4 resultados para EQUAL OPPORTUNITY
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
After the WWII, there was much concern to protect human rights situation all over the world. During the cold wars, huge displacement took place within different countries due to internal arms/ethnic conflicts. Millions of IDPs, who were uprooted by armed conflict or ethnic strife faced human rights violence. In 2002, there were estimated between 20-25 millions IDPs in the world (Phuong, p.1). Internally displacement is a worldwide problem and millions of the people displaced in Africa and Asia. These all Internal displacements of the people are only the result of the conflicts or the violations of the Human Rights but also sometimes it happened because of the natural disasters. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights..."(Streich, Article 1) This article works as the foundation of human rights which gives every human being an equal rights and opportunity to maintain his/her dignity. Human Rights issues related to human dignity must be taken very seriously and should not be ignored at any level; Many human rights issues are not always visible, issues such as: privacy, security, equality, protection of social and cultural values etc. In this paper I am going to apply theoretical approach of “all human being are equal in dignity and rights” to defend IDPs rights.
The paper analyses Gender Equality, Gender Equity and policies of combating inequality at workplace to make the society equal as a case study of Sweden. The aim of paper is see the gender equality, gender equity, discrimination against women at workplace and to describe the policies combating inequality in the welfare state of Sweden. This work highlights the gender equality in terms of institutionalizing gender equality, gender equity, gender and pay gap, parental leave, gender and the pension system and sexual behavior directed towards women and policies combating inequality to bring equality in society. For my research I used the secondary data the fact sheets, scientific literature, statistics from eurostate of Sweden and case studies about Swedish society and the theoretical explanation to explain the phenomena. To achieve my aim I used the combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. I showed the empirical evidences of these phenomena from the Swedish society and theoretical analysis about equality and equity of gender in different wakes of life. I found an interesting conclusion that there are good policies and legislation to combat inequality to bring society but there are no policies to change the perception of society about male and female role.
Equal Couples in Equal Houses : Cultural perspectives on Swedish solar and bio-pellet heating design
Knowing how to design a heating system that will work mechanically is quite different from knowling how to design a system that users perceive as responsive to their domestic practices and values. In this chapter, social anthropologist Henning argues that the challenge for designers involved in the development or marketing of green buildings with heating systems that are based on renewable sources of energy is to see things from the perspective of those who are supposed to live in these buildings. The chapter focuses on three culture-specific aspects of Swedish households and single-family houses: perceptions of house and home, of private and public space, and of male and female space. Through these three angles, some clues are given as to how design, performance and location of solar and bio-pellet heating systems could be made to resonate with predominant experiences, habits and ways of thinking among both men and women.
Kvinnor har länge varit exkluderade från ledarpositioner, såsom styrelser, men utvecklingen mot en mer jämställd könsfördelning går långsamt framåt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur kvinnor i styrelser kan bidra till utvecklingen mot en jämnare könsfördelning. Genom att intervjua fem kvinnliga styrelseledamöter har vi fått en inblick i deras upplevelser och erfarenheter av styrelsearbete och könsroller. Kvinnorna i undersökningen har, genom många års styrelsearbete i olika former samt genom gedigna arbetserfarenheter, arbetat sig fram till ledande positioner inom olika branscher och företag. Även om de överlag inte anser sig ha behandlats annorlunda i styrelsen på grund av sitt kön kan vissa av kvinnorna ändå uppleva att de ibland förväntas ansvara för specifika uppgifter just för att de är kvinnor, att de behöver tuffa till sig eller att de måste vara mer pålästa och duktigare än männen. De anser att kvotering kan vara det enda sättet att få jämställda styrelser men understryker att det bör vara kompetensen som avgör vem som får uppdraget. För att lyckas bra som ledamot krävs, enligt respondenterna, en viss baskunskap om ekonomi och ledarskap samt ett visst mått av självsäkerhet och att våga stå för sina åsikter. Kravbilden på styrelsemedlemmar i bolagsstyrelser har ökat under de senaste årtiondena och det krävs att medlemmarna som individer har en hög kompetens och att styrelsen i sin helhet besitter en bred kunskapsbas. Denna utveckling kan ha en positiv effekt på könsfördelningen då det är fler kvinnor än män som har universitetsutbildning och eftersom en mer heterogen grupp ger ett bredare spektrum av kunskaper. Kvinnorna i undersökningen har genom sina positioner bidragit till brytandet av normer och gör det därför lättare för andra kvinnor att följa i deras spår. Det råder ingen brist på kompetenta kvinnor men utmaningen ligger i att kartlägga och synliggöra dessa kvinnor och ge dem samma möjlighet som männen att nå ledande positioner.