134 resultados para Peptide hydrolysis


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A novel combination of site-specific isotope labelling, polarised infrared spectroscopy and molecular combing reveal local orientational ordering in the fibril-forming peptide YTIAALLSPYSGGRADS. Use of 13C-18O labelled alanine residues demonstrates that the Nterminal end of the peptide is incorporated into the cross-beta structure, while the C-terminal end shows orientational disorder


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The enzymatic activity of peptidases must be tightly regulated to prevent uncontrolled hydrolysis of peptide bonds, which could have devastating effects in biological systems. Peptidases are often generated as inactive propeptidases, secreted with endogenous inhibitors or they are compartmentalized. Propeptidases become active after proteolytic removal of N-terminal activation peptides by other peptidases. Some peptidases only become active towards substrates only at certain pHs, thus confining activity to specific compartments or conditions. This review discusses the different roles proteolysis plays in regulating G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). At the cell-surface, certain GPCRs are regulated by the hydrolytic inactivation of bioactive peptides by membrane-anchored peptidases, which prevents signaling. Conversely, cell-surface peptidases can also generate bioactive peptides that directly activate GPCRs. Alternatively, cell-surface peptidases activated by GPCRs, can generate bioactive peptides to cause transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases, thereby promoting signaling. Certain peptidases can signals directly to cells, by cleaving GPCR to initiate intracellular signaling cascades. Intracellular peptidases also regulate GPCRs; lysosomal peptidases destroy GPCRs in lysosomes to permanently terminate signaling and mediate downregulation; endosomal peptidases cleave internalized peptide agonists to regulate GPCR recycling, resensitization and signaling; and soluble intracellular peptidases also participate in GPCR function by regulating the ubiquitination state of GPCRs, thereby altering GPCR signaling and fate. Although the use of peptidase inhibitors has already brought success in the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, the discovery of new regulatory mechanisms involving proteolysis that control GPCRs may provide additional targets to modulate dysregulated GPCR signaling in disease.


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In biological mass spectrometry (MS), two ionization techniques are predominantly employed for the analysis of larger biomolecules, such as polypeptides. These are nano-electrospray ionization [1, 2] (nanoESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization [3, 4] (MALDI). Both techniques are considered to be “soft”, allowing the desorption and ionization of intact molecular analyte species and thus their successful mass-spectrometric analysis. One of the main differences between these two ionization techniques lies in their ability to produce multiply charged ions. MALDI typically generates singly charged peptide ions whereas nanoESI easily provides multiply charged ions, even for peptides as low as 1000 Da in mass. The production of highly charged ions is desirable as this allows the use of mass analyzers, such as ion traps (including orbitraps) and hybrid quadrupole instruments, which typically offer only a limited m/z range (< 2000–4000). It also enables more informative fragmentation spectra using techniques such as collisioninduced dissociation (CID) and electron capture/transfer dissociation (ECD/ETD) in combination with tandem MS (MS/MS). [5, 6] Thus, there is a clear advantage of using ESI in research areas where peptide sequencing, or in general, the structural elucidation of biomolecules by MS/MS is required. Nonetheless, MALDI with its higher tolerance to contaminants and additives, ease-of-operation, potential for highspeed and automated sample preparation and analysis as well as its MS imaging capabilities makes it an ionization technique that can cover bioanalytical areas for which ESI is less suitable. [7, 8] If these strengths could be combined with the analytical power of multiply charged ions, new instrumental configurations and large-scale proteomic analyses based on MALDI MS(/MS) would become feasible.


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The surfactant-like peptide (Ala)6(Arg) is found to self-assemble into 3 nm-thick sheets in aqueous solution. Scanning transmission electron microscopy measurements of mass per unit area indicate a layer structure based on antiparallel dimers. At higher concentration the sheets wrap into unprecedented ultrathin helical ribbon and nanotube architectures.


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Bis(o-hydroxyacetophenone)nickel(II) dihydrate, on reaction with 1,3-pentanediamine, yields a bis-chelate complex [NiL2]·2H2O (1) of mono-condensed tridentate Schiff baseligand HL {2-[1-(3-aminopentylimino)ethyl]phenol}. The Schiff base has been freed from the complex by precipitating the NiII as a dimethylglyoximato complex. HL reacts smoothly with Ni(SCN)2·4H2O furnishing the complex [NiL(NCS)] (2) and with CuCl2·2H2O in the presence of NaN3 or NH4SCN producing [CuL(N3)]2 (3) or [CuL(NCS)] (4). On the other hand, upon reaction with Cu(ClO4)2·6H2O and Cu(NO3)2·3H2O, the Schiff base undergoes hydrolysis to yield ternary complexes [Cu(hap)(pn)(H2O)]ClO4 (5) and [Cu(hap)(pn)(H2O)]NO3 (6), respectively (Hhap = o-hydroxyacetophenone and pn = 1,3-pentanediamine). The ligand HL undergoes hydrolysis also on reaction with Ni(ClO4)2·6H2O or Ni(NO3)2·6H2O to yield [Ni(hap)2] (7). The structures of the complexes 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 have been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray analysis. In complex 2, NiII possesses square-planar geometry, being coordinated by the tridentate mono-negative Schiff base, L and the isothiocyanate group. The coordination environment around CuII in complex 3 is very similar to that in complex 2 but here two units are joined together by end-on, axial-equatorial azide bridges to result in a dimer in which the geometry around CuII is square pyramidal. In both 5 and 6, the CuII atoms display the square-pyramidal environment; the equatorial sites being coordinated by the two amine groups of 1,3-pentanediamine and two oxygen atoms of o-hydroxyacetophenone. The axial site is coordinated by a water molecule. Complex 7 is a square-planar complex with the Ni atom bonded to four oxygen atoms from two hap moieties. The mononuclear units of 2 and dinuclear units of 3 are linked by strong hydrogen bonds to form a one-dimensional network. The mononuclear units of 5 and 6 are joined together to form a dimer by very strong hydrogen bonds through the coordinated water molecule. These dimers are further involved in hydrogen bonding with the respective counteranions to form 2-D net-like open frameworks.


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Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3), a major product of testicular Leydig cells, is also expressed by the ovary but its functional role remains poorly understood. Here, we quantified expression of INSL3 and its receptor RXFP2 in theca interna (TIC) and granulosa (GC) compartments of developing bovine antral follicles and in corpora lutea (CL). INSL3 and RXFP2 mRNA levels were much higher in TIC than GC and increased progressively during follicle maturation with INSL3 peaking in large (11-18mm) estrogen-active follicles and RXFP2 peaking in 9-10mm follicles before declining in larger (11-18mm) follicles. Expression of both INSL3 and RXFP2 in CL was much lower than in TIC. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry confirmed abundant expression of INSL3 mRNA and protein in TIC. These observations indicate follicular TIC rather than CL as the primary site of both INSL3 production and action, implying a predominantly auto-/paracrine role in TIC. To corroborate the above findings, we showed that in vitro exposure of TIC to a luteinizing concentration of LH greatly attenuated expression of both INSL3 and its receptor while increasing progesterone secretion and expression of STAR and CYP11A1. Moreover, in vivo, a significant cyclic variation in plasma INSL3 was observed during synchronized estrous cycles. INSL3 and estradiol-17β followed a similar pattern, both increasing after luteolysis, before falling sharply after the LH surge. Thus, theca-derived INSL3, likely from the dominant pre-ovulatory follicle, is detectable in peripheral blood of cattle and expression is down-regulated during luteinisation induced by the pre-ovulatory LH surge. Collectively, these findings underscore the likely role of INSL3 as an important intrafollicular modulator of TIC function/steroidogenesis, whilst raising doubts about its potential contribution to CL function.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are firmly implicated as intra-ovarian regulators of follicle development and steroidogenesis. Here we report a microarray analysis showing that treatment of cultured bovine theca cells (TC) with BMP6 significantly (>2-fold; P<0.01) up- or down-regulated expression of 445 genes. Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) was the most heavily down-regulated gene (-43-fold) with CYP17A1 and other key transcripts involved in TC steroidogenesis including LHCGR, INHA, STAR, CYP11A1 and HSD3B1 also down-regulated. BMP6 also reduced expression of NR5A1 encoding steroidogenic factor-1 known to target the promoter regions of the aforementioned genes. Real-time PCR confirmed these findings and also revealed a marked reduction in expression of INSL3 receptor (RXFP2). Secretion of INSL3 protein and androstenedione were also suppressed suggesting a functional link between BMP and INSL3 pathways in controlling androgen synthesis. RNAi-mediated knockdown of INSL3 reduced INSL3 mRNA and secreted protein level (75 and 94%, respectively) and elicited a 77% reduction in CYP17A1 mRNA level and 83% reduction in androstenedione secretion. Knockdown of RXFP2 also reduced CYP17A1 mRNA level (81%) and androstenedione secretion (88%). Conversely, treatment with exogenous (human) INSL3 increased androstenedione secretion ~2-fold. The CYP17 inhibitor abiraterone abolished androgen secretion and reduced expression of both INSL3 and RXFP2. Collectively, these findings indicate a positive autoregulatory role for INSL3 signaling in maintaining thecal androgen production, and visa versa. Moreover, BMP6-induced suppression of thecal androgen synthesis may be mediated, at least in part, by reduced INSL3-RXFP2 signaling.


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The collagen production of human dermal and corneal fibroblasts in contact with solutions of the peptide amphiphile (PA) C16–KTTKS is investigated and related to its self-assembly into nanotape structures. This PA is used in antiwrinkle cosmeceutical applications (trade name Matrixyl). We prove that C16–KTTKS stimulates collagen production in a concentration-dependent manner close to the critical aggregation concentration determined from pyrene fluorescence spectroscopy. This suggests that self-assembly and the stimulation of collagen production are inter-related.


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Potent angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide mixtures were obtained from the hydrolysis of β-lactoglobulin (βLg) using Protease N Amano, a food-grade commercial proteolytic preparation. Hydrolysis experiments were carried out for 8 h at two different temperatures and neutral pH. Based on their ACE inhibitory activity, samples of 6 h of digestion were chosen for further analysis. The temperature used for the hydrolysis had a marked influence on the type of peptides produced and their concentration in the hydrolysate. Protease N Amano was found to produce very complex peptide mixtures; however, the partially fractionated hydrolysates had already very potent ACE inhibitory activity. The novel heptapeptide SAPLRVY was isolated and characterised. It corresponded to βLg f(36–42) and had an IC50 value of 8 μm, which is considerably lower than the most potent ACE inhibitory peptides derived from bovine βLg reported so far.


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The collagen production of human dermal and corneal fibroblasts in contact with solutions of the peptide amphiphile (PA) C16−KTTKS is investigated and related to its self-assembly into nanotape structures. This PA is used in antiwrinkle cosmeceutical applications (trade name Matrixyl). We prove that C16−KTTKS stimulates collagen production in a concentration-dependent manner close to the critical aggregation concentration determined from pyrene fluorescence spectroscopy. This suggests that self-assembly and the stimulation of collagen production are inter-related.


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A thermal transition is observed in the peptide amphiphile C16-KTTKS (TFA salt) from nanotapes at 20 degrees C to micelles at higher temperature (the transition temperature depending on concentration). The formation of extended nanotapes by the acetate salt of this peptide amphiphile, which incorporates a pentapeptide from type I procollagen, has been studied previously [V. Castelletto et al., Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 9185]. Here, proton NMR and SAXS provide evidence for the TFA salt spherical micelles at high temperature. The phase behavior, with a Krafft temperature separating insoluble aggregates (extended nanotapes) at low temperature from the high temperature micellar phase resembles that for conventional surfactants, however this has not previously been reported for peptide amphiphiles.


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The self-assembly in water of designed peptide amphiphile (PA) C16-ETTES containing two anionic residues and its mixtures with C16-KTTKS containing two cationic residues has been investigated. Multiple spectroscopy, microscopy, and scattering techniques are used to examine ordering extending from the β-sheet structures up to the fibrillar aggregate structure. The peptide amphiphiles both comprise a hexadecyl alkyl chain and a charged pentapeptide headgroup containing two charged residues. For C16-ETTES, the critical aggregation concentration was determined by fluorescence experiments. FTIR and CD spectroscopy were used to examine β-sheet formation. TEM revealed highly extended tape nanostructures with some striped regions corresponding to bilayer structures viewed edge-on. Small-angle X-ray scattering showed a main 5.3 nm bilayer spacing along with a 3 nm spacing. These spacings are assigned respectively to predominant hydrated bilayers and a fraction of dehydrated bilayers. Signs of cooperative self-assembly are observed in the mixtures, including reduced bundling of peptide amphiphile aggregates (extended tape structures) and enhanced β-sheet formation.


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Transitions in nanostructure driven by pH are observed for a self-assembling peptide amphiphile (PA) with a cationic pentapeptide headgroup. At pH 3, the PA forms flat tape-like structures, while at pH 4 the PA assembles into twisted right handed structures. These twisted structures transform again to flat tape-like structures at pH 7. In complete contrast, spherical micelles are observed at pH 2. These changes in response to pH may be relevant to biological and pharmaceutical applications of this PA in skincare.


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In this paper we describe a novel combination of Raman spectroscopy, isotope editing and X-ray scattering as a powerful approach to give detailed structural information on aromatic side chains in peptide fibrils. The orientation of the tyrosine residues in fibrils of the peptide YTIAALLSPYS with respect to the fibril axis has been determined from a combination of polarised Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements. The Raman intensity of selected tyrosine bands collected at different polarisation geometries is related to the values and orientation of the Raman tensor for those specific vibrations. Using published Raman tensor values we solved the relevant expressions for both of the two tyrosine residues present in this peptide. Ring deuteration in one of the two tyrosine side chains allowed for the calculation to be performed individually for both, by virtue of the isotopic shift that eliminates band overlapping. Sample disorder was taken into account by obtaining the distribution of orientations of the samples from X-ray diffraction experiments. The results provide previously unavailable details about the molecular conformation of this peptide, and demonstrate the value of this approach for the study of amyloid fibrils.