6 resultados para flipped classroom didattica insegnamento classe capovolta flipped teaching insegnamento capovolto esperienza didattica
em CUNY Academic Works
This presentation will report on a cross-department collaboration between the library and the business/economics department at Lehman College to conduct information literacy instruction as a “flipped classroom.”
An empty classroom is shown here at the New York Trade School. This was likely a piano tuning classroom. Black and white photograph with some damage around the edges.
A Wissner piano is shown in a piano tuning classroom at the New York Trade School. Wissner pianos were manufactured in Brooklyn from 1878 until the company went out of business at the start of World War II. Black and white photograph.
This black and white photograph shows classroom space of the Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Dept. empty of students. Black and white photograph.
An empty classroom in the Plumbing Department at the New York Trade School is pictured. The two platforms contain models of framing for a house including pipes on which students may practice working. Black and white photograph.
Black and white photograph of an empty classroom of the Automotive Department at the New York Trade School.