11 resultados para Barriers to learning
em University of Southampton, United Kingdom
"Rob, Vikki, Shireen, Muzz and Delia have been randomly selected to work together to develop a presentation entitled 'The barriers to learning'. It's not an easy ride. The following 10 episodes show the journey, from their first meeting through to their impressions of the presentation and working together". Produced by the LearnHigher CETL Three areas covered by the site as follows Listening and Interpersonal Skills - the University of Leeds Oral Presentations - Brunel University Group Work - Bradford University
Describes course objectives and looks at what it takes to be successful in learning at University
Looks at some of the models of learning and discusses how they apply to university students
This guide provides a brief overview on different learning styles, along with the best way to approach study for each type.
Covers some of ways people think about learning - used for first year class to help them think about what they are doing and what works best for them.
A quick skim through Learning Outcomes, pedagogic methods and preparing and describing a learning activity.
A few slides used in 2013 class to introduce the subject of learning technology
More Open Education Resources (OER) and learning environments are being created and starting to mature and there are a number of barriers to learning and creator participation. One often overlooked barrier that has been given less attention, especially within OERs, is user experience (UX). UX is the way a person feels about using a product, system or service. We are creatures with emotional needs and, in the rush to get great content open and available sometimes the usability, the wow factor and good design principles get left by the wayside. I will demonstrate ways to think about UX for your OER and learning environments and why this is an important factor in helping engage learners with our educational materials. ‘The real payoff comes when we can make that remarkability last. When we can make people continually feel our work is worthy of discussion. When—for weeks, months, maybe even years— the people who engage with our work continue to sing its praises to everybody they meet’– (Jared Spool in Walter, A. Designing for Emotion). Walter, A. (2011) Designing for Emotion, A Book Apart. http://www.abookapart.com/products/designing-for-emotion
An introduction to learning at University
An introduction to Learning Technologies at the University of Southampton for PCAP / PGCAP