3 resultados para collaboration engineering

em Andina Digital - Repositorio UASB-Digital - Universidade Andina Simón Bolívar


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Globalization has been accompanied by the rapid spread of infectious diseases, and further strain on working conditions for health workers globally. Post-SARS, Canadian occupational health and infection control researchers got together to study how to better protect health workers, and found that training was indeed perceived as key to a positive safety culture. This led to developing information and communication technology (ICT) tools. The research conducted also showed the need for better workplace inspections, so a workplace audit tool was also developed to supplement worker questionnaires and the ICT. When invited to join Ecuadorean colleagues to promote occupational health and infection control, these tools were collectively adapted and improved, including face-to-face as well as on-line problem-based learning scenarios. The South African government then invited the team to work with local colleagues to improve occupational health and infection control, resulting in an improved web-based health information system to track incidents, exposures, and occupational injury and diseases. As the H1N1 pandemic struck, the online infection control course was adapted and translated into Spanish, as was a novel skill-building learning tool that permits health workers to practice selecting personal protective equipment. This tool was originally developed in collaboration with the countries from the Caribbean region and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Research from these experiences led to strengthened focus on building capacity of health and safety committees, and new modules are thus being created, informed by that work. The products developed have been widely heralded as innovative and interactive, leading to their inclusion into “toolkits” used internationally. The tools used in Canada were substantially improved from the collaborative adaptation process for South and Central America and South Africa. This international collaboration between occupational health and infection control researchers led to the improvement of the research framework and development of tools, guidelines and information systems. Furthermore, the research and knowledge-transfer experience highlighted the value of partnership amongst Northern and Southern researchers in terms of sharing resources, experiences and knowledge.


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This paper examines two innovative educational initiatives for the Ecuadorian public health workforce: a Canadian-funded Masters programme in ecosystem approaches to health that focuses on building capacity to manage environmental health risks sustainably; and the training of Ecuadorians at the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba (known as Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina in Spanish). We apply a typology for analysing how training programmes address the needs of marginalized populations and build capacity for addressing health determinants. We highlight some ways we can learn from such training programmes with particular regard to lessons, barriers and opportunities for their sustainability at the local, national and international levels and for pursuing similar initiatives in other countries and contexts. We conclude that educational efforts focused on the challenges of marginalization and the determinants of health require explicit attention not only to the knowledge, attitudes and skills of graduates but also on effectively engaging the health settings and systems that will reinforce the establishment and retention of capacity in low- and middle-income settings where this is most needed.


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El presente documento analiza las características de liderazgo de los gerentes “baby boomers” de la empresa transnacional Global Engineering S.A., que tiene oficinas en España, Cuba, Venezuela y Ecuador. Esta investigación se realiza sobre la premisa que los Gerentes de las cuatro oficinas pertenecen a la generación de los baby boomers, por lo se presenta la hipótesis de que, al pertenecer a una misma generación las características de liderazgo son similares. Los objetivos de la presente investigación, fueron el identificar las características de liderazgo de los gerentes, analizarlas, verificar si son eficaces, identificar las oportunidades de mejora y presentar un plan de mejora para la organización. Al presente estudio se lo define como exploratorio, descriptivo y correlacional, se utiliza como herramienta principal para la investigación el MLQ 5X versión corta creado por Bass y Avolio y adaptado por Vega y Zabala, se lo aplica a las cuatro oficinas de la empresa tanto a los gerentes como a los seguidores. Para la comprobación de la hipótesis, se utilizó la prueba t de Student, para establecer valores máximos y mínimos de los promedios de las características de liderazgo, para de esa manera conocer si los Gerentes de cada oficina tienen las mismas características, también se promediaron los valores resultantes de cada estilo de liderazgo para conocer si son eficaces para la realidad de la organización. Como herramienta para la mejora de toma de decisiones estratégica, se presenta el Cuadro de Mando integral, se establecen los objetivos principales para las perspectivas y se señalan los pasos de cómo debe ser el proceso de implementación del plan de coaching gerencial para la organización. De la investigación realizada se concluye que las características de liderazgo de los gerentes de la organización no se relacionan directamente con la generación a la que pertenecen, sino, dependen más del entorno, la situación y de los seguidores. Se recomienda la implementación del Cuadro de Mando Integral para mejorar la toma de decisiones estratégicas, haciendo énfasis en la propuesta de valor de implementar un plan de coaching gerencial para los gerentes de las distintas oficinas para así mejorar la eficacia de la organización.