102 resultados para spanska


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The ability to communicate orally in a foreign language is fundamental and highly evaluated by both students and teachers. Therefore it is important that educational materials can provide communicative activities that improve this ability. A study of educational materials for young French learners revealed that the activities aimed to practice oral communication in fact were not really communicative. This investigation analyzes three educational materials for beginners in Spanish. The purpose is to see which kinds of activities the materials can offer for practice of oral and interactive communication, to compare them with educational theories and the Swedish curriculum and to detect similarities with the former study. The results show that the majority of the activities used in the materials, are not really communicative, they are mostly based on prepared phrases and there are few possibilities for creativity.


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El material didáctico influye considerablemente en la enseñanza y es de gran importancia que fomente el interés y la motivación en el aprendizaje de ELE. De ahí que este estudio ha tenido como objetivo comprobar si la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera está enfocada en base a los intereses personales de los estudiantes. La autora ha realizado una encuesta donde diecinueve estudiantes en el bachillerato han respondido a diez preguntas respecto a diferentes materiales. Los resultados muestran que es importante que el material se enfoque en aspectos como el interés personal, la utilidad práctica para el futuro y la realidad fuera del aula. Además, se ha comprobado que materiales como el libro de texto, los medios de comunicación, el Internet y las películas responden a los intereses de los estudiantes en algunos sentidos. Sin embargo, no son tan relevantes en todos los aspectos, por lo que hace falta combinar diferentes materiales y usarlos de una manera crítica y creativa.


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This paper investigates how Latin America and its cultures are represented in textbooks on Spanish as a foreign language. The study aims at investigating how much attention and of what type is dedicated to Latin America in the investigated material, whether the textbooks contribute to giving a varied and nuanced image of the Spanish-American cultures and how this relates to the educational goal of promoting an intercultural competence.A qualitative method of analysis has been applied in order to carry out the analysis of three textbooks for intermediate levels of language studies: Caminando 3, Alegria and De acuerdo.The results of the investigation show that the investigated textbooks mostly present a simplified, ethnocentric, homogenized and sometimes postcolonial image of the Spanish-American cultures. Texts where the culture constitutes the context and not the subject can promote a process of identification and consequently an intercultural competence.The study’s main conclusions show that Spanish-American cultures are underrepresented in the investigated material and that a non-native perspective dominates in the majority of the texts. This combined with the lack of variety and profundity, may have consequences for the promotion of an intercultural competence and for teachers’ work with textbooks and cultural content.


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El objetivo de este estudio es comprender cómo los alumnos aprenden nuevas palabras en español y saber qué métodos y estrategias usan a la hora de aprender las nuevas palabras.El estudio se basa en la pregunta: ¿Cómo aprenden los alumnos del bachillerato las palabras nuevas cuando estudian el español?El estudio se apoya en la teoría del aprendizaje de nuevas palabras. Además se realizó una entrevista a cuatro alumnos y dos profesores. Los cuatro alumnos también rellenaron un cuestionario.Al analizar la respuesta a la entrevista a los profesores en cómo enseñan nuevas palabras en español, se llegó a la conclusión que los profesores enseñan las nuevas palabras usando el método tradicional, pero que a medida que los alumnos mejoran y llegan a un nivel más alto los profesores usan otros métodos que facilitan a los alumnos aprender las nuevas palabras.El resultado del estudio y de las entrevistas ha llevado a la conclusión de que la mayoría de los alumnos aprenden las nuevas palabras con el método tradicional.Palabras clave: aprendizaje, memoria, palabras, métodos y estrategias.


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In this thesis, the main male characters in three of the plays written by Federico García Lorca are analysed with the aim of seeingthe role they play in the frustration of desire. After two chapters dedicated to a review of published critical studies on Lorca and tocertain theoretical considerations, Chapter Three examines desire drawing on Ubersfeld's actancial model and observes that thesemale characters can be divided into two groups: those who are desired and those who are undesired.In Chapter Four this classification is linked to an analysis of absence, prohibition and lack. Absence is here defined not asrelated to their non-appearance on stage but rather to their non-presence in the lives of the desiring female protagonists. It isobserved that a number of male characters are absent in the plays mainly due to death or a journey. As far as prohibition isconcerned, in two of the works, there is a moral code associated with concepts such as "honour" and "decency", which blocks thefemale characters' access to the males they desire. Chapter Four also shows how several characters can be considered as lacking inthe sense that they do not possess the ideal male qualities contained in the plays. This chapter reaches the conclusion that desiredmale characters are either absent or forbidden in the world of the desiring female, whereas undesired male characters are lacking inthe sense that they fail to live up to the ideal highlighted in the plays.Chapter Five analyses the female characters' perception of the male figures, making use of René Girard's notion of"transfiguration", which alludes to a process of idealisation of the object of desire. Our analysis reveals a connection betweendesire, denied access to the object of desire and transfiguration in the main subjects of desire. The phenomenon of "transfiguration"has several functions in the play: firstly, the creation of hyperbolical male characters; secondly, that of transmitting the intensity ofthe desire experienced and, finally, the highlighting of the lack of certain qualities in several male characters.We thus observe that, in these three plays written by García Lorca, Girard's pessimistic view of desire is confirmed, since desireneeds a series of obstacles, such as absence or prohibition, to survive. However, this is not the only explanation for the frustrationof desire: other factors, like the actions of certain male characters or destiny, also play a decisive role.


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The reestablishment of democracy in Chile has seen an intense debate about the events of the recent past, especially on the issue of human rights. From the very beginning, the Concertacion Government has been determined to discover the truth of the repression carried out by the national security forces with a series of commissions that have gathered the testimonies of victims and their relatives. These efforts have been resisted by conservative sectors linked to the dictatorship and the Armed Forces. There has been intense conflict in the media during the past 20 years about events that occurred during the rule of Salvador Allende and the Military Regime. In this regard, a great diversity of information has been produced which, together with the debate evoked, has enabled historians not only to rigorously and thoroughly reconstruct the operation of the state terror but also to explain how a significant sector of Chile’s civil society allowed that situation. This article presents, on one hand, different methodological tools in order to study the recent past and, on the other hand, the social discussion on how to do it.


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This article relates the Actual History of the Mapuche People with the different political processes that have taken place in Chile from 1970 until the present time, passing through the government of Popular Unity, the Pinochet’s Regime and the return of Democracy. The purpose of this paper is to show that the political and social conditions of the Mapuche People were directly connected with what was going on in Chile during those years, not only being part of the general Chilean History but also protagonist and mean actors of the moment.


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This paper analyzes the most immediate responses of human rights institutions, the Armed Forces, political parties, and society following the publication of the Report of the National Commission on the Disappeared (Conadep) in Argentina and the Report of the National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation (CNVR) in Chile. The publication of these reports had a great national significance because, only one year after the reestablishment of democracy, they officially recognized the human rights violations committed during the preceding dictatorships. Each of the four sectors mentioned in this article responded to the reports in its own way, according to its demands and political ideology.


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Durante el primer gobierno del socialdemócrata Olof Palme, las relaciones bilaterales entre Chile y Suecia fueron las más intensas de toda su historia, tanto en cercanía como en conflictividad. La razón la encontramos en los distintos fenómenos políticos que vivió Chile en ese periodo, puesto que Palme coincidió temporalmente con tres gobiernos claramente diferenciados: la Democracia Cristiana, la Unidad Popular y el Régimen Militar. Si las relaciones sueco-chilenas tuvieron su mejor momento durante el mandato de Salvador Allende, el golpe de Estado significó todo lo contrario. El compromiso que tuvo el embajador de Suecia, Harald Edelstam, por quienes eran perseguidos en Chile le llevó a su expulsión, lo que se tradujo en un claro deterioro de las relaciones y el inicio de una nueva etapa marcada por el gran contingente de exiliados que comenzaron a llegar a Suecia. Este trabajo analiza los principales acontecimientos diplomáticos ocurridos entre Chile y Suecia así como las consecuencias que tuvieron durante el gobierno de Olof Palme.


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En este artículo se presenta una serie de publicaciones relacionadas con la detención del ex dictador Augusto Pinochet en Londres, que tuvo lugar en 1998. A lo largo del artículo se van analizando cada una de las obras y, asimismo, se revisa su valor historiográfico.


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No cabe duda que hoy día la memoria de la dictadura militar (1973-1990) está presente en la vida cotidiana de Chile más que ningún otro periodo histórico. La razón se encuentra en los trágicos sucesos que se vivieron duran- te esos años en materia de derechos humanos. Don Patricio Aylwin, primer presidente electo democráticamente en tras 17 años de autoritarismo y una figura comprometida con los derechos humanos, era consciente de la necesi- dad de investigar la verdad de los crímenes de lesa humanidad ocurridos en Chile. Para ello creó la Comisión Nacional de Verdad y Reconciliación, aunque consideró menester limitar el contenido de su informe con el fin de no amedrentar a las Fuerzas Armadas, las cuales gozaban todavía de mucho poder. Asimismo, el apoyo electoral de los partidos de derecha fue un factor que logró coartar el contenido del informe de la comisión. En este trabajo se presentan aquellas cuestiones que más relevancia tuvieron en la conformación de la verdad de la represión, tales como sus objetivos, sus integrantes y su metodología.


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Given the expectations that western governments had in the reforms being implemented by the Unidad Popular, the September 1973 coup d’état in Chile caused a great international outcry. The violence and repression that accompanied the military coup produced a worldwide repudiation of the military junta. Sweden stood out most consistently among the countries that declared their opposition to Chile during the period of the dictatorship by continuously denouncing the violations to human rights. In this context, Sweden’s Ambassador to Chile, Harald Edelstam, played a very important role in saving the lives of hundreds of Chilean citizens and foreign nationals who sought refuge from the regime’s bloody repression. Making use of the privileges he enjoyed as a diplomat, Edelstam confronted the military authorities to release people wrongfully sentenced to the death penalty. As a result, he was declared persona non grata and forced to leave Chile. This was the beginning of a long and controversial diplomatic relationship that lasted until the return of democracy in Chile in 1990. This article is a first attempt at understanding how human rights violations affected bilateral relations between Chile and Sweden with respect to the diplomatic efforts of Ambassador Harald Edelstam.


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En la actualidad, las escuelas suecas donde se enseña el español como lengua extranjera tienen la dificultad de que lo que los alumnos aprenden en clase es olvidado con mucha facilidad en corto tiempo. Para que el aprendizaje de los alumnos sea más efectivo, es necesario que estos aprendan esta nueva lengua con la ayuda de ejercicios que estimulen sus sentidos, de tal modo que la enseñanza favorezca a todos los tipos de aprendientes, según la teoría de los estilos de aprendizaje de Dunn & Dunn. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el de investigar la presencia de dicha teoría en el libro ¡Vale 6!, si los ejercicios presentes en este libro favorecen a algunos aprendientes más que a otros y qué aprendientes se benefician más con ellos. Para ello se realizó un estudio cuantitativo del contenido del libro. El resultado de este trabajo muestra que solamente ciertos aprendientes (visuales y auditivos) se benefician más con los ejercicios propuestos en ¡Vale6!, lo cual resulta en la necesidad de completar este material con ejercicios adicionales, enfocados en los estilos de aprendizaje rezagados (el kinésico y el táctil), para de este modo poder cumplir con los objetivos planteados por Skolverket.