4 resultados para Ethics in advertising
em University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Slides with associated activities and reading list to Introduce in Practice to Computer Science and IT undergraduates
For Ethics in a Complex World module. General topics with links to resources about identity and privacy. Mainly looking at online identity and how you manage it effectively.
Abstract Introduction: This seminar is on the topic of "GamerGate", an international movement, ostensibly about "ethics in video game journalism" but which has become inextricably linked with extreme forms of online misogyny, rape and death threats towards women in the industry. It is of relevance to all Web science researchers, because it raises many issues of free speech, online governance, trolling and (not least) the representation of women in the tech industry. Our guest speaker (Mark Bernstein) is known for his criticism of the movement, and his work was featured in an article in the Guardian last week. He is a longtime collaborator in the field of hypertext and online media research, who co-orgainsed our annual international Web Science conference two years ago. Based in Boston, US, he will be speaking to us via Skype on Wednesday morning, to give us some background on the Gamergate phenomenon and to explain the recent developments regarding Wikipedia.
The use of music in television advertising to successfully target the audience. A John Lewis case study.