8 resultados para Guiding Ceter
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
This essay examines the persuasive side of language in a speech given by Senator Barack Obama on Super Tuesday in February 2008. It studies how Senator Obama utilizes language to convince and persuade his audience. This is done from an Aristotelian point of view, meaning that the study focuses foremost on how the senator’s word choices relate to Aristotle’s three means of persuasion, ethos, pathos and logos. Those basic guiding principles are relevant to use since Aristotle’s work on the subject of rhetoric is still today one of the most relevant works in that field. The analysis is basically performed through personal observations guided by previous studies, within the frame of Aristotelian rhetoric. The results show how Senator Obama enforces the three means of persuasion through language and how it can be considered persuasive. The study might add to rhetoric studies from a linguistic perspective since it reaches a better understanding of language used in the field of politics, where rhetoric is a prominent component.
Syfte: Att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor inom särskilt boende resonerar kring kvalitetsuppföljningar och dess eventuella konsekvenser för omvårdnaden. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer efter öppen intervjuguide med sex sjuksköterskor. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundmans metod. Huvudresultat: I vilken grad kvalitetsregistren och kvalitetsuppföljningarna integreras i omvårdnadsarbetet och dess utveckling är centralt för om dessa uppfattas som stöd eller hinder för god kvalité i omvårdnaden. Dubbel dokumentation bidrar till att sjuksköterskorna omprioriterar arbetstiden och arbetar mer konsultativt och administrativt. Detta minskar tiden för omvårdnadsobservationer och handleding av omvårdnadspersonal samt gör att kvalitetsregistreringar snarast uppfattas som ett hinder. Sjuksköterskorna använde sin professionella kunskap och kliniska erfarenhet i högre grad än registerdata vid omvårdnadsbedömningar. Dessa sågs som alltför komplexa för att kunna fångas i kryssfrågeformulär. Mer kliniska observationer efterfrågas i kvalitetsuppföljningarna för ökad medvetenhet om hög arbetsbelastning och dess eventuella konsekvenser samt för att garantera de boende god omvårdnadskvalité. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskorna upplever att de arbetar under svår tidspress. Tiden anges som essentiell för vilken omvårdnadskvalité som erbjuds. Vid beslut om registreringar av kvalitetsindikatorer bör sjuksköterskornas totala arbetsbörda beaktas. Registreringarna bör integreras i befintliga journalsystem så att sjuksköterskornas omprioriteringar inte får negativa konsekvenser för omvårdnadskvaliten.
In general, patient participation is regarded as being informed and partaking in decision making regarding one’s care and treatment. This interpretation is common in legislation throughout the Western world and corresponding documents guiding health care professionals, as well as in scientific studies. Even though this understanding of the word participation can be traced to a growing emphasis on individuals’ autonomy in society and to certain dictionary defi nitions, there are other ways of understanding participation from a semantic point of view, and no trace of patients’ descriptions of what it is to participate can be found in these definitions. Hence, the aim of this dissertation was to understand patients’ experience of the phenomenon of patient participation. An additional aim was to understand patients’ experience of non-participation and to describe the conditions for patient participation and non-participation, in order to understand the prerequisites for patient participation. The dissertation comprises four papers. The philosophical ideas of Ricoeur provided a basis for the studies: how communication can present ways to understand and explain experiences of phenomena through phenomenological hermeneutics. The first and second studies involved a group of patients living with chronic heart failure. For the fi rst study, 10 patients were interviewed, with a narrative approach, about their experience of participation and non-participation, as defi ned by the participants. For the second study, 11 visits by three patients at a nurse-led outpatient clinic were observed, and consecutive interviews were performed with the patients and the nurses, investigating what they experience as patient participation and non-participation. A triangulation of data was performed to analyse the occurrence of the phenomena in the observed visits. For paper 3 and 4, a questionnaire was developed and distributed among a diverse group of people who had recent experience of being patients. The questionnaire comprised respondent’s description of what patient participation is, using items based on findings in Study 1, along with open-ended questions for additional aspects and general issues regarding situations in which the respondent had experienced patient participation and/or non-participation. The findings show additional aspects to patient participation: patient participation is being provided with information and knowledge in order for one to comprehend one’s body, disease, and treatment and to be able to take self-care actions based on the context and one’s values. Participation was also found to include providing the information and knowledge one has about the experience of illness and symptoms and of one’s situation. Participation occurs when being listened to and being recognised as an individual and a partner in the health care team. Non-participation, on the other hand, occurs when one is regarded as a symptom, a problem to be solved. To avoid non-participation, the information provided needs to be based on the individual’s need and with recognition of the patient’s knowledge and context. In conclusion, patient participation needs to be reconsidered in health care regulations and in clinical settings: patients’ defi nitions of participation, found to be close to the dictionaries’ description of sharing, should be recognised and opportunities provided for sharing knowledge and experience in two-way-communication.
Notions of Class and Gender in the Employment Service Job Descriptions This article examines whether job descriptions emphasize different characteristics and competences depending on the occupations’ social class and gender relations. The study is partly a replication of a similar analysis conducted by Gesser in the 1970s. The purpose is to examine the prevalence of stereotypes in occupational descriptions provided by the Swedish state, and if the descriptions contribute to class and gender labeling of occupations and, by extension, its practitioners. Previous research has shown that career guiding materials are characterized by notions of the appropriate practitioner’s class and gender. In this study we depart from the concept of doxa and argue that stereotypical images of occupations are based on common sense that remains unquestioned. The study draws on a quantitative content analysis of 420 job descriptions analyzed by various statistical methods. The overall results show that there are systematic differences. In general, social class seems to have greater impact than gender on what kind of competences that are emphasized in the descriptions. Social skills are emphasized in female dominated occupations, while physical abilities are highlighted in male-dominated occupations. To some extent, these results are uncontroversial, as it also portraits abilities necessary to do the work in different kind of occupations
In this paper we present an analysis of how matter waves, guided as propagating modes in potential structures, are split under adiabatic conditions. The description is formulated in terms of localized states obtained through a unitary transformation acting on the mode functions. The mathematical framework results in coupled propagation equations that are decoupled in the asymptotic regions as well before as after the split. The resulting states have the advantage of describing propagation in situations, for instance matter-wave interferometers, where local perturbations make the transverse modes of the guiding potential unsuitable as a basis. The different regimes of validity of adiabatic propagation schemes based on localized versus delocalized basis states are also outlined. Nontrivial dynamics for superposition states propagating through split potential structures is investigated through numerical simulations. For superposition states the influence of longitudinal wave-packet extension on the localization is investigated and shown to be accurately described in quantitative terms using the adiabatic formulations presented here.
This essay attempts to examine the discourse of the Sweden democrats in relation to thevalue system of the Swedish national school.To analyse the political texts I use discourse analysis and especially the method and approachconducted by Judith Lee Bacchi. Bacchi focuses on the construction of a problem in variouspolitical discourses. When performing this kind of analysis the main question is (accordingto Bacchi): ”What is the problem represented to be?”I find that the Sweden democrats construct the ”migration politics” and the ”multiculturalpolitics” that is guiding the society as the cause of most problems in our society. To solvethe ”problems” they promote a nationalistic and a cultural racist discourse especiallypinpointing the ”Muslims” as being a problem.Since the Sweden democrats are striving to implement their discourse in the society andschool, and since their discourse already are reproduced by solar students in the classroom,I find it important to examine the essence of their particular discourse and contrast it withthe current value system of the Swedish schools.I don´t find the nationalistic and racist discourse of the Sweden democrats to correspond tothe value system of the Swedish school, mainly due to their strive to create alienation, andby labeling individuals in a reductive manner, instead of using apparent differences as asource for democratic discussions in the classroom
Background: British government policy for older people focuses on a vision of active ageing and independent living. In the face of diminishing personal capacities, the use of appropriate home-based technology (HBT) devices could potentially meet a wide range of needs and consequently improve many aspects of older people's quality of life such as physical health, psychosocial well-being, social relationships, and their physical or living environment. This study aimed to examine the use of HBT devices and the correlation between use of such devices and quality of life among older people living in extra-care housing (ECH). Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered for this study. Using purposive sampling 160 older people living in extra-care housing schemes were selected from 23 schemes in England. A face-to-face interview was conducted in each participant's living unit. In order to measure quality of life, the SEIQoL-Adapted and CASP-19 were used. Results: Although most basic appliances and emergency call systems were used in the living units, communally provided facilities such as personal computers, washing machines, and assisted bathing equipment in the schemes were not well utilised. Multiple regression analysis adjusted for confounders including age, sex, marital status, living arrangement and mobility use indicated a coefficient of 1.17 with 95% CI (0.05, 2.29) and p = 0.04 [SEIQoL-Adapted] and 2.83 with 95% CI (1.17, 4.50) and p = 0.001 [CASP-19]. Conclusions: The findings of the present study will be value to those who are developing new form of specialised housing for older people with functional limitations and, in particular, guiding investments in technological aids. The results of the present study also indicate that the home is an essential site for developing residential technologies.
Detta är en kvalitativ studie med syftet att inom en enhet på Stockholms Stad identifiera friskfaktorer och undersöka vad som krävs för att fortsatt bevara dessa. Vidare är syftet att undersöka vilket stöd som är nödvändigt för bevarandet samt HR-funktionens roll i detta avseende. Enheten är, sett till sjukfrånvaro, en välmående grupp som står inför förändringar inom marknaden och målsättning då de påverkas av det nyligen genomförda regeringsskiftet. Ett frågeverktyg användes för att framställa de åtta viktigaste dimensionerna av det attraktiva arbetet och en fördjupad diskussion kring dessa fördes sedan under en fokusgruppsintervju tillsammans med enhetens medarbetare. Resultatet visade att de viktigaste dimensionerna var bland annat arbetstid och relationer. Vidare påvisades att en balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv är av stor vikt för medarbetarnas hälsa och välmående. För att fortsatt bevara det attraktiva i arbetet visade empirin att gruppens relationer och ledaren var nyckelfaktorer och att HR-funktionen, den personalstrategiska avdelningen, enbart bidrar med en administrativ och vägledande roll i frågan om stöd. Arbetets slutsatser innefattar att bevarandet av friskfaktorer kräver att tillvaron måste vara begriplig, hanterlig och meningsfull men även att medarbetarna behöver rimliga krav i relation till deras handlingsutrymme. En vidare slutsats är behovet av en förändring i ledarskapsbeteendet i kommande stadier då gruppen eventuellt kommer att hamna i en ny mognadsfas på grund förändrade omständigheter. Författarna drar även slutsatsen att friskfaktorer är till viss del individuellt beroende på livssituation men att balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv är betydande för de flesta. HR-funktionen, den personalstrategiska avdelningen, har en informativ och administrativ roll i frågan om stöd och författarna anser att det ligger en logik i denna roll. Sett till organisationens storlek är det lättare att vända psykosociala frågor till företagshälsovård eller en psykologgrupp och få det arbetsrättsliga stödet eller information från HR-funktionen.