan år 2006-2016. Resultat. De studerade icke-farmakologiska metoderna var musikterapi, vissa typer av massage, reminiscence-terapi, vårdhundterapi och ljusterapi. Resultaten visade att icke-farmakologiska metoder kan ha en varierande effekt på BPSD. Litteraturöversikten visade att musikintervention var mest effektiv för att minska agitationsbeteende. Individualiserad musik i samband med speciella minnen minskade stress, fobier hos personer med svår demens. Intervention av handmassage, aromaterapi, taktil massage och terapeutisk beröring minskade aggression och agitationsbeteende. Vissa studier visade dock att fotmassageintervention och vårdhundterapi kunde öka verbal aggressivitet hos personer med demens, medan en annan studie visade att djurassisterade aktiviteter kunde minska nedstämdhet medan glädje och generell uppmärksamhet ökade. Effekten av ljusbehandling var förbättrad sömn, minskad depression, agitation och ätstörningar. Slutsats. Icke-farmakologiska metoder kan minska beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom hos personer med Alzheimers sjukdom, dock med varierande effekt. De varierande resultaten kan tolkas som att icke-farmakologiska metoder bör individanpassas och att det behövs vidare forskning inom området.
Bakgrund: Flera studier har visat att personer med bipolär sjukdom har en sämre livskvalitet jämfört med övriga befolkningen. Som sjuksköterska inom psykiatrisk vård är det viktigt att ha kunskap om sjukdomen för att ge bästa möjliga behandling med mål att stabilisera symtom, förebygga återfall och främja livskvalitet. Syfte: Att utifrån sjuksköterskans uppfattning beskriva vilka omvårdnadsinsatser som främjar livskvalitet vid bipolär sjukdom. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys som baserades på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Resultatet visade tre huvudteman: Kunskap om sjukdomen: betydelsen av att både patient och anhöriga fick kunskap om sjukdomen; Trygghet och kontinuitet i vården: veta var och till vem man vänder sig i vården hade stor betydelse samt Personcentrerad vård: att bli sedd och bemött som en unik person. Slutsats: Patientutbildning där man tar upp vikten av regelbundna levnadsvanor, att undvika stress samt att bli medveten om sina tidiga tecken kan hjälpa att stabilisera symtom och förebygga återfall.
Musik som verktyg för att lindra oro och stress är en tilltalande omvårdnadsåtgärd då den kan anpassas direkt till individen. Den är utan biverkningar samt kostnadseffektiv. Syfte: Att undersöka effekten av musikåtgärder i omvårdnad av personer med demenssjukdom. Metod: Föreliggande studie är en litteraturstudie omfattande båda kvantitativa och kvalitativa studier från databaserna Web of Science, PubMed och CINAHL. 13 artiklar skrivna på engelska utgjorde resultatunderlaget. Resultat: Resultatet är baserat på empiriska studier varav tio stycken var kvantativa studier och två stycken var kvalitativa studier. Resultatet redovisas under sammanlagt fyra teman: Musik och minskning av agitation, Musik och förbättring av kognition, Musik och ökning av välbefinnande samt Musik och höjning av socialt engagemang. Slutsats: Musik som en omvårdnadsåtgärd av personer med demenssjukdom kan med fördel användas av sjuksköterskor som ett moment i den personcentrerade omvårdnaden, som underhållning samt som ett medel att knyta samman människor.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the perceived needs for health services by persons with stroke within the first year after rehabilitation, and associations between perceived impact of stroke, involvement in decisions regarding care/treatment, and having health services needs met. METHOD: Data was collected, through a mail survey, from patients with stroke who were admitted to a university hospital in 2012 and had received rehabilitation after discharge from the stroke unit. The rehabilitation lasted an average of 2 to 4.6 months. The Stroke Survivor Needs Survey Questionnaire was used to assess the participants' perceptions of involvement in decisions on care or treatment and needs for health services in 11 problem areas: mobility, falls, incontinence, pain, fatigue, emotion, concentration, memory, speaking, reading, and sight. The perceived impact of stroke in eight areas was assessed using the Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) 3.0. Eleven logistic regression models were created to explore associations between having health services needs met in each problem area respectively (dependent variable) and the independent variables. In all models the independent variables were: age, sex, SIS domain corresponding to the dependent variable, or stroke severity in cases when no corresponding SIS domain was identified, and involvement in decisions on care and treatment. RESULTS: The 63 participants who returned the questionnaires had a mean age of 72 years, 33 were male and 30 were female. Eighty percent had suffered a mild stroke. The number of participants who reported problems varied between 51 (80%, mobility) and 24 (38%, sight). Involvement in decisions on care and treatment was found to be associated with having health services needs met in six problem areas: falls, fatigue, emotion, memory, speaking, and reading. CONCLUSIONS: The results highlight the importance of involving patients in making decisions on stroke rehabilitation, as it appears to be associated with meeting their health services needs.