63 resultados para C peptide


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Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3), a major product of testicular Leydig cells, is also expressed by the ovary but its functional role remains poorly understood. Here, we quantified expression of INSL3 and its receptor RXFP2 in theca interna (TIC) and granulosa (GC) compartments of developing bovine antral follicles and in corpora lutea (CL). INSL3 and RXFP2 mRNA levels were much higher in TIC than GC and increased progressively during follicle maturation with INSL3 peaking in large (11-18mm) estrogen-active follicles and RXFP2 peaking in 9-10mm follicles before declining in larger (11-18mm) follicles. Expression of both INSL3 and RXFP2 in CL was much lower than in TIC. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry confirmed abundant expression of INSL3 mRNA and protein in TIC. These observations indicate follicular TIC rather than CL as the primary site of both INSL3 production and action, implying a predominantly auto-/paracrine role in TIC. To corroborate the above findings, we showed that in vitro exposure of TIC to a luteinizing concentration of LH greatly attenuated expression of both INSL3 and its receptor while increasing progesterone secretion and expression of STAR and CYP11A1. Moreover, in vivo, a significant cyclic variation in plasma INSL3 was observed during synchronized estrous cycles. INSL3 and estradiol-17β followed a similar pattern, both increasing after luteolysis, before falling sharply after the LH surge. Thus, theca-derived INSL3, likely from the dominant pre-ovulatory follicle, is detectable in peripheral blood of cattle and expression is down-regulated during luteinisation induced by the pre-ovulatory LH surge. Collectively, these findings underscore the likely role of INSL3 as an important intrafollicular modulator of TIC function/steroidogenesis, whilst raising doubts about its potential contribution to CL function.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are firmly implicated as intra-ovarian regulators of follicle development and steroidogenesis. Here we report a microarray analysis showing that treatment of cultured bovine theca cells (TC) with BMP6 significantly (>2-fold; P<0.01) up- or down-regulated expression of 445 genes. Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) was the most heavily down-regulated gene (-43-fold) with CYP17A1 and other key transcripts involved in TC steroidogenesis including LHCGR, INHA, STAR, CYP11A1 and HSD3B1 also down-regulated. BMP6 also reduced expression of NR5A1 encoding steroidogenic factor-1 known to target the promoter regions of the aforementioned genes. Real-time PCR confirmed these findings and also revealed a marked reduction in expression of INSL3 receptor (RXFP2). Secretion of INSL3 protein and androstenedione were also suppressed suggesting a functional link between BMP and INSL3 pathways in controlling androgen synthesis. RNAi-mediated knockdown of INSL3 reduced INSL3 mRNA and secreted protein level (75 and 94%, respectively) and elicited a 77% reduction in CYP17A1 mRNA level and 83% reduction in androstenedione secretion. Knockdown of RXFP2 also reduced CYP17A1 mRNA level (81%) and androstenedione secretion (88%). Conversely, treatment with exogenous (human) INSL3 increased androstenedione secretion ~2-fold. The CYP17 inhibitor abiraterone abolished androgen secretion and reduced expression of both INSL3 and RXFP2. Collectively, these findings indicate a positive autoregulatory role for INSL3 signaling in maintaining thecal androgen production, and visa versa. Moreover, BMP6-induced suppression of thecal androgen synthesis may be mediated, at least in part, by reduced INSL3-RXFP2 signaling.


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The collagen production of human dermal and corneal fibroblasts in contact with solutions of the peptide amphiphile (PA) C16–KTTKS is investigated and related to its self-assembly into nanotape structures. This PA is used in antiwrinkle cosmeceutical applications (trade name Matrixyl). We prove that C16–KTTKS stimulates collagen production in a concentration-dependent manner close to the critical aggregation concentration determined from pyrene fluorescence spectroscopy. This suggests that self-assembly and the stimulation of collagen production are inter-related.


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The collagen production of human dermal and corneal fibroblasts in contact with solutions of the peptide amphiphile (PA) C16−KTTKS is investigated and related to its self-assembly into nanotape structures. This PA is used in antiwrinkle cosmeceutical applications (trade name Matrixyl). We prove that C16−KTTKS stimulates collagen production in a concentration-dependent manner close to the critical aggregation concentration determined from pyrene fluorescence spectroscopy. This suggests that self-assembly and the stimulation of collagen production are inter-related.


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A thermal transition is observed in the peptide amphiphile C16-KTTKS (TFA salt) from nanotapes at 20 degrees C to micelles at higher temperature (the transition temperature depending on concentration). The formation of extended nanotapes by the acetate salt of this peptide amphiphile, which incorporates a pentapeptide from type I procollagen, has been studied previously [V. Castelletto et al., Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 9185]. Here, proton NMR and SAXS provide evidence for the TFA salt spherical micelles at high temperature. The phase behavior, with a Krafft temperature separating insoluble aggregates (extended nanotapes) at low temperature from the high temperature micellar phase resembles that for conventional surfactants, however this has not previously been reported for peptide amphiphiles.


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In this paper we describe a novel combination of Raman spectroscopy, isotope editing and X-ray scattering as a powerful approach to give detailed structural information on aromatic side chains in peptide fibrils. The orientation of the tyrosine residues in fibrils of the peptide YTIAALLSPYS with respect to the fibril axis has been determined from a combination of polarised Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements. The Raman intensity of selected tyrosine bands collected at different polarisation geometries is related to the values and orientation of the Raman tensor for those specific vibrations. Using published Raman tensor values we solved the relevant expressions for both of the two tyrosine residues present in this peptide. Ring deuteration in one of the two tyrosine side chains allowed for the calculation to be performed individually for both, by virtue of the isotopic shift that eliminates band overlapping. Sample disorder was taken into account by obtaining the distribution of orientations of the samples from X-ray diffraction experiments. The results provide previously unavailable details about the molecular conformation of this peptide, and demonstrate the value of this approach for the study of amyloid fibrils.


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The self-assembly and bioactivity of the peptide–polymer conjugate DGRFFF–PEG3000 containing the RGD cell adhesion motif has been examined, in aqueous solution. The conjugate is designed to be amphiphilic by incorporation of three hydrophobic phenylalanine residues as well as the RGD unit and a short poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chain of molar mass 3000 kg mol-1. Above a critical aggregation concentration, determined by fluorescence measurements, signals of b-sheet structure are revealed by spectroscopic measurements, as well as X-ray diffraction. At high concentration, a self-assembled fibril nanostructure is revealed by electron microscopy. The fibrils are observed despite PEG crystallization which occurs on drying. This suggests that DGRFFF has an aggregation tendency that is sufficiently strong not to be prevented by PEG crystallization. The adhesion, viability and proliferation of human corneal fibroblasts was examined for films of the conjugate on tissue culture plates (TCPs) as well as low attachment plates. On TCP, DGRFFF–PEG3000 films prepared at sufficiently low concentration are viable, and cell proliferation is observed. However, on low attachment surfaces, neither cell adhesion nor proliferation was observed, indicating that the RGD motif was not available to enhance cell adhesion. This was ascribed to the core–shell architecture of the self-assembled fibrils with a peptide core surrounded by a PEG shell which hinders access to the RGD unit.


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The development of versatile bioactive surfaces able to emulate in vivo conditions is of enormous importance to the future of cell and tissue therapy. Tuning cell behaviour on two-dimensional surfaces so that the cells perform as if they were in a natural three-dimensional tissue represents a significant challenge, but one that must be met if the early promise of cell and tissue therapy is to be fully realised. Due to the inherent complexities involved in the manufacture of biomimetic three-dimensional substrates, the scaling up of engineered tissue-based therapies may be simpler if based upon proven two-dimensional culture systems. In this work, we developed new coating materials composed of the self-assembling peptide amphiphiles (PAs) C16G3RGD (RGD) and C16G3RGDS (RGDS) shown to control cell adhesion and tissue architecture while avoiding the use of serum. When mixed with the C16ETTES diluent PA at 13 : 87 (mol mol-1) ratio at 1.25 times 10-3 M, the bioactive {PAs} were shown to support optimal adhesion, maximal proliferation, and prolonged viability of human corneal stromal fibroblasts ({hCSFs)}, while improving the cell phenotype. These {PAs} also provided stable adhesive coatings on highly-hydrophobic surfaces composed of striated polytetrafluoroethylene ({PTFE)}, significantly enhancing proliferation of aligned cells and increasing the complexity of the produced tissue. The thickness and structure of this highly-organised tissue were similar to those observed in vivo, comprising aligned newly-deposited extracellular matrix. As such, the developed coatings can constitute a versatile biomaterial for applications in cell biology, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine requiring serum-free conditions.


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Here, we studied the self-assembly of two peptide amphiphiles, C16-Gly-Gly-Gly-Arg-Gly- Asp (PA 1: C16-GGG-RGD) and C16-Gly-Gly-Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (PA 2: C16-GGG-RGDS).We showed that PA 1 and PA 2 self-assemble into nanotapes with an internal bilayer structure. C16 chains were highly interdigitated within the nanotape cores, while the peptide blocks formed water-exposed b-sheets too. PA 1 nanotapes were characterized by one spacing distribution, corresponding to a more regular internal structure than that of PA 2 nanotapes, which presented two different spacing distributions. We showed that it is possible to obtain homogeneous nanotapes in water by co-assembling PA 1 or PA 2 with the negatively charged diluent C16-Glu-Thr-Thr-Glu- Ser (PA 3: C16-ETTES). The homogeneous tapes formed by PA 1–PA 3 or PA 2–PA 3 mixtures presented a structure similar to that observed for the corresponding pure PA 1 or PA 2 nanotapes. The mixed nanotapes, which were able to form a stabilized matrix containing homogeneously distributed cell adhesive RGD groups, represent promising materials for designing new cell adhesion substrates.


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We examine the self-assembly of a peptide A6H comprising a hexa-alanine sequence A6 with a histidine (H) “head group”, which chelates Zn2+ cations. We study the self assembly of A6H and binding of Zn2+ ions in ZnCl2 solutions, under acidic and neutral conditions. A6H self-assembles into nanotapes held together by a β-sheet structure in acidic aqueous solutions. By dissolving A6H in acidic ZnCl2 solutions, the carbonyl oxygen atoms in A6H chelate the Zn2+ ions and allow for β-sheet formation at lower concentrations, consequently reducing the onset concentration for nanotape formation. A6H mixed with water or ZnCl2 solutions under neutral conditions produces short sheets or pseudocrystalline tapes, respectively. The imidazole ring of A6H chelates Zn2+ ions in neutral solutions. The internal structure of nanosheets and pseudocrystalline sheets in neutral solutions is similar to the internal structure of A6H nanotapes in acidic solutions. Our results show that it is possible to induce dramatic changes in the self-assembly and chelation sites of A6H by changing the pH of the solution. However, it is likely that the amphiphilic nature of A6H determines the internal structure of the self-assembled aggregates independent from changes in chelation.


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We studied the self-assembly of peptide A6RGD (A: alanine, R: arginine, G: glycine, D: aspartic acid) in water, and the use of A6RGD substrates as coatings to promote the attachment of human cornea stromal fibroblasts (hCSFs). The self-assembled motif of A6RGD was shown to depend on the peptide concentration in water, where both vesicle and fibril formation were observed. Oligomers were detected for 0.7 wt% A6RGD, which evolved into short peptide fibres at 1.0 wt% A6RGD, while a co-existence of vesicles and long peptide fibres was revealed for 2–15 wt% A6RGD. A6RGD vesicle walls were shown to have a multilayer structure built out of highly interdigitated A6 units, while A6RGD fibres were based on β-sheet assemblies. Changes in the self-assembly motif with concentration were reflected in the cell culture assay results. Films dried from 0.1–1.0 wt% A6RGD solutions allowed hCSFs to attach and significantly enhanced cell proliferation relative to the control. In contrast, films dried from 2.5 wt% A6RGD solutions were toxic to hCSFs.


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The self-assembly of the alanine-rich amphiphilic peptides Lys(Ala)6Lys (KA6K) and Lys(Ala)6Glu (KA6E)with homotelechelic or heterotelechelic charged termini respectively has been investigated in aqueous solution. These peptides contain hexa-alanine sequences designed to serve as substrates for the enzyme elastase. Electrostatic repulsion of the lysine termini in KA6K prevents self-assembly, whereas in contrast KA6E is observed, through electron microscopy, to form tape-like fibrils, which based on X-ray scattering contain layers of thickness equal to the molecular length. The alanine residues enable efficient packing of the side-chains in a beta-sheet structure, as revealed by circular dichroism, FTIR and X-ray diffraction experiments. In buffer, KA6E is able to form hydrogels at sufficiently high concentration. These were used as substrates for elastase, and enzyme-induced de-gelation was observed due to the disruption of the beta-sheet fibrillar network. We propose that hydrogels of the simple designed amphiphilic peptide KA6E may serve as model substrates for elastase and this could ultimately lead to applications in biomedicine and regenerative medicine.


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Amyloid fibrils are formed by a model surfactant-like peptide (Ala)10-(His)6 containing a hexahistidine tag. This peptide undergoes a remarkable two-step self-assembly process with two distinct critical aggregation concentrations (cac’s), probed by fluorescence techniques. A micromolar range cac is ascribed to the formation of prefibrillar structures, whereas a millimolar range cac is associated with the formation of well-defined but more compact fibrils. We examine the labeling of these model tagged amyloid fibrils using Ni-NTA functionalized gold nanoparticles (Nanogold). Successful labeling is demonstrated via electron microscopy imaging. The specificity of tagging does not disrupt the β-sheet structure of the peptide fibrils. Binding of fibrils and Nanogold is found to influence the circular dichroism associated with the gold nanoparticle plasmon absorption band. These results highlight a new approach to the fabrication of functionalized amyloid fibrils and the creation of peptide/nanoparticle hybrid materials.


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We describe a bioactive lipopeptide that combines the capacity to promote the adhesion and subsequent self-detachment of live cells, using template-cell-environment feedback interactions. This self-assembling peptide amphiphile comprises a diene-containing hexadecyl lipid chain (C16e) linked to a matrix metalloprotease-cleavable sequence, Thr-Pro-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Ile-Ala-Gly-Gln, and contiguous with a cell-attachment and signalling motif, Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser. Biophysical characterisation revealed that the PA self-assembles into 3 nm diameter spherical micelles above a critical aggregation concentration (cac). In addition, when used in solution at 5–150 nM (well below the cac), the PA is capable of forming film coatings that provide a stable surface for human corneal fibroblasts to attach and grow. Furthermore, these coatings were demonstrated to be sensitive to metalloproteases expressed endogenously by the attached cells, and consequently to elicit the controlled detachment of cells without compromising their viability. As such, this material constitutes a novel class of multi-functional coating for both fundamental and clinical applications in tissue engineering.


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The present study demonstrates that the alphaIIb-CHAMPS peptide induces platelet activation through integrin alphaIIbbeta3-dependent and independent pathways with the former mediating tyrosine phosphorylation of FcR gamma-chain and Syk. The use of the alphaIIb-CHAMPS peptide to study integrin alphaIIbbeta3 function is compromised by non-integrin-mediated effects.