7 resultados para Clubs esportius -- Instal·lacions

em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive


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Richard Juhlin är världens främste champagneexpert. Han har tillsammans med ett antal andra aktörer startat The Richard Juhlin Champagne Club. Det är en klubb för den totala champagne älskaren. De vill utveckla sin webbplats och därmed knyta an fler medlemmar till klubben. Detta arbete innebär att skapa en ny design, se över struktur och gränssnitt för sidan samt att bilder ska uppdateras och texter ska redigeras. En redesign av webbplatsen www.champagneclub.com har resulterat i ett luftigt och sofistikerat utseende med god läsbarhet. Webbplatsen är lättnavigerad och ger ett inbjudande intryck för besökaren. Webbplatsen ska hela tiden uppdateras och hållas aktuell med nyheter kring de tillhörande barerna, andra aktiviteter som medlemmar blir inbjudna till samt nya tastingnots som är The Rickard Juhlin Champagne Clubs specialitet. Dessa notes är gjorda av Richard Juhlin och fylls ständigt på allt eftersom att nya champagner provas och bedöms.


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This paper is concerned with the use of the choice experiment method for modeling the demand for snowmobiling . The Choice Experiment includes five attributes, standard, composition, length, price day card and experience along trail. The paper estimates the snowmobile owners’ preferences and the most preferred attributes, including their will-ingness to pay for a daytrip on groomed snowmobile trail. The data consists of the an-swers from 479 registered snowmobile owners, who answered two hypothetical choice questions each. Estimating using the multinominal logit model, it is found that snow-mobilers on average are willing to pay 22.5 SEK for one day of snowmobiling on a trail with quality described as skidded every 14th day. Furthermore, it is found that the WTP increases with the quality of trail grooming. The result of this paper can be used as a yardstick for snowmobile clubs wanting to develop their trail net worth, organizations and companies developing snowmobiling as a recreational activities and marketers in-terested in marketing snowmobiling as recreational activities.


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Jenny Isberg (2009): Viljan till fysisk aktivitet – en intervention avsedd att stimulera ungdomar att bli fysiskt aktiva. Örebro Studies in Sport Sciences 6, 141 pp. Physical education (PE) at school may play an important role in the process of becoming physically active in the adolescence and in developing a physically active lifestyle. The opportunities for teachers to provide positive physical activity experiences to the student population extend regularly over the school terms. For some students, PE can be the only opportunity they have to be physically active. Therefore it is important that the students become motivated to practice physical activity and know the purpose with physical activity. The overall purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the possibilities to motivate youth, 12-16 years old, to practice physical activity and hopefully to stimulate them to continue to be physically active in young adulthood. The sample consisted of 122 Swedish compulsory school students (12-16 years old), 51 girls and 71 boys, who were either physically inactive, physically active but not formal members of sport clubs, or physically active and members of a sport club. They used a self-monitoring instrument to describe their physical activity and we compared their self-reported physical activity with their actual VO2 capacity and physical status. The self-monitoring instrument was further validated against an activity monitor, RT3. The intervention lasted one and a half years, and four to five years later a follow-up study was done. Using a quasi-experimental design, the three groups of participants were compared with youths who did not use the self-monitoring instrument. The main findings were that the associations between the accelerometer counts and the activities the students recorded in the self-monitoring instrument were high. The participants  in Group 1 (physically inactive) continued exercising nearly to the same extent as during the intervention while youths in a matched control group did not develop regular physical activity habits. Concerning Group 2 (exercisers), participants in the intervention group were more physically active both during the intervention and at follow-up, compared with a matched control group of exercisers who did not use the self-monitoring instrument. In Group 3 (sport team members), there was no difference between the intervention group and a matched control group after the intervention or at follow-up.  The conclusion of these main findings was that when someone motivates students to continue being physically active and to change their physical activity patterns in a positive direction, the self-monitoring instrument can be a door-opener for youths who are physically inactive or regularly active outside sports clubs.


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Mountainous areas with a high dependency on its tourism industry are often relatively small and remote. But some of these areas have faced a population increase due to large in-migration;Wanaka in New Zealand’s Southern Alps is one example. This paper is studying the migration motivations of a few individuals that have moved to Wanaka and how they started to feel like part of their new community. The meaning of the place is important for these newcomers. The results of the study indicate that there is a strong link between the community and the lifestyle that in-migrants are seeking. It also highlights the importance for in-migrants to be a part of the social community. Social Clubs, sport clubs and voluntary work are ways of becoming a part of a social network.


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Sedan fotbollens början 1863 har sporten idag vuxit till en mångmiljardindustri. Detta innebär att klubbarna framställs mer som företag där den visuella identiteten är en viktig faktor när det kommer till marknadsföring. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra 98 europeiska fotbollsklubbars logotyper från fem olika ligor för att hitta samband och skillnader i utformningen mellan länder och ligor. Resultatet sammanfattades i form av generiska logotyper för respektive liga. De 98 klubbarna hämtades ur de fem europeiska ligor som 2014 hade störst tv-intäkter. Logotyperna samlades in genom bildsökningar via Google. Logotyperna sorterades efter respektive liga och överskådades för att definiera lämpliga kategorier för en visuell innehållsanalys. Den visuella innehållsanalysen visade att ligorna skiljer sig något vad beträffar logotypernas utformning, men att de har vissa gemensamma grundläggande drag.


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Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken betydelse verksamheten Pink Gloves Boxing haft för enskilda deltagares psykosociala livssituation, som öppenvårdsinsats i Borlänge kommun. Dessutom har syftet varit att undersöka vilka komponenter i verksamheten som bidragit till en eventuell förändring avseende psykosocial livssituation. Då studien ämnat fånga deltagares subjektiva upplevelser av Pink Gloves Boxing har det empiriska materialet insamlats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex deltagare. Genom en tematisk analys av det insamlade materialet framkom centrala teman och subteman, vilka utgjort grunden i studiens resultatdel. För att analysera resultatet har en teoretisk tolkningsram tillämpats, vilken innefattat teorier om empowerment och genus. Samtliga informanter pekar på bättre fysik och ökad psykisk hälsa, av sitt deltagande i verksamheten. Stresshantering, aggressionskontroll och grupptillhörighet är exempel på förtjänster av ett deltagande, som informanterna framhållit. Gynnande komponenter som framträder i verksamheten är tränarnas roll, gruppen, träningsformen och verksamhetens upplägg, som exempelvis endast kvinnliga deltagare och gruppsamtal.


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In many sport associations, regardless of level, women and men rarely practice together. Previous studies indicate that work groups are generally more efficient when there is an even distribution between the sexes. Could that also be the case in sports? This study aims to investigate whether the sex composition of a training group affects the effort and performance of the participants. Eleven volunteers participated in the crossover study consisting of three different 150-meter sprint conditions; individually, single-sex group and mixed-sex group. Sprint times, heart rate and RPE were recorded during all three trials. The result of this study suggests that there might be practical benefits in regards to physical performance and effort to exercise in a training group consisting of both sexes instead of training only with the same-sex or individually. The understanding could be useful in areas such as; training optimisation for both athletes and in patient- and rehabilitation groups, increasing efficiency in work environments, in schools and sports clubs striving for both athletic success and gender equality.