71 resultados para LONG-RANGE DEPENDENCE
What are the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities that sustain competitive advantage in a highly volatile environment, such as a transition economy? We explore the detailed nature of these dynamic capabilities along with their antecedents by tracing the sequence of their development based on a longitudinal case study of an organization subject to an external context of radical transition — the Russian oil company, Yukos. Our rich qualitative data indicate two distinct types of dynamic capabilities that are pivotal for organizational transformation. Adaptation dynamic capabilities relate to routines of resource exploitation and deployment, which are supported by acquisition, internalization and dissemination of extant knowledge, as well as resource reconfiguration, divestment and integration. Innovation dynamic capabilities relate to the creation of completely new capabilities via exploration and path-creation processes, which are supported by search, experimentation and risk taking, as well as project selection, funding and implementation. Second, we find that sequencing the two types of dynamic capabilities, helped the organization both to secure short-term competitive advantage, and to create the basis for long-term competitive advantage. These dynamic capability constructs advance theoretical understanding of what dynamic capabilities are, whilst their sequencing explains how firms create, leverage and enhance them over time.
The slow component of quartz OSL exhibits a high thermal stability, and, in many of the samples studied, a high dose saturation level (several hundreds or, even thousands, of Grays). These properties suggest that the slow component has potential as a long-range dating tool. Initial attempts have been made to obtain equivalent doses for a number of sedimentary samples. Single- and multiple-aliquot techniques were modified for use with the slow component. The results indicate that there is a good potential for sediment dating, particularly for samples of significant age. Experiments concerning the optical resetting of the slow component suggest that, given its slow optical depletion rate, dating may be restricted to aeolian sediments.
During April and May 2010 the ash cloud from the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull caused widespread disruption to aviation over northern Europe. The location and impact of the eruption led to a wealth of observations of the ash cloud were being obtained which can be used to assess modelling of the long range transport of ash in the troposphere. The UK FAAM (Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements) BAe-146-301 research aircraft overflew the ash cloud on a number of days during May. The aircraft carries a downward looking lidar which detected the ash layer through the backscatter of the laser light. In this study ash concentrations derived from the lidar are compared with simulations of the ash cloud made with NAME (Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modelling Environment), a general purpose atmospheric transport and dispersion model. The simulated ash clouds are compared to the lidar data to determine how well NAME simulates the horizontal and vertical structure of the ash clouds. Comparison between the ash concentrations derived from the lidar and those from NAME is used to define the fraction of ash emitted in the eruption that is transported over long distances compared to the total emission of tephra. In making these comparisons possible position errors in the simulated ash clouds are identified and accounted for. The ash layers seen by the lidar considered in this study were thin, with typical depths of 550–750 m. The vertical structure of the ash cloud simulated by NAME was generally consistent with the observed ash layers, although the layers in the simulated ash clouds that are identified with observed ash layers are about twice the depth of the observed layers. The structure of the simulated ash clouds were sensitive to the profile of ash emissions that was assumed. In terms of horizontal and vertical structure the best results were obtained by assuming that the emission occurred at the top of the eruption plume, consistent with the observed structure of eruption plumes. However, early in the period when the intensity of the eruption was low, assuming that the emission of ash was uniform with height gives better guidance on the horizontal and vertical structure of the ash cloud. Comparison of the lidar concentrations with those from NAME show that 2–5% of the total mass erupted by the volcano remained in the ash cloud over the United Kingdom.
This paper seeks to synthesise the various contributions to the special issue of Long Range Planning on competence-creating subsidiaries (CCS), and identifies avenues for future research. Effective competence-creation through a network of subsidiaries requires an appropriate balance between internal and external embeddedness. There are multiple types of firm-specific advantages (FSAs) essential to achieve this. In addition, wide-bandwidth pathways are needed with collaborators, suppliers, customers as well as internally within the MNE. Paradoxically, there is a natural tendency for bandwidth to shrink as dispersion increases. As distances (technological, organisational, and physical) become greater, there may be decreasing returns to R&D spread. Greater resources for knowledge integration and coordination are needed as intra-MNE and inter-firm R&D cooperation becomes more intensive and extensive. MNEs need to invest in mechanisms to promote wide-bandwidth knowledge flows, without which widely dispersed and networked MNEs can suffer from internal market failures.
In this paper we investigate the equilibrium properties of magnetic dipolar (ferro-) fluids and discuss finite-size effects originating from the use of different boundary conditions in computer simulations. Both periodic boundary conditions and a finite spherical box are studied. We demonstrate that periodic boundary conditions and subsequent use of Ewald sum to account for the long-range dipolar interactions lead to a much faster convergence (in terms of the number of investigated dipolar particles) of the magnetization curve and the initial susceptibility to their thermodynamic limits. Another unwanted effect of the simulations in a finite spherical box geometry is a considerable sensitivity to the container size. We further investigate the influence of the surface term in the Ewald sum-that is, due to the surrounding continuum with magnetic permeability mu(BC)-on the convergence properties of our observables and on the final results. The two different ways of evaluating the initial susceptibility, i.e., (1) by the magnetization response of the system to an applied field and (2) by the zero-field fluctuation of the mean-square dipole moment of the system, are compared in terms of speed and accuracy.
We investigate in detail the initial susceptibility, magnetization curves, and microstructure of ferrofluids in various concentration and particle dipole moment ranges by means of molecular dynamics simulations. We use the Ewald summation for the long-range dipolar interactions, take explicitly into account the translational and rotational degrees of freedom, coupled to a Langevin thermostat. When the dipolar interaction energy is comparable with the thermal energy, the simulation results on the magnetization properties agree with the theoretical predictions very well. For stronger dipolar couplings, however, we find systematic deviations from the theoretical curves. We analyze in detail the observed microstructure of the fluids under different conditions. The formation of clusters is found to enhance the magnetization at weak fields and thus leads to a larger initial susceptibility. The influence of the particle aggregation is isolated by studying ferro-solids, which consist of magnetic dipoles frozen in at random locations but which are free to rotate. Due to the artificial suppression of clusters in ferrosolids the observed susceptibility is considerably lowered when compared to ferrofluids.
This article examines the network relationships of a set of large retail multinational enterprises (MNEs). We analyze under what conditions a flagship-network strategy (characterized by a network of five partners – the MNE, key suppliers, key partners, selected competitors and key organisations in the non-business infrastructure) explains the internationalisation of three retailers whose geographic scope, sectoral conditions and competitive strategies differ substantially. We explore why and when retailers will adopt a flagship strategy. The three firms are two U.K.-based multinational retailers (Tesco and The Body Shop) and a French-based global retailer (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton). We find evidence of strong network relationships for all three retailers, although each embraces network strategies for different reasons. Their flagship relationships depend on each retailer's strategic use of firm-specific-advantages (FSAs) and country-specific advantages (CSAs). We find that a flagship strategy can succeed in overcoming internal and/or environmental constraints to cross-border resource transfers, which are barriers to foreign direct investment (FDI). We provide recommendations on why and when to use a flagship-based strategy and which type of network partners to prioritize in order to succeed internationally.
The motion of adsorbate molecules across surfaces is fundamental to self-assembly, material growth, and heterogeneous catalysis. Recent Scanning Tunneling Microscopy studies have demonstrated the electron-induced long-range surface-migration of ethylene, benzene, and related molecules, moving tens of Angstroms across Si(100). We present a model of the previously unexplained long-range recoil of chemisorbed ethylene across the surface of silicon. The molecular dynamics reveal two key elements for directed long-range migration: first ‘ballistic’ motion that causes the molecule to leave the ab initio slab of the surface traveling 3–8 Å above it out of range of its roughness, and thereafter skipping-stone ‘bounces’ that transport it further to the observed long distances. Using a previously tested Impulsive Two-State model, we predict comparable long-range recoil of atomic chlorine following electron-induced dissociation of chlorophenyl chemisorbed at Cu(110)
For a particular family of long-range potentials V, we prove that the eigenvalues of the indefinite Sturm–Liouville operator A = sign(x)(−Δ+V(x)) accumulate to zero asymptotically along specific curves in the complex plane. Additionally, we relate the asymptotics of complex eigenvalues to the two-term asymptotics of the eigenvalues of associated self-adjoint operators.
Identifying predictability and the corresponding sources for the western North Pacific (WNP) summer climate in the case of non-stationary teleconnections during recent decades benefits for further improvements of long-range prediction on the WNP and East Asian summers. In the past few decades, pronounced increases on the summer sea surface temperature (SST) and associated interannual variability are observed over the tropical Indian Ocean and eastern Pacific around the late 1970s and over the Maritime Continent and western–central Pacific around the early 1990s. These increases are associated with significant enhancements of the interannual variability for the lower-tropospheric wind over the WNP. In this study, we further assess interdecadal changes on the seasonal prediction of the WNP summer anomalies, using May-start retrospective forecasts from the ENSEMBLES multi-model project in the period 1960–2005. It is found that prediction of the WNP summer anomalies exhibits an interdecadal shift with higher prediction skills since the late 1970s, particularly after the early 1990s. Improvements of the prediction skills for SSTs after the late 1970s are mainly found around tropical Indian Ocean and the WNP. The better prediction of the WNP after the late 1970s may arise mainly from the improvement of the SST prediction around the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. The close teleconnections between the tropical eastern Indian Ocean and WNP summer variability work both in the model predictions and observations. After the early 1990s, on the other hand, the improvements are detected mainly around the South China Sea and Philippines for the lower-tropospheric zonal wind and precipitation anomalies, associating with a better description of the SST anomalies around the Maritime Continent. A dipole SST pattern over the Maritime Continent and the central equatorial Pacific Ocean is closely related to the WNP summer anomalies after the early 1990s. This teleconnection mode is quite predictable, which is realistically reproduced by the models, presenting more predictable signals to the WNP summer climate after the early 1990s.