4 resultados para Lyubomirsky, Sonja

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur den existentiella utsattheten gestaltas i Kristina Lugns diktsamlingar om jag inte och Bekantskap önskas med äldre bildad herre. Lugns dramer Idlaflickorna och Nattorienterarna undersöks också kortfattat i ljuset av lyriken. I avsnittet före analysdelen ges en kort förklaring till den tradition som fört fram ironin hos svenska kvinnliga lyriker, vilket bland annat innefattar fransk existentialism och absurdism. De teman som framstått tydligast i om jag inte är moderskapet, ensamheten, döden och förhållandet mellan män och kvinnor. Analysen tar bland annat upp influenserna från Sonja Åkesson, barns utsatta situation och ensamma kvinnor i folkhemmets bakgård. Dessa vardagliga teman är även representativa för Bekantskap önskas, även om både intensitet och fokus skiftar. Här finns bitande ironi, ensamma, desperata mammor, men inte samma nattsvarta ton som i debutsamlingen. Döden är konkret och ständigt närvarande i båda samlingarna. Den jämförande analysen av Idlaflickorna och Nattorienterarna betonar uttryckssättet i dramatiken jämfört mot lyriken. Det poetiska språket är typiskt för Lugns dramatik. Influenserna från Samuel Beckett och absurdismen är också påtagliga. Slutligen konstateras att den existentiella utsattheten inte är lika tydlig i dramatiken - på ytan. Under ytan är det symboliska och fragmenterade språket minst lika existentiellt.


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The Indian author Rabindranath Tagore was received like royalty during his visits to the West after winning the Nobel Prize in 1913. Dreams of foreign cultures offered a retreat from a complicated age. In a time when the West appeared to be living under threat of disintegration and when industrialism seemed like a cul-de-sac, he appeared to offer the promise of a return to a lost paradise, a spiritual abode that is superior to the restless Western culture. However, Tagore’s popularity faded rapidly, most notably in England, the main target of his criticism. Soon after Tagore had won the Nobel Prize, the English became indignant at Tagore’s anti-colonial attitude.Tagore visited Sweden in 1921 and 1926 and was given a warm reception. His visits to Sweden can be seen as an episode in a longer chain of events. It brought to life old conceptions of India as the abode of spirituality on earth. Nevertheless, interest in him was a relatively short-lived phenomenon in Sweden. Only a few of his admirers in Sweden appreciated the complexity of Tagore’s achievements. His “anathema of mammonism”, as a Swedish newspaper called it, was not properly received. After a steady stream of translations his popularity flagged towards the end of the 1920s and then almost disappeared entirely. Tagores visits in Sweden gave an indication that India was on the way to liberate itself from its colonial legacy, which consequently contributed to the waning of his popularity in the West. In the long run, his criticism of the drawbacks in the western world became too obvious to maintain permanent interest. The Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevskiy’s Crime and Punishment (1866) has enticed numerous interpretations such as the purely biographical approach. In the nervous main character of the novel, the young student Raskolnikov, one easily recognizes Dostoyevskiy himself. The novel can also be seen as a masterpiece of realistic fiction. It gives a broad picture of Saint Petersburg, a metropolis in decay. Crime and Punishment can also be seen as one of the first examples of a modern psychological novel, since it is focused on the inner drama of its main character, the young student Raskolnikov. His actions seem to be governed by mere coincidences, dreams and the spur of the moment. it seems fruitful to study the novel from a psychoanalytical approach. In his book Raskolnikov: the way of the divided towards unity in Crime and Punishment (1982), a Swedish scholar, Owe Wikström, has followed this line of interpretation all the way to Freud’s disciple C G Jung. In addition to this, the novel functions as an exciting crime story. To a large extent it is Viktor Sjklovskij and other Russian formalists from the 1920s and onwards who have taught the western audience to understand the specific nature of the crime story. The novel could be seen as a story about religious conversion. Like Lasarus in the Bible (whose story attracts a lot of attention in the novel) Raskolnikov is awakened from the dead, and together with Sonja he starts a completely new life. The theme of conversion has a special meaning for Dostoyevskiy. For him the conversion meant an acknowledgement of the specific nature of Russia itself. Crime and punishment mirrors the conflict between traditional Russian values and western influences that has been obvious in Russia throughout the history of the country. The novel reflects a dialogue that still continues in Russian society. The Russian literary historian Mikhail Bakhtin, who is probably the most famous interpreter of the works of Dostoyevskiy, has become famous precisely by emphasizing the importance of dialogues in novels like Crime and Punishment. According to Bakhtin, this novel is characterized by its multitude of voices. Various ideas are confronted with each other, and each one of them is personified by one of the characters in the novel. The author has resigned from his position as the superior monitor of the text, and he leaves it to the reader to decide what interpretation is the correct one..The aim of the present study is thus to analyze the complex reactions in the west to Tagore’s visits in Sweden and to Fyodor Dostoyevskiys novel Crime and Punishment.. This leads to more general conclusions on communication between cultures.


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Det huvudsakliga syftet med min uppsats var att läsa Brott och straff (1866) i en kristen teologisk kontext, där jag ville undersöka om de två trosinriktningarna i romanen förenades eller inte. Jag tog min utgångspunkt i att Raskolnikov gav uttryck för föreställningar inom Gud-är-död-teologin med betoning på Simone Weil och William Hamilton, och att Sonja gav uttryck för föreställningar inom den rysk-ortodoxa teologin. Vidare formulerade jag frågan: Kan man läsa Brott och straff som en egen gren inom kristen teologi? Jag tog hjälp av identitetsrekonstruktion som metod, med fokus på Ruard Ganzevoorts användning av termen. Resultatet är att man faktiskt kan läsa Brott och straff som en egen gren inom kristen teologi. Både Raskolnikov och Sonja har fått något i utbyte av varandra och sålunda rekonstruerat sina tidigare övertygelser och trosuppfattningar. Raskolnikovs identitet, som tidigare präglades av en övermänniskoteori och föreställningen om att Gud kanske inte finns, har påverkats av mötet med Sonja och övergett sina tidigare trosuppfattningar. Han har börjat tro. Sonja har också genomgått en förändring. Mötet med Raskolnikov har lett till att hon har börjat betrakta verkligheten med ett realistiskt synsätt. Hon har även kommit till insikt om att lidandet är ett ofrånkomligt faktum. Resultatet av den teologiska föreningen leder till en ny sorts teologi, som jag valt att kalla hoppets teologi. En teologi som förenar föreställningar från båda trosinriktningar. 


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Obesity is heritable and predisposes to many diseases. To understand the genetic basis of obesity better, here we conduct a genome-wide association study and Metabochip meta-analysis of body mass index (BMI), a measure commonly used to define obesity and assess adiposity, in upto 339,224 individuals. This analysis identifies 97 BMI-associated loci (P < 5 x 10(-8)), 56 of which are novel. Five loci demonstrate clear evidence of several independent association signals, and many loci have significant effects on other metabolic phenotypes. The 97 loci account for similar to 2.7% of BMI variation, and genome-wide estimates suggest that common variation accounts for >20% of BMI variation. Pathway analyses provide strong support for a role of the central nervous systemin obesity susceptibility and implicate new genes and pathways, including those related to synaptic function, glutamate signalling, insulin secretion/action, energy metabolism, lipid biology and adipogenesis.