23 resultados para Vetor de Fiedler
Pilot versions of a solar heating/natural gas burner system, of a solar heating/pellet burner system and of a façade/roof integrated polymeric collector have been installed in the summer of 2006 in a number of demonstration houses in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.These three new products have been evaluated by means of measurements of the thermal performance and energy savings of the pilot systems in practice and by means of a commercial evaluation.The conclusion of the evaluations is that the products are attractive for the industry partners METRO THERM A/S, Solentek and SOLARNOR. It is expected that the companies will bring the products into the market in 2007.Further, the results of the project have been presented atinternational and national congresses and seminars for the solar heating branch. The congresses and seminars attracted a lot of interested participants.Furthermore, the project results have been published in international congress papers as well as in national journals in the energy field.Consequently, the Nordic solar heating industry will benefit from the project.
Syftet med denna förstudie var att undersöka vilka förutsättningar finns för pelletvärmesystem och om marknaden i Chile kan vara intressant för svenska företag som tillverka den typ värmesystem. De viktigaste resultaten är:1.Träpellets finns tillgängliga i Chile tillverkade av tre företag med en total tillverkningskapacitet av 100000 ton. En typ pellets finns på marknaden som har ungefär samma kvalitet som svensk tillverkade pellets.2.Än så länge finns i Chile bara ett företag som tillverkar pelletskaminer. Det finns ytterligare företag som importerar pelletskaminer och pelletspannor från Europa. 3.På grund av det milda klimatet har bostadshus inga vattenburna värmedistributionssystem eller även inga värmesystem alls.4.Mest vanliga är enkla vedkaminer. Det finns potential att ersätta dessa kaminer speciellt i storstadsområdet där deras användning har inskränkts på grund av de höga utsläppen de orsakar och där gas, el eller olja för uppvärmning kan ersättas.5.Priser för svenska pelletkaminer är för höga för att kunna konkurrera på den chilenska marknaden.6.På grund av det milda klimatet och de höga kostnaderna för vattenburna värmedistributionssystem kommer vattenburna värmesystem att ha även i framtiden bara en liten marknad.
Reserapporten beskriver verksamheten vid Plataforma Solar Almeria (PSA) i Spanien och diskuterar tänkta samarbetsmöjligheter mellan PSA och Högskolan Dalarna
A test and demonstration facility for PV and PV hybrid systems and system components has been designed and installed at Dalarna University in Sweden. The facility allows studies of complete PV systems or single components in a range of 0.1-10 kW. The facility includes two grid-connected PV systems, a PV Hybrid off-grid system, three emulators and the necessary measurement and control equipment. Tests can be done manually or automatically through programmed test procedures controlled that will be implemented in Labview. The facility shall be used by researchers, professionals of the industry and engineering students.
In April 2011 a monitoring system was installed to enable studies of the performance and the usage of a micro PV-Diesel Hybrid system at the Ihushi Development Center (IDC) near Mwanza in Tanzania. Estimations of the load have been obtained by a survey of installed appliances and interviews with users of installed equipment. The load profile obtained by measurements has been analyzed and compared to estimations of the energy use. Further, the system size and performance were studied.
A common problem when planning large free field PV-plants is optimizing the ground occupation ratio while maintaining low shading losses. Due to the complexity of this task, several PV-plants have been built using various configurations. In order to compare the shading losses of different PV technologies and array designs, empirical performance data of five free field PV-plants operating in Germany was analyzed. The data collected comprised 140 winter days from October 2011 until March 2012. The relative shading losses were estimated by comparing the energy output of selected arrays in the front rows (shading-free) against that of shaded arrays in the back rows of the same plant. The results showed that landscape mounting with mc-Si PV-modules yielded significantly better results than portrait one. With CIGS modules, making cross-table strings using the lower modules was not beneficial as expected and had more losses than a one-string-per-table layout. Parallel substrings with CdTe showed relatively low losses. Among the two CdTe products analyzed, none showed a significantly better performance.
In this study the monitoring results of prototype installation of a recently developed solar combisystem have been evaluated. The system, that uses a water jacketed pellet stove as auxiliary heater, was installed in a single family house in Borlänge/Sweden. In order to allow an evaluation under realistic conditions the system has been monitored for a time period of one year. From the measurements of the system it could be seen that it is important that the pellet stove has a sufficient buffer store volume to minimize cycling. The measurements showed also that the stove gives a lower share of the produced heat to the water loop than measured under stationary conditions. The solar system works as expected and covers the heat demand during the summer and a part of the heat demand during spring and autumn. Potential for optimization exists for the parasitic electricity demand. The system consumes 680 kWh per year for pumps, valves and controllers which is more than 4% of the total primary heating energy demand.
Emissions are an important aspect of a pellet heating system. High carbon monoxide emissions are often caused by unnecessary cycling of the burner when the burner is operated below the lowest combustion power. Combining pellet heating systems with a solar heating system can significantly reduce cycling of the pellet heater and avoid the inefficient summer operation of the pellet heater. The aim of this paper was to study CO-emissions of the different types of systems and to compare the yearly CO-emissions obtained from simulations with the yearly CO-emissions calculated based on the values that are obtained by the standard test methods. The results showed that the yearly CO-emissions obtained from the simulations are significant higher than the yearly CO-emissions calculated based on the standard test methods. It is also shown that for the studied systems the average emissions under these realistic annual conditions were greater than the limit values of two Eco-labels. Furthermore it could be seen that is possible to almost halve the CO-emission if the pellet heater is combined with a solar heating system.