11 resultados para S-matrix theory

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Implicit dynamic-algebraic equations, known in control theory as descriptor systems, arise naturally in many applications. Such systems may not be regular (often referred to as singular). In that case the equations may not have unique solutions for consistent initial conditions and arbitrary inputs and the system may not be controllable or observable. Many control systems can be regularized by proportional and/or derivative feedback.We present an overview of mathematical theory and numerical techniques for regularizing descriptor systems using feedback controls. The aim is to provide stable numerical techniques for analyzing and constructing regular control and state estimation systems and for ensuring that these systems are robust. State and output feedback designs for regularizing linear time-invariant systems are described, including methods for disturbance decoupling and mixed output problems. Extensions of these techniques to time-varying linear and nonlinear systems are discussed in the final section.


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In this paper, we develop a novel constrained recursive least squares algorithm for adaptively combining a set of given multiple models. With data available in an online fashion, the linear combination coefficients of submodels are adapted via the proposed algorithm.We propose to minimize the mean square error with a forgetting factor, and apply the sum to one constraint to the combination parameters. Moreover an l1-norm constraint to the combination parameters is also applied with the aim to achieve sparsity of multiple models so that only a subset of models may be selected into the final model. Then a weighted l2-norm is applied as an approximation to the l1-norm term. As such at each time step, a closed solution of the model combination parameters is available. The contribution of this paper is to derive the proposed constrained recursive least squares algorithm that is computational efficient by exploiting matrix theory. The effectiveness of the approach has been demonstrated using both simulated and real time series examples.


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The eclectic paradigm of Dunning (1980) (with its OLI and four motives for FDI framework) can be reconciled with the firm and country matrix of Rugman (1981). However, the fit is not perfect. The main reason for misalignment is that Dunning is focused upon outward FDI into host economies, whereas Rugman’s matrix is for firm-level strategy covering MNE activity in both home and host countries.


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The calculation of accurate and reliable vibrational potential functions and normal co-ordinates is discussed, for such simple polyatomic molecules as it may be possible. Such calculations should be corrected for the effects of anharmonicity and of resonance interactions between the vibrational states, and should be fitted to all the available information on all isotopic species: particularly the vibrational frequencies, Coriolis zeta constants and centrifugal distortion constants. The difficulties of making these corrections, and of making use of the observed data are reviewed. A programme for the Ferranti Mercury Computer is described by means of which harmonic vibration frequencies and normal co-ordinate vectors, zeta factors and centrifugal distortion constants can be calculated, from a given force field and from given G-matrix elements, etc. The programme has been used on up to 5 × 5 secular equations for which a single calculation and output of results takes approximately l min; it can readily be extended to larger determinants. The best methods of using such a programme and the possibility of reversing the direction of calculation are discussed. The methods are applied to calculating the best possible vibrational potential function for the methane molecule, making use of all the observed data.


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The molecular structures of NbOBr3, NbSCl3, and NbSBr3 have been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) at nozzle-tip temperatures of 250 degreesC, taking into account the possible presence of NbOCl3 as a contaminant in the NbSCl3 sample and NbOBr3 in the NbSBr3 sample. The experimental data are consistent with trigonal-pyramidal molecules having C-3v symmetry. Infrared spectra of molecules trapped in argon or nitrogen matrices were recorded and exhibit the characteristic fundamental stretching modes for C-3v species. Well resolved isotopic fine structure (Cl-35 and Cl-37) was observed for NbSCl3, and for NbOCl3 which occurred as an impurity in the NbSCl3 spectra. Quantum mechanical calculations of the structures and vibrational frequencies of the four YNbX3 molecules (Y = O, S; X = Cl, Br) were carried out at several levels of theory, most importantly B3LYP DFT with either the Stuttgart RSC ECP or Hay-Wadt (n + 1) ECP VDZ basis set for Nb and the 6-311 G* basis set for the nonmetal atoms. Theoretical values for the bond lengths are 0.01-0.04 Angstrom longer than the experimental ones of type r(a), in accord with general experience, but the bond angles with theoretical minus experimental differences of only 1.0-1.5degrees are notably accurate. Symmetrized force fields were also calculated. The experimental bond lengths (r(g)/Angstrom) and angles (angle(alpha)/deg) with estimated 2sigma uncertainties from GED are as follows. NbOBr3: r(Nb=O) = 1.694(7), r(Nb-Br) = 2.429(2), angle(O=Nb-Br) = 107.3(5), angle(Br-Nb-Br) = 111.5(5). NbSBr3: r(Nb=S) = 2.134(10), r(Nb-Br) = 2.408(4), angle(S=Nb-Br) = 106.6(7), angle(Br-Nb-Br) = 112.2(6). NbSCl3: Nb=S) = 2.120(10), r(Nb-Cl) = 2.271(6), angle(S=Nb-Cl) = 107.8(12), angle(Cl-Nb-Cl) = 111.1(11).


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Many scientific and engineering applications involve inverting large matrices or solving systems of linear algebraic equations. Solving these problems with proven algorithms for direct methods can take very long to compute, as they depend on the size of the matrix. The computational complexity of the stochastic Monte Carlo methods depends only on the number of chains and the length of those chains. The computing power needed by inherently parallel Monte Carlo methods can be satisfied very efficiently by distributed computing technologies such as Grid computing. In this paper we show how a load balanced Monte Carlo method for computing the inverse of a dense matrix can be constructed, show how the method can be implemented on the Grid, and demonstrate how efficiently the method scales on multiple processors. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As the field of international business has matured, there have been shifts in the core unit of analysis. First, there was analysis at country level, using national statistics on trade and foreign direct investment (FDI). Next, the focus shifted to the multinational enterprise (MNE) and the parent’s firm specific advantages (FSAs). Eventually the MNE was analysed as a network and the subsidiary became a unit of analysis. We untangle the last fifty years of international business theory using a classification by these three units of analysis. This is the country-specific advantage (CSA) and firm-specific advantage (FSA) matrix. Will this integrative framework continue to be useful in the future? We demonstrate that this is likely as the CSA/FSA matrix permits integration of potentially useful alternative units of analysis, including the broad region of the triad. Looking forward, we develop a new framework, visualized in two matrices, to show how distance really matters and how FSAs function in international business. Key to this are the concepts of compounded distance and resource recombination barriers facing MNEs when operating across national borders.


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This paper provides a new proof of a theorem of Chandler-Wilde, Chonchaiya, and Lindner that the spectra of a certain class of infinite, random, tridiagonal matrices contain the unit disc almost surely. It also obtains an analogous result for a more general class of random matrices whose spectra contain a hole around the origin. The presence of the hole forces substantial changes to the analysis.


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By eliminating the short range negative divergence of the Debye–Hückel pair distribution function, but retaining the exponential charge screening known to operate at large interparticle separation, the thermodynamic properties of one-component plasmas of point ions or charged hard spheres can be well represented even in the strong coupling regime. Predicted electrostatic free energies agree within 5% of simulation data for typical Coulomb interactions up to a factor of 10 times the average kinetic energy. Here, this idea is extended to the general case of a uniform ionic mixture, comprising an arbitrary number of components, embedded in a rigid neutralizing background. The new theory is implemented in two ways: (i) by an unambiguous iterative algorithm that requires numerical methods and breaks the symmetry of cross correlation functions; and (ii) by invoking generalized matrix inverses that maintain symmetry and yield completely analytic solutions, but which are not uniquely determined. The extreme computational simplicity of the theory is attractive when considering applications to complex inhomogeneous fluids of charged particles.


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This article reflects on the introduction of ‘matrix management’ arrangements for an Educational Psychology Service (EPS) within a Children’s Service Directorate of a Local Authority (LA). It seeks to demonstrate critical self-awareness, consider relevant literature with a view to bringing insights to processes and outcomes, and offers recommendations regarding the use of matrix management. The report arises from an East Midland’s LA initiative: ALICSE − Advanced Leadership in an Integrated Children’s Service Environment. Through a literature review and personal reflection, the authors consider the following: possible tensions within the development of matrix management arrangements; whether matrix management is a prerequisite within complex organizational systems; and whether competing professional cultures may contribute barriers to creating complementary and collegiate working. The authors briefly consider some research paradigms, notably ethnographic approaches, soft systems methodology, activity theory and appreciative inquiry. These provide an analytic framework for the project and inform this iterative process of collaborative inquiry. Whilst these models help illuminate otherwise hidden processes, none have been implemented following full research methodologies, reflecting the messy reality of local authority working within dynamic organizational structures and shrinking budgets. Nevertheless, this article offers an honest reflection of organizational change within a children’s services environment.