80 resultados para neuronal differentiation

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Neural stem cells (NSCs) are potential sources for cell therapy of neurodegenerative diseases and for drug screening. Despite their potential benefits, ethical and practical considerations limit the application of NSCs derived from human embryonic stem cells (ES) or adult brain tissue. Thus, alternative sources are required to satisfy the criteria of ready accessibility, rapid expansion in chemically defined media and reliable induction to a neuronal fate. We isolated somatic stem cells from the human periodontium that were collected during minimally invasive periodontal access flap surgery as part of guided tissue regeneration therapy. These cells could be propagated as neurospheres in serum-free medium, which underscores their cranial neural crest cell origin. Culture in the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) under serum-free conditions resulted in large numbers of nestin-positive/Sox-2-positive NSCs. These periodontium-derived (pd) NSCs are highly proliferative and migrate in response to chemokines that have been described as inducing NSC migration. We used immunocytochemical techniques and RT-PCR analysis to assess neural differentiation after treatment of the expanded cells with a novel induction medium. Adherence to substrate, growth factor deprivation, and retinoic acid treatment led to the acquisition of neuronal morphology and stable expression of markers of neuronal differentiation by more than 90% of the cells. Thus, our novel method might provide nearly limitless numbers of neuronal precursors from a readily accessible autologous adult human source, which could be used as a platform for further experimental studies and has potential therapeutic implications.


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Proneural genes such as Ascl1 are known to promote cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation when expressed in neural progenitor cells. The mechanisms by which proneural genes activate neurogenesis--and, in particular, the genes that they regulate--however, are mostly unknown. We performed a genome-wide characterization of the transcriptional targets of Ascl1 in the embryonic brain and in neural stem cell cultures by location analysis and expression profiling of embryos overexpressing or mutant for Ascl1. The wide range of molecular and cellular functions represented among these targets suggests that Ascl1 directly controls the specification of neural progenitors as well as the later steps of neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth. Surprisingly, Ascl1 also regulates the expression of a large number of genes involved in cell cycle progression, including canonical cell cycle regulators and oncogenic transcription factors. Mutational analysis in the embryonic brain and manipulation of Ascl1 activity in neural stem cell cultures revealed that Ascl1 is indeed required for normal proliferation of neural progenitors. This study identified a novel and unexpected activity of the proneural gene Ascl1, and revealed a direct molecular link between the phase of expansion of neural progenitors and the subsequent phases of cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation.


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One of the challenges in stem cell research is to avoid transformation during cultivation. We studied high passage subventricular zone derived neural stem cells (NSCs) cultures of adult rats in the absence of growth factors epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). We termed this culture exogenous growth factor independent neural stem cells (GiNSCs). GiNSCs expressed stemness markers, displayed a high constitutive NF-kappaB activity and an increased, aberrant, polyploid DNA content. GiNSCs showed a tumorigenic phenotype and formed colonies in a soft agar assay. Microarray analysis showed the up-regulation of the NF-kappaB target gene vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In contrast, proneuronal genes were down-regulated. Under neuronal differentiation conditions GiNSCs adopted a glioma-like phenotype, with nuclear p53, preserving high amounts of Nestin positive cells and prolonged proliferation. Neutralization of VEGF strongly inhibited proliferation and induced differentiation. In a gain of function approach, the transfection of NSCs with constitutively active upstream kinase IKK-2 led to constitutively activated NF-kappaB, proliferation in absence of growth factors and augmented VEGF secretion. In a rescue experiment a reduction of NF-kappaB activity by overexpression of IkappaB-AA1 was able to shift the morphology toward an elongated cell form, increased cell death, and decreased proliferation. Thus GiNSCs may provide a potent tool in cancer research, as their exogenous cytokine independent proliferation and their constitutively high NF-kappaB expression presumes cancerous properties observed in gliomas. In addition, this study might add a novel mechanism for detecting oncogenic transformation in therapeutic stem cell cultures.


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The proneural transcription factor Ascl1 coordinates gene expression in both proliferating and differentiating progenitors along the neuronal lineage. Here, we used a cellular model of neurogenesis to investigate how Ascl1 interacts with the chromatin landscape to regulate gene expression when promoting neuronal differentiation. We find that Ascl1 binding occurs mostly at distal enhancers and is associated with activation of gene transcription. Surprisingly, the accessibility of Ascl1 to its binding sites in neural stem/progenitor cells remains largely unchanged throughout their differentiation, as Ascl1 targets regions of both readily accessible and closed chromatin in proliferating cells. Moreover, binding of Ascl1 often precedes an increase in chromatin accessibility and the appearance of new regions of open chromatin, associated with de novo gene expression during differentiation. Our results reveal a function of Ascl1 in promoting chromatin accessibility during neurogenesis, linking the chromatin landscape at Ascl1 target regions with the temporal progression of its transcriptional program.


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Neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) requires coordinated repression of the pluripotency regulatory program and reciprocal activation of the neurogenic regulatory program. Upon neural induction, ESCs rapidly repress expression of pluripotency genes followed by staged activation of neural progenitor and differentiated neuronal and glial genes. The transcriptional factors that underlie maintenance of pluripotency are partially characterized whereas those underlying neural induction are much less explored, and the factors that coordinate these two developmental programs are completely unknown. One transcription factor, REST (repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor), has been linked with terminal differentiation of neural progenitors and more recently, and controversially, with control of pluripotency. Here, we show that in the absence of REST, coordination of pluripotency and neural induction is lost and there is a resultant delay in repression of pluripotency genes and a precocious activation of both neural progenitor and differentiated neuronal and glial genes. Furthermore, we show that REST is not required for production of radial glia-like progenitors but is required for their subsequent maintenance and differentiation into neurons, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes. We propose that REST acts as a regulatory hub that coordinates timely repression of pluripotency with neural induction and neural differentiation.


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Many in vitro systems used to examine multipotential neural progenitor cells (NPCs) rely on mitogens including fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) for their continued expansion. However, FGF2 has also been shown to alter the expression of transcription factors (TFs) that determine cell fate. Here, we report that NPCs from the embryonic telencephalon grown without FGF2 retain many of their in vivo characteristics, making them a good model for investigating molecular mechanisms involved in cell fate specification and differentiation. However, exposure of cortical NPCs to FGF2 results in a profound change in the types of neurons generated, switching them from a glutamatergic to a GABAergic phenotype. This change closely correlates with the dramatic upregulation of TFs more characteristic of ventral telencephalic NPCs. In addition, exposure of cortical NPCs to FGF2 maintains their neurogenic potential in vitro, and NPCs spontaneously undergo differentiation following FGF2 withdrawal. These results highlight the importance of TFs in determining the types of neurons generated by NPCs in vitro. In addition, they show that FGF2, as well as acting as a mitogen, changes the developmental capabilities of NPCs. These findings have implications for the cell fate specification of in vitro-expanded NPCs and their ability to generate specific cell types for therapeutic applications. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is found at the end of this article.


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We have performed a screen combining subtractive hybridization with PCR to isolate genes that are regulated when neuroepithelial (NE) cells differentiate into neurons. From this screen, we have isolated a number of known genes that have not previously been associated with neurogenesis, together with several novel genes. Here we report that one of these genes, encoding a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), is regulated during the differentiation of distinct neuronal populations. We have cloned both rat and mouse GEF genes and shown that they are orthologs of the human gene, MR-GEF, which encodes a GEF that specifically activates the small GTPase, Rap1. We have therefore named the rat gene rat mr-gef (rmr-gef) and the mouse gene mouse mr-gef (mmr-gef). Here, we will collectively refer to these two rodent genes as mr-gef. Expression studies show that mr-gef is expressed by young neurons of the developing rodent CNS but not by progenitor cells in the ventricular zone (VZ). The expression pattern of mr-gef during early telencephalic neurogenesis is strikingly similar to that of GABA and the LIM homeobox gene Lhx6, a transcription factor expressed by GABAergic interneurons generated in the ventral telencephalon, some of which migrate into the cortex during development. These observations suggest that mr-gef encodes a protein that is part of a signaling pathway involved in telencephalic neurogenesis; particularly in the development of GABAergic interneurons.


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Neural precursor cells (NPCs) are lineage-restricted neural stem cells with limited self-renewal, giving rise to a broad range of neural cell types such as neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Despite this developmental potential, the differentiation capacity of NPCs has been controversially discussed concerning the trespassing lineage boundaries, for instance resulting in hematopoietic competence. Assessing their in vitro plasticity, we isolated nestin+/Sox2+, NPCs from the adult murine hippocampus. In vitro-expanded adult NPCs were able to form neurospheres, self-renew, and differentiate into neuronal, astrocytic, and oligodendrocytic cells. Although NPCs cultivated in early passage efficiently gave rise to neuronal cells in a directed differentiation assay, extensively cultivated NPCs revealed reduced potential for ectodermal differentiation. We further observed successful differentiation of long-term cultured NPCs into osteogenic and adipogenic cell types, suggesting that NPCs underwent a fate switch during culture. NPCs cultivated for more than 12 passages were aneuploid (abnormal chromosome numbers such as 70 chromosomes). Furthermore, they showed growth factor-independent proliferation, a hallmark of tumorigenic transformation. In conclusion, our findings substantiate the lineage restriction of NPCs from adult mammalian hippocampus. Prolonged cultivation results, however, in enhanced differentiation potential, which may be attributed to transformation events leading to aneuploid cells.


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The intelligent controlling mechanism of a typical mobile robot is usually a computer system. Research is however now ongoing in which biological neural networks are being cultured and trained to act as the brain of an interactive real world robot – thereby either completely replacing or operating in a cooperative fashion with a computer system. Studying such neural systems can give a distinct insight into biological neural structures and therefore such research has immediate medical implications. The principal aims of the present research are to assess the computational and learning capacity of dissociated cultured neuronal networks with a view to advancing network level processing of artificial neural networks. This will be approached by the creation of an artificial hybrid system (animat) involving closed loop control of a mobile robot by a dissociated culture of rat neurons. This paper details the components of the overall animat closed loop system architecture and reports on the evaluation of the results from preliminary real-life and simulated robot experiments.


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A Pb-mine site situated on acidic soil, but comprising of Ca-enriched islands around derelict buildings was used to study the spatial pattern of genetic diversity in Lumbricus rubellus. Two distinct genetic lineages ('A' and 'B'), differentiated at both the mitochondrial (mtDNA COII) and nuclear level (AFLPs) were revealed with a mean inter-lineage mtDNA sequence divergence of approximately 13%, indicative of a cryptic species complex. AFLP analysis indicates that lineage A individuals within one central 'ecological island' site are uniquely clustered, with little genetic overlap with lineage A individuals at the two peripheral sites. FTIR microspectroscopy of Pb-sequestering chloragocytes revealed different phosphate profiles in residents of adjacent acidic and calcareous islands. Bioinformatics found over-representation of Ca pathway genes in ESTPb libraries. Subsequent sequencing of a Ca-transport gene, SERCA, revealed mutations in the protein's cytosolic domain. We recommend the mandatory genotyping of all individuals prior to field-based ecotoxicological assays, particularly those using discriminating genomic technologies.


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We have investigated differences in bovine limbal epithelial cell differentiation when expanded upon intact (amniotic epithelial cells and basement membrane remaining) and denuded human amniotic membrane, a commonly used substrate in ophthalmic surgery for corneal stem cell transplantation. Ex vivo expansion of the epithelial cells, in supplemented media, continued for 2 weeks followed by 1 week under ‘air-lifting’ conditions. Before and after air-lifting the differentiated (K3/K12 positive) and undifferentiated (K14 positive) cells were quantified by immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and quantitative PCR. Limbal epithelial cells expanded upon amniotic membrane formed 4-6 stratified layers, both on intact and denuded amniotic membrane. On denuded amniotic membrane the proportion of differentiated cells remained unaltered following airlifting. Within cells grown on intact amniotic membrane, however, the number of differentiated cells increased significantly following air-lifting. These results have important implications for both basic and clinical research. Firstly, they show that bovine limbal epithelia can be used as an alternative source of cells for basic research investigating ex vivo limbal stem cells expansion. Secondly, these findings serve as a warning to clinicians that the affect of amniotic membrane on transplantable cells is not fully understood; the use of intact or denuded amniotic membrane can produce different results in terms of the amount of differentiation, once cells are exposed to the air.


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The clonal expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in response to microbial infections is essential for adaptive immunity. Although IL-2 has been considered to be primarily responsible for this process, quantitatively normal expansion occurs in the absence of IL-2 receptor signaling. Here, we show that ligating CD27 on CD8+ T cells that have been stimulated through the T cell receptor causes their expansion in the absence of IL-2 by mediating two distinct cellular processes: enhancing cell cycling and promoting cell survival by maintaining the expression of IL-7 receptor alpha. This pathway for clonal expansion of the CD8+ T cell is not associated with the development of a capacity either for production of IFN-gamma or for cytotoxic T lymphocyte function and, therefore, is uncoupled from differentiation. Furthermore, ligating CD27 increases the threshold concentration at which IL-2 induces IFN-gamma-producing capability by the CD8+ T cell, suggesting that CD27 signaling may suppress effector differentiation. Finally, CD8+ T cells that have been stimulated by the TCR/CD27 pathway maintain their capacity for subsequent expansion and effector differentiation in response to a viral challenge in vivo. Thus, the TCR/CD27 pathway enables the CD8+ T cell to replicate by a process of self-renewal, which may contribute to the continuous generation of new effector CD8+ T cells in persistent viral infections.


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Plant secondary metabolites glucosinolates (GSL) have important functions in plant resistance to herbivores and pathogens. We identified all major GSL that are accumulated in S-cells in Arabidopsis by MALDI-TOF MS, and estimated by LC-MS that the total GSL concentration in these cells is above 130 mM. The precise locations of the S-cells outside phloem bundles in rosette and cauline leaves and in flower stalks were visualised using sulphur mapping by cryo-SEM/EDX. S-cells contain up to 40% of total sulphur in flower stalk tissues. S-cells in emerging flower stalks and developing leaf tissues show typical signs of Programmed Cell Death (PCD) or apoptosis, such as chromatin condensation in the nucleus and blebbing of the membranes. TUNEL staining for DNA double strand breaks confirmed PCD in S-cells in postmeristematic tissues in the flower stalk as well as in the leaf. Our results show that S-cells in postmeristematic tissues proceed to an extreme degree of metabolic specialisation besides PCD. Accumulation and maintenance of a high concentration of GSL in these cells are accompanied by degradation of a number of cell organelles. The substantial changes in the cell composition during S-cell differentiation indicate the importance of this particular GSL-based phloem defence system. The specific anatomy of the S-cells and ability to accumulate specialised secondary metabolites is similar to that of the non-articulated laticifer cells in latex plants and thus indicates a common evolutionary origin.


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The mechanisms whereby the high variation in numbers of morphologically healthy oocytes and follicles in ovaries (ovarian reserve) may have an impact onovarian function, oocyte quality, and fertility are poorly understood. The objective was to determine whether previously validated biomarkers for follicular differentiation and function, as well as oocyte quality differed between cattle with low versus a high antral follicle count (AFC). Ovaries were removed (n = 5 per group) near the beginning of the nonovulatory follicular wave, before follicles could be identified via ultrasonography as being dominant, from heifers with high versus a low AFC. The F1, F2, and F3 follicles were dissected and diameters determined. Follicular fluid and thecal, granulosal, and cumulus cells and the oocyte were isolated and subjected to biomarker analyses. Although the size and numerous biomarkers of differentiation, such as mRNAs for the gonadotropin receptors, were similar, intrafollicular concentrations of estradiol and the abundance of mRNAs for CYP19A1 in granulosal cells and ESR1, ESR2, and CTSB in cumulus cells were greater, whereas mRNAs for AMH in granulosal cells and TBC1D1 in thecal cells were lower for animals with low versus a high AFC during follicle waves. Hence, variation in the ovarian reserve may have an impact on follicular function and oocyte quality via alterations in intrafollicular estradiol production and expression of key genes involved in follicle-stimulating hormone action (AMH) and estradiol (CYP19A1) production by granulosal cells, function and survival of thecal cells (TBC1D1), responsiveness of cumulus cells to estradiol (ESR1, ESR2), and cumulus cell determinants of oocyte quality (CTSB).