26 resultados para Layout Stretchability

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Currently there is no Swedish boardsport magazine for women. In this degree project a prototype of a new lifestyle magazine for women in boardsports has been created. Through a magazine study and a targetgroup survey we have found a magazine concept and suggestions for the magazine content. A digital 96-page prototype has been created. The feedback from Anders Neuman-Östberg, the experienced editor in chief of the Swedish boardsport magazine Transistion gives the project report the needed credibility.The overall response from all the people involved in the making of this prototype has been positive. We can see a market demand for a magazine like Werv and hope that we can find a way to publish it in the future. In this degree project we haven't looked into the economic sustainability and therefore we can't say if it's feasible. Further investigations are needed before Werv can be published.


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In this thesis the solar part of a large grid-connected photovoltaic system design has been done. The main purpose was to size and optimize the system and to present figures helping to evaluate the prospective project rationality, which can potentially be constructed on a contaminated area in Falun. The methodology consisted in PV market study and component selection, site analysis and defining suitable area for solar installation; and system configuration optimization based on PVsyst simulations and Levelized Cost of Energy calculations. The procedure was mainly divided on two parts, preliminary and detailed sizing. In the first part the objective was complex, which included the investigation of the most profitable component combination and system optimization due to tilt and row distance. It was done by simulating systems with different components and orientations, which were sized for the same 100kW inverter in order to make a fair comparison. For each simulated result a simplified LCOE calculation procedure was applied. The main results of this part show that with the price of 0.43 €/Wp thin-film modules were the most cost effective solution for the case with a great advantage over crystalline type in terms of financial attractiveness. From the results of the preliminary study it was possible to select the optimal system configuration, which was used in the detailed sizing as a starting point. In this part the PVsyst simulations were run, which included full scale system design considering near shadings created by factory buildings. Additionally, more complex procedure of LCOE calculation has been used here considered insurances, maintenance, time value of money and possible cost reduction due to the system size. Two system options were proposed in final results; both cover the same area of 66000 m2. The first one represents an ordinary South faced design with 1.1 MW nominal power, which was optimized for the highest performance. According to PVsyst simulations, this system should produce 1108 MWh/year with the initial investment of 835,000 € and 0.056 €/kWh LCOE. The second option has an alternative East-West orientation, which allows to cover 80% of occupied ground and consequently have 6.6 MW PV nominal power. The system produces 5388 MWh/year costs about 4500,000 € and delivers electricity with the same price of 0.056 €/kWh. Even though the EW solution has 20% lower specific energy production, it benefits mainly from lower relative costs for inverters, mounting and annual maintenance expenses. After analyzing the performance results, among the two alternatives none of the systems showed a clear superiority so there was no optimal system proposed. Both, South and East-West solutions have own advantages and disadvantages in terms of energy production profile, configuration, installation and maintenance. Furthermore, the uncertainty due to cost figures assumptions restricted the results veracity.


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En deskriptiv visuell innehållsanalys genomfördes med en korpus bestående av vetenskapliga artiklar från 30 topprankade tidskrifter jämnt fördelade på de tre disciplinerna matematik, medicin och utbildningsvetenskap, med syfte att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan tidskrifternas disciplintillhörighet och den grafiska formgivningen. Kartläggningen omfattade layout (bl.a. sidformat, spalter, marginalstorlek, användning av grafiska element, placering av tabeller, figurer och pagina) och typografiskt utseende hos titel, rubriker, brödtext och abstrakt (t.ex. teckenstorlek, textjustering, teckengrovlek, typsnitt, färg och radavstånd). Resultaten visar att disciplinerna använde olika men även gemensamma konventioner i sitt grafiska utseende. Matematik uppvisade enkelspaltig layout med liten typografisk variation, genomgående användning av typsnitt från familjen Transitional eller Transitional/Didone för hela dokumentet, avsaknad av kulört färg och sällan användning av grafiska element. Medicin uppvisade större variation med användning av kulört färg, icke-centrerad typografi med både sansseriff- och seriff-typsnitt, grafiska element och ramar som förstärker det ofta använda dubbelspaltiga gridsystemet. Utbildningsvetenskap uppvisade en grafisk design som återfanns i båda disciplinerna, men påminde mest om matematik till utseendet. Kodbok ingår i sin helhet som bilaga. Uppsatsen i sig är delvis formgiven med utgångspunkt i de erhållna resultaten.


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Voyage är en fiktiv nyskapad resetidning vars formgivning har tagits fram efter en visuell studie av layouten hos Sveriges resetidningar Vagabond, Allt om Resor, Res och Escape 360°. Layoutens syfte är att visa hur man kan sticka ut och bryta mot den vanliga trenden för att fånga nya läsare inom detta tidningssegment. Den nytänkande layouten ska attrahera de mer aktiva och äventyrliga resenärerna.De existerande resetidningarna är alla uppbyggda på ett strukturerat vis, vissa rörigare än andra. Med den nya tidningen Voyage valdes att skapa en layout som medvetet är tänkt att vara rörig, fast med en harmoniserande rörighet. Under rörigheten finns ändå en underliggande struktur som håller uppslagen samman. De andra tidningarna skapar en rörighet genom varierande layout av bilder och text. Voyage skapar rörighet genom dekorativa element.


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If you move from Sweden to Portugal to work as an Art Director at an Ad agency, there are certain things you ought to know. Perhaps even before you decide to move. There are a lot of things that are quite different if you compare Portugal to Sweden, not only the language, but also the design, software, working hours and much more. You have for example two month with double salary, you work till six p.m. and when it comes to maternity leave, you have 100% compensation with no taxes the first four months of every pregnancy. The tasks you have to handle as an Art Director in Portugal may, as in Sweden, be various. The difference is more how you solve your task and what the design looks like. As a Swede in Portugal the solution will probably look like a mixture between the Portuguese “expressive” and the Swedish “clean” design. This degree project discusses questions that might turn up when a Swede gets employed as an Art Director in Portugal. What will the salary be? When, in the morning, is it time to show up at the office? How many weeks of vacations are entitled? There are a lot of distinctions, but also a lot of similarities. The report is mainly based upon the author’s own experiences of the Ad agency McCann-Erickson in Lisbon. The history of McCann-Erickson starts in New York, 1930 and grew rapidly into one of the leading corporation with agencies all over the world. It is still today one of the world’s largest Ad company with clients like Coca-Cola and General Motors, and the slogan “truth well told” still lights up all their agencies after almost a century, just like a leading star.


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In order to examine how children's literature might be translated, two different English translations of two Swedish picture books have been analyzed. The original Swedish books are Rävjakten and Pannkakstårtan by Sven Nordqvist. Rävjakten was translated as The Fox Hunt in 1988 and as The Fox Hunt in 2000. Pannkakstårtan was translated as Pancake Pie in 1985 and as The Birthday Cake in 1999. Literary translation in general, specific translation issues for children's literature, and trends in international English style have been considered. Analysis of the four texts has been made, with consideration given to the following areas: changes in illustrations, layout, or format; text changes; lexical choices; and retention, deletion, or modification of names and culturally specific references. The analysis revealed that the following tendencies were true for the later translations: foreignization of the text, word-for-word translation of the text, and a neutral international English variety.


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Customers put their printing suppliers to severe claims for shorter production time and faster deliveries.Printers always look for new solutions to increase the satisfaction of their customers. Oneexample of such a solution is web to print, where the customers book their printed matters atInternet.The solution involves design of printed matter by using templates that are made unique for thecustomer's printed matter. Web to print is suitable for reiterated printed matters. By using templatesthe customer doesn´t have to redo their layout for every new edition. Bromma tryck AB hasinvested the system CiPublisher, which is applied for the customer to make their printed matter atInternet.The purpose of the examination work is to investigate the needs of the customers of Brommatryck for a web to print solution and how such a system should be adapted.The result shows that the customer who is in need of a web to print solution wish such a system tobe easy managed and also usable. The customer inquiry also shows that most of the customers primarydesire for start using such a solution is that it will save time and also simplify the process formanufacturing of printing matters.


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An inquiring study of literature has been conducted, about the human colour perception (theimpression of colours). The colour has been examined, both as conscious and subconscious signal,and reasons for it’s influence have been exammed.The practical parts of the degree project have been carried out in active collaboration with thecustomer, The Association Hedemora Assistansservice (HASS), which offers handicapped persons astimulating spare time by personal assistance. A graphical profile-programme and an informationfolderhave been produced, easy received by both handicapped (with defective vision) and normallysighted persons. The graphical profile-programme was made in collaboration with the customer.Concerning the information-folder HASS took the main responsibility for the choice of photographswhile layout, text writing, colour-reproduction, original-production and connecting printing workswere made independently. The customer has shown engagement and interest and had a lot of opinionsabout the degree project, of which have been paid attention.


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This degree project has been carried out on the commission of AB Borlänge Energi. The purpose of thisproject was to redesign the magazine Energitrycket. The magazine should inform about the current eventsat the company. The work consisted of redesign of the existing magazine and adjustment to copying andpublishing on the web.This project also contains a research about how paper and colour affect the print results. It shows thatthe maximum contrast and sharp image reproduction is best achieved on woodfree, coated, calenderedpaper with high whiteness. An uncoated, light yellow paper is however to recommend for a printed matterswith a lot of text.It also shows that every production unit reproduces colours differently. To get a good colour reproductionand a good communication between these units, they must be calibrated, and well-functioningICC-profiles must be created.


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This degree project was intendet to construct and design packaging for beauty care. At the requestof AssiDomän Frövi the project group were instructed to innovate creative packagesmade of their cardboard Frövi Bright.Three different packages have been developed. Two of them are for child care products and onepackage is for several bath products. These results show that there are possibilities to create creativeand different packages of the cardboard Frövi Bright.The report also enters deeply into the special qualities of Frövi Bright and studies of packagingdesign.


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The project group is participating in a measuring project that is a cooperation between CIT EnergyManagement AB, the Measuring unit of Chalmers and College of Dalarna.The results from the measurementswill be put together and presented in a brochure.When designing the brochure a great deal of planning has been made how to attract the targetgroup.To make the contents of the brochure more attractive, which mainly will contain text, a lot of imageswith a symbolic substance have been used. To keep the brochure together it has been divided into fivechapters that each has been given one specific colour. The colours are consistent on initials, headlinesand images.At the moment the results of the measurements are not yet ready and the text for the brochure is notpossible to complete now. This project is expected to finish in the fall when all the measurements havebeen compiled.


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This project is a redesign of the magazine Vår Kommun, which is a magazine published by the municipality of UpplandsVäsby, Sweden. The redesign included a change of format from tabloid to a magazine format and the creating of adesign with a more modern look and feel of a magazine.


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This thesis discusses the differences between an automated and design centered layout process. The work has beenconducted at CBG Konsult AB, a service provider of multilingual solutions, translations and localization.The purpose with this work was to investigate some limitations and issues with the layout process involving the languagefamily XSL used for automated layout at CBG Konsult AB.