9 resultados para Chance.
em Dalarna University College Electronic Archive
Paul Auster’s City of Glass contains a jumble of identities. In fact, the identities are more numerous than the characters, and consequently, characters have several different identities. Some of these identities are obvious constructs, but with others the degree of construction is less evident. Poststructuralist theory, however, puts forward the idea that these seemingly original identities are in fact constructs to the same level as all others. Thus, this essay argues that there are no original identities; identities are constructed by outer factors. This essay discusses three outer factors contributing to the construction of identities, factors commonly discussed in poststructuralist criticism, these three being language, cultural codes and chance.
Bakgrund: Att bli mamma till ett för tidigt fött barn (<37 gestationsveckor) innebär en oväntad stress vilket påverkar hela familjen. Under de senaste årtionden har stora förbättringar skett inom perinatal vård och numera är chansen till överlevnad stor. Att barnet efter födseln vårdas på neonatal intensivvårdsavdelning (NICU) får konsekvenser för mamman både känslomässigt och i omvårdnaden av barnet. Syfte: Att undersöka föräldrastress och beskriva faktorer som påverkar tidig föräldrastress hos mammor till för tidigt födda barn när barnet är två månader i korrigerad ålder. Metod: Studien utfördes på fyra NICU i Sverige. Inklusionskriterierna för studien var att barnet var för tidigt fött samt vårdades på neonatalavdelning i minst 72 timmar. För att mäta upplevd föräldrastress fick mammorna (n=276) svara på enkäten Swedish Parental Stress Questionnaire (SPSQ) när barnet var två månader i korrigerad ålder. Resultat: Mammor vars barn inte vårdades på en samvårdsavdelning, som hade barn i kuvös, mammor till barn med äldre syskon, var äldre, rökte och/eller ammade helt upplevde mer föräldrastress än övriga mammor. Slutsats: Studien visar att faktorer i framför allt i miljön samt hos mamman har betydelse för upplevd föräldrastress. Våra resultat innebär att omhändertagandet bör bli bättre, både under tiden på neonatalavdelning men även efter utskrivning. Då studien också påvisar vikten av samvårdsavdelning bör förbättringar ske i den fysiska vårdmiljön för att minimera upplevelsen av föräldrastress.
This thesis evaluates different sites for a weather measurement system and a suitable PV- simulation for University of Surabaya (UBAYA) in Indonesia/Java. The weather station is able to monitor all common weather phenomena including solar insolation. It is planned to use the data for scientific and educational purposes in the renewable energy studies. During evaluation and installation it falls into place that official specifications from global meteorological organizations could not be meet for some sensors caused by the conditions of UBAYA campus. After arranging the hardware the weather at the site was monitored for period of time. A comparison with different official sources from ground based and satellite bases measurements showed differences in wind and solar radiation. In some cases the monthly average solar insolation was deviating 42 % for satellite-based measurements. For the ground based it was less than 10 %. The average wind speed has a difference of 33 % compared to a source, which evaluated the wind power in Surabaya. The wind direction shows instabilities towards east compared with data from local weather station at the airport. PSET has the chance to get some investments to investigate photovoltaic on there own roof. With several simulations a suitable roof direction and the yearly and monthly outputs are shown. With a 7.7 kWpeak PV installation with the latest crystalline technology on the market 8.82 MWh/year could be achieved with weather data from 2012. Thin film technology could increase the value up to 9.13 MWh/year. However, the roofs have enough area to install PV. Finally the low price of electricity in Indonesia makes it not worth to feed in the energy into the public grid.
This thesis explores two aspects of mathematical reasoning: affect and gender. I started by looking at the reasoning of upper secondary students when solving tasks. This work revealed that when not guided by an interviewer, algorithmic reasoning, based on memorising algorithms which may or may not be appropriate for the task, was predominant in the students reasoning. Given this lack of mathematical grounding in students reasoning I looked in a second study at what grounds they had for different strategy choices and conclusions. This qualitative study suggested that beliefs about safety, expectation and motivation were important in the central decisions made during task solving. But are reasoning and beliefs gendered? The third study explored upper secondary school teachers conceptions about gender and students mathematical reasoning. In this study I found that upper secondary school teachers attributed gender symbols including insecurity, use of standard methods and imitative reasoning to girls and symbols such as multiple strategies especially on the calculator, guessing and chance-taking were assigned to boys. In the fourth and final study I found that students, both male and female, shared their teachers view of rather traditional feminities and masculinities. Remarkably however, this result did not repeat itself when students were asked to reflect on their own behaviour: there were some discrepancies between the traits the students ascribed as gender different and the traits they ascribed to themselves. Taken together the thesis suggests that, contrary to conceptions, girls and boys share many of the same core beliefs about mathematics, but much work is still needed if we should create learning environments that provide better opportunities for students to develop beliefs that guide them towards well-grounded mathematical reasoning.
This study looks at how upper secondary school teachers gender stereotype aspects of students' mathematical reasoning. Girls were attributed gender symbols including insecurity, use of standard methods and imitative reasoning. Boys were assigned the symbols such as multiple strategies especially on the calculator, guessing and chance-taking.
Konkurrensen inom detaljhandeln blir allt hårdare, både från andra butiker men även från e-handeln, vilket sätter press på fysiska butiker att ha nöjda kunder som fortsätter handla i butiken. Ett tillvägagångssätt för att möta den hårdnande konkurrensen är att ha en butiksmiljö s.k. servicescape som är utformad efter kundernas behov, vilket dock förutsätter att handlarna vet vilka behov sina kunder har. Har handlarna en felaktig uppfattning om kundernas behov föreligger det ett gap som minskar chansen att kunderna blir nöjda och därmed butikens konkurrenskraft. En avgränsning gjordes till klädbutiker, då klädbutiker är bland de butikstyper som är mest konkurrensutsatt. Syftet med uppsatsen var att kartlägga hur kundernas behov överensstämmer eller skiljer sig från handlarnas uppfattning om deras behov. För att uppfylla syftet tillämpades en kvalitativ metod men med en statistisk bearbetning dvs. en kvantitativ bearbetning då resultatet redovisades med hjälp av frekvenser och värden på en skala. Datainsamlingsverktyget som användes var enkäter och utformades efter de tio faktorerna som sammanställdes i den teoretiska referensramen. Enkäterna delades ut till både kunder och handlare i Borlänges stadskärna och Faluns stadskärna. Resultatet av uppsatsen visade att det för faktorerna ljus (4,2), trängsel (4.5) (4.6), Ljud (4.7), toaletter (4.9), (4.10) finns en skillnad ett s.k. gap mellan handlarnas uppfattning om kundernas behov och vad kundernas behov egentligen är. Det framkom även att handlarna ansåg att kunderna har större behov av att faktorerna rent & städat (4.3), (4.4) in & utgångar (4.8) är tillfredsställande än vad kunderna egentligen har. Det framkom precis som behandlades i den teoretiska referensramen att kundernas behov tenderar att variera utifrån deras demografiska faktorer ålder och kön. Om handlarna har en låg, medel eller hög prisnivå påverkade även det hur viktigt det är för kunderna att faktorerna är tillfredsställande. Slutsatsen som författarna identifierade var att det föreligger ett gap mellan handlarnas uppfattning om kundernas behov och vad kunderna anser att deras behov är gällande flera av faktorerna. Detta är dock något som kunderna säger vilket inte behöver stämma överrens med hur de verkligen tycker. Det är dock svårt att urskilja något mönster gällande gapen utan det är nästan enbart tendenser man kan urskilja, vilket gör att varje faktor bör analyseras individuellt.
Caló is a variety spoken by the Spanish Calé (i.e. the Roma). It belongs to a group of languages referred to as “Para-Romani”, characterized by Romani vocabulary, but largely non-Romani morphology, phonology and syntax, in the case of Caló deriving from Spanish. According to previous research carried out – with focus on the vocabulary and the grammar of this variety – Caló is on its way to extinction. However, there is an expressed interest in reintroducing a form called “Romanó-Caló”. Attitudes play an important role in minority language maintenance as well as in order for a revitalization project to be successful. The aim of this study is to measure the attitudes that both Calé and non-Calé have towards Caló and Caló speakers, a type of study never carried out in the past. The methods applied are both direct and indirect. In total, 231 informants listened to different recordings of voices acting as either a “Spanish speaking person” or a “Caló speaking person”, a technique referred to as ‘matched guise’, answering questions related to the voices on attitude scales. Furthermore, 182 of the informants rated their agreement or disagreement to positive and negative items towards Caló and its speakers on a Likert scale. The results of the analysis indicate that the attitudes differ towards Caló and Caló speakers, depending on the informant’s (a) ethnicity (b) contact with Caló as well as with Caló speakers, and (c) gender. It is those who – in their own opinion – belong to the ethnic group Calé, as well as those who claim that they have some contact with the variety and its speakers, who show positive attitudes in both parts of the study. The women also show more positive attitudes than the men. It is also possible to note positive attitudes towards the variety and its speakers among the subjects with a high level of knowledge of Caló words, as well as among those with the highest willingness to use Caló. These observations suggest that a revitalization project of the variety Caló has a clear chance of being successful.
Depuis très récemment, un changement est en train de se produire dans le domaine de la traduction de la littérature jeunesse: auparavant et pendant de nombreuses années, les ouvrages traduits venaient le plus souvent de la Suède pour être traduits en français (Gossas & Lindgren, 2011). Dans l’autre sens, on trouvait des imagiers plus ou moins sans texte, des bandes-dessinées (surtout franco-belges), des retraductions et quelques classiques comme les très populaires ouvrages de Jules Verne ou Le Petit Prince. Or, la littérature jeunesse française est certes abondante – et ce même si l’on s’en tient aux livres publiés en France, mais aussi souvent de grande qualité littéraire et iconique, ce qui devrait a priori encourager sa diffusion. Cette littérature a de surcroît la chance de pouvoir surfer sur la vague actuelle des traductions du français au suédois de livres ne faisant pas partie de cette catégorie. Mais il est bien connu que le système littéraire suédois de la littérature jeunesse comporte peu de livres traduits, en dehors des traductions massives d’ouvrages en anglais. Les questions auxquelles nous répondrons lors de notre présentation sont : Quels sont les livres actuellement traduits du français vers le suédois ? Qui les traduit (quels éditeurs et quels traducteurs) ? Nous allons ainsi montrer quelle a été l’évolution depuis 1970 jusqu’à nos jours. Nous ferons aussi le lien avec nos études précédentes concernant le sens inverse, c’est-à-dire la traduction en français de la littérature suédoise contemporaine pour la jeunesse et de nos résultats en la matière sur les livres traduits, les éditeurs et les traducteurs. Nous utiliserons comme base théorique la théorie du polysystème (Even-Zohar), notamment concernant le rôle de la littérature traduite dans un système littéraire, et les études descriptives de la traduction (voir Toury, Shavit, etc.).
Increasing energy use has caused many environmental problems including global warming. Energy use is growing rapidly in developing countries and surprisingly a remarkable portion of it is associated with consumed energy to keep the temperature comfortable inside the buildings. Therefore, identifying renewable technologies for cooling and heating is essential. This study introduced applications of steel sheets integrated into the buildings to save energy based on existing technologies. In addition, the proposed application was found to have a considerable chance of market success. Also, satisfying energy needs for space heating and cooling in a single room by using one of the selected applications in different Köppen climate classes was investigated to estimate which climates have a proper potential for benefiting from the application. This study included three independent parts and the results related to each part have been used in the next part. The first part recognizes six different technologies through literature review including Cool Roof, Solar Chimney, Steel Cladding of Building, Night Radiative Cooling, Elastomer Metal Absorber, and Solar Distillation. The second part evaluated the application of different technologies by gathering the experts’ ideas via performing a Delphi method. The results showed that the Solar Chimney has a proper chance for the market. The third part simulated both a solar chimney and a solar chimney with evaporation which were connected to a single well insulated room with a considerable thermal mass. The combination was simulated as a system to estimate the possibility of satisfying cooling needs and heating needs in different climate classes. A Trombe-wall was selected as a sample design for the Solar Chimney and was simulated in different climates. The results implied that the solar chimney had the capability of reducing the cooling needs more than 25% in all of the studied locations and 100% in some locations with dry or temperate climate such as Mashhad, Madrid, and Istanbul. It was also observed that the heating needs were satisfied more than 50% in all of the studied locations, even for the continental climate such as Stockholm and 100% in most locations with a dry climate. Therefore, the Solar Chimney reduces energy use, saves environment resources, and it is a cost effective application. Furthermore, it saves the equipment costs in many locations. All the results mentioned above make the solar chimney a very practical and attractive tool for a wide range of climates.